

This is the last time i am trying this, this can be the novel your site will regret not having after this i will never post this one here. (Novel does not promote drugs, RATHER ASK all readers to refrain from doing anything similar) THERE ARE NO PROMOTIONS FOR DRUGS OR ANYTHING, THIS NOVEL DISCOURAGES PEOPLE FROM GETTING OR DOING SUCH ACTS A realistic character with realistic dialogue and habits (YES) Other characters who have brains (YES) 2 dudes who were transported to another world (YES) AI bot (crazy bots)(YES) One who wants to be HOKAGEEE? (YES) Another one who wants to be PIRATE KING?? (YES) THEY MAKE A CORPORATION???( YES) Girls??( NOPE) 2 boys who set out to be famous influencer go around a haunted place and find out...that they have been transported to another world BUT SO SIMILAR, a world described and warned by all the smart people in their world, a world of disaster where every warning has come true. "Bro...isn't this WHAT IF?" "SHUT UP!" What will happen these 2 middle-class kinds with (bird) brains realize this world has to offer power, will they sit back as they did in past OR JUST BE SOMETHING MORE READ IT! In a world where the boundaries between realities blur and the warnings of their world manifest into terrifying truths, two unsuspecting boys find themselves thrust into a realm of unimaginable peril and boundless opportunity. "Yoo bro... it seems we travelled through the multiverse," Welcome to a world where humanity's darkest creations have taken on a life of their own—a world plagued by dangerous AI and monsters, where the government's grip on society tightens with each passing day, and so does of alien (eyes...) But amidst this, these two middle-class boys stumble upon a fact that shoke their reality, people can possess the ability(seriously why they supriss) to wield superhuman genes (powers). Powers that, for others, might be considered common. But for these two cracked heads, it's a game-changer. With the audacity of youth and a healthy dose of INSANITY, they embark on a wild and unpredictable journey—one that defies the order of the world in a way no one knew. Instead of cowering in fear or succumbing to the status quo, they embrace their newfound abilities and set out to carve their destiny. They will make a corporation like no other, where the line between ambition and madness blurs beyond recognition. Some among them aspire to become PIRATE KING plundering the riches of this strange new world. Others dream of attaining the title of "HOKAGEE. But all share a common goal: to leave their mark on this world, for better or for worse. From rival factions vying for supremacy to the ever-looming threat of their own hubris, the road ahead is fraught with danger and uncertainty. But one thing is for certain: with these two CRAZY heads at the helm, the world will never be the same again. Strap in for a rollercoaster ride of epic proportions, where the only limit is their own imagination. What will they do to this world? The answer is simple: anything they damn well please

THII_EXTERNAL · Khoa huyễn
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1 Chs



The story is a progression type it's going to build the world and character by showing stuff around it, so characters and world will take their sweet time to progress.)








"Alright, participant, you just gotta kill it and you'll be good to go." The seasoned man, his face etched with the lines of experience, with an eyepatch on left eye, stood beside the slim black-haired youth. Clad in green military gear emblazoned with the symbol of the Union, his upper body armour gleamed under the stark light of the examination arena. He gestured towards the mutated blue bull, its obsidian-like horns bristling with menacing thorns. One couldn't help but shudder at the thought of the agony that beast could inflict.

"It seems...harder than what i saw on ytube"







2 hours earlier.






The digital alarm clock's incessant beeping was abruptly silenced by a pale hand slamming down on it. In the dimly lit white room, a slender figure sat on the edge of the bed, head bowed and back hunched. His long, unkempt black hair cascaded down to his knees, starkly contrasting the sterile surroundings.

Within the room, two doors stood sentinel—one leading forward, the other to the bathroom. The boy's gaze was fixed on his trembling hands, his heartbeat echoing in the stillness of the room.


"Damn it, i-i need to just..."

Books littered the room, scattered across the table and bed. A stack of yellowed papers rested atop two neglected suitcases, a testament to journeys long forgotten. But most striking of all was the futuristic glove adorning the boy's hand, its glowing cube a beacon of uncertain promise sitting right in the middle of his hand.


"How have things gone so fucking bad" His voice cracked with emotion as he spoke, his frustration palpable. With a swift motion, he grabbed a book and hurled it against the wall, the sound of its impact echoing his turmoil. Book after book followed suit until his breath came ragged and uneven.


