
Court of Rebirth: The Conqueror (KnB)

He was a man who held immense passion for basketball but had faced deep frustration as his talent reached his limits due to starting the sport later than his peers. However, his life took an unexpected turn when a nuclear strike hit him after receiving a mysterious letter! He found himself being reborn in Kuroko's Basketball world, where he could have a fresh start from the beginning. ---------- Follow me on X (Twitter): mythoast Support me at: patreon.com/mythoast

mythoast · Tranh châm biếm
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295 Chs

Chapter 214: Revealing the Finisher!

Happy New Year, guys!

Wishing you a joyful and prosperous New Year in 2024! May it be filled with love, laughter, and exciting new adventures!


As Akashi observed the court, where players were making their way to the benches for a quick break before the final quarter, a hint of pity crossed his face.

Mayuzumi noticed this and questioned, "Why is he feeling sorry for Kaijo?"

Despite Kaijo's evident struggle in the match, Akashi wasn't one to usually show sympathy.

So, what exactly caught his attention and prompted that expression of pity?

Mibuchi also picked up on Akashi's reaction and cast a frown in Kaijo's direction.

"They're definitely in a tough situation, but considering Kise can still use his Perfect Copy, they shouldn't lose by much, right?"

"You're being foolish again, Takao..." Midorima sighed once more.

Takao ran a hand through his hair in frustration at Midorima's reaction.

The confusion was evident on everyone's faces as they struggled to grasp Midorima's elusive message.

"...Do you even comprehend the kind of person Tsuna was?"

Midorima's expression turned grave, causing Shutoku to startle, their throats unintentionally tightening.

Midorima held the belief that Fukuda Sogo's recent move wasn't Tsuna's ultimate move. Besides, he was confident that Kise still possessed the ability to unleash his Perfect Copy in the upcoming quarter.

How did he come to this conclusion? Because that's simply who Tsuna was.

And that's simply who Kise was!

"Tsuna was not someone you'd want as your enemy!" Midorima exclaimed, leaving everyone in disbelief.


No one expected such a statement from Midorima, especially given his usual prideful demeanor forged through rigorous training sessions.

However, he paid little attention to the reactions around him, focusing instead on Tsuna, who was engrossed in conversation with his team.

Shaking his head, Midorima muttered to himself, "...That can't be his finishing move."

Thinking back to Fukuda Sogo's strategy against Kaijo in the third quarter, Midorima was sure that Tsuna wouldn't resort to something so simple for his finishing move.

It just wasn't Tsuna's style.

Tsuna didn't just beat his opponents. He shut them down completely!

He had a knack for seizing any chance his foes gave him, completely overpowering them and leaving no room for a comeback. He slowly but surely choked out their efforts until they faced the harsh reality that fighting back was pointless.

It was like he silenced them, making them realize they should just keep quiet and accept their defeat.

On the court, a heavy cloud seemed to hang over Kaijo High, casting a gloomy atmosphere. Kise clenched his fist silently, feeling the weight of the situation.

"...I'm going to kick off the fourth quarter with Perfect Copy!"

Kise declared abruptly, causing a mix of brightened and concerned expressions among his teammates. Kobori voiced the worry in the air, "Are you sure? What if you end up hurting yourself?"

Kise shook his head, dismissing the concern. "...I know myself well; no need to worry about that."

Despite his attempt to reassure, Kise's words concealed a different reality. If surpassing his limits was the sole route to victory, he was prepared to do so without hesitation.

It boiled down to his refusal to lose to anyone, not even Tsuna, the one who had triumphed over Aomine!

"...With my Perfect Copy, their double team was pointless," Kise thought as his eyes darted towards the scoreboard.

Despite the substantial gap in their current score compared to Fukuda Sogo's, Kise exuded confidence.

Certain that he could shift the momentum back in Kaijo's favor, he mentally prepared for the upcoming challenge.

Kasamatsu's mind raced as he sought a strategy without relying on Kise's Perfect Copy. Frustration gripped him as he couldn't devise a practical plan to counter Fukuda Sogo's current momentum.

The coach for Kaijo appeared lost in thought, weighing their options. Finally, he broke the silence, posing the question, "How long can you maintain that state?"

Kise was caught off guard by the inquiry, turning to Takeuchi for a moment.

The question drew everyone's attention to Kise. Understanding the duration of Kise's Perfect Copy was vital for them to change the course of the game, they waited eagerly for Kise's response with a hopeful expression.

Feeling the weight of expectation, Kise gritted his teeth and offered his answer, "I can last for about 3---no, I can push it to 4 minutes!"

He lied!

Deep down, Kise knew the truth. He couldn't sustain that level for so long; at best, he might manage around two minutes.

"...I could push it to 3-4 minutes if I really pushed myself," he silently added.

Kise's response sparked a glimmer of hope in the eyes of everyone at Kaijo High.

"...Looks like there's still a chance!"

"Absolutely! Our ace never lets us down!"

Takeuchi furrowed his brows, scrutinizing Kise's expression. It didn't take long for him to realize Kise was being deceptive; the slight tremble in Kise's pupils when their eyes met gave it away.

He sighed and kept his thoughts to himself, thinking, "...I failed as a coach."

Even if he wished to intervene, there seemed to be no other viable option. Moreover, Kise's false confidence successfully boosted the team's morale once again.

Revealing the truth now could be detrimental to their current predicament.

Kasamatsu caught onto Kise's deception, frustration evident as he clenched his fist. Despite the urge to expose Kise's lies, he found himself unable to do so.

"...Sorry for being selfish, Kise!"

His desire to win burned within him!

This marked his final year playing for Kaijo High, and he yearned for some recognition that could potentially lead to a spot on the National Team.

He understood the selfishness in his wish, but he saw no alternative.

Meanwhile, witnessing the hopeful expressions of his teammates intensified the pressure on Kise's shoulders. He clenched his fist tightly, determination gleaming in his eyes as he quietly declared, "...Don't worry, I won't let any of you down."

Shortly after, the brief break concluded, and both teams returned to the court. As the game resumed, Fukuda Sogo energetically added more points at the beginning, with Tsuna taking the lead.

When possession of the ball shifted to Kaijo High, a sense of disbelief swept over everyone in the Kaijo team. All eyes focused on a specific figure.


Kasamatsu found himself in a state of shock, his words trapped in his throat.

Meanwhile, Kise felt a mounting pressure as he dribbled the ball. He couldn't help but grit his teeth as he spoke, "...I didn't expect I'd pull you into the ring at the least expected time, Kazamacchi!"

The one now marking Kise wasn't Ogiwara or Haizaki; it was Tsuna!

"Well, you've brought me quite a few surprises today, Ryota."

Tsuna's signature smirk broke across his face as he closed in.

Observing Kise's eyes gleaming, intensifying the color of his pupils, Tsuna chuckled slightly as he declared, "Unfortunately, we have to end this now..."


Big thanks to Automaticdoom for joining us as patrons. Your support means a lot to me, and I'm thrilled to have you on board! 🙌

Do you want to read 15 chapters ahead of the schedule? Here's where you can find them:
