
Against The Gods Part 1

"Waaahh how nice this air is." Titan stretched his hands above to the skies. Freya stood quietly and the other Valkyries right by her. "Ok be careful girls, seriously. Think old school feudal rules for this place society wise. Strong is what matters. Especially for Women. Young or old. Respect is hidden and barely there. But the fighting is nice. Lots and lots of fighting."

"We will be fine." Freya smirked. "At peak Sky Profound Realm, we should be fine for the most part. If it gets dangerous we can push to the Emperor Profound Realm to escape temporarily."

"Very well." Titan looked at them all and shook his head feeling the need to help still. "Better safe than sorry." Energy wrapped around them marking each in a way that he could teleport them if need be to his side. "Alright, you can do whatever you want now."

"Right!" Freya nodded and they all shot off. At least they traveled together. Two of them gave Titan a look before departing. 'Those two have come in to their own well enough.' By his side was Takeda still. "You have a lot to do to catch to them strength wise."

"I know." Takeda gave a few jabs in the air. Testing his body out. "I will not pass up this chance!" He dashed off in an instant. Using movement techniques that Lettie taught him.

"Walking away are we?" Titan said over his shoulder. To the side was Yun Che down below. "Well, self reincarnated Yun Che? How is that mirror treating you?"

"You know who I am?" Yun Che stepped out and looked towards him. "Who are you?"

"A.. crippled Chaos Devil Dragon God you could say." Titan smirked at him. Eyes flashing in energy. "You just acquired the little red-headed brat Jasmine, yes?" Yun Che said nothing looking at him. "Very well, stay silent. The Sky Poison Pearl and Samsara necklace... ancient wonders on you. How nice for you."

"You.. Are you friend or foe?"

"Neither. Just a passerby training his students. A word of advice boy. Curb your desires a little. Those people you falsely care for will be hurt if you don't." Titan said softly. Information about the young man's personality passing around. Whether the manga, anime, or that other thing for the World, he is something else. At least it is the beginning when he was ok. "Try to think a little before your actions. The World is not on your side really. Not anymore."

"What does that mean?" Yun Che questioned. Jasmine said nothing. She was asleep and couldn't wake if she wanted to.

"Haaa, you care for your friends and family, they feel fake to me. I doubt you care for them. All over that girl you lost.. Can't remember her name but she is not important really. Oh, she is alive in a way. Consider that information me being nice." Titan turned to walk away.

"Wait!" Yun Che yelled. "I said wait!"

"Haaa, why boy?" He sighed annoyed a little. "You have nothing to offer me and I do not like little rapists like yourself. Take care of your "little aunt" nicely." Titan stepped forward once and disappeared instantly. He appeared miles away floating above a city.


Blue Wind Imperial Palace-


"Your Majesty!" A guard yelled opening the door without actually getting allowed to enter. "Someone is floating above the city!"

"You should learn to knock first!" The Chancellor said. Then he heard what the guard said. "What did you say?!"

"We shall greet him." Emperor Cang Wanhe said despite being weak and sickly, he still forced himself to go out. Slowly he stood to walk forward before a guard helped him.

10 minutes later they made it to the courtyard. Up high, Titan had been meditating till they arrived. He then descended. During that time, he sent a check out to Freya and the Valkyries. Then towards the different, him's in the Other World's.

"Greetings Emperor Of Blue Wind Empire." Titan spoke softly and gently to the man. Memory served the man was a good father and a fair King considering what he had available. "You may call me a Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei and Shinrai Ryu."

"We have heard of neither sects." The King said. His voice was raspy and pained.

"Forgot you were really sick. Well super poisoned. I got you though." Titan outstretched his hand. 'Mental Cleansing, Esuna, and Regen.' The spells engulfed the Emperor, curing him instantly. "Much better yes?"

"Yes much better!" The King said. "How may we repay you?" His body trembling as he felt his strength returning.

"First, talk as yourself not repeating your Kingdom in every sentence. I wish to uplift your Kingdom actually." Titan walked forward towards the man. "However, you should kill the man that poisoned you." He pointed to the Chancellor and the Doctor to the side.

