
Crazy Orc

Who would have thought that after dying from a nuclear missile I would reincarnate as an orc ! .... This is the story of Yalak who will travel through this brand-new world filled with mysterious places, hidden danger, powerful monsters, and all kinds of species. Follow Yalak leading his tribe to greater heights. .... Try it, you will like it.

zoroonfire · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
79 Chs


A week earlier.

'Run, run, run faster !' In the forest, an orc was running as fast as it could. It was pursued by two other orcs. One of them was slightly wounded.

"Hey b*tch, why run when you can't escape us !" yelled one of them.

"She is fast !" said the other.

" I'm going to kill her. She nearly made me an eunuch. Once I got her, I'll make her beg me to f*ck her."

"We have to catch her first.!"

The girl was frightened. She couldn't stop, or it would be finished for her. After surviving for days, she had to be unlucky enough to meet those two. She never saw them before, so she deduced they weren't part of her tribe. She couldn't fight them, so she needed to flee.

People were waiting for her back at the tribe. She is very exhausted. But she has to continue. They need her.

'I will survive.'


[Yalak POV]

The orphans looked gloomy. Less and less young orcs were coming back. But we still had hoped, but it was crushed the day none came back. I had to prevent Zala from jumping right into the forest to search for Ushha. No one is allowed to interfere with the trial.

The adults were also pretty anxious. There were far less young orcs who came back this time. It has already happened in the past. A powerful could pass through the mountain during the trial and kill a number of them.

The chief decided that a team would depart in the next two days to see if there was any danger.


The hunting party and Ushha have yet to return. We started to feel desperate. We would still keep two people waiting at the entrance of the village. We still had a slim hope she would come back.

Today was my and Trosh's turn. Trosh wasn't as lively as before. In the last few days, he stopped doing his funny jokes. It didn't make us feel better. On the contrary, it made the gravity of the situation even more apparent.

I couldn't hold it anymore. I didn't want to admit that Ushha had died.

I told Trosh I needed some time alone and headed to the forest. I went deeper and deeper into the woods. I was lost in my thought. I was feeling very guilty. I was the one who pushed her to make this choice.

I was wandering in the forest when I stumbled on a wooden spear. My heart started to race. Hope started to fill me. ' Maybe it's the spear that Ushha crafted ! Stop Yal, calm down. There are thirty orcs going through this trial. It could belong to any one of them.' Once I calmed down a little, I started to search around. I put my masked on to enhance my senses. The forest was dark, but I grasped any detail clearly with the mask. I couldn't smell Ushha's smell. 'Maybe she put some mud on her like Vae.'

I really hope it was Ushha spear. I carefully looked around. After ten minutes I started to feel down again but I kept going till I perceived a foot right next to a big rock. This time my heart is pounding for good. I rushed to see who it was.

I was immensely relieved when I recognise Ushha's face. A tear was slowly sliding from my eye to my chin.

Ushha seems to have passed out. I hurriedly went to check on her. Thankfully her heart was still beating. She had bruises all over her body but I didn't see any serious wound. 'She must have fainted from exhaustion.

I put her on my back and walked toward the village.

[Ushha POV]

'It's warm'

I didn't want to wake up. It's been three days since I last slept. I was pursued by two enemy orcs so I ran. I never stopped. Thanks to Vaela and teacher Baruba I could easily detect the beasts' territories, I avoid a lot of dangerous areas but it made the way much longer. At some point, I became so focused on running that I couldn't perceive anything. I don't remember falling asleep.

'Falling asleep? But I can't, I am in the middle of a forest filled with dangerous monsters ! I need to stand up ! But why am I feeling so warm?'

I slowly opened my eyes. I saw the ground moving. I was confused. I looked up. I saw dark brown hair. I realize someone was carrying me. He was slightly smaller than me.

my heart started to pound loudly. 'Is he an enemy ?' I smell him and was really surprised when I recognized this smell. It was Yalak's.

I smiled widely overjoyed. 'If it's a dream, I don't want to wake up'.

"Yal ?" I whispered.

"Oh! You wake up Ushha ?"

When I heard his voice, I put my armed around him and hugged him as hard as I could.

' It's really him, he was so worried about me that he came to search me in the forest.'

I was flustered, my heart beating with joy. ' Little Yal has grown up so much ! I can't help but remember the time when I would play with him all day long.'

"Yes..." He stopped wanting to let me down.

"Can you keep carrying me ?" I asked.

" Yes of course. Everyone is deathly worried about you"

I was touched.

" It's been two weeks and five days. I missed you."

' two weeks and five days !'. I was shocked. 'I took one week longer than Vae !'

Soon Yalak stopped.

"We are a step away from the village do you want me to continue to carry you ?"

"No thanks, I will continue at foot."

Not even a hundred meters later I could voice children yelling. We came closer and we were finally able to understand them.

" Yalak where are you ?" I heard Trosh

" I hoped you are well hidden because if I find you, you are a dead orc. You stopped me from searching for Ushha but what are you doing now."

I couldn't help but let a smile appear on my face looking at Yal who was rolling his eyes.

'I missed seeing them bickering at each other. I'm gone only two weeks and a half but I feel like it has been months since I last see them all.'

"It's not like this we'll make him come back Zala" Said Yurim.

But before Zala could answer Yalak yelled :

"I'm here guys."

I could hear them coming.

" I hope you have a good exc.. " Zala stop her sentence as she saw me. The others were as stunned as her. A feeling of satisfaction rose in me as I saw their bewildered expression. I was also touched when they all came to hug me.

" USHHA !"

" How have you been guys ?"

" We were so worried, we started to believe you were dead !" cried Vorl.

" Speak for you Vorl, we sisters have always known you would come back" shouted Shufa.

" Big sis, you're crying" gently said Burny.

I reached my head with my hand. I was indeed crying. 'Look like I failed to put up a strong front this time.' I sighed and then smiled.

" It is good to be back at home!"