

It was the usual morning for Song Dei Si. She woke up early in the morning to prepare to come to work. There were only minor changes. Instead of getting herself earlier to arrive than Yan Mor Tee at the office, they came together. Instead of her making his morning coffee for him at the workplace, she prepared it for him at the mansion.

While she was preparing for his coffee earlier she bumped into Madam Yan at the pantry. She didn't expect to see her as early as 5:30AM.

She greeted her with a smile "Good Morning, Mom!"

Madam Yan didn't return the smile. "Why are you up early in the morning?" She asked instead.

"I have to prepare for my husband's coffee." She said, though she did not emphasize the word husband but it didn't miss the sharp ears of her mother-in-law.

"You don't have to do that for your husband." She emphasized the word husband. "We have servants who can prepare it for him."