
Waking Up

As I wake up I realize I'm not at the school or at my house. I am scared. I am afraid they came for me from the mental hospital. I open my eyes and sit up. Once I can focus I realize I'm in a small bedroom. When I sit up my head feels like it is going to explode. And the room starts spinning. I close my eyes and hold tight to the bed. As I get things under control the door opens.

"Look who's awake, how are you feeling princess? The room will stop spinning soon enough. So I'm sure you want answers. Well all I can tell you is we are taking you back to your family. We were hired to bring you back from the mental hospital to your family but you were released early so we had to search for you. Then when you ran we had to use drastic measures."

"My family, why didn't you say that from the beginning I wouldn't have ran out of the room. The Councilor said you were my family. I knew better than that. When can we leave. I came to this town to make money to get home, now I don't have to if you can take me home. I do have one request can I go to the bed and breakfast where I'm staying to get my stuff.

The two men look at each other and then look back at me. Obviously they were not expecting me to cooperate with them. So they said," Sure we can go pick up your stuff. I see no reason why we can't. We are ten minutes from town, We will give you a few minutes then we will go pick up your stuff."

"Great um I need a restroom them we can go. Can you tell me why my family didn't come themselves?"

"We can explain in the car we have to catch a plane in an hour."

"Okay I'll hurry up then."

I go use the restroom, then wash my face. I am still light headed and dizzy. Every so often the room tilts. I pray to the goddess Sam,Dean,Anne, and Elizabeth are waiting at home for me. I don't know how long I have been gone but I pray they are there. In my mind I keep saying their names calling to them praying they are waiting for me. I need to get back to them and will do everything in my power to get back there. Once I'm done I walk out of the bathroom,"Okay guys I'm ready to go. let's get back home."

As we leave the room I realize we are in a motel. The name of the place is red robin inn. I try to remember the name to tell the twins. I look at the door number 105 because the guys left their stuff in the room so they plan on going back. After we start down the road I say," So why couldn't my family come?"

"Well I guess your father was in a car accident six months ago and he is still in p.t. So your mother sent us."

"Well I hope he gets better soon. Is the flight a strait flight or do we have to change planes or anything?"

"No it's a strait three hour flight to New York."

I don't respond because I know the destination is wrong. I just keep praying they are at the bed and breakfast when we get there. Why are they taking me to New York and who sent them? That is the million dollar question. Please, please, please goddess let the twins be there.

After a few minutes we pull up to the bed and breakfast. I open the door to get out but stop to ask if they want to come in and help me get my stuff. They shake their heads no but tell me to hurry up. I agree and walk to the door. I open it up and go inside. All four up them are sitting in the front room and turn to the door opening. I close the door put my finger to my lips and run over to them. I quickly hug all of them and say," The men who kidnapped me think I am willing to go with them, I convinced them I am getting my stuff they are waiting in the van parked outside the door. They say my family is waiting for me in New York."

While I am talking Dean is forwarding the information to the trackers and guard that are around the house. Mark sends the information back that they have them and are putting them in the cells. Dean looks at me and says," Relax baby we have it taken care of. Our guards just picked them up and are taking them to jail for kidnapping."

"Listen before I forget they were holding me at the Red Robin Inn. We were in room 105. They left their stuff there thinking we were going to pick it up. Someone should go get it because I want to know what's really going on here. My adoptive parents are in California I did the search myself before I left the hospital. I want to know what's going on."

"Don't worry sweetheart we will take care of it. You stay with Anne and Elizabeth and we will see to everything. We will be leaving guards here. You three are not to leave by yourselves. We will we back later. And we will give you an update then. Till then lock all the doors and windows and don't let anyone in unless we tell you it's okay."

"Okay Alpha, wait take these you can get in later. The square key unlocks the door the round one unlocks the deadbolt."

"Thank you Anne we will see you later."

Then they both come over and give me a kiss. Then they head out.

Anne and Elizabeth both turn to me and wrap me in a big hug. We stay that way for a few minutes. Then they pull away. Anne says," Lets get some food into you, it will help clear the drugs out of your system."

"How did you know they drugged me? When I woke up the room was spinning, I was light headed, and I couldn't focus. At least now I'm only light headed. And I would love something to eat."

Before we go in the kitchen we lock every door and window. We double check every door and window twice. Then we go make a late dinner. After dinner I start yawning so Anne and Elizabeth send me to bed. They double check the house then tell the twins everyone is going to bed. Finally they check my room to make sure I'm there and alright then they go to bed.