
Crazy in Love: The Story of a Mafia Queen's Family

The novel "Crazy in Love: A Mafia Queen's Family Tale" explores the complexities of love and loyalty as well as the lengths people will go to in order to safeguard those they hold dear. From the first page to the last, readers will be gripped by this story of action, romance, and drama. thats my first work ever so thanks for your opinions photo credit: PINTREST

friesegg · Thành thị
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17 Chs

Chapter 11: "Family Matters"

Isabella sat in her office, staring at the file in front of her. It was a list of names, each one belonging to a member of her organization. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, that one of them was working against her.

She picked up the phone and dialed the number of her second-in-command, Marco. "Meet me in my office," she said, her voice firm.

A few minutes later, Marco walked in, his expression serious. "What's going on?" he asked.

Isabella handed him the file. "I want you to go through this list and see if there's anyone who stands out. Anyone who might be working against us."

Marco nodded, taking the file from her. "I'll get on it right away."

Isabella leaned back in her chair, her mind racing. She knew that betrayal was always a risk in their line of work, but she couldn't help feeling hurt and angry that someone within her own organization could be working against her.

As Marco left the room, Isabella's phone rang. It was her sister, Alessandra. "Hey," Isabella said, answering the call.

"Isa, we need to talk," Alessandra said, her voice urgent.

Isabella's heart sank. She knew that tone all too well. "What's going on?" she asked.

"It's about Dad," Alessandra said, her voice shaking. "He's been arrested."

Isabella felt her world spin out of control. Her father had always been involved in their family's business, but she never thought he'd get caught. "What do you mean, arrested?" she asked, her voice strained.

"He was caught with a shipment of drugs," Alessandra said. "He's being held in custody, and the trial is in two weeks."

Isabella felt a surge of anger and frustration. Her father's actions could jeopardize everything they had worked for. But at the same time, she couldn't just abandon him. "I'll see what I can do," she said finally.

As she hung up the phone, Isabella couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. Between the potential traitor in her organization and her father's arrest, it seemed like everything was falling apart. But she knew that she couldn't let that happen. She had to stay focused, stay strong, and do whatever it took to protect her family and her organization.