"Huff huff huff... Damn, it" Tears threatened to spill from his eyes as he collapsed back onto the bed. 'How many times I have done this... again and again and AGAIN... I-I just fucking fail every time."

'it's been months since she has gone missing...i-i just thought something might change but i-i just fucking can't ' He wiped away the tears that welled in his eyes, his despair palpable.

'I am just fucking useless, just fucking hoping for miracles and shit I don't like to study neither am I physically gifted...nothing just fucking nothing.

'I thought I would be some wonder boy, like in all those novels... some fucking great soul goes into another world achieves something great but-but...because of those fucking bastards.




His hand slammed against the bed, the reverberations of his anger echoing in the silence.

"It's all their fault."

"Why is it so hard to wish for a good life, 2 lives yet—" His thoughts were interrupted by the pulsating blue light emanating from the cube.




[A voice call from Jack. Do you want to answer?]




[A voice call from Jack. Do you want to answer?]


He hesitated before answering, a disoriented chibi hologram of his friend's avatar flickering to life before him.


"Reo, you really going for it, man?" Jack's voice was cautious, tinged with weariness..


"Sigh it's not like I want to...this is the only way I can find her"

"Haaaa My god... man don't you know-"


"FUCK I KNOW, I FUCKING KNOW...i am fucking late but what else will I do if not this?"

"Well, you can just..."

"Leave it...I was bedridden for most of the high school, no degree no parents no relatives and no FUCKING money left thanks to some unknown research, something I didn't even know until recently"


"And boom now even my sister has gone missing? WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT ME TO DO "

"..." Jack remained quiet understanding his emotions.

"Look man I don't mean to demotivate you or something, and-and you understand the consequence far better than me" [his voice shaky and uncertain]

".....sigh sometimes it-it's just so... difficult to do anything" 


"Well, don't go dying on us now... If you die i am having someone to right HERE LAYS FORDICK, Reo-Fordick hehe bold red letters a sight to see in the graveyard" Jack said [Amusingly]


"hehe" The frown on his face lightens up a bit and his hands stabilize a little "You won't get that chance man"

"Well anyway...have you gotten used to them"


"Hmm" pats his legs"These are something of a miracle man, this worlds tech is on a whole new level compared to ours... even though these are the only thing my parents left...probably made themselves"


"Well they have put some work in them...they were... just-you know very worried about everything."

"..." there was a deep silence between the 2 friends.


They have travelled to different worlds, yet still are close friends even before transferring to this world.

"Well don't worry VENGANCE SHALL BE TAKEN MY COMRADE" [he said in a deep comical voice]

"Nah man let it be....but if you do, take my notes I have written all their information and stuff"

"Fucker you...Sighh [he said with a long sigh and tired voice] All the geeks and nerds will be proud of you back home"

"Fuck off man!"

"Sure keep convincing yourself...either way get ready and remember everything you do probably just before you go for the kill will decide what kind of genes you get"


"...I am the one who told you that"

"Really? either way don't die fucker"




The hologram dispersed itself into small balls of light getting absorbed by the crystal.

'Hooofff' With a soft sigh he leaves his bed and opens his eyes with a new resolve in them.

'No system or crazy power nothing from all those novels I read'

'Now this is the last chance i got to find her fuck it.'


With a big jump, he gets up from the bed walks toward the sink washes his face and goes for a bath.

Reo, a normal teenage boy with blackish-brown hair, a typical tan American face, some freckles, and some pimples here and there, had taken a pledge never to become like the power wielders who lived a hack-and-slash life. But now, he was forced to become one for the sake of finding his sister.

Would he achieve his dream of becoming a mastermind businessman, or would he succumb to the government and their hierarchy?





"Hey kid!"





"Ohh!" Suddenly Reo woke from his trance, watching the wired look the soldier was giving him he faked a sorry smile in response "Sorry just little nervous"


"Do not lose your focus kid , even though we can save you that thing might send you to the hospital for weeks or months"

Reo glanced towards the massive blue bull, confined within its futuristic glass cage, its glass pulsating with crackling electricity. "Thanks." even though he was using his poker face his mind was in turmoil 'Shit! it looked so easy on tutorials and uunchat' but I have been training for months and with these biotech legs it should be enough I guess... hehe.


"OPENING THE CAGE, CADET BE READY" The soldier screams while retreating giving the beast and the boy space for their rumble.

With a dry laugh as dry as his school record (failurerrr) he takes mini steps, each calming his heart little by little.

