
Cowboy in a Fantasy World

mc gets transmigrated to a fantasy world CYOAs

Tomas_Vega_2683 · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs


Galak was overjoyed, examining the design and materials of Eli's coat. "What amazing craftsmanship! Where did you get this from?" 

Eli couldn't tell Galak the truth about where his coat came from so, he had to fabricate a lie to him. "I got it from my village, if you're wondering."

"Hm, never knew high elves had fashion sense and could create such fine peace's of fashion, now these days. And here I thought you're all just uptight sticks in the mud." Galak was snickering midway through the sentence, making Eli ground his teeth and start growling at him.

"What do you mean by that? We're not all uptight. Wait! How did you know I was a high elf, most people think I'm a drow." With confusion written on his face. He was pondering how Galak discovered he was a high Elf.

"Oh, sweet summer child! Hiding your identity won't work, with someone with the Appraisal skill on them. All good shopkeepers have the identify skill, but if they want to be the best store owner, they have to go one step higher. They'll try to evolve the Identify skill to Appraisal, which allows the user the view all hidden information on all targets."

"Are we going to have any issues? Because I'm a high elf!" Eli was still growling at him.

"By your tone of speech, I'm guessing you're one of the reclusive one, aren't you? I'm surprised you haven't caused an uproar in the city or killed someone. Well, less skin off my back. Your gems are good here Like everyone else, as long as you can pay, we won't have any issues."

Eli was containing his rage, not to lash out at Galak and prove him right. "How much will it be?" 

"Hm. I have a special offer for you give me an halve an hour with your hat and your coat, so I can copy the designs and I'll give you 40 gems for them. What do you say, do we have a deal?"

"Fine. I'll take the deal. Do you have anything to eat while I wait?" He just gave up and accepted Galak offer.

"You won't regret it I'll have some of my assistance fetch some tea and biscuits for you." Galak clapped his hands in excitement, over getting new articles of clothing to his design catalog.

He then stopped Galak before he left with his clothing. "Wait do you guys enchant clothing here? Because if you do, can I get a pair of fingerless gloves, with impact neutralizing enchantments on them."

Gallic shook his head and told Eli "I'm sorry, our Shop only designs and repairs clothing. We don't do any of enchanting here, but we do have an enchanter we work with. Wait till I'm done with the clothing, and I'll give you her card."

Eli was guided by a female assistant that was 143cm with crimson hair and eyes, that was flat chested with a curvy bottom, into a table in the corner where she served him tea and biscuits. 'These biscuits are really good, I should get the recipe from them.'

Waiting for half an hour, Galak finally came out of his workshop with sweat on his forehead. He came forward towards Eli with a cheerful smile and handed him his clothing back. "Wow, that is does were some of the most unique pieces of clothing and ever come upon. If you have any more unique clothing, you can come to me, I'll buy their designs from you for fair price."

Eli inspected his jacket and catch sight of multiple add-ons pockets sewn into it the inner side of the coat. "Ah, I say you caught a glimpse of the inner pockets I had sewn into your coat. That's a little freebie from me, for giving me such an amazing product to sell. Here you can have these gloves, they're perfect for enchantment, and as I promised here's the card for the Enchanted shop I Spoke of and two silver coins."

Putting on his coat and his cowboy hat, Eli inspected them from top to bottom and saw that nothing was wrong with them. "Everything looks in order. Thanks, I hope I won't be seeing you again." With that he left Galak tailoring shop, then headed to find the enchantress shop.

After Eli shut the door behind him, Galak's demeanor changed from Good Lucky to stiff serious. "Girls bring the ala the information you can, about Eli Rivers. Looks like a little city of Carthage Has received one interesting fellow."

The crimson-haired assistants spoke out to him, in an annoyed tone because her a boss thought that elf was something special. "Sir, what's so special about that elf, his just the beginner adventure with literally the job title adventure. One of the most useless job titles someone could get."

"Uh uh uh. Beatrice, that elf that you speak of is a sun elf. One of the two most unique types of high elves to exist. But that's not what special about that boy, it's the two weapons he had holstered on him the whole time."

Beatrice answered back scratching her head in a confused state. "Sir all I saw on him was his shortsword and those two weird metallic objects he had on him. Did you mean those?"

"Yes, those little things. I'm taking a wager, none of you used your identify skill or appraisal skill on them. Did you?" All his assistants were looking at the ground, embarrassed of not using their appraisal or identify skill on Eli's weapons.

Galak broke into a creepy laugher. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. If you numb skulls used your skills, you would have come to the conclusion that the smaller weapon can do damage equivalent to a first-tier spell. While the bigger one could do with the equivalent damage of a third-tier spell."

Name: Eli Rivers

Strength: 14

Dexterity: 19

Constitution: 15

Intelligence: 16

Wisdom: 10



skill: 1 point

[Longsword proficiency: lv3], [Shortsword proficiency: lv3], [Shortbow proficiency: lv3], [Longbow proficiency: lv3], [Darkvision: lv3], [Keen Senses: lv3], [Fey Ancestry: lv4], [Trance: lv3], [Identify:lv1]

MSP: 3,640

Gems: 100,300


Copper coins= 0

Big Copper coin= 2

Silver coin= 10

Big Silver coin= 0

Gold coin= 100

Big Gold coin= 0