
COTE:Oreki Houtarou's Strength-Supreme Classroom

[For advanced chapters join my Patreon for only $2 or 5$! https://www.p@treon.com/Sol_Pendragon Just change @ to a It already has 25+ chapters more than WebNovel. Discord: https:// discord. com /invite/ mWw5zmrn Just remove all the spaces in between the words. Tell me if it's not working.] Oreki was admitted to an elite educational institution and placed in Class A. With his keen sense, he quickly understood what was different about this school. Just when he feels it might be troublesome, he awakens a system and he can get superpower rewards by completing tasks. Teleportation can allow him to go home and fall in love at any time, and transparency can eliminate his sense of existence. This life seems good and very energy efficient. Then he got telepathy. Sakayanagi Arisu: This school is so boring, but Oreki-san is very interesting. You can [play] with him. Horikita Suzune: Oreki, who doesn’t study at all, got higher scores than me. Sure enough, I didn’t work hard enough! I studied for 16 hours today. Karuizawa Kei: Houtarou, thank you for saving me when I was in junior high school. Please date me on the condition of marriage! Kushida Kikyo (regret): Clothes can’t retain fingerprints at all, so I just gave them away for free? ! (angry) “……” So even though you usually act serious, in the end, you are thinking about this? [T/N: I'm just translating it, not the real author.]

Sol_Pendragon · Tranh châm biếm
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110 Chs

Chapter 059.1

[T/N: For advanced chapters, join my Patreon for only $2 or 5$!


Just change @ to a

It already has 20+ chapters more than WebNovel.]

If Class D can't get up, there's no point in Chabashira looking for Horikita to work.

So Horikita-san returned to Oreki-san's hands.

at the same time.

This will also make Chabashira understand that class D is not good, no matter how hard she tries, it will not work.

And she has already led Class D once, which lasted three years.

So the next 3 years will also be reached.

This can destroy her ambition, and then the system tasks can be completed simultaneously.


Because Class D couldn't get up and fly to Class B, Chabashira couldn't get the student who was hiding his strength to take action.


Since Class D still has that kind of problem child who hides his strength, he watched Class D deduct 1,000 points from the class evaluation score in a month and did nothing.

Then... don't show off anymore.

And this is good for Class A.

Oreki thought in his mind.

This is a plan to kill two birds with one stone, no, four birds with one stone.


Since the lunch break was about to end, Oreki comforted Horikita Suzune, and the two of them returned to their classes.

Oreki returned to Class A.

The students are almost there.

However, he unexpectedly discovered that there seemed to be some disorder in the class.

He noticed that a girl sitting on his right changed seats.

Now, the seat next to him on the right was a cute girl with straight silver hair.

The slim black cane lay aside.

The other party has plump and round fleshy thighs, like a baby, and is a very cute girl.

This is Sakayanagi Arisu.

Little Princess Sakayanagi.

That is to say.

While he was on his lunch break, Sakayanagi-san changed places with the rest of the class.

It's not just her.

At the table behind Sakayanagi Arisu was an acquaintance, Kamuro Masumi with long purple hair and two hairpins.

Are Sakayanagi Arisu and Kamuro-san sitting here?


At the front of Sakayanagi's column is Masayoshi Hashimoto, and at the front is Kito Hayabusa.

These are all members of the Sakayanagi faction.

On the contrary, Katsuragi-san's position was changed to the position facing the front door of the classroom.

Then his ardent supporter Yahiko is also on his side.

And the other people in Katsuragi's small group that Oreki joined were also there.

It seems that the Katsuragi faction and the Sakayanagi faction separated directly.

But Oreki's position didn't change.

But someone changed the front seat and the back table.

And these changed students had joined him privately. Expressing goodwill.

So is the student sitting in his row the Oreki faction?


There is a student in Class D who is hiding his strength, but as a student in Class A, you are already starting to fall apart in just the second month.

But this is common.

Anyone who sees the class evaluation scores announced today will not care about other classes.

Class A is far ahead.

Even Class B has a 660-point gap with them.

Then Mr. Mashima also said that the written test starting on the 24th of this month will only award 100 points at most.

Therefore, Class A is good enough and able to stand high.


The code of conduct test is a regular test in the first month of admission.

Exams are over and it's a new month.

