
Crazy Love Forever

Bryan Alexander, a 5-year-old boy, came with his family to visit his neighbor's birth, after he saw the beautiful little baby being carried by his mother, he told his mother. "Mom, Dad, Aunt, Uncle, is it okay after this baby becomes an adult, I marry him?" "WHATTTT?"

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Bab 2

Happy reading!

5 years later

October 15, Jakarta


Now the little baby that used to be, has become a very beautiful 5 year old little girl. Now she lives in a simple house in Jakarta, because when she was 2 years old, her parents moved her from her place of birth, because of something they didn't want children. only know.

In the morning it was 7:40 a.m., Bunda Tari was watering the flowers in her yard, and Alessia was feeding the cat.

"Alessia Agatha" her mother called a little screaming.

"Yes Mother, Cia is here!" said the little girl who turned out to be little Alessia while approaching her mother.

"Let's go shopping with Mother, for your birthday this afternoon," said her mother.

"Yes Bun, ouh yes Papa comes home at what time?" asked little Alessia.

"Be home at 5 pm honey," replied his mother.

"Okay, come on, Mom, let's go shopping for Cia's birthday," said little Alessia, very excited.

"Will Papa give me a birthday present?" asked little Alessia innocently.

"So, dear, Papa will give you a gift," said his mother.

His mother suddenly sobbed when he remembered the agreement 5 years ago with the small child and the small child's parents.

"Mommy why are you crying?" Alessia said while wiping her mother's tears away.

"Mom it's okay honey!" Mom replied.

Alessia Agatha, the only child of the Agatha family, her parents gave birth to her, when her parents were 25 years old, when she was born, her family's company went bankrupt and had a lot of debt. And now her father starts from zero working to become an ordinary employee.


On the other hand, a 10-year-old child went berserk in his room, throwing all the things that were there, and outside the room, his parents and the doctor were trying to persuade the child to open the door.

however, nothing

And the child who was having a tantrum was Bryan's Alexander .

"Bryan dear, please open the door, speak carefully! Don't be like this all the time!" said Daddy.

"Go all off you, don't try to persuade me!!!" shouted Bryan.

Pranggggggg the sound of broken pieces started to be heard.

"I want to meet little Alessia" Bryan shouted very loudly, while slamming things

"How is this, Doc? My child started like this from the age of 6, at first he often daydreamed, then cried, and now has tantrums more often, since my neighbor's child moved," said Mom, starting to cry

"Yes Doctor, what exactly is my child's illness? Can it be cured?" Dad said, starting to hug his wife from the side.

"You guys calm down, I'll check on your children, mother and father."

Then the aunt came with a spare key and opened it.

"You'd better wait here, I'll check it" said the doctor.

Then they nodded.

The doctor came in and gave Bryan's a sedative, and finally when Bryan's felt calm, the doctor began to examine Bryan.

After finishing checking, then the doctor came out of Bryan's room

"So how's it going Doc?" Mom asked

"Mother, father, mother's children will experience severe depression if it continues like this, chances are that your child will experience serious mental disorders, so children, parents, don't let the contents of their thoughts lead to continuous sadness!" said the doctor

"If possible, he must do activities that make him forget sadness, and must be entertained a lot so that his mind is clear again, and once a month, mother and father's child, must go to a psychologist for therapy, this is a prescription for medicine from me," said the doctor.

"OK Doctor thank you"

After the doctor left, Bryan's parents entered Bryan's room, and saw Bryan's sleeping in his bed, and saw the whole room was very messy, Mom Bryan couldn't hold back her tears. Seeing her only child, she was deeply depressed.

"Dad, if you want to take care of business out of town, Mom doesn't come, Mom wants to look after our child" Sobbed Mom Bryan's.then sat beside the bed.

"Yes, Mom, it's okay, Daddy will take care of it with sir Andra, our secretary!" Dad said.

"You try to tell our people to look for the whereabouts of Agatha's family, we will meet Bryan's and little Alessia again," Mom said.

"Dad has ordered him first, but there has been no news from our people" Dad said.

"Please be patient dear, Mom will definitely be able to meet you again" Mom said while crying non-stop.

Daddy couldn't see his wife and child sad, then Daddy left his son's room.

"Hold on son, starting today Mom will look after, care for and comfort you every day" Mom thought while sobbing.

"Chase your childhood love when you grow up" Mom whispered in Bryan's ear, then kissed Bryan's forehead, and slept beside Bryan.

Suddenly the aunt came in and started tidying up her master's room again.


Elsewhere, namely in the simple house of the Agatha family, they were celebrating the birthday of their daughter, Alessia Agatha, the little girl was very happy when she sang a song.

"Happy Birthday Alessia" shouted her friends.

"Thank you guys" she replied smiling.

Suddenly a fat and white boy approached Alessia.

"Hi Alessia! My name is Rangga wijaya" Rangga said while holding out his hand to shake Alessia's hand

"Hi Rangga, how old are you?" asked little Alessia's

"7 years, I'm your new neighbor, who just moved, nice to meet you" Rangga said smiling

"Nice to meet you too" Alessia said

Alessia's mother, a little worried about Rangga, worried that Rangga would also like Alessia, like a child 5 years ago.

"Alessia, let's greet your other friends!" Mother said

"Sorry Rangga, I have to greet the others first" Alessia said then followed her mother

And Rangga just stared silently at Alessia's departure.

"Alessia, don't get too close to boys, you are afraid they will like you," said mother

"You're still a child," she continued

"We're just acquaintances, who invited him here, right?" asked Alessia

"Papa invited, not mother!" Mother explained

"Come on, mother, let's greet Cia's other friends," said Alessia', her mother only followed little Alessia


Night came, the clock struck 1:30 a.m., Alessia was asleep next to her mother, and her mother was working on her flower order.

"Brother..., brother!"

"Where are you taking me?"

"Alessia wake up son!" Mother said panicked, and began to gently pat Alessia's cheek

"brotherrrrrrrr," Alessia's screamed

Alessia finally woke up and was out of breath, suddenly her body was sweating and her face was pale, her mother quickly told her to drink

"Drink first dear" said mother

And Alessia's began to drink it. Then looked at her mother

"You dream that again Cia?" Said Mother

"Yes, Mother, but this time, why did I dream that a sister asked me to marry me when I was 19 years old, and she said if she didn't marry me, she would go crazy," said little Alessia's, very innocently when explaining her dream

His mother was a little surprised by his son's narrative.

"What is marriage, mother?" Alessia asked

"Unfortunately you are still a 5 year old child, not good at discussing marriage, all you have to think about is going to school and playing with your friends." Mother said

"It's better if you sleep again, okay?" Mother said, then Alessia's just nodded and started to fall asleep again

~~Mom Alessia

How is it, is little Bryan's there always thinking about Prilly? Forgive us both, Ms. Dewi and mr Alexander, we do not mean to run away from you, we are very ashamed to have a lot of debt with you, especially with the agreement made by Bryan, one day when our money is collected, we will pay it off, we really feel guilty to your family, we promise to repay your kindness.