
COTE: A Normal Life

This fic sucks so don't read it :)

_ZAX_ · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

New World

Transmigration, a concept to go from one state of existence or place to another. Or in this case, a soul being transported on another body.

For a normal person, this may sound weird or outright insane but to others? It may not be so strange after all. Especially to those who have experienced it.

Such a person is sitting inside of a train.

Unlike his previous appearance of weariness a simple jacket when he met that god. He's now currently wearing a school uniform consisting of a red blazer and green pants.

He was not the only one wearing such attire from the looks of it. The bus itself is filled with several students and only some normal passengers, five of them in particular caught his eye.

A student with dark green hair and dark green eyes, he has that delinquent aura around him. A girl with average height with short blue hair and purple eyes and a tall black male with a muscular stature.

'Probably half Japanese half American.' The redhead mused inside his head.

Although they are students, he notices something from observing them in his peripheral vision.

'They know how to fight… Hmm.' It wasn't that strange to be honest, but considering he just met three people… four if you count the magenta haired dude beside him who's been chuckling from time to time, then he must admit that he's intrigued.

What caught his attention however is the silver girl in front of him, she looks like a lost puppy reading the book in her hands. It would've made him chuckle out of the sheer ridiculousness of this situation, like putting a sane person in a mental asylum.

Nonetheless, he kept a straight face, he didn't want to look rude.

While waiting, he notices the pregnant woman walking around trying to find a seat. In normal circumstances, she would've got the priority seat but unfortunately an old lady was already occupying it.

"Umm.. excuse me but can someone give me their seat?" The pregnant woman asked politely. It seems that standing is hard for her.

The silver-haired girl noticed this and was about to volunteer but the redhead beat her up to it.

"You can have this seat ma'am."

"Thank you!"

The woman wants to bow in gratitude but the redhead stops her seeing she's already having a hard time.

After the woman expressed her gratitude, the redhead gave his seat to her and proceeded to stand up on the side.

He wasn't really bothered about giving up his seat. It's the responsibility of a functioning member of society to prioritize people like the pregnant woman. He gave up his seat for a reason and it's totally not because the guy beside him is creeping him out with his chuckling. Nope, not at all.

The situation returns to normal. While waiting, he decided to check up on his things first.

Searching his bag, there was nothing unusual, some school supplies, notebooks and a …. Letter? He didn't find any clothes or hygiene equipment, he guessed it's probably the school who will provide it.

Opening the letter, He read the entire thing with what he guessed was left by that God.

[Dear Kaneji Amasawa,

Yeah, that's your name alright. I'm just gonna make things clear and give you some knowledge about the world. This world is normal, no cultivation or magic whatever so no need to worry about some random young master coming into you or some armored man looking for goblins.

That doesn't mean there won't be dangers but I'm sure that you'll be capable of handling yourself. As for the place you'll be staying, It's a school and you'll be a dumbass if your uniform couldn't even give you that hint. Enough dissing now, you'll meet some special people in that school and that's where the new chapter of your life will begin :)

PS. I gave my all into giving you that name Kaneji, I watched an anime about some dude who got eaten on his first date and that's where I got it.]

With twitching eyebrows, Kaneji put down the letter. 'Seriously? That God just removed ONE letter from Kaneki's name.'

Leaving the name aside, what intrigues him is the school and the supposed 'special people' he will meet there. He already saw the students who will study in the same school he's going to and he's not gonna lie, he's looking forward to this.

'Ignoring that I'm gonna go back to school of all places, I'm sure that God wouldn't make it boring, especially for himself.' Kaneji comforted himself. No one likes school and that includes him but since this is God, he'll comply, it's not like he has any choice in the first place.

[We have arrived at the destination.]

Hearing the speaker announcing to get off, Kaneji picked up his things and started to move.

This is a new beginning for him. It would have been a shame if he was late.

After getting off the bus, Kaneji walked to the front of the school gate. It was certainly nostalgic to go back to school, he has no friends to remember but probably because the atmosphere reminds him of something.

'I never thought I would be going back to this shit hole.' He said inwardly. According to God, there will be some exciting things here that would be different than what he's used to.

But exciting for who? For Him or for God? Probably for both of them.

Kaneji shook his head. There was no point in thinking about this, all of it will be revealed in due time and he just needs to be patient.

Settling his mind, he was about to continue walking until he heard someone.

"Wait!" A girl's voice called him.

Looking behind him, he saw a familiar girl. It seems that she was looking for him.

"Are you calling me?" Kaneji pointed to himself just to be sure.

Looking at the girl panting and trying to catch her breath, he pondered what she could want from him.

'This girl's stamina is weak.' He thought .

It was an obvious observation though it did make him feel attentive. After all, a girl chased up to him despite having weak athletic abilities. He was curious about what she wanted.

"I-I just want to say thank you." After catching her breath, the girl stated her gratitude to him.

"What?" Now that was weird.

"You helped that pregnant lady get a seat, I was planning on giving her mine but you volunteered instead." The familiar silver haired girl replied.

"I remember now, you're that girl who was reading a book on the bus." No wonder she looks familiar.

"Although I did that, you don't need to thank me, it's common sense to help a pregnant lady after all." Kaneji waved his hand, expressing his lack of care in the situation.

"I also want to thank you for stopping the two students earlier." The silver haired girl bowed her head in gratitude.

Kaneji's eyes widened for a split second before returning back to his usual expression.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said offhandedly.

Yes, although it wasn't obvious but that magenta hair student was eyeing the black male student. It seems that he wants something from him and judging from his posture, he's ready to fight.

"You stand between them in order to block their line of sight, although I don't know what will happen, it must've been dangerous for the pregnant woman." The girl said her deduction in the situation.

Indeed it was correct. Kaneji doesn't know the situation of the two students either but they are ready to fight and it's not gonna be some pushing game, at worst it'll probably be a full blown street fight.

"I see…. How did you come to that conclusion?" Neither denying or confirming her words, he asked an important question.

It's not normal when someone can just anticipate a situation just by looking.

"I just saw it and thought that it'll likely happen." The girl replied. He didn't see an ounce of lie from her eyes.

Intuition? That's more likely the case, and her intelligence must have played a part in putting pieces together, still it was quite remarkable.

'She's perceptive that's for sure.' Kaneji looked at the girl in front of him while thinking.

"By the way, all this talk and I haven't introduced myself, my name is Amasawa Kaneji, nice to meet you ….?" Kaneji held his hand asking for a handshake.

"O-Oh, my name is Shiina Hiyori, nice to meet you too Amasawa-san." Shiina Hiyori returned the handshake with own. It was adorable how she was shaking as if she was hesitating and took his hand with a determined face.

Kaneji smiled.

"The pleasure is mine, Hiyori-san."