
Crazy Orc

Who would have thought that after dying from a nuclear missile I would reincarnate as an orc ! .... This is the story of Yalak who will travel through this brand-new world filled with mysterious places, hidden danger, powerful monsters, and all kinds of species. Follow Yalak leading his tribe to greater heights. .... Try it, you will like it.

zoroonfire · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs


'A tattoo shaman, a tailor besides a mask maker ! What an artist.'

"I am Yalak, an orphan who wants to know more about the world. I came here because someone told me you could answer my questions."

"Hmpf, they just didn't want to bother themself in explaining anything."

"Not that I'm against it, I got a new test subject," he mumbled.

"This bastard..." You would have seen veins growing on my forehead if I didn't wear a mask.

"I bet it's on the ceremony ?"


"They are a bit reluctant to share information about it. It's kind of sacred."

"And it's not for you ?"

"Maybe, maybe not. hehe"

'This guy has a real gift for annoying people !'

" Anyway, we'll see that later. For now, let's talk about the mask I have just made."

" Yeah, how do I take it off ?"

" You can't."

"What ?"

" The mask should always remain on your face."

" Are you joking? I know you're lying, and I believe there is always a solution" I was starting to become really worried and a bit panicked.

" Wait, I didn't finish. That's not the complete truth. It's an experiment, and there is a possibility the mask's enchantment breaks. Or you take too much damage and break, but you'll be in great danger in this case. Or you died."

" You know you're not improving your case."

" I was joking for the last. It would remain on your head if you died."

"YOU "

"BUT you will be able to take it off if you survive the ceremony."

'hmm,' It reassured me a bit.

"... Does that mean I will have to wear it till there ?"

" Yes, but it won't always have to be visible."

'uh, did I hear correctly ?'

" Can you repeat it ?"

"The mask won't always have to be visible."

"I don't understand."


'And here we go again, acting all mysteriously' I have to stop him, or it will not end well for me again.

"hey, stop it. Have you already forgotten what happened the last time you acted mysteriously ?"

"you're no fun. What I meant is that I have been developing functionality that allows the user to transform the mask into a tattoo."

'What ? It's incredible. Anyone would want this. Wait, am I this lucky ? This is suspicious.'

"What's the catch ?"

"How can you be so clever at your age ? "

'Don't try to change the subject.'

"So... ? "


"It's a prototype, so I don't know if it's working perfectly."

'I knew it!'

"What should I expect ?"

" You'll have first to activate the mechanism. I don't even know if it's possible for someone who hasn't gone through the ceremony to do it. (talking to himself) sh*t, I should have thought of it ! How will I verify if it's working sh*t !"

"If I succeed ?"

"If you succeed, it could work pretty well or have some unwanted effect."

'it's so tiring to get him to talk !'

"Like what ?"

"Scars, burns, and other things"

I looked into his eyes for a long moment to see if he his serious or not.

He is !

I resolutely sighted. There is nothing I can do. I'll be struck with this mask for a long time.

" Why didn't you put the mask on yourself."

" I would if I could. But how would I be able to correct my draw if I can't even see where I went wrong."

'Scumbag !'

"And mirrors ?"

" You are quite cultured for a country boy ! This village has no mirror, so how did you know about it ?"

'Oh, sh*t, I made a mistake.'

"Answer me first ?" I won some time to get a valid reason.

"It's not practical, and if people were to see me touching my face for hours in front of a mirror, they would call me a lunatic. Your turn"

'An excuse. They already see you as a crazy orc. That's why no one comes here.'

" I once went to the lake to wash our clothes. There was Vaela and her mother, Saura. I saw my reflection and asked her what it was. She explained it to me and even told me I could see myself better in mirrors."

"Ha, ok, if it's Saura."

'that's it ?' I wouldn't have bet he would have believed it.

Now, it is time to get what I came for. So I politely ask.

"Sir Baruba, where did you learn to make it, and are you the one who drew it on the new young orcs ?"

"No, I'm not. It's my little brother. And it's my father who first taught us. I then learn in an academy far away from here." he said, directing his gaze beyond the walls toward a distant past and place.

"Oh! So you went out and explored the world! It must have been really dangerous ! You must have had a lot of glorious battles !"

Baruba keeps staring in the distance as if he is hypnotized.

"I had my fair share of it. I won hundreds of battles but also lost a lot of friends in it. This time is behind me now."

Baruba must have vast experience. It would be great if we could get him to teach us how to fight as well !

As he looked at me, Baruba seemed to come back from wherever he was.

"Why did you ask these questions ?"

" I was just curious."

"Mmhmm" He looked at me suspiciously.

'To get what I want, I need to be in an advantageous position. I need to make him spite out what he needs from me first. It would then be easier to negotiate his information and teaching.'

" If I understood it well, you want to create a mask that can take two forms, one physical and one tattoo ?"

" Yes, you are right, but it's only a little step. I still need to work hard to get to my final goal."

" And you need me to see what you did wrong and improve your craft ?"

" Yes, you're also right."

"But what's in for me? I never asked for this mask. You forced it on me. Shouldn't you give me compensation ?"

"Ahaha, So that's what you wanted, compensation, uh. And what kind of compensation do you want ?"

"I want you to teach the orphans twice a week about fighting and how to survive the trial."

I became really tense. I am a child in his eyes, he can easily brush it off, and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it. And as I knew it wouldn't be enough to make him accept it, I added :

" And if I succeed in changing the mask in his tattoo form, I will let you study it as much as you can, but in exchange, you'll have to tell me more about the tattoos."

While Baruba was thinking about it, sweat started to appear on my face. If Baruba could teach us, we would have as many chances as a regular orc to succeed in the trial, if not more !

" I will accept your conditions on one condition."


"you'll have to find me a cool name for my mysterious character."

"if that's it, it's gonna be easy. I already have one if you want."

"Oh, and what is the name you have in mind."

" It's Cyfrin !"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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