
Crazy Orc

Who would have thought that after dying from a nuclear missile I would reincarnate as an orc ! .... This is the story of Yalak who will travel through this brand-new world filled with mysterious places, hidden danger, powerful monsters, and all kinds of species. Follow Yalak leading his tribe to greater heights. .... Try it, you will like it.

zoroonfire · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs


[Baruba POV]

Some minutes ago.

'I was on fire. I could already see his shocked face and the stars in his eyes.'

The boy awoke a minute ago. It was time to make my entrance !

First the bombs


Then I took the position.


And now the lights


'Hehehe, it should give quite the effect.'

"Ah ha, And here I come."

I walked out with an elegant gait. Timing is crucial. Letting a second pass so that he could admire me, I started :

"Hello, little boy. I'm the great and mysterious mask maker known as Mysterious."

"You are a really lucky boy. I gift you a magical mask. With it, you will be able to have the same senses as a wolf."

'hehe, So impressed, boy ? And it's only starting. You'll feel grateful to be my guinea pig'.

"Hey, I know who you are, scamming bastard."

'Whaaat !', My brain shut down for what ? Two seconds ? 'Uh, How is this possible? No, wait, it's a trap, and I nearly fell for it.' I mentally sighed with relief.

"I live in the shadow, fight in the mist, behind my mystic mask, I eat with destiny and play with fate, of course, you know me, I'm the famous Mysterious. The mask you wear will make you famous, everymen will admire you, and everywomen will want to get your child. All ". 'with this, he will finally understand it. I have worked for a full hour to formulate these incredibly mysterious sentences.

"I didn't know there were clowns here as well," he mumbled, but I could hear him clearly.

'Uh, what's a clowns ? But it does sound cool and mysterious !'

" You are right, little boy. I am the greatest clown ever !"

"He is a natural."

'haha, I'm so talented.'

But what I heard then almost made me trip.

" Can't you stop? You're the bastard who put this mask on me. The mask can't be taken off, so how am I supposed to be grateful for it? Your entrance was a bit cool but not exceptional there wasn't even music ! You claim to want to be mysterious, but your name isn't worth mentioning, mister mysterious. It's so cringy. Finally, you chose the wrong public. Did you think I wouldn't have recognized you ? I'm not blind or stupid. It's easy to deduce who you are from all the clues you left."


I was truly left speechless this time. I opened my mouth, but no words came out.

'I wasn't expecting to be found out this quickly, and surely not from a kid. Orc children shouldn't be this smart !' I took my time to process all of what he said. ' Adding music in my entrance ? What a genius idea ! It would add something to my mysteriousness and handsomeness. Uh, What ! My nickname is cringy, well f*ke you ! Mysterious is cool, but it might be a bit too much to call myself that. The more I thought about it, the more I found it ridiculous, and the more I became angry.

When I think about it again, 'I made a fool of myself.' It's so unnerving. I might as well do what every orc does in this situation. I walked to the kid.

And I punched him in the face. He passed out.


I looked at the unconscious boy.

'I may have gone a little bit too far. I could have even exploded his head if I didn't hold back all my strength. Rah, it was a bad idea to act like this. I always completely lose myself out of excitement. It's dangerous to act mysterious. But I promise one day I'll be able to do it and the world .... the legend of the mystic mask maker Mister Myst... I should ask the kid for a cool name.

[Yalak POV]

This time, I woke up with a big headache. 'Aaargh, it's really painful.' The clown is extraordinarily powerful. 'I promise, you'll get back this punch back a thousand times stronger. The pain so unbearable.' I rolled my eyes, trying to fall back to my unconscious and painless state. It didn't work.

'Where is that old man now ?' I got up, putting a hand on my head, making me remember I still had this cursed mask.

I headed for the living, faltering from right to left. Once I found it, I laid down on the surprisingly comfortable sofa.

Ten minutes later, I heard footsteps coming from the next room. My headache subsided a little bit, just enough to allow me to look at the entrance and observe the incoming orc.

Fortunately, there was no grand entrance this time, simply a Two-and-a-half-meter orc with a plate in his hand. He was bringing two cups of tea. The sight of the massive orc serving me tea is so bizarre. Who would have believed I would one day reincarnate and have tea with a bulky orc who is obsessed with creating some kind of myth around the personage he had created? My image of warring Orcs lords fighting for glory nearly shattered.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked me.

"well, you punched so hard that I believed I had lost my head for a second, so no, I'm not alright."

"Ahaha, sorry about that, It wasn't my attention."He said embarrassedly.

"Here, I made some tea that should relieve your pain."

I was suspicious, he is totally different from earlier, but I couldn't miss the chance to reduce my pain even by a little.

I took a sip after being enchanted by the fragrance it was emitting. Curiously, a warm feeling spread quickly in every part of my body and nourishing it. I wasn't as much in pain now. By the end of the cup, the pain had disappeared.

'A miraculous tea !'

" the tea is made with leaves coming from the swirling flake clan far in the north. It's used to recover and nourish the body."

"Oh, and the mask saved your life just now. Without it, your head would have flown away. So you see, it's quite useful, no ?"

" The situation would not have happened if you didn't forcefully put the mask on me."

'And if you didn't ridicule yourself by trying to act mysterious' But I didn't voice this part as I didn't want to anger him.

" Maybe, but I wasn't joking with the effect of the mask. You be able to get the same senses as a wolf however, that's not the best part of it. Anyway, before we continue, I'll present myself. I am Baruba, the crazy as they like to call me. In reality, I am a humble tailor, mask maker, and tattoo shaman with the modest dream of marking the world as a mysterious and legendary character through my professions."

"And who are you, my boy ?"