
COTE: Athena Suzuki

The Masterpiece of the World is excited to show her capabilities after so long.

Autumnish · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

Athena Suzuki

Chapter One: Masterpiece of World (Black Room)

In the world of COTE everything is about winning. Even simple tasks and unexpecting outcomes can change the course of a whole story.

You might be wondering how is this possible what would happen in COTE if a student was a better manipulator, smarter, more athletic then anyone can imagine. You would say they would be unbeatable. Where that's you are wrong.

In this world not everything is determined by winning like the story suggests. In this world there will be a key element that changes the course of the original story.

This being are main character her name is Athena Suzuki the sole heir of the Suzuki clan. This clan has been manipulating the world as we speak. The culprit behind it is Athena she Is clan leader. She was not originally going to be the clan leader. That was until the Suzuki clan decided to make a new branch similar to the White Room, but it being much more secretive.

This Black Room was designed for one purpose and that was to train the ultimate manipulator. Even when she seems she has emotions you are just completely wrong. She is an expert when it comes to manipulating being so manipulative that teachers alike will crumble beneath her. This is the case with Athena.

As the sole winner of the Black Room a room designed for actually genius. Not those ones made from torture no ones at the age of three who were destined for greatness. This room was designed to see who would become the ultimate manipulator. She, or He would manipulate the course of the whole room to her liking or him to his liking. In this world it's all about winning even if you are a little sadistic about it.

Athena wasn't born with a great family until she was adopted by the Suzuki Clan. At the time when she was three years old the Suzuki clan got a measurement for all the so called actually genius who would become it in the future and put them into a room together. The some might as what about Arisu or Kiyo-san.

They were in this black room without being able to even realize it. The parents of the entire world trusted the Suzuki Clan so they took the so called genius and put them into a room. One being Athena at the time she was an average genius not great compared to others, but what set her apart from even noticing. At a young age genius around the world would go from ages three to five to participate in the this so called war. In the end the S System for Advanced Nurturing Highschool was the exact same system these people were in.

Of course you might be wondering how is it possible for all the genius in the world to not remember this place. Well it's simple everyone who was suppose to remember it got manipulated by Athena and forgot it. She purposes hypnotized the whole world. You might be wondering how can someone do that.

Well once the two years were up. The winner of the Black room was decided that being Athena there were outrages due to parents feeling like this was unjustified, but in a matter of seconds everything changed when one she hypnotized the whole world. Suzuki clan is the ambassadors of the entire world without people knowing it. Wanna know why it's cause no one remembers the clan. They have the entire access to the world without anyone realizing it.

The Black Room first objective to do this was by signing a formal agreement between all the political people in charge of the world. It was successful. In the end the Suzuki Clan was disappeared without a trace nothing could find that clan. So the Black Room was now destined for one sole survivor that being Athena.

The reason why she won was not cause of her athletic abilities nor academic it was her understanding a way to manipulate someone without them having any idea. The reason why she got accepted to this school was by convincing the entire school she was at to give her 120% in everything. She manipulated people easily. Wanna wonder how cause they don't remember what happens. In this world manipulating can be used, but won't be forgotten. What happens when someone can manipulate without being remembered. This changes the world.

Athena then got strict treatment from the Suzuki Clan after her becoming the new heir of the family she mastered everything in the world. You might be wondering how is that possible well it's pretty simple. She was already the intelligence at the age of five of a adult. She was light years above her peers she just needed the knowledge. She gained it from having access to the entire world without the entire world realizing it.

She what people would call the Masterpiece of the World. Unlike the Masterpiece of the White Room she's the Masterpiece of the world. Due to the world competing against her in pervious ages.

With chapter one out of the way she begins her new life as a Student in Class B. The reason why she's in Class B is not cause she can't make it to Class A. She was put in class B, cause the class needed a leader. She fit in terms of the school setting as a perfect leader. Little did the school know she is a perfect leader due to being the masterpiece of the world.