Then some actions that must be restrained are released.


Isn't it normal for people from the XX faction not to want to stay with people from the XX faction?


When Mr. Mashima, the homeroom teacher, came to class for the first period in the afternoon, he immediately showed a troubled expression.

It was discovered that the class maintained the excellence of Class A, and was even more outstanding than the previous classes, but it immediately began to fall apart.

He doesn't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing for Class A.


The first class is over.

Oreki Houtarou, who had been sitting on the hard seat for a whole class, raised his hands and stretched.

But his neighbor was no ordinary classmate.

It's the silver-haired little Princess Sakayanagi.

"It seems that Oreki-san has been entangled by a terrible person." Putting down the pen and taking notes, the little princess Sakayanagi spoke.

"Why do you say that?"

"I'm sitting next to you, but during class, you were fully focused and didn't turn your head at all." Sakayanagi Arisu said.

"So I speculate that you lost interest because you were entangled by troublesome people," she said.


Oreki-san seemed to want to laugh.

Is it because you are cute?

So do I have to watch you in class?

And when you said that, didn't you mean that you would look at him during class?


Although, Sakayanagi Arisu is indeed the cutest girl Oreki has ever seen.

It seems that like the girls in Class D, the girls in Class A also have considerable attack power.

So during class, he would be distracted when he found Sakayanagi Arisu sitting next to him.

So he deliberately spent part of the class not looking at his neighbor.

This will reduce learning efficiency.

Oreki was already considering whether to change seats.

Concentrating can become troublesome when a cute girl is around.

However, he also hopes that Sakayanagi-san can become the tool person who leads Class A, so there is no need to have a bad relationship with her.

So he gave up the idea.

"What Sakayanagi-san wants to ask about is my transfer of one million points," Oreki said. "I went to the student union during lunch break."

"But the transferor's information cannot be found."

"Then does it bother you?" Arisu Sakayanagi held the pen again.

"A little bit." Oreki-san kept dragging his cheek with his left hand. "I can't confirm the other party's goodwill or malice, and I can't confirm the other party's identity and gender, but I can confirm that if the other party has trouble, they want me to handle it."

He paused, then continued.

"I will probably refuse directly. Then choose to return the points to the other party." Oreki said.

"Does that mean you don't appreciate the other party transferring 1 million to you?" Arisu Sakayanagi seemed a little interested in Oreki's attitude.

"It can't be said that the other party was able to directly transfer 1 million, and then the order worth 1 million was not sent, but for me who was short of numbers, it still helped."

"So I'll probably add a little bit to give it back."

"But I soon ran out of points," Oreki-san said.

His eyes were clear.

Horikita was tricked when Chabashira arranged for her to fly with D to B.

Chabashira doesn't just give away money.

Then of course I will send it back.

So, we finally got back to where we started.

Chabashira didn't give any money, and Nagumo didn't have enough money. So if Oreki wanted to get 4 million points, he could only use this exam to squeeze the second grade points.

When the extraction was over, his 20 million was collected.

The main mission is completed and the superpower reward is obtained.

Then he will throw the points to Horikita-san and ask him to convert them into cash.

Naturally, there is no shortage of money at this time.

Points turn into money.

He wants superpowers, and he also wants cash!

So, I'm in a good mood.

"…" Sakayanagi.


This topic can no longer be continued.

Even Sakayanagi Arisu couldn't understand what Oreki-san was going through.

She knew that Oreki was saving 20 million points to protect himself.

And the current theory is that he will collect 20 million points soon.

In the first month of school, he collected 20 million points.

What an interesting man.

But it's also a pity.

"It's a pity." Sakayanagi Arisu said. "It would be great if you were a student from a foreign class."


"I'm very interested in the strength you've shown."

"So, if you're out on the job, I want to knock you out."


Because you think he has strength, you want to defeat him?


So you are very sick.

Comparing this, Oreki found that among the girls he met, Sakura-san had the potential to be a stalker, Kamuro-san was an M, Horikita-san was an honest person, and Kushida-san had obsessions, so to sum it up.

Only Karuizawa-san is the most innocent...

So far.

She can't be said to be the simplest.

Sakayanagi said that marriage is the grave of love.

So Karuizawa-san may be the one who imprisoned him the most.