
Crazy 'Bout You

Jay and her dad move to Hillside, a small town near Manhattan. A new school, a new chance? Or will everything will be the same, will she get called crazy again? Will she get bullied again? Only one thing stays the same, she still has to cover up the bruises. She meets Charlie the 18 years old senior, the only girl on the boys baseball team and Jay sees why. She is dominant, tall, gay, beautiful. God she really is beautiful. What happens when these girls realize they are in love with each other? What if they can't stay away from each other? And what will they do about Charlie's brother who also likes Jay? Will Charlie wait for Jay to come out, or can't she wait that long anymore?

Laura_Zwaan · Thành thị
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38 Chs

Chapter 20 - Jay

The whole way back I keep wondering where Charlie went. Why she left without telling me. I try to hide my concern but it's getting harder.

"Are you sure you don't want to grab some ice cream with us?" Keith asks for the hundredth time in 5 minutes.

"Nah, I'm really tired. I think I'm hitting the shower and get ready for bed." I look at the boys.

Jake pushes me. "Party pooper."

I hold up my middle finger while I walk away. "Later suckers." I grin when I hear how Jake and Andrew laugh.

"Later loser!" Andrew yells back.

I walk into the lobby checking the elevators. Jesus, the top floors. Fuck that. I run up the stairs, making more speed. I hope Charlie is at our room. I really hope so.

At dinner I couldn't get her out of my head. I couldn't even listen to the conversation that the boys where having. I'm worried sick, couldn't she at least send me a text and why where the boys not worried?

I tried asking Jake but he only shook his head at me. Telling me without words that he made a promise not to tell anything. So that sucked.

God if she is in the room I'm going to punch her real hard and painful. Great now I'm getting mad.

Finally I make it to the right floor and make my way to the right room door. I knock, hoping she opens the door. "Charlie?" But nothing happens and I don't hear anything. Shit.

With a sigh I open the door. Great, just great. I throw the door closed and throw my stuff on the ground, where is she?

When I look up, I stop dead in my tracks. What is this? The room is lighted by small candles, there are petals all over the floor and on the beds and I hear soft music on the back ground. If this is a joke from the boys I will kick their asses.

And then two arms wrap around me from behind. Before I start screaming I smell her scent and a smile creeps up my face.

"Hey babygirl." She kisses my neck, jaw and cheek, wrapping her arms better around me.

"I hate you."

She grins. "You love me."

"Confident are we now." I turn in her arms so I can face her. "How do you know that?"

Her fingers slide under my chin lifting my face so I look her in the eyes. "Because of the smile that's on your face every time you look at me, the sparkle in your eyes when our eyes meet, how your hands travel to mine automatically and just the look in your eyes when you stare so deeply in mine." My heart warms. "I know you heartbeat quickens the moment I walk in the room, how you get warm and giggly almost like you're drunk -" My lips stop her from saying more, that's exactly what happens.

"I love you."

Charlie smiles on my lips. "See."

"Shut up and kiss me." And so she does, she kisses me. She pulls me in a hurricane, her hurricane. Tearing everything apart but it's holding us together like glue. And when It's almost too much to handle, we break apart gasping for air.

"Sorry that I left, but I wanted to surprise you." She caresses my cheek, my eyes flutter closed. "And you know I will tell you everything If I talk long enough, so I left without saying anything."

"It's okay." I slightly stroke her cheek. "I'm just glad that you're okay."

"So you really were worried!" I laugh and kiss her to shut her up.

"Just kiss me." But of course she does not, she wants to brag about this. "Charlie..."

She looks me in the eyes. "Were you really worried?"

"I was really scared something happened to you, I couldn't eat anything, I felt sick not knowing were you where, I looked at my phone every 5 minutes to check if you had send me a text." I look at her. "Is it great to hear that?" She knows I'm a bit angry and that I'm upset.

So instead of bragging about it, she tilts my head up. I stare into her eyes, finding nothing more than peace, love and sorry. "I'm so sorry." She whispers. "That wasn't my intention, I didn't want to ruin this surprise."

I push my head up, missing her lips by a few inches. "You can make it up."

She smirks when she knows I'm fucking with her. "Can I now?" She kisses me, pulling me into her. And when our body's collide, a shock wave ripples through me, warming me from my toes to the top of my head.

