
Crazy Orc

Who would have thought that after dying from a nuclear missile I would reincarnate as an orc ! .... This is the story of Yalak who will travel through this brand-new world filled with mysterious places, hidden danger, powerful monsters, and all kinds of species. Follow Yalak leading his tribe to greater heights. .... Try it, you will like it.

zoroonfire · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs


A week earlier

[Zala POV]

I was really grateful to Yal for asking Baruba to teach us how to fight. I learn quickly. I easily understand what he is showing us. The others seem to have a bit more difficulty grasping it, even Yalak ! His movements were so graceful in the first lesson that I couldn't stop looking at them.

I love fighting. It's exciting and thrilling. I can feel all my muscles move on my command. I reproduced his moves perfectly, but it would strain me.

At the end of each training session, I mainly felt satisfied. Sometime I would ask for more.

I could feel I was born to fight. It gave me such a thrilling sensation I might get addicted. I wasn't the only one who appreciated it. It's come from our instinct. It's a part of us. I understand better why every young orc has to go through the trial.

Today we had to fight between ourselves. I was really excited to fight Yalak. And why Yalak? Well, It's because the others are scared of fighting me. Well, it's true I'm beating them quite easily. Yalak was faring better, but I was still stronger. I enjoy our fights. He is a difficult opponent, at the same time cunning, tenacious, and unpredictable. More importantly, I want to show him I am better. I feel close to Yal. He is my brother, my friend. Bettering him is my way to prove myself to him.

So we ended up facing each other again. I started by teasing him as I always do, but he ignored it every time. My thought started to wander, and I remembered the last time. I won, but I have to admit it. I shamefully went a bit too far. I beat him pretty hard. At the end of the fight came and hugged him in her breast to comfort him. It made me furious for no reason, but I couldn't bear seeing him enjoying the warm hug of big sis. I was mad, and the fight started.

It was harder. Yalak improves a lot each time we train. This time he surpassed himself, but I still held advantages. Everything went well until he made a bolt move I didn't predict. He let go of his weapon, I hadn't expected it, and I knew if he got me, I would lose. I was desperate.

Then something unexpected happened. Something clicked in my mind. Instinctively, I move my spear I wouldn't have believed possible and push it into Yalak's chest. Before I could realize what I was doing, it was too late.

" YALAK," I panicked.

'No, no, no, it's not what was supposed to happen. It can't be happening.' My arms moved by themselves, and pressed the wound to prevent the blood from going out. I yelled for help.

Fortunately, Baruba rapidly came and took care of him. He was then taken to Ulga's hut. I followed.

Inside, I was totally desperate, lost, and, most importantly, terrorized. Terrorized about losing the person I loved the most, my only family, by my hands.

Once inside, Ulga did her magic, Ushha and Vaela came in between but didn't ask me any questions seeing my shocked state. They talked with Baruba. But I didn't hear anything as I was only focused on him.

" He will survive. He was lucky and had great regenerative capabilities !"

Relief could be seen on my face. Then the girls came to me, and guilt assaulted me. They didn't ask any questions, but I told them what happened. They understood and comforted me by telling me it wasn't my fault and that Yal would comprehend and wouldn't resent me.

I nodded outside, but inside I was mortified. Yalak and I grew up together. When we were younger, he always took care of me. We played a lot together, and each time I needed comfort, he was always there to hug and cuddle me. I always sought him each time I had a problem, and he would solve it easily. During winter, he would even sometimes give me his share of meat, telling me he wasn't hungry. And I would believe him like an idiot. I don't know what I would do without him. And if he ends up hating me I... I don't know what would happen.

He woke up 2 hours later, and I jumped on him out of joy. I didn't leave his side for one second.

I was crying so much it was difficult to speak and tell him how sorry I was. Finally, he said the word I so much wanted to hear.

"It's alright. It was a cool move you used back then. I didn't predict it," he patted me at the same time.

I was overjoyed. I hugged him harder. I couldn't let go of him. It's at this moment I swear to myself that whatever happens, I will protect him and prevent anything from harming him.

We stayed a bit like this before returning home.

The next day I went to fetch him and bring him back to egghead, but we were surprised to see him without his mask and a tattoo on his face.

After he explained it to us, I was quite curious about this energy around the heart as I, myself, sometimes feel something very comfortable and warm around it. I didn't dwell on it too much.

I started training again and harder. I wanted to become stronger. A few days passed, and I observed a change of behavior in Yal. So I spied on him. That was when I saw him drawing and making clothes. I knew he couldn't train because of his wound, but what he was doing didn't make sense, so I asked him.

" hey Yal, why are you drawing ?"

" Oh, It's because I became Baruba's student. He gave me three tasks to do."

"But aren't we already his student ?" I asked

" We are, but he accepted me to become something like a disciple. He'll teach me how to make tattoos, masks, and clothes."

"Oh, it seems interesting," an idea was forming in my head.

' Maybe he can help me to become even stronger.'

"Thanks, Yal. See you."

So I headed toward his home. On the way, I thought about how mysterious Baruba was. he was always wearing a mask. I never saw his whole face. Besides, he sometimes talks in riddles, and I don't understand anything. He is also so knowledgeable. I don't know where he learned everything but surely not in the tribe. It makes me even more curious. He teaches us well and looks super strong, so everyone, apart from Yalak, is very respectful. Sometimes he deserves to take a beating. It may knock some sense in him.

On the way, I got the feeling someone was observing me. Soon I could be seen before a huge hut or house, as Yal called it. I knew I was in the right place.

I knocked thrice and yelled :


I waited a little, and he appeared with his mask at the entrance. It seemed he hurried as he didn't put his coat on.

"Oh, Zala ! I wasn't expecting you ! I'm glad to see you ! Why did you come ?"

"I heard you made Yalak your student."

His smile enlarged.

"Yes, I did."

" Can I also become your student? I want to be stronger."

"Mhmm, it's possible but knows I'm not taking anyone as my student. You will first have to accept my conditions and pass a little test. How is it ?"

" What are the conditions ?"

" You have to let me study you, be my test subject, and wear a mask. And you'll have to do what I ask you to do."

" Why do you want to study me ?"

" I'll tell you if you pass my test."

" Will you make me stronger ?"

" Yes, and you won't question my way of teaching. Does that suit you ?"

I grinned.

" When do we start ?"