
Crazy Orc

Who would have thought that after dying from a nuclear missile I would reincarnate as an orc ! .... This is the story of Yalak who will travel through this brand-new world filled with mysterious places, hidden danger, powerful monsters, and all kinds of species. Follow Yalak leading his tribe to greater heights. .... Try it, you will like it.

zoroonfire · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
79 Chs


[Third POV]

In another World, several dozen of Orcs warriors were hidden in the bushes observing the peaceful village in front of them. They were waiting for the signal from their chef. Destroy, plunder, rape, kill, this was going to be another glorious and victorious battle for their tribe. They were ready to face and exterminate this rival tribe.

They all had the red tattoo of a bear on their skin with varying brightness. Slowly they approach the village.


While in the village, we could feel anxiousness and stress filling the place. It was so intense we could nearly touch it as if it was materials. Several hunting teams have gone missing in the past few days.

They heard of a new rising tribe eager to earn fame and expand their hunting ground in the process.

Winter was coming. These disappearances were really worrying. It happened in the past, but most came back later. This time was different. However, too many weren't coming back. They could not afford to lose any of their warriors in these troubled times.

A decisive moment for four people was happening in one of the biggest huts of the village. Two pregnant female orcs were ready to give birth. Outside all their family was gathered, waiting for their two new family members to come. The tribe chief and his best friend were anxiously waiting at the entrance.

They were both pleasantly surprised when they learned their wives were going to give birth the same day. Next to them was the tribe's tattoo shaman, who was readying himself to welcome both newborns.

The two women were facing their challenges together without any outside help, as has always been the case since ancient times. They had to show their strength to honor their ancestors.


The babies were coming when suddenly, on the other side of the tribe :

"Ugulu Wa la RABOUUUUUU !"


The assault was launched ! Warcry could be heard from everywhere. They surrounded the whole village.

The little tribe of seventy individuals was trapped.

It couldn't be worst. Both fathers' faces metamorphosed.

While the chief's best friend rushed inside the hut, the chief took the tattoo shaman by the shoulders with a severe look.

(Orc language) "Crom! Blessed the newborns as soon as they are born, then hide them to the best of your capabilities. Even if it costs your life, you know how important they are and that the tribe is done for ! Although we'll die today, they will avenge us in the future, rebuild our clan, and bring it to greater heights. I trust you !"

Crom looked for 3 seconds into the eyes of his chief and rushed into the hut at the same time the other got out.

"They gave birth ! You got yourself a daughter, and I got a son !"

- "GOOD, I hope they'll get along and take care of each other ! We don't have time anymore ! Let's kill those bastards and buy enough time for Crom.

Holding their weapons, they looked at the battlefield.

-"Glory to Nayurn !"

-"Glory to Nayurn !"

And they rushed to fight to their death with their brothers and sisters.


[Pierre POV]

The space around me seemed to shake. I tried to move as well to help my mother get me out. However, I couldn't control my body as I would have liked. I soon became exhausted by all these efforts. Then with another big push, this time, I was ejected out.

Oh ! light !

Euh well ! Although a little bit too blinding, it's a good start. After going through I don't know how many hours, days, or even years in darkness, I've never been more grateful to see the light again. My vision was quite a blur. However, I could still distinguish some green forms. There was a lot of noise. I couldn't comprehend what was happening. I felt someone taking me in his green arm and bringing me to a table.

Why do I feel like I'm missing something ? Wait, green arm ? Have I become color-blind?


It can't be...

No, I can't be reincarnated as a goblin ! Or maybe something like Yoda ? Am I in another world ?

I didn't have time to think more about it when I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I felt like someone was stabbing my heart.

Are they crazy ? Who would stab a cute newborn baby in their right state of mind ?

The pain was so intense that I just passed out after a second. It hadn't been ten seconds since I passed, and I was jolted out by another painful stab right at the same place. This time I felt or rather didn't feel my heartbeat anymore.

Will I die again ? Or should I fight to survive like in those novels ? Wouldn't that be cliche ? If I die, would I return to this dark place ?

Mhmm, bad idea. I hate this place. Then I shall fight to live !

As I was trying to make, my heart beat again, a strange feeling directed my attention to something warping my heart. And implausibly, the thing started to shine. Please don't ask how I knew it was shining, but I knew it. And then warms surged from it.




And I came back to life ! I also felt really tired and quickly fell into my dreams.

[Third POV]

It was a true massacre. With the advantage of the surprise, the enemy tribe succeeds in dealing irreversible damage to the tribe. Blood was splashed, hearts pierced, and heads beheaded. It was an authentic blood bath. They were quickly advancing, killing anything alive, until two great warriors came out and launched themselves into the fray. They succeeded in temporarily pushing back the enemy, but they were too many. Eventually, they got submerged by the number and perished with honor.


Several minutes ago.

In the hut, a woman was crying. She didn't have the time to take her child in her arm, that he had already been taken to the table to get his clan tattoo.

She knew they had to do it, but she was afraid for her daughter's life. The process was painful, and it was very rare to do it on children as they rarely survived.

The shaman hesitated for a second and then took a very majestic old pen with a needle at the end. When she saw it, the mother's pupils dilated to the max. This ancient pen was used to infuse tattoos on internal organs. This will not only hide the tattoo from other but also allows the user to harness more power from it. However, it comes with greater risk. Only one out of ten young adult orcs survive it. The drawer also had to sacrifice part of its life force to ensure the tattoo remained stable.

It was a dangerous operation with a high probability of her daughter dying, but she trusted Crom. They didn't have much time to live anyway. She wanted to believe her daughter was special and would survive. So she started to prey on god for her survival.

Crom looked intently at the little girl and stabbed her two times in the heart. She cried but survived. He had put half of his life force into this tattoo.

The first mother fell from relieving the tension she was feeling however, it wasn't finished. The mother directed her gaze to her sleeping friends. She fell unconscious after giving birth. It was the turn of her son.

Crom took the boy to the table and then proceeded as he did with the girl. But this time, something seemed to go wrong, and the boy's heart stopped.

The first mother let out a desperate cry as Crom fell to one Knee. They didn't move or speak for ten seconds. When suddenly, they saw a gentle light coming out from the boy's chest. After a moment, Crom verified that the boy was well alive, and They all let out a little cry of victory.

The sounds of the battle were nearing. They had to act quickly. Crom used his last spark of life to summon a royal eagle before falling straight dead. The first and second mothers, who had just woken up a few seconds ago, put both of their babies in a wood cradle. They also put a wristband on each of the children, bid them farewell, and asked the royal eagle to send them to a safe place.