"I want you." She says, breaking away ever so slightly to look me in the eye.

"I want you too." I search her face for the courage that I need. "I really want you, Charlie." When our eyes lock one more time we dive towards each other.

Our lips come crashing in, hands travel our bodies, moans escapes our lips and then she lifts me off the ground. I wrap my legs around her and let her guide us towards the bed.

She lays me down gently, backing away from me to look at me. "You're so damn beautiful, Jayden." She looks at me with so much love in her eyes that my heart aches.

"I love you."

With the biggest smile that I have ever seen on her face she moves in, placing her hands next to my head. "I love you, more than anything Jay." I gasp for air when I feel her hand by my crotch, she makes it worse when her lips land in my neck. Kissing and sucking my skin.

"Out." I hiss the word, making her look at me. "Clothes out now." She chuckles and helps me remove her shirt. She throws her head back when I cub her breast through the fabric off her sport bra.


Before I know it I'm the one without a shirt and jeans. Her lips kiss every part of me, making me tingly and warm.

Her jeans are next and with a few more fabric out the way we are naked and this time I don't feel embarrassed, I'm not uncomfortable, she makes me feel the prettiest girl alive. She makes me feel wanted.

Our eyes lock when her hand travels down, I'm not nervous, or scared I just really want her. She awaits my response as her hand lands where I want it so badly. She moves her fingers up and down making me moan. She pushes one in, a wave of pleasure ripples through me. She looks at me as if she's scared to hurt me.

"Please." I moan. "More."

She kisses my lips, right before she pushes a second finger in. This hurts a bit and she sees it right away stops her hand from moving and looks at me. "Relax, it hurts more if you don't."

To help me she start kissing, my body. Her free hand strokes my tights. And slowly she starts pushing her fingers inside me. It hurts a bit, but with 10 more seconds only pleasure flows through my body.

Oh fuck. My head falls back, this feels amazing. "Faster." She does as she's told and pumps her fingers in and out me a bit faster. My moans become louder, they bounce back from the wall.

"Charlie..." She kisses me silent. Until my hand does the same to her and she moans right into my mouth. Her head moves to the crook of my neck.

"Fuck." She moans louder this time, that has to mean I'm doing something right. Carefully I push a finger in, then another and when I know for sure she can handle another, I push a third finger in making her moan loudly.

She speeds up, making me lose the ability to think clearly. Oh fuck. My body heats up, I feel myself falling. I'm close.


"I'm coming." She whispers. Oww fuck.

And with a few more seconds our bodies unravel, my legs shakes as I come down from the best orgasm I ever had. I feel our hearts beat, fast and in sync. God.

Charlie lays down next to me on her side, her hand strokes my arm gently making me look at her. "Thank you."

I move towards her, only stopping when I feel my lips on hers. I don't say anything, but I don't need to. I curl into her body, letting my eyes close. She makes me feel so save...

The boundary that seemed so strong that held us back, it breaks into a thousand pieces. Letting us go, freeing us. I'm not longer scared, I don't feel fear, for the first time everything feels right. Everything feels like it had to be like this.


Slowly I open my eyes. Now knowing clearly that she kisses my shoulder. I smile and turn in her arms. Charlie smiles up at me, she plants kisses along my arm and ends by my fingers.

"Good morning, beautiful."

"Good morning." I move towards her and kiss her. She kisses me slow and deep, what reminds me of last night. I can't help it and smile on her lips.

She smirks and pulls away. "What?"

I shake my head slightly and push my head forwards until my forehead rests against hers. "Nothing." I look up into her eyes. "Just..."

She caresses my cheek, my heart warms. "Tell me." It's just a whisper.

"Last night was amazing."

Charlie grins. "Yeah, I thought so too." Her lips move closer. "You were amazing." I feel butterflies shudder in my stomach and I lose myself in our kiss. But she pulls away and now I'm left wanting more.

"What's wrong." I say, trying to hide my desire. Not that I'm good at hiding things from her.

"Mmm, I want to give you something." She looks at me, smiling lightly just before she turns away from me.

I try to look over her shoulder, but she block my sight. After a minute she turns back, grinning. She's such a brat.

"Close your eyes." I look at her with an annoyed face, she chuckles. "Do it, Jay." After a little staring contest, she wins of course and I close my eyes. "Now hold out your hands."

