
Crazy Orc

Who would have thought that after dying from a nuclear missile I would reincarnate as an orc ! .... This is the story of Yalak who will travel through this brand-new world filled with mysterious places, hidden danger, powerful monsters, and all kinds of species. Follow Yalak leading his tribe to greater heights. .... Try it, you will like it.

zoroonfire · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs


An entire week slowly passed.

Two orphans were posted at the village entrance to wait for the three young orcs.

It was the sisters' turn.

" Hey, Shufa, when do you think they will return?"

" Well, if they are still alive, I think they'll come in the next three days if they are early and the four following days if they are late. Don't worry, they will come back !"

Fusha looked intently at her sister, who looked back. They seemed to communicate somehow because Shufa blushed and exclaimed.

" What are you staring at ?"

" Don't joke with me. You know what I meant! So are you interested in one of the boys?"

She blushed further.

" No, I'm not !" yelled Shufa.

" Stop lying, Shufa. We only have six months of difference. I have always been with you. I know you as much as I know myself."

Shufa remained silent for a second before an idea sprouted in her head.

" Well, if you want to know, you'll first need to tell me why you blush each time you see a certain boy !"

"Wha... What !" Said Fashu furiously, flushing.

' Am I really flushing ?'

The truth is that Shufa only wanted to distract her sister from her. She suspected her of having a secret love like her but didn't expect her to have this kind of reaction. She jumped on this opportunity to know more.

" Hehe, So when will you confess ?"

Suppose Fashu wasn't in disarray before. She sure is now. She didn't think her plan would backfire.

' I tried to hide it well, especially from Shufa,' She was desperately searching for a way out when she suddenly saw Yurim with the boys coming out of the forest from the corner of her eyes.

"Yurim, You can't imagine how glad I am to see you," She yelled, wavering her hand in their direction.

" Don't think I will fall for your tri..."

" Fashu, Shufa, I'm so glad to see you !" responded Yurim

Shufa couldn't finish her sentence. She quickly turned back. Her eyes widen, seeing her friends coming back. A wide smile appeared on her face.

"You guys came back alive !" She said excitedly.

" What, you didn't believe we would come back!" Said Wolfteeth with a light chuckle.

"No, I mean, we weren't expecting you to be this quick !" She said bit embarrassed.

"Ahaha, that's because we are the best." Proudly shouted Rorm.

Yurim rolled her eyes and smirked.

"The both of you would die by those four if it weren't for me saving your ass." She said as she showed eight big fangs.

"Hmpf, I would have finished my opponent without your help if you had given me more time." Said Rorm while Wolfteeth looked down, disappointed he couldn't handle the situation alone.

"Well, I will not help you next time, then."

Rorm winced as he knew he was flaunting. The truth was he was barely holding them back.

The sisters were amusingly listening to their friends bickering at each other. It was refreshing to see them healthy and full of energy.

" The truth is that I was fortunate to meet Rorm at the beginning. Unfortunately, we got ambushed by four orcs. Yurim timely came to save us. From then, it was pretty easy to come back. We hunted some more beasts but didn't come across another group of orcs. That's why we were faster." explained Wolfteeth.

Soon, the guard standing not very far from them came. He didn't come sooner to let them catch up with their friends.

" Hi, guys ! Congratulation on surviving the forest ! You are the first group to come back ! "

His smile became even wider when he saw the fangs in Yurim hands.

" Oh ! You even killed some of those bastards ! Great ! Come with me to meet the chief. You need to report on your adventures. Then you'll get your reward !"

The orphans separated. The three followed the guard to the chief's hut while the sisters returned to egghead to share the great news of their return.

In the chief house, the three reported on their fight. Chief Alog didn't doubt their story when he saw the fangs. He was sure they came from the bear tribe, young orcs, as they were bigger than theirs.

The fangs of the fiery wolf were thinner but sharper. Whereas bear tribespeople mostly had ones with a flat end.

" You three have honored the tribe and your ancestors. You will become great warriors in the future. Your parents would be proud of you. You surprised me very much. Your performance is greater than young orcs nurtured by their parents. It's impressive !"

'Well, I also had some expectations about it since I learned that orcs were teaching them !'

" I will grant you your gift once you have passed two months of training and know which weapon you want to use. For now, follow me to get your blessing."

They followed the chief, and thirty minutes later, they all got their system. The chief quickly explained how to use it and told them to visit Ghorbash to get their tribal tattoo.

On the way, they couldn't stop exploring the system's panels.

" It's incredible !" exclaimed Yurim. "I now understood why Yalak was so curious about it ! It's life-changing. We'll be able to grow faster with it !"

Both of the boys nodded as they attentively went through it.

They swiftly arrived at Ghorbash's place. They knocked and waited for him to open them.

"COME IN !" Yelled someone with a deep voice.

They entered and followed the voice. They came in a big room with several beds. One of them was occupied by a young orc they recognized.

Before they could ponder more on the situation, Ghorbash made his entrance. He was surprised to see this many faces.

" Have you come to get your tribal tattoo ?"

" Yes "

" Don't worry about this one. You will also fall asleep after you get your tattoo, so who wants to start, and where do you want to put it."

They looked at each and, coming to an understanding, Yurim stepped forward.

" I'll start then. I want it on my stomach."

Yurim was incredibly impressed when she saw Ussha's tattoo. She wanted to have the same, but after thinking a bit, she changed her mind. She first wanted the tattoo on her chest because it looked good on Ushha and enhanced her beauty. However, after some reflection, She thought that a tattoo on the belly would also improve her beauty. After all, she saw some woman who got one on their stomach, and it didn't look bad at all. On the contrary! But that is not the most important reason. She thought that enhancement on her belly was more important. It would help her with her combat style as she would be able to perform complex moves more easily.

Then Ghorbash looked at the boys. It was Rorm that answered first without hesitating.

" I'd like to have my tattoo drawn on my right arm."

His answer wasn't surprising for the other two as they knew Rorm very well. He wanted more power on his arm to simply hit harder.

" Are you sure ?" asked Ghorbash

" Yes !"

Seeing the determination of the boy, he didn't insist. It was Wolfteeth's turn to give his answer.

" On my foot." He said in a resolute tone.

He wanted to have better agility.

The answer surprised Ghorbash as very few asked him to draw one on foot.

For the following three hours, Ghorbash draw the tattoos on the three orphans, who quickly fell in deep slumber just after.