He looks around at the terrain and the 2 soldiers including the one who warned him. 'they are 20 meters away the terrain is simple grassland so they can probably save me ... I hope these fucker do'

(*  ̄︿ ̄)


[He takes long breaths while locking eyes with the bull, which is stepping out of the cage.]


'who knows what kind of judgment this will get me '

He mentally braced himself, drawing upon all the knowledge he had gained from books and the Hive. But the reality of the task ahead far surpassed anything he had prepared for.


The beast emerged from its cage, its neck arched as it fixed its gaze on Reo.




The bull exhaled, steam billowing from its nostrils.


After a tense stare-down, Reo gripped the knife until his knuckles turned white.




Both launched towards each other with extreme speed, the bull charging headlong.





Soldiers P.O.V

Seeing the boy rush straight towards the bull, the soldiers' eyes bulged in disbelief.


(゚Д゚)/ 'Fuck.'


Yet, before they could react, the boy and the bull were within arm's reach, time slowing to a crawl for all parties involved.

The soldiers could only watch, mouths agape, as the unexpected confrontation unfolded before their eyes.


'It's not even been 3 fucking seconds.'


Despite their different thoughts, the three soldiers shared the same grim realization.


'Nah man We're so dead.'


.゜゜(´O`) ゜(-ω-,)


But for Reo and the monster, there was only the present moment—a world where only they existed, their eyes burning with a primal fire to win.



"I can't back down now, not after everything. Now that I can walk and move again, I WILL SEE THIS THROUGH TO THE END, UNTIL I BECOME THE BEST VERSION OF MYSELF." Reo's voice was determined as he stared down the monstrous adversary before him. The flickering light of the sun falling on his face emphasised the resolve etched in his features.


With a newfound understanding blazing in his eyes, Reo and the beast launched themselves into the fray.

Just before their clash, Reo halted, his muscles coiled like springs. With lightning speed, he delivered a right jab directly at the creature's eye.


The monster refused to yield, its massive head barreling towards Reo's outstretched hand.


A deafening noise reverberated through the arena as flesh met horn, but Reo did not falter. Instead, a spark ignited in his eyes.

"Now, sorry mate!"




His hand, bruised and broken, slid with grim determination beneath the monstrous bull's neck, fingers closing around the hilt of his sword with an iron grip. In that moment, time seemed to slow, the world around him fading into a blur as adrenaline surged through his veins.

"Fastburst 80 PERCENT!" With a mental command, a surge of intense heat and power surged through his legs, a sensation beyond anything he had ever experienced in his old world. It was the stuff of legends, the kind of power only found in the pages of fiction or the most epic of movies.


The bull, far from a mindless beast, reacted with lightning speed. Even as its front legs hung suspended in the air and its body twisted in mid-air, it locked eyes with its adversary. It saw the glint of determination in the boy's gaze, the unwavering resolve to stand against the tide of darkness.

With muscles rippling beneath its hide, the bull planted its front limbs into the ground, its hind legs poised to launch a deadly charge as soon as they touched the earth.


"Now!" Reo's voice cut through the grassland, a battle cry born of desperation and defiance. With every ounce of strength he could muster, he tightened his grip on the sword, his broken hand screaming in protest. But he refused to yield, drawing upon reserves of courage he never knew he possessed.

With a primal roar, he pivoted on his left leg, the burst of energy from his right leg propelling him into a dizzying spin.




Before the beast could comprehend its mistake, Reo was upon it, a whirlwind of steel and determination. In that fleeting moment, he stared into the depths of the creature's eyes, seeing not a mindless monster, but a reflection of his own struggles and fears. And with a single, decisive strike, he plunged his sword into the heart of darkness, determined to carve his own path in a world teetering on the edge of oblivion.




The sword plunged into the bull's eye with precision, piercing through its brain and ending the creature's suffering in an instant. A stream of black blood splattered across Reo's hands and sweat-soaked clothes.


"Hope you become the dominant species in the next life," Reo murmured, his voice laced with grim determination.




A notification flashed before Reo's eyes:


-CRITICAL HIT... achieved)

-Instant kill... achieved)


-1st Instant kill achieved)



[--CREATURE SLAIN! Achievement being registered--]






[Your cell activation will be determined by your experiences within 2 @#$% hours.]


With Aderniline leaving his body the pain starts to register in his brain, making him fall alongside the bull.

The last thing he heard was a couple of footsteps and some old man screaming at him