
Crazy Orc

Who would have thought that after dying from a nuclear missile I would reincarnate as an orc ! .... This is the story of Yalak who will travel through this brand-new world filled with mysterious places, hidden danger, powerful monsters, and all kinds of species. Follow Yalak leading his tribe to greater heights. .... Try it, you will like it.

zoroonfire · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs


While the three young orcs were trying to survive the trial, somewhere very far away from the tribe, an event that would turn upside down the world was taking place.

A meter above a frozen lake, the space became unstable for a fraction of a second. Then suddenly, a dozen of strange beings appeared at the place. Soon after, the space stabilizes on itself.

The creatures didn't seem to be coming from this world. Their body was entirely black, and from time to time, their body seemed to change state. It switched randomly from a material to an unmaterial state. They were standing on feline-looking legs without any fur. Instead of feet, they had something that looked like a spearhead. Their upper bodies looked more human. As for their head, it was covered by a black mist. You could only see two glowing red eyes. They can only be described as nightmarish creatures.

They seemed to be communicating with each other by thought.

" Ah, That was horrible. Extra-long space travel is the worst, I tell you !"

" Tch don't complaint you. I remember how you beg the commander to be part of this mission !"

The air suddenly became heavy. We could hear the ice cracking all around them.

" That's gross from someone who whore himself to be here."

The pressure became too much the ice broke. But it didn't seem to bother the creatures, who started to levitate a few centimeters above the water and ice.

" Repeat what you just said to see."

A threatening and suffocating aura started to emanate from the being.

Clouds started to gather in the sky. You can guess how strong those beings could influence by releasing a part of their aura.

" ENOUGH ! " Said the being who seemed to be the leader of their little group.

"Although I would have loved to see the both of you killing each other, you'll have to hold it for now. Do I really need to remind you what would happen if we don't perfectly do our mission ? That man will make our lives far worst than death or mental violation. Don't even think of escaping as you know it's useless. We might be elites on our planet, but in front of him, we are nothing."

" You didn't need to remind me. We know the limits."

Suddenly the aura of the leader flared up, suppressing the others.

" REALLY. Because I and I only set the limits, do you need me to remind you who the operation's leader is?"


" CAN YOU REPEAT, WORM?" Lightning struck down, and the ice was rapidly turning into water.

Both of the arguers put their heads down. If they had teeth, they would be gritting them like crazy. ' I'll kill you for sure, asshole. To make me lower my head, I will make you live your worst nightmare till your death !'

" No ... Captain."

"Hmph, next time you are dead."

He then looked at each of his subordinates.

' I fucking hate this mission. I can manage dickhead. But things get tricky when they are the best of our race. At least they won't die too easily.'

" Alright, with your action, we might have attracted unwanted attention. You know what you need to do, so SCRAM."

A dozen shadows rapidly moved in a different direction at a fast speed. While the leader stayed behind, waiting for something to come.

'The little argument of those two idiots might have been less useless than I thought. It has at least attracted prey. Let's give it a gift for being the first creature of this world to meet our far superior nevas race.'

The nevas came from a world very far away. They laid their sight on this world that their ancestor had already visited. They are an arrogant scheming race who knows no limit. They want to control and dominate everything their eyes land on. They had put a lot of resources into allowing this team to travel through a quarter of the galaxies. Their mission is simple. They need to gather resources to build a gate linked to the one in their home world. This would make the travel between the two worlds far easier. Their side mission is to gather as much intel as they can on the inhabitant of this world.

The nevas captain was patiently levitating in the middle of the lake, his eyes fixed on one of the mountain peaks surrounding it. A massive wyvern suddenly made its appearance above it. It was grey with a shade of dark blue. A wing span of twenty meters, razor-sharp fangs and claws, and a freezing mist were being released from his skin. It was an apex predator. His proud gaze lay down on lonely and weak-looking nevas. The wyvern rejoices. How could he not? A small and weak prey was delivering itself on a silver plate. Furthermore, the little prey looked very delicious.

The captain on the lake narrowed his eyes as he saw wyvern plunging toward him, readying its attack. 'Let's see how strong you are !'

The nevas waited for the last moment to swiftly dodge the wyvern claws' attack. The wyvern was surprised that his attack failed. He charges again. But this time, he used its jaw. The nevas dodged again, but the wyvern wasn't finished and launched a second attack with its claws. The captain couldn't avoid it but didn't panic. The claws came and passed through him without harming him.

The wyvern was left perplexed when it saw that its attack had no result.

The captain decided to make a move and launched a mental attack on the beast but was very surprised by the result. The beast shook its head for a good ten seconds before getting rid of the mental effect.

'Oh ! It has great mental resistance! Most would have died from it. Interesting !'

After the mental attack, the wyvern understood the enemy wasn't as simple as it looked. The nevas' eyes started to shine brightly. Instantly, the wyvern instinct started to scream danger. The wyvern decided to be careful and use its most powerful attack. I might annihilate the prey, but it's too dangerous. Better to be alive and give up a meal than ending dead.

The wyvern charged its breath, and he released his fire breath when the target came in range.

The nevas captain, curious about the effect of this powerful attack, postponed his own and let the fire breath reach him. His body became unmaterial, but he was surprised when he received some damage.

'Oh ! I wasn't expecting this fire breath to deal some soul damage !'

However, the attack wasn't finished. Just when the flames disappeared, the neva captain faced the enormous jaws of the wyvern. The novas couldn't or didn't want to dodge, and the wyvern gobbled it.

The wyvern was surprised at how easily it went. After his instinct warned him, he expected some response from the prey. However, before it could ponder more on the subject, it felt a sharp pain in its head.

It was similar to earlier but far more intense, as if he was mentally fighting another entity. Soon its flight started to stagger. The headache was becoming stronger. At some point, It couldn't move its wing anymore and crashed into the snow. The pain became unbearable and it slowly felt its conscience going away. The wyvern slowly closed its eyes.

The wyvern body didn't move for a full day when suddenly it opened its eyes.

Its iris was glowing red !