

In a whole new universe, some of the ordinary, everyday people had received the power to control 'Law's', to ward off the 'Impurities and the Rakshasa'. They are known as "Covenants". However, not all Covenants are powerful and not all Covenants are weak.. My name is Hyun Jin-Ryu, a Reincarnator. This is my story.

hewhoremained · Kỳ huyễn
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Law, a statement of fact, deduced from observation, to the effect that a particular natural or scientific phenomenon always occurs if certain conditions are present. There are countless mysterious and natural laws in the whole universe. Some have been discovered, some are still hidden. Some have not yet been proven to have exist while some have been long forgotten.

The Cataclysm Universe, a universe parallel to the universe we are living in. The beings in that universe possess a certain power called 'Law'. This allows them to control a specific law. It may be Law of Friction, Law of Gravitation, Law of Life, Law of Destruction or any other Law.

Beings who possess Powerful Innate Law rise above all while those with the so-called 'Trash' Innate Law get devoured by the strong. Like any other world, this Universe follows the rule of 'Survival to the fittest'. Weak people won't even know when they are devoured. In this world, the weak are meat the strong eat.

"And here I am, reincarnated once again in a world full of danger and thrill." I sighed. As late as it may be, let me introduce myself. I am Hyun Jin-Ryu. You can call me Ryu. Everybody calls me Ryu. I am currently a Ten year old boy, lying on his bed while reading a book titled, 'Basic Knowledge that even Monkey could understand'.

As I mentioned, I was reincarnated. Again. This will be my 3rd reincarnation. Let me just give you a brief summary of my past two lives. My first life, I was a prodigy with an IQ that reached close to 230. Being born in a prestigious family, I had been exposed to countless books and knowledge from a very young age.

Sad as it may seem, I was killed. At the tender age of 29, a young prodigy was killed because he was excellent at everything and anything. The cause of me getting killed was simple. Inheritance rights. My older half-brother was supposed to be the one inheriting 60% of the family assets and property. But I was the one chosen to inherit those rights and become the family head.

Don't mistake me, I was not killed off easily. I fought back. But what could I do when all of my siblings cornered me.

Enough about my first life. Heading onto my second life, I was born in a completely different atmosphere. Born in the ancient times, I walked the path of a wandering warrior. Learning strong Blade Arts and Martial Arts, I had become the most feared and respected warrior of that time. But even the strong lose to a certain thing. Old age. Getting old, everybody who respected me left me. Even my enemies forgot about me.

At the time when I was dying, I had no one by my side. It felt extremely cold and desolate. The feeling of getting abandoned and forgotten teared me from inside.

Both the lives, I had not been in a romantic relation at all. But I was not inexperienced. I used to roam around Red Light Districts, deflowering young girls and embracing older women.

Then, my new life began. I found myself lying in the warm and gentle arms of my mother, being looked after by a kind and caring father. A new world, a new life welcomed me. I had my parents in my 1st life. But my father did not care much about me. He only used me as a tool. My mother was the only one who loved me, deeply. Yet, she was taken away. A chronic disease took her away from me. 2nd life, I had no parents, all I remember is running around the slums when my master came to take me away.

Getting raised in this environment was new for me. I have both parents by my side. Even if our family are not financially stable, we are happy.

At the age of 2, when I could finally walk and talk properly, I started to read books. Acquiring knowledge never tired me. I was always ready to know and learn something new.

Then I found out about the world I live in. The world, more precisely the Universe I lived in was unified countless years ago. As the universe expands, new territories are formed. The resources in this universe are abundant.

What shocked me was that the beings in this world possessed a unique power, as mentioned above, 'Law'. 'The power of Law' could be inherited from parents or ancestors. Rarely, some may awaken their own unique Innate Law, completely different from their family.

The people who have strong Innate Law are called 'Covenants'. Covenants are divided into 9 ranks. 1-star Covenants are the weakest, whereas 9-star Covenants are the strongest. A person's rank can be changed as they grow stronger. 1-Star Covenant have one unique ability, unique to their Innate Law. As the rank increases, the number of Abilities also increases.

Though, it is extremely hard to Rank Up. Humans are not the only race in this universe. There are Elves, Dwarfs, Demons, Devils, Monsters, Humanoid Plant Beings and different other races. Each race has their own unique trait too.

My father, Hyun Min-Hye is a normal researcher who worked at the Intergalactic Research Institute. He is just a normal 'Law Holder' who has the 'Law of Floatation' which allows him to make any substance he touches float on any liquid without any harm. It is even possible to float safely on a magmatic river that could harm even the 7th Rank Covenant. Due to this, my father is involved in field studies that mostly required his ability.

My mother, Seo Eun-Jung, similar to father, is also a researcher at the same institute. She is also a normal 'Law Holder' who has the 'Law of Combustion'. This allows her to burn anything as long as that substance is in contact with oxygen. This may sound strong but a medium, for example a spark is needed if she wants to burn a substance.

They may have useful power of Law, but what they lacked was Principles. 'Principles' are a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behaviour or for a chain of reasoning.

The Laws of many people could be exactly the same, but they need 'Principles' attached with their 'Law' if they wanna be a Covenant. A person who has the same 'Law of Combustion' as my mother may be a covenant if he has 'Principles of Law' with him. Because both my parents don't have this, they are unable to be Covenants.

Talking about laws, some laws that cannot be used practically like the 'Law of Thermodynamics', 'Law of Conservation of Mass' are regarded as Trash Law as all they do is give the holder a better understanding of their respective field of Law.

As confusing as it may sound, only powerful Laws like 'Law of Space', 'Law of Time' or 'Law of Ice and Fire' have high chances of having 'Principles'. In extremely rare cases, some Trash Law may have 'Principles' allowing the Law Holder to be a covenant and live a better life.

Normally, People awaken their Law at the age of 10. It doesn't have any necessary procedures. It awakens mysteriously by itself.

I have been in this world for 10 years now. This year will finally be the time when I awaken. Will I have a strong Innate Law? I don't know. All I want in this life is to live a comfortable life with my family, marry a kind wife and rot away at home. That is if I awaken a trash or normal Law.

But If I awaken a powerful Law….Hehehe….the world will know what true terror means.

Releasing Schedule: Sunday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.

I may release it during other days as well.

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