
Crazy Orc

Who would have thought that after dying from a nuclear missile I would reincarnate as an orc ! .... This is the story of Yalak who will travel through this brand-new world filled with mysterious places, hidden danger, powerful monsters, and all kinds of species. Follow Yalak leading his tribe to greater heights. .... Try it, you will like it.

zoroonfire · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

Heart tattoo

" Our case ?" wondered Zala.

" Yes, you two are special."

" How so ? " I asked.

" You weren't born in the fiery wolf tribe."

" But we have always grown up in it. Aren't we a part of it ?" said Zala anxiously.

" No, not yet. You'll be part of it when you will receive the tribe tattoo. But it's not. I meant you're different because of another reason."

Zala and I were frowning, not understanding where this was going onto.

" The both of you already had a tattoo when you came to the tribe."

" What ! I don't have any tattoos. I already check everywhere on my body !"

While Zala was talking, I simply kept frowning, waiting for Baruba to continue. 'I know there is something different about us, but I don't know what it is.'

" Of course not ! If it could be found easily, you wouldn't be here ! The chief wouldn't have allowed you to stay in the tribe even if you were a newborn. Your tattoo can't be seen by naked eyes."

"It's invisible ?"

"Although a possibility, it's not your case. What you have is an internal tattoo."

It clicked in my mind. ' Of course ! That pain in my heart as soon I was born... Or the warmth coming from it during harsh winters or even more recently, the energy I used to activate or deactivate the mask !'

" Uuugh ! What's the hell," asked Zala.

" It's on our hearts, right ?"

" It is, yes."

"What ? Yal, you know about it ?"

" I only just guessed. Do you remember when I told you about the energy coming from my heart"

Baruba was patiently letting me explain to Zala.


" It's because we have a tattoo on it, right ?" I glanced at Baruba to see if he agreed.

He nodded and added :

" Well, the tattoo is not exactly on your heart, but it had fused with it. It happened because you were a newborn and miraculously survived when you received it."

" We shouldn't have survived ?" I asked.

"Well, let me explain to you what internal tattoos are. But before I start explaining, you must understand something. As much as we want, it's impossible to have an unlimited amount of tattoos on us. A tattoo needs space to operate. That is why we are limited in their number. Our faces can hold six, our arms three each, our backs two, our front three, and three on our legs. A tribal tattoo would take all the spots of the zones I just mentioned. That is why we can quickly lack spots if they are all already taken. One day a crazy orc had the idea to draw a tattoo on his internal organs, and he died. However, his idea persisted till the day someone succeeded. At first, it was highly risky, and you could die easily, especially in vital organs, but the gain was huge. Not only these tattoos couldn't be seen, but they reinforced the body further and would sometimes modify the organ they are on. They would grant those organs passive abilities. At first, the success rate was really poor, but as the technics progressed, it became easier. It is still very dangerous for the heart and nearly impossible for the brain. It was only done on adults. However, what would happen if a child got one and survived? If a child gets a tattoo, not only would its organs be strengthened sooner and will thus hold an advantage against its peers, but the tattoos has also better chances to merge with the organ. And if it's a newborn, it's a certainty. But it is dangerous. Most kids die if there is any slight error or they are too weak, or if the tattoo shaman doesn't give enough of its life force. Do you now understand better why the both of you shocked me so much ! You received a tattoo on your heart while you were newborns !"

Both I and Zala looked at each other, feeling closer to each other than ever.

" Do you know what is the tattoo we have on our hearts," Zala asked.

"Unfortunately, no, but I have a few guesses."

While they were talking, my mind raced : 'If we already have a tattoo, is it a tribal one? Does that mean when I pass the ceremony, I will have two? If our secret is revealed, would the chief kill us ? What are its abilities? What happened to our tribe ?' A thousand questions were running wild in my head till Zala interrupted me.

"hey, Yal, are you alright ?"

I looked at her, a bit lost.

"Yeah, I'm alright, just a bit overwhelmed by everything we just learned."

"When I told you, you were sick."

"You old man... "

Zala rolled her eyes.

" Is our tattoo a tribal one," She asked.

" Yes, it is, I verified."

"Can we still pass the trial ?"

" Yes, it will be suspicious if you don't, and you'll get the fiery wolf tribal tattoo as well. It's a good one, don't worry. You'll just have two tribal tattoos."

"What will happen now ?"

"Nothing changes. You will still be taught by me. Besides, I need those tattoos to teach you. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time."

I reflected on it and said :

"He is right. Nothing changes for us. We'll just have to practice secretly."

" Well, now that I answered your question, it's time to start the real thing. I have tested you, and I now know your strengths and your weaknesses. Zala, did you prefer making clothes or drawing ?"

" Making clothes."

" Perfect ! Here is the plan for the next few months till spring. You will have to memorize the symbol that I will give you. They are the base of tattoos. Yal, you will have to draw them two days a week and Zala four. As for the second task, you'll have to make clothes on the other days. I also want you to familiarize yourself with ovzgûn. You will meditate, focus on your heart and try to gather as much energy as possible. Zala, you can ask Yalak for pieces of advice. You will report weekly. And you won't stop attending my classes. Is that clear?"

"Yes, teacher !"

"Yes, but is it really necessary to learn to make clothes? Can't I learn to make masks ?".

" You'll learn to make masks when you'll at least know how to make wearable clothes. I will not accept that one of my students doesn't know how to make decent clothes. Then once you've learned the bases, I will let you choose your path."

That's how long months of hard work started, the few by quickly. We both progressed at a fast speed. I improved a lot in clothing making, and Zala wasn't half bad at drawing by the end of winter.

We also shared our secret with Vaela. We trusted her wholeheartedly. If we couldn't trust her, no one could be trusted in the tribe.

Finally, Baruba decided to personally help Ushha with Vae in her training. With this, we were sure she would be as prepared as possible for the ceremony.