The king thought for only a moment before turning with all his strength killing the man. He may have been a few Realms weaker, but the Chancellor had his power suppressed. And was also caught off guard.

"Urk," the Chancellor gasp before dying. Titan reached out grabbing his soul and energy. The man was ripped apart for information and the rest turned to energy for the Ogre System. Doctor Gu paused for but a moment.

"Ah ah ah." Titan waved his hand and used a hypnosis spell to make him speak. Doctor Gu said everything and implicated Cang Ye the cowardly prince. Titan had remembered the boy to be a coward and wanted him removed. He was in the way of things for the future. "You do not need your Cultivation any longer." He destroyed the man's cultivation and watched as the Emperor behead him instantly.

"The signs were there. With a clear mind, it did not take much for me to do this. Traitorous wretch!" The King looked at his friend turned spy. "Get his family and wenches. Kill them!"

"Easy there." Titan said. "They had no idea. Trust me." It took a little before the King calmed himself. To many things hidden stirring his soul.

"Stop and bring them for questioning. Be gentle with them." He looked to Titan and saw his smile form. "We should go inside to talk." Cang Wanhe felt his emotions were supercharged for some reason. He needed time to think and regroup his mental faculties.

"Very well." Titan decided to create a few soldiers as they walked. A total of 20 sets which would be groups of 3 people. He opened his Nether World Rift and they walked out. Dressed in Lin Kuei clothing for one group, second group as Shinrai, and the third in a grey mix of the other two. "My people. Apologies."

"We see." The King said. He watched them and felt their Realms were just at the Elementary Realm. Nothing too dangerous to deal with. "Let us go."




In Emperor Cang Wanhe Chambers, they talked for a few hours before stopping for a break. As water was brought inside, the Emperor checked the people Titan brought with him again.

'Already at the Earth Profound Realm 1st rank. How unusual!' The king turned to Titan who sat across from him. "I agree with your terms. You may set a sect here not too far away. In exchange, you will be recognized as the Kingdoms' defender in times of a crisis along with a few others. As for my youngest son and daughter. My son can leave with you to train. My daughter... I am fine with her training with you as well."

"That is good. Do not worry, I am not after her in that way." Just as Titan said that, Emperor Cang Wanhe son entered with his retainers. The boy was a half wit. But he listened to others and was a good boy despite his shortcomings. "I will heal him now, for you trust in me more." An outstretched hand and the magic engulfed the child healing the damage in his brain. Forcing cells to recover. Titan remembered something he had tucked away inside him after centuries that he never used. "As my disciple, you need power as well a kind heart sometimes. Here is something to get you started. Well, two things."

*Fwoosh!* A ball of electricity flew out. As well as a little creature floating over. It was a djinn of wind.

"Waaahh!" The boy cried. Well, he was a teenager anyway. As the djinn flew over it rubbed against his face before attaching to him. "Wuwuwwu father that was painful. You could have warned me."

The king ran over and hugged his son. He turned to Titan who smirked as he drank his tea. A small message played in his ear telling him the boy was fine.

"You are a man stand proudly." The Emperor lifted him up. "You are doing fine boy." He patted him down and searched him over. To overjoyed to calm himself as his boy spoke perfectly normal to him. As well as the sharp gaze in his eyes. "You are better than ever! I can stop worrying so much now! Cang Wanhe the second."

"Calm down father and stop shaking me!" The prince said.

System: Soulbond formed with Emperor Cang Wanhe of Blue Wind Empire. Aeon created.

Feeling an intense energy form within him, the King turned to a smiling Titan. Knowledge formed in his mind as he walked over to kneel in front of him.

"We will serve faithfully!" He kneeled and a few others joining in as well. "The Blue Wind profess our loyalty to the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei and Shinrai Ryu."

"Good. No need for too many ceremonies. I look forward to the day you stand strong and proud as a friend instead." Titan smiled before waving his hand. His Pather power giving all the additional information he needed. A chance at a strong relationship was here. He just needed to wait. "I leave it to you, what you do with the other children of yours."

