
Big shots Gather

Tomorrow would be the last day of the year,25,000 of Deity calendar. It would also be the day, the Clan Master would come out and address the crowd.

Some normal tribal leaders of the north forest have visited the clan today to witness the Clan Master's beauty tomorrow.

The slaves prepared their temporary residences and served the visitors to the best of their ability.

Chaos had returned from finishing his comprehension on the major water laws. He was shocked by the sheer number of people who came to see the Clan Master.

"Is the Clan Master beautiful?" He asked Rice.

"Very. Even celestials can't compare to her." Rice answered honestly. Now that Chaos had matured through his cultivation, he would not lose his mind to the Clan Master's beauty. So Rice did not stop from telling the truth.

Chaos listened the whole day pass with guests announcing their visits and taking their residences.

It was only in the evening that the big shots appeared. The first one to appear was the ruler of the western forest,The West Emperor.

Even though the clan was lazy, They were still rulers of the north and the Clan Master was the North Emperor, so it was obvious that the West Emperor would show his face during such an important event.

Chaos tried to sense the power level of West Emperor, but he was blocked by a layer of defensive energy.

It seemed like the West Emperor chose to create a defensive law as his main law.

Sensing Chaos's probe at his strength level, the West Emperor looked at Chaos. His face soon turned into a surprise.

He asked a nearby slave about Chaos and found out he was a ordinary slave at first, but became a disciple of the First Princess soon afterwards.

Hearing that the First Princess had already taken Chaos as her disciple, the West Emperor lost all his thoughts of stealing Chaos.

With his level of strength, he could see that Chaos had a primal body. He wanted to take Chaos as his disciple if no one objected.

But the title of the First Princess was too famous. He dared not provoke her. He looked at Chaos with reluctance for a long time, but he managed to turn his head away eventually.

Suddenly Chaos felt goosebumps as he felt like his whole body was naked currently. This feeling stayed for a while, before disappearing completely.

Chaos looked at the West Emperor and sighed. He was the only person here who could make Chaos feel like that, so Chaos figured out that this feeling had something to do with him.

He sighed again, relieved that the Emperor was not concentrating on him any more.


The next big shot to appear was the East Emperor. He also noticed Chaos and asked a slave about him.

The slave gave the East Emperor the same answer the West Emperor had received.

The East Emperor also reluctantly moved his gaze away after knowing that Chaos was the disciple of the First Princess.


The East Emperor was followed by the South Empress. She was the sister of the South Emperor and also the aunt of the young lady Su.

She was called Empress because half the south was ruled by her, while the other half was ruled by her brother, South Emperor.

Apparently her aptitude at the Original Nature Primal laws was better than her brother, and she was said to be the most powerful person in the south.

When she saw Chaos, she just looked at him with a little deeper gaze, she then turned away not caring about him anymore.

This earned Chaos's respect to her. After all he knew how attractive a disciple with a primal body was.

To turn away even after finding out that he was a primal body must only mean two things.

One, she does not plan on taking any disciples.

Two, she did not care about a disciple with a primal body.

Since it was already known that the South Empress had about thousand personal disciples who were taught directly by her. The first assumption was incorrect.

This only leaves us with the second assumption. She does not care about a disciple with a primal body.


The next person who came for the ceremony was someone Chaos knew. In fact they were very close.

Fire Lord, the Commander of the Deity kingdom had come for the ceremony. Chaos smiled as he made his way towards the Fire Lord.

Fire Lord had already knew about Chaos being here through the messages Chaos had sent.

"Where is your daughter?" Chaos asked the Fire Lord. They had left the Deity kingdom together, but she had left from the heavenly forest without seeing him.

Since Chaos always thought the maid to be the daughter of the Fire Lord, he did not think much of her disappearance. He only thought that the Fire Lord had called her back.

But Fire Lord was totally surprised by this question, "what daughter? I don't have a daughter." He said.

Chaos laughed,

[ This Damn uncle is still denying. I know she has a fiancée, but you don't need to act like this. Do you?]

"The lazy maid who used to bring me my meals. Don't tell me that, she is not your daughter." He said as he looked at Fire Lord with disdain.

"Damn you! Daddy here does not have kids, much less a daughter. The Maid who brought you your meals was not my daughter." The Fire Lord shouted at Chaos.

Chaos shook his head, they have come this far but the old man was still denying it.

"Then why did she tell me that her dad was a commander?" He asked.

Fire Lord smacked his own face.

[ Well, that's because she is the daughter of a commander. Not the daughter of Deity kingdom's Commander But the daughter of the Commander from in a different place.]

He really wanted to tell Chaos this bit of information, but Chaos dragged him to his residence and told him to sit down.

"Okay! Since you don't know how to lie, let's begin with your first lesson of how to lie. First thing, you should do to lie is that, you have to make yourself believe that the lie is truth." Chaos started his lesson to teach Fire Lord about the art of Lying.

Fire Lord was so angry at this unreasonable fool, that he forgot what he wanted to tell him.

He kicked Chaos out of the residence and told Chaos to never visit him.

[ tch! This old man really does not know what's good for him. I will come back tomorrow and teach him the way to lie, so that he won't be cheated easily.]

Chaos happily whistled and went back to the place Rice was staying.



Donate Power Stones.

Have a good day.

I have been busy with my other novel for the past week.

From next week this novel will have two chapters per day.

I would like to hear if there was anything you did not understand in the previous chapters so that I can explain.

Please leave a comment if you have any doubts.

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