
Crazy Orc

Who would have thought that after dying from a nuclear missile I would reincarnate as an orc ! .... This is the story of Yalak who will travel through this brand-new world filled with mysterious places, hidden danger, powerful monsters, and all kinds of species. Follow Yalak leading his tribe to greater heights. .... Try it, you will like it.

zoroonfire · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

Good night

After hugging each other and reassuring them of my well-being, we came back to the village entrance. The guard posted there was surprised when he recognized me. He came to us.

" Well done, young lass ! You took quite your time !" I felt Zala's anger flare up 'How cute she wants to defend me'. But I spoke before she could say anything. I didn't want to complicate things.

" Some young orc from another tribe tried to kill me, so I had to make a detour."

The guard raised his eyebrow.

" What ! You met orcs from another tribe, and they even tried to kill you ! Did you beat them" asked an admirative Wolfteeth.

" No, they were stronger. I had to flee," I said a bit shamefully.

" You don't have to look down on yourself, young lass. You survived and thus passed Nayum's trial. They were the shameless ones for attacking with numbers. You need to come with me for now. We will see the chief, and you will report to him."

"Sorry guys, I have to go. I'll come back as soon as I'm done. Don't do anything foolish while I'm not here right? Oh, and where is Vae ?"

" She went with the hunting team to see what happened in the forest and maybe find you."

'So she also went looking for me! Thanks, sis Veala !'

"See you"


I currently was in the biggest room I've ever been in. Before me, at the end of the table, was sitting the intimidating chief. I was restless. The guard left a little while ago. It was only the two of us.

" You are an orphan, right ?" he asked with his charming voice.

" Yes, chief !" I answered hurriedly.


A cold sweat came out of my skin.

" I'm impressed. Very few orphans survive the trial. It's even more impressive knowing you escape from two enemy orcs. There is also the fact that you are a woman, and you could have chosen not to participate. You are courageous. The fiery wolf tribe is proud to count you among its rank !"

' What ! Am I not dreaming, the chief tribe is praising me !'

" There is something I'm curious about, tough. Why didn't you choose to marry ? To my knowledge, no one helps the orphans to prepare themselves for the trial. Besides, with your beauty, you could get any orc you wanted."

" True, but none of them attracted me, and I wanted to be free, take my destiny in my hands get the power to protect my family."

The chief suddenly laughed.

" I like your frankness. How did you survive ?"

" It's thanks to Vaela, who personally trained me" The chief nodded approvingly " Teacher Baruba has also helped me a lot by teaching me about the forest and the beast !"

" I see... What ! That crazy old fart did !" Shouted the chief widening his eyes.

I was unsure as to what to say. I didn't want to create trouble for the teacher. So I hesitantly said :


He then let out a big sigh.

" I can't understand him. At least he did something useful this time."

The chief relaxed in his seat and looked at me.

" Let's talk of something that will not bring me a headache. Can you describe the two who attacked you ?"

For the next hour, the chief asks me different questions about the two. What were they wearing ? How did they fight? I answered to the best of my capabilities, as I knew it had to be very important.

" Thank you for your time Uhmm. How impolite of me. I didn't ask for your name. What's your name, young warrior ?"

" I'm Ushha."

" Well, Ushha, I , Alog, officially welcome you to the fiery wolf tribe ! You can now go to Ghorbash's hut to get your tribal tattoo."

A great feeling of accomplishment filled me. 'I did it ! I became a true fiery wolf !'

I thanked the chief and went to the shaman tattoo's hut.


"Hi, is there someone ?" I asked as I stood before the hut.

I suddenly heard a loud voice.


I was a bit afraid when I heard the voice. 'he is not talking to me, is he ?'

That's when someone appeared.

" Ghorbash, I'm sorry, but I have to do it !"


The orc turned around and became startled when he saw me. I was also stunned because I knew him.

"Teacher ?"

" Ushha ! Oh, I'm so glad to see that you are alright. I was a bit worried when I didn't see you at egghead yesterday !"

" Thank you for worrying about me, teacher. I just came back. Is everything alright Ghorbash seems very angry ?"

" Oh, that, don't worry, it's nothing. He is just grumpy. He often wakes up on the wrong foot. Anyway, why are you here ?"

" I'm here to get my tribal tattoo."

" Oh yeah, that's right, I totally forgot about it. Once you're done, can you come to my place? I have a gift to give you?"

"Really !"

" When have I ever lied to you."


Another orc that bore some resemblance to Baruba made his apparition.

" Oh, young girl, what are you doing here" he gently asked.

" As for you, SCRAM."

" Alright, Alright !"

Baruba hurriedly left the place.

"See you, Ushha !"

"Bye !" I looked at the balded orc." I came here to meet Ghorbash and get my tribal tattoo."

The orc made a surprised expression.

"Oh, Nice to meet you. I'm Ghorbash. Congratulation on passing the trial! You seem to know my brother."

' Baruba has a brother ! And it's the tribe's shaman tattoo !'

" He is my teacher. I'm an orphan. Baruba helped me to prepare myself for the trial."

Ghorbash raised his eyebrows.

" My brother did that. It's so unlike him. Thank you, young girl, you told me something really interesting. Please come in."

Ghorbash guided me to a big room with several beds.

" Alright then, I will draw the fiery wolf tribe on you. The process can take up to three days."

" Three days !" I exclaim.

" Yes, I only need one or two hours to draw the tattoo, but your body will take much longer to adapt. You will probably be asleep for at least two days, but for some, it takes three days."

I wasn't expected it to be this long.

"Did you think of the place where you want to have your tattoo ?"

" I'll place it on my chest !"

" Not a bad choice ! Well then, let's work on it."

I stripped and lay on one of the beds. Ghorbash came in five minutes later with his brush and a pot filled with strange ink.

" It will hurt, so you have to hold on, ready ?"

"... Yes"

Ghorbash started to draw, and as he said, it hurt, but after going through the trial, it wasn't much.

After an hour, Ghorbash finished. A bright light appeared for a second before vanishing. I felt something different on my chest.

" It's done. I wish you good night."

I tried to answer back, but I couldn't as my eyes slowly closed.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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