"Haaa, I have to give them a chance. Do forgive me Master." Emperor Cang Wanhe said. Titan shook his head but said nothing. To him, he did enough good as well as got what he wanted.

The entire castle was engulfed in Mental Cleansing and felt a little muddleness disappearing. Looking over to all his created followers from his Nether World, he watched as they broke through to the Sky Profound Realm then reverting back to Elementary Realm. Each of them was engulfed in energy from the World itself and they all changed to the Fighter/Amazon class instantly.

System: Followers have been blessed by the World and have skipped what was needed to promote.

"Wow. Good breakthrough everyone." They all looked at Titan smirking and smiling. A few salutes before going back to cultivating again. Reaching into his inventory, he pulled out a spirit stone he bought earlier and broke it for them. "Hmm, I wonder how the others are doing?"


- Freya and party-


"Haaaaa, tired." A Valkyrie said before finally resting. The others followed suit. Freya still stood up. She had just figured out a technique she had been working on. She was surprised at two of her friends' fighting styles. 'So brutal and powerful. Their skill surpasses my own already. How did that happen so fast?'

Yumeko Tatsumoto had been using dual swords. Having switched away from her nunchaku. Shizuru Toyonaga had started using a halberd. However, she still used her spear every now and then.

"Just take this time to rest." Freya smiled at them before looking at the sky. "To be in a different World. One completely dependent on martial arts and spiritual power... I am really excited. Also scared if what he told us is true. Rape, murder, backstabbing being the most predominant thing here." Thinking out loud, she looked at her friends. 'I got them into this. But they refuse to leave even if I got them free somehow.'

As if reading her thoughts the dual sword weirder spoke. Yumeko knew this was coming. "Tch, Freya enough. If you give me that look again, I will fight you. I, like them, made my choice. I cannot deal with your look of pity anymore." She stood up putting her hands on both weapons. "I want to remain friends... If you can't look pass this crap anymore, I will separate myself from traveling with you. Titan will agree to it from what I understand about him."

"How do you know?" The flail wielder asked. Hibiki was very intrigued by their different ways of fighting and was waiting for a chance to ask about it. "Your eyes look different. What is that?"

"The Sharingan. It has allowed me to push myself further. I was able to earn these with the help of the Auxiliary System." Yumeko said. "I have killed and fought tons to get this. I feel great. I do not feel weak anymore. Even turning the eyes off, I can confidently fight more powerful opponents now."

"You have killed?" Freya asked. "When?"

"After he was in an argument with his wife Lluvia. Well, a disagreement about something after getting back from Gundam Seed. He was feeling really vulnerable and I made my move." Yumeko smiled happily. "Got to strike while the iron is hot!"

"What did you do?"

"I asked what it would take to make him happy. He responded so weirdly, I laughed. Then he laughed." She remembered the talk and smiled forgetting Freya's look for a moment. Only a moment. "I offered myself to him and he accepted. In a few years, I will share his bed happily. IF we get to that anyway. Talking with him openly is more than enough.

In fact, he makes a good girlfriend." Her words caused a certain girl with certain thoughts to wonder oddly.

"A few years.. why not now? Wait is it because of age?" The tonfa wielder asked.

"Yes." Shizuru said simply. She stood up tall and stared at Freya. "You should stop that really. We are happy to follow him. I have already promised myself over. I.. Am not my current age actually."

"Wait what?!" Yuriko gushed a little.

"I am 33 years old now." She tapped her chest happily. "I have gone on missions and finished all so far. Mostly defense and escort ones. With a small version of Titan. It has been... Very fun. I earned enough points and one of my prizes was this." Flexing her hand a gauntlet appeared. "It is a Witch blade." Her cultivation unsealed going all the way to Throne level.

"How much have you guys kept from us." Freya asked.

"You never asked." Shizuru said. Her head shook in dismay. "You are doing things the same as so many other versions of yourselves have done." As they talked someone was zoning in on them.