
Crafting Goddess System

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the prodigy of analysts, Kim Ha Neul holed herself in her own world of crafts and YouTube tutorials. From recycled paper to homemade BBQ sauce to books on plant toxins, she was immersed in her own paradise. That is, until an accident in her craft room caused her untimely death only for her to wake up as an infant in a whole new world. Loved by her new family but missing the modern life she's familiar with, how will she make life easier for herself? . . . “Did you hear? The Viscount's daughter was out buying scrap papers!” “I also saw her entering the Dark Forest last night!” “I heard that she made the Duke's demon son cry like a baby!” *on the other hand* Kim Ha Neul shrugged to herself as she tied up the ‘animals’ in the manor, “If restraining orders don't exist then I could just dispose of them without a hitch. Who would suspect a 7-year old of homicide?"

strawberry_012 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

hello, brother.

"Dancing bears, painted wings? Gosh I forgot the lyrics~ Soon you'll be home with me. Once upon a December," Kim Ha Neul continued to sing, lying in the dark abyss on a water bed.

"And I would walk 500 miles, AND I WOULD WALK 500 MORE, just to be the man who walked a 1000 miles to fall right at your doooorrr?" _(:з」∠)_

She had lost track of time in the darkness she entered after her talk with God.

If it wasn't for the status window that opened upon entry, shedding light and giving way to prevent her mind from wandering, she might've lost her sanity.

*Night Owl has reached Level 5:

Welcome young bird! How's the night vision going? Are you ready to hunt some rats?*

With time, her fear of darkness began to subside, especially since she was gaining exp out of it.


Unfortunately, a place of nothingness showed only darkness. On the bright side, hunger and other bodily necessities seemed to be non-existent in this realm.

"Let's watch some SNL," she muttered to herself, typing the words 'Kristen Wiig' on her virtual keyboard.



Kim Ha Neul lurched forward, her status window disappearing as the ground beneath her started to shake.

The smell of blood and milk had invaded her senses.

"It's time."

A new form of anxiety began to run through her mind as light tore through the dark room she was in. This was it. Her new beginning.

"Let's carpe diem the crap out of this life." She grinned before losing consciousness.



"Congratulations! It's a baby girl!" a woman spoke, voice full of exhaustion and delight.

"Doctor, is she okay?"

"Don't worry, Viscount Alterose, she's a healthy child. Just like her brother."

'A brother?'

Kim Ha Neul opened her eyes, welcoming the warm light of the lamps hanging from the ceiling and the sound of another voice crying like her.

"She opened her eyes."

A woman's voice spoke with pure adoration.

"Come, let me feed her."

Ha Neul continued to cry in hunger and frustration over her weak body as skillful hands washed off the blood and mucus off her body before callous fingers gently poked her nose.

'Gosh, I forgot that I really have to start over. I can't even move my neck.'

The man carrying her had a beautiful shade of pale yellow hair and light green eyes.

"Viscount Alterose, let me tend to your wounds," the doctor said, coming up with a bunch of ointments and band-aids in hand.

"There's no need," Viscount Alterose, Kim Ha Neul's father replied without missing a beat.

"It's a sign of my beloved wife's bravery in bringing this precious life to this world."

He looked at his daughter with smiling face, disregarding the scratches on his face made by his loveable wife during labor.

'Ahhh,' Ha Neul thought. 'This father is a lovesick masochist.'

"Ziet," the woman's tired voice spoke again. "Let me feed her, hurry."

"Here you go. Let me hold our little Syl while you feed her."

With careful hands, Ha Neul was placed in soft and warm arms. She looked up, meeting a pair of amethyst eyes and wavy dark hair straying out of its bun.

"Hello, my little child," her mother, Elizabeth Cemhall cooed, brushing a finger against her soft baby cheeks.

'Woah,' Kim Ha Neul whistled in thought. 'She's beautiful.'

Remembering that she was still hungry, Ha Neul began to reach out with her tiny hands, crying for sustenance from her beautiful mother.

After having her full, Ha Neul was back in her father's arms. Straining her eyes to look at his other arm, she could see another baby soundly sleeping with strands of light golden hair on his head.

'So that's my brother,' Kim Ha Neul narrowed her eyes in delight.

As an only child, she never had the chance to experience the sibling relationship she'd always see between her former comrades at the precinct.

'I'll treat you well, brother.' Ha Neul made a silent promise, devising plans to turn her twin into the perfect gentleman.

As if he could understand his sister's intend, the baby boy woke up and began to wail like his right to freedom had been taken away.