
Crazy in Love: The Story of a Mafia Queen's Family

The novel "Crazy in Love: A Mafia Queen's Family Tale" explores the complexities of love and loyalty as well as the lengths people will go to in order to safeguard those they hold dear. From the first page to the last, readers will be gripped by this story of action, romance, and drama. thats my first work ever so thanks for your opinions photo credit: PINTREST

friesegg · Thành thị
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17 Chs

Chapter 17: "Secrets Unveiled"

The night was dark and stormy, and the air was thick with tension as the members of the mafia family gathered around the table in their underground lair. Maria, the new boss of the family, sat at the head of the table with a stern look on her face.

"I've called you all here tonight because we have a problem," she said, her voice low and serious. "Someone has been leaking information about our operations to our enemies."

There was a murmur of concern around the table, and Maria looked each of her family members in the eye. "I want to know who it is, and I want to know now."

There was a moment of silence before one of the family members, a burly man named Tony, spoke up. "Boss, I heard some rumors that it might be someone from within our own ranks."

Maria narrowed her eyes. "Who?" she demanded.

Tony hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I don't know for sure, but I heard some whispers about your cousin, Marco."

Maria's expression darkened. Marco had always been a thorn in her side, always trying to undermine her authority and take control of the family for himself. But could he really be betraying them?

She made a decision. "Tony, I want you to investigate this. Find out if there's any truth to these rumors. And if there is, I want you to bring Marco to me."

The room fell silent again as Tony nodded and left the room. Maria sat back in her chair, deep in thought.

She knew that if the rumors were true, it would be a major blow to the family's operations. But she was determined to get to the bottom of it and protect her family at all costs.

As the meeting came to an end, Maria stood up and addressed her family. "We will get through this together," she said. "We are stronger than any of our enemies, and we will not be brought down by traitors in our midst."

With that, the family members dispersed, each lost in their own thoughts and concerns. Maria remained at the table, deep in thought, as the storm raged on outside.