
Crashing into an Old Flame

"What if I say it's too risky?" she asked. "Then I will respond with—you are worth every risk," he smiled. ... With a troubled past and financial issues, Maxim Warner never had it easy. Coming a long way from a small town, he never stopped despite the hurdles thrown his way. Charming and aloof, now the hotshot neurosurgeon has no use for emotions and even less use for love. However, things get twisted when he takes a familiar blonde as his tenant despite the jarring red flags in his mind. She is the same woman who once held his heart within her grasp. But she crushed it back then and he would be damned if he let her do it again. He would be a good friend to her. Nothing more. End of the story. Diana Chen, an American-Chinese heiress finds her life flipping upside down when she holds an infant in her arms. A tiny life that she is supposed to protect now but it comes at the expense of everything she has. Nevertheless, on the worst day of her life, she moves to another country and decides to start a new life. And probably it is a good sign that her new house owner is a familiar face. "Oh my god, Warner, I almost didn't recognize you!" She ruffled his hair but unlike how he used to laugh or blush in the past, he did not react and the atmosphere suddenly felt strained. Let her take it back. The new house owner being a familiar face is making things awkward because the broody neurosurgeon might not be the beautiful boy with haunted dark eyes she used to know once. He is a man now... mysterious and stunning with eyes that strangely smolder her. And she is beginning to feel things that she should not feel for him. God, is it too late to find rent somewhere else? Maxim has yet to get over what the young Diana did to him while Diana has a baby to raise in her penniless state. Amidst this, the last thing they want is to look at each other across the dining table like the world lacks oxygen and their mouths are the only strategy for survival. When the thin string of patience snapped, she made a proposal, "Take all my firsts," As he looked at her in stunned silence, she continued, "I want you to take all my firsts. If you can't, then I can go find someone who will—" her words were lodged back in her throat by his consequent actions. _ When the mysteries from the past unveil themselves gradually, will the two be able to get over their differences and own up to their feelings? Or will it be the final 'The End' for them this time?

Auroraaa · Thành thị
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316 Chs

Angel's name

The only hopeless situation eating Diana up from inside was her finances which were close to hitting zero soon. Once she paid the next month's rent, she would be left with nothing.

The baby's necessities were much more expensive than she guessed but despite that, she had managed to save some money required to get a decent and cheap laptop.

The only problem was that… she had yet to come up with a story!

Diana used to do it just fine when she was young. Writing stories excited her back then until she dropped her book.

Now, it seems like it is too late for her to become a writer.

Moreover, even if she did come up with a story plot, she had to write it first. Getting a contract will take weeks. The contract passing will be another few weeks.

And even after that, it was unpredictable whether she would earn money or not.

If she had not given up back then, then she would have been earning decently right now.

As much as she regretted it, Diana realized that this was not practical anymore.

She was living a dream if she believed she would earn decently by writing a webnovel.

She needed money. Urgently.

Two weeks later.

''Dee, what are you doing?" Ivy sat next to Diana who was looking at the newspaper in her hand carefully.

Diana raised her head, ''Looking for a job,'' Initially, she felt a headache whenever Ivy went into her chatterbox mode but lately, she has been getting used to it. The woman decided to call her 'Dee' instead of 'Diana' which Diana found funny because it was the first time someone gave her such a unique nickname.

''A job?" Ivy quirked a brow.

''Something I can do from home, you know?" Diana placed the newspaper down as she fiddled with the bracelet on her right wrist, ''But these are not suitable.''

''Are you new here?"

Diana paused for a moment before nodding.

''Work from home….'' Ivy thought about it, ''What about the gaming industry? I think you can try your hand there. They usually have a lot of vacant jobs and not only that, you can earn money from home.''

Diana quirked a brow, ''But I have no idea about how things work there,'' she looked at her fingers, ''I can't play candy crush decently because I get impatient and bored after 2 levels. I don't even know how they do it.''

Ivy looked speechless.

''But you seem to have knowledge in this field,'' Diana remarked.

''How do you know?" Ivy looked stunned.

''Your eyes are sparkling and you just talked like someone who knows the ins and outs of the gaming industry,'' Diana smiled. Although the woman did not speak a lot, but when a person is talking about something they like to do, one can see the change in their aura.

The usually loud and noisy chatterbox seemed quite serious just now.

''Well, of course, it's my dream job…'' Ivy blinked, ''But Dee, what job do you want to do then?"

Diana did not probe further. She just slumped on the couch, ''What job….'' She needed money but she was unemployed at the moment. She has no prior experience, she could not take the jobs that required her to go out and she was clueless about the 'work from home' concept, ''…can I possibly do?"

The day passed by rather quickly.

''Omo, you like that, don't you?" Diana watched the little angel who was sitting on her lap, watching 'Frozen' playing on TV. She even giggled once in a while.

''Aww, she is really enjoying it,'' Ivy said as she approached them, ''And she looks so adorable. Sir, don't you think so?"

Logan, the cold and woody butler stopped near the couch and observed the baby for a few seconds before nodding.

Diana stifled her laughter. He seemed to be a man who made sure of facts before taking action.

As the baby threw her legs up and down, Diana pinched her adorable cheeks.

She could almost see this little girl growing up into a beautiful princess and running away with some handsome scarred knight.

Uh… Her expression turned slightly bitter.

Diana felt like she was adding unnecessary bitterness to her already bitter life.


Everyone's attention shifted to the door which opened and the great, one and only, cute hot cactus stepped inside.

''You're back,'' Diana sprang up from the couch like she was a toy sitting on springs.

The baby made some sloppy noises.

Maxim stopped in his tracks, ''Yes,'' he walked towards them and patted the baby's head before he walked upstairs.

Logan followed the man.

Diana laughed. Her soft laughter turned a bit wild in excitement.

Ivy cautiously took the baby from her arms, ''Uhh… You are alright, right?"

She was more than alright. Maxim was now responding to her nonsensical questions. That screamed progress!

On the dining table.

''This is my special dish for the night,'' Ivy flashed the plates in an elegant move.

Diana's brows rose slightly as she looked at the prawns, ''Nice.''

She glanced at the baby in her arms who was pushing her plate, ''What? You want to eat too, angel?" she whispered, nuzzling her nose in the girl's blonde hair.

Ivy took a seat beside Logan. Maxim sat on the head chair of the dining table. Diana sat to his right and Logan sat to his left.

As everyone started serving food on their plates, Ivy spoke up, ''Dee, you always call her angel? Is that our girl's name? I never got the chance to ask you about it…''

''Huh? Name?" Diana blinked.

''What happened?" Ivy froze.

Diana could feel everyone's gaze on her.

''That's not her name though,'' Diana whispered in a voice so small that she wished they did not hear it but they heard it anyway.

''What's her name?" Maxim, the uninterested cactus, suddenly decided to pay interest in their conversation.

Diana was amused how he spoke up only when the situation was not optimistic for her, ''She has no name… as of yet,'' she mumbled, looking around the dining table.

Maxim's eyebrow slightly arched, Logan's lips discreetly twitched but in contrast to their minimal shift of expressions, Ivy's fork dropped on the dining table with a loud 'Clang'.

''She seems to be around 6 months old though,'' Ivy said, almost yelling.

''Almost 7….'' Diana laughed awkwardly.

''Yes, then how did you not name her till now?" Ivy nagged, ''Your mommy is so cruel…'' she said to the little angel.

Diana's smile slipped.