"If you put something gross in my hands I will fucking beat you." I hear how she chuckles again and it don't ease my nerves.

I feel how a small box is placed in my hands, it's not heavy and not really big. Mmm, what in the world...

A smile creeps up my face when she kisses my shoulder. "Open your eyes." I do what she says, open my eyes slowly and stare at the little box. "Open it." She says when I look at her.

I frown. "Charlie what is this?"

"Baby, just open the box." She rolls onto her stomach and places kisses on my arm and shoulder. Is it strange that my hands are shaking?

I open the box, a necklace... I look at Charlie, she moves towards me with a smile. She's crazy.

"Do you like it?" She looks at me with questioning eyes.

I don't say anything yet. I get the necklace from the box. It's a thin silver chain with a little silver baseball pendant. My eyes start to water even I don't even want to. She knew I got a necklace like this from my mom right before the accident and she knows that I lost it and that I am filled with guilt about that.

I feel her hand on mine when a tear slides down my cheek and I look at her. "Thank you." It's just a whisper because I'm scared I'll break down in tears If do otherwise.

She smiles softly and wipes away the tears that ran down my face. "I had to get it when I saw it."

I sight and move forward until my forehead rests against hers. "It means a lot."

"Do you want me to put it on?" I open my eyes to look at her, I nod. "Alright sit up." I do as I'm told and feel her hands in my neck, slowly tracking my skin. A shiver rolls down my spine when she pulls her hands away and for some reason it feels like my mom is here, but she isn't.

I look down at the necklace, letting it rest in my hand. I just don't know what to say, all the words keep getting stuck in my throat.

"You don't have to say anything, except thank you." I look at her again. "It's okay."

"I want you to meet my grandpa." It's out of my mouth before I can think about it. I close my eyes, fuck, why did I say that?

I open my eyes when she don't say anything. Her fingers caresses my cheek and she kisses me. "I would love to meet your grandpa and I don't have to if you are not ready."

"Are you sure?" She nods.

"Of course."

We just stare into each others eyes for some time. We don't have to say anything and the silence isn't uncomfortable.

"I want to give you one last thing." She turns her back to me once more. I let the little ball from the necklace roll between my fingers and can't keep the smile of my face. "I have this."

I look at her and when I see what she holds I almost pee myself from laughter. Is she fucking kidding me? I push her and take the cookie from her hand. "Oh my god." I stare at the red letters. Not a Virgin.

"Sorry but I had to." She laughs.

"What if I didn't lost my virginity last night?" I look at her. She's crazy.

"Then I at it and bought a new one for an other time." Before I can take a bite, she pulls the cookie away from my mouth. "I shouldn't do that, it's really gross."

I shake my head at her. "You're crazy."

"About you." I grin right before her lips crash onto mine. I'm not surprised when we get taken away. It takes seconds before one of us deepens the kiss. Mmm, I could get used to this.

I have to hold back a moan when she's on top of me.

"Charlie..." I tilt my head back when she kisses my neck.

"I want to return the favor." She sounds hoarse. "I want you to feel as good as you made me feel." God she has no idea how good she made me feel last night. "I want to take you to the moon." She slowly moves down.

Her lips kiss every inch of skin they come across. When she reaches my breast I can't hold back anymore. A moan escapes from my lips, filling the air.

She takes her time and that makes everything worse, my moans get louder, my desire for her get stronger and I'm not sure I'm going to last if she keeps playing with my boobs like this.

Gratefully she moves down, my back arches how lower she gets. God this feels amazing. But she stops when she moves an inch past my belly button. I groan and look down. Before I can even get a word out, she lays her lips against my left knee and starts kissing up towards my tights. Oh god.

I throw my head back and my back arches even more. I hate, but love that she teases me. And then after she kissed both legs she finally lays her lips there were I want her so badly.

"Fuck!" My fingers lock in her hair and I moan her name. My body is on fire and it feels like I'm floating. I'm really close and she knows.

After a few flicks of her tongue I untangle under her. Can't keep my legs from shaking and the loud moan that leaves my lips. God.

I laugh when she kisses her way up and her lips meet mine once more. "How was that?"

Instead of saying anything, I press my lips on hers, hard. She grins and pulls me in for another kiss. I have 5 words. I am crazy about her.