
Crazy Orc

Who would have thought that after dying from a nuclear missile I would reincarnate as an orc ! .... This is the story of Yalak who will travel through this brand-new world filled with mysterious places, hidden danger, powerful monsters, and all kinds of species. Follow Yalak leading his tribe to greater heights. .... Try it, you will like it.

zoroonfire · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

Twin Wolf Brothers

Three days later, we all gathered at Baruba's house. The door was locked, so I ridiculed myself trying to open it. When the girls saw it, they all rolled their eyes. Everyone was present, apart from the three who were in the forest. Ushha was granted a day off from Ulga. Since she started her training, she had very little free time. As for Vaela, no hunt was organized during the two weeks of the ceremony.

Thus we were waiting for Baruba to make his apparition. When suddenly, a big gust of wind arrived on us. The long hairs of the girls were sent back messily. Feeling something wasn't right, I activated my wolf mask, which instantly appeared on my face.

With my heightened senses, I could feel something coming toward us very quickly. But before I warn the others, it was already upon us. It stopped twenty matter before us.

It was a huge light brown wolf. I stood warily prepared to fight. The other orphan were equally wary, and I saw Vae starting to activate a skill.

" NO, DON'T," Yelled a feminine voice.

We all looked in its direction. It was Ushha.

" I know it."

I made a surprised face. ' Uh, She knows this beast.'

As she saw our bewildered faces, she started to explain.

" After I got my tribal tattoo, I came here to get Baruba's gift. It was on the way that I met it. It only observed and smelled me. And then, after licking me, it went away. I don't think he is dangerous."

" I don't feel any killing intent." Said Vae. " Besides, it doesn't give me the vibes of a wild beast. I think we should observe it for now."

Once the wolf felt our attention back on it, it stood up, turned around, and looked back at us.

" I think it's trying to tell us to follow him." Said Vorl.

" What do we do ?" Asked Shafu.

" We follow him." I decisively said. The whole situation was strange. First, Baruba asks us all to come to his house. But the front door was locked. That was the first time I saw it locked then this big wolf came. It can't be a coincidence. And knowing Baruba, it can all be a part of his act.

" I hope we will not have to play Sherlock."

" What did you say, Yal ?"

"Uhm, nothing. I was talking to myself."

Zala looked at me suspiciously.

We followed the wolf for thirty minutes and arrived at a clearing. At the center, there was a big rock. 'It would be perfect to set a scene,' I thought to myself.

Then realization struck me.

'Oh No'

Unfortunately, I was right. The wolf suddenly started to howl. Smoke bombs exploded, creating a blue smoke screen before us. The kids were impressed and let out a "Waaow !"

'Please, Nayum get me out of this charade !'

Unfortunately, no one answered my call. Once the smoke dispersed, we saw Baruba standing on the stone. The wolf was still howling, moving its tail excitedly.

'Finally, you listened to my advice. But that's really not what I meant. Well, it's better than nothing.' I said while looking at the excited wolf.

Baruba was wearing the same mask he used on his first show. He was also wearing the mysterious cloak he was working on.

" My dear students." He started with a charming voice. " I've gathered you here this morning cause I have great news to share with you !"

He made a big movement with his arms, and the cloak started to move on its own, making us believe he was in a great storm.

" Years ago, I left the fiery wolf tribe searching for adventures! I travel the world discovering the mysterious place and facing terrible monsters meeting strange species. That's when in one of my many adventures, I stumble into an ancient ruin where I discovered an old book which was recounting the tale of the mysterious Cullen. He was the extraordinary mage who made twelve heavenly boots. These boots are known throughout the world for their power ! But no one knew who Cullen really was, their creator. No one knew of his race, his age, his sex, or even his goal. Inspired by his story, I, myself decided to become a legend. So I returned home to prepare myself. After years of research and difficulties, I reached my goal and am ready to carve my path beyond oceans, mountains, and even clouds. My legend will be heard everywhere in the world, from the most remote village to the biggest cities. It is time for me to go. In the past years, I taught you many things. We created a strong bond. You are my students, and I'm proud of you. For this day, I prepared you a gift."

Baruba gets several wristbands out of his pocket. They were all made of silver, and all looked the same. Its design was simple. Two wolves were facing each other. A small gap separated them. They were beautiful.

Baruba got down and walked to us. He gave us one for each of us and three others to Ushha for her to give to the last three missing.

" Those wristbands are called the twin wolves brothers. They are ovzgal items in the third tier. The first skill allows you to point out the direction of the nearest other twin wolf brother bearer. The second skill can only be activated by a tattooed warrior. It allows it to turn invisible. This skill is currently half-sealed, but you'll be able to activate its other effect once you have become strong enough. And I will let you discover it by yourself."

Baruba returned to the stone.

" I wish you to become a great warrior and spread my legend as far as possible. I know you will all pass your Nayum trial and become great heroes of our orc race !"

Looking around me, I could see the orphans were touched but determinated.

' Well, that show wasn't quite bad.'

" Now, I would like to talk with my disciples." He said before disappearing behind the rock.

Everyone looked at me and Zala.


"Let's go, Zala."

We bypassed the rock and found Baruba behind it without his mask, grinning like an excited kid.

" So, how was I ? You were impressed, weren't you, Yalak."

" It wasn't that bad, but you still have some progress to make." After hearing my thoughts, I was expecting him to be a bit grumpy, but he kept grinning.

" You didn't say it was awful, so I'm glad. It means I improved."

"Master Baruba, don't listen to Yalak. He doesn't know how to appreciate things. You were amazing, and everyone had stars in their eyes."

" What did you say, Zal," I said menacingly.

" Thank you, Zala ! I'm fortunate to have at least one smart disciple."

" What, you, you, you... " they suddenly both burst into laughter.

" We are only teasing you, Yal," explained Zala.

" More seriously," started Baruba, " A week ago, I finished my research on a tattoo, a guild tattoo to be more precise. But don't ask me what it is. You'll discover it soon enough if you venture outside the tribe."

' This bastard is purposely not explaining to us that we go outside. Not that I didn't plan to.'

" I could have drawn it on you as you both are my disciple, but it's your choice to make. Besides, I don't consider you ready for it yet."

Baruba got two books out of his pocket again.

" Once you have mastered all the content of these books, you can come and try to find me. I'm sure you can do it if it's you two."

We both took a book each.

" I will miss you," said Zala before hugging him.

" Me too, but I need to go. Go back with the other and wait for the end of the show.

Zala went back with the other.

There were only the two of us left now.