
Crazy Orc

Who would have thought that after dying from a nuclear missile I would reincarnate as an orc ! .... This is the story of Yalak who will travel through this brand-new world filled with mysterious places, hidden danger, powerful monsters, and all kinds of species. Follow Yalak leading his tribe to greater heights. .... Try it, you will like it.

zoroonfire · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

Vaela Ceremony

This year is a bit special because Vaela will be 14 in the next month which means she'll have to choose between marrying an orc or going through the Ceremony.

Today was a sunny hot day, at this season most of the fruits were ripe and ready to be picked. So we all went into the forest near the clan lake where it was safe to gather them.

" Hey, Vae, What will you choose for the ceremony will you do the trial ? " asked Zala

" I already made my choice but before telling you I would like to hear what your choice would be ?"

" I'll challenge the trial of course, how could I let Yal alone ! He would not make it without me. Besides I want to be blessed and marrying sounds boring, I don't want to be stuck at home like Durgat and raised my children. No never ! "

"I thought as much"

"Who said I won't survive alone !" I yelled.

" You are weak bro, I won the last twenty arm wrestling"

Well.. that's the truce, Zala is stronger than me. I don't know how it's possible since I train harder than her most of the time. It's so frustrating !

"That may be the case but I'm smarter ! besides you're not that much stronger than me, and Vae said we were on a whole other level than the kids of our age."

"I'm the smartest ! And the other kid will die in the.. "

"I beat you nearly every time in chess..."

"Puahahah" the others were finding our really really serious word fights quite funny.

"You just got lucky" she replied looking less confident.

" ...and the time you won is because I let "

"It's enough, stop it, the both of you" shouted Vaela trying to look serious but failing to hold a little smile on the side of her mouth.

" You are irredeemable, to answer your question Zala, I'll definitely pass the trial"

"Are you sure?", asked some of the girls, Ushha included.

"I knew you would do it," Zala said proudly.

"Do you know where it's going to take place, and are you ready ?" I asked.

" Calm down guys ! Not everybody at the same time. I prepared myself for a long time and I dream to go on an adventure. As for where it is supposed to take place, I don't know, but it should be where monsters are less dangerous. My brothers told me it was always in a different place than the last year."

" Listen, kids, it's an honor and a duty to every orc to prove themselves worthy of Nayum and receive his blessing."

"But all orphans died" a little girl countered.

"That's because they didn't train, eat well, and learn everything that Yalak and Veala are teaching us"

Everyone directed their surprised eyes toward the origin of the cute voice.

Noa rapidly blushed from all the attention he was suddenly getting and quickly added as if to justify himself :

"It was Zala who told me"

Everyone shifts their gaze to her. I couldn't help releasing a sigh as I saw her proud smile showing all of her sharp teeth.

" It is true, if you eat well, train hard, and learn how to survive in the wilderness you'll be assured to survive unless you are unlucky by encountering an evolved beast. Anyway, Ushha it will be your turn next year do you know what you will choose ?"

" I ... I don't know yet" whispered Ushha.

She was hesitating and I knew why. Although she started training with us, she has less time to prepare herself. She is also a kind and peaceful girl even if she could sometimes get quite mischievous. On one side she'll have to renounce her freedom if she chooses not to participate. On the other side, she could die. So it's a difficult decision to take.

We enjoyed our time with Vaela as much as we could till the fated day came one week later.

We all gathered at the center of the village, nearly the whole tribe there, I estimate 300 orcs were present.

"Welcome everyone to the annual passage ceremony of our young of our young fiery wolf tribesmen". Started the chief of the tribe.

It was the second time I saw him, and he is still as terrifying. Unlike most of the blessed of our tribe, the chief decided to place his tribe tattoo directly on his face. The scar he had was well integrated into it. From my point of view, it was a real piece of art. The tattoo magnified his presence, when he talk I entered like many others in a kind of trance where we had the impression that we were only two in this place and that each of his parols was absolutes. The silence was reigning.

" We fiery wolves are born to fight, greatest hunters among the best hunters yearn to offer the strongest prey to our savior and hero." turning around" This young wolf standing before me will have the great honor to participate in the great trial and exceed their limits to prove themselves worthy and join our perpetual quest. Through the blood they will shed, through the pain they will endure, through glorious battle, arduous battle, we will recognize them and welcome them in our pack. Young wolf you will now follow Gorzgdulg and his men to the mountain, survive and you will be rewarded, die and rejoin our ancestors. You are warriors, you are hunters, you are fiery wolves, you are Orcs, so go as quickly as the wind, as ingenious as a Wolfe. As strong and brave as an Orc warrior"

And then the whole tribe yelled :



And Vaela left with the others for the great mountain.

Back to the egghead hut, we all return to our activities but the mood wasn't quite there. Vaela in the past few years won the heart of every orphan. She became the big sister who took care of us all. She won our hearts. We learned a lot about the tribe and the Orcs thanks to her. We were confident in her skills but were afraid she would be "unlucky" as she said.

We currently are twelve orphans, there is me, Ushha, Zala, and Noa but also, four girls : Yurim ten, Uzu three like Noa, Shufa seven, and her sister Fashu seven as well.

And as guess five other boy : Vorl six, Trosh seven, Rorm ten, the three of them are brothers as well, Wolfteeth nine, Burningsmile seven but we called him Burny because his name was too long.

During the following days, we organized ourselves, we needed to distract our minds. However the departure of Vaela was a void in our daily but it also created a feeling of urgency in me, soon others will have to face the trial as well, so I needed to establish a strategy so that everything ends for the better. No girl would have to marry anyone, no boy would have sacrificed his life. So I gathered everyone to a meeting that would change our lives.