
Cosmos Domination

[Ding] [ All requirements have met ] [ Starting Earth's Mutation ] [1%] [2%] . . For a moment whole world fell silent, some people rubbed there eyes, some people waved there hands to touch what has appeared in front of there eyes. Everyone was dumbfounded. "Am I seeing '' " Did I drink too much?'' ''What the hell, Hey! Can you see this" "Huh, are you also seeing this? What the fuck is this?" "How would I know man'' In a few minutes, whole world was in a uproar, everyone was chatting about this on social media platforms. Now almost everyone knew that everyone on earth can see this in front of there eyes. [49%] [50%] Boom! Book! Shaka laka! As soon as the progress bas reached 50%, whole world started shaking furiously. Everyone started to panic. Many buildings demolished. In just a few minutes, more than a million lives were lost due to the demolished buildings all over the world. Most of the deaths occurred where population was dense. [74%] [75%] As if this was not enough, as soon as the progress reached 75%, people started have difficulty in breathing. People started suffocating. And this state remained for a few minutes. . . [98%] [99%] [100%] ------------------------------------------------------------ Hello guys, Its me author although I can't be called a writter yet since this is going to be my first work and I will try my best to make it worth your time so that people don't curse me later. And as a reminder, I want to tell you that english is not my mother tongue so please ignore some grammer mistake. I will try to be as logical and reasonable as I can.

mdcreator2 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
12 Chs

3 vs 1

The first Razorlop closed in, a mere 10 meters away, its razor-sharp claws poised for an attack. Simultaneously, Evan, perceiving the trajectory of the creature's claws, swung his sword with precision. His agility, slightly superior to that of the Razorlop, allowed him to anticipate its movements.

Evan's sword parried the creature's claws while simultaneously thrusting towards the Razorlop, harnessing their combined momentum. The blade easily pierced through the creature's chest, emerging triumphantly from its back.

[ You have killed Razorlop(Level 1) : +10 exp]

' One down! '

With the first threat eliminated, Evan had no time for celebration; two more Razorlops, a mere 15 meters away, were closing in from behind.

Swiftly turning his body almost 270 degrees, Evan, with a firm grip on his sword, exerted all his strength to pull it back. He unleashed a horizontal slash, turning his gaze towards the oncoming Razorlops. The centrifugal force amplified the power of his slash.

Witnessing the sword hurtling towards it at a menacing pace, the first Razorlop instinctively raised its claw in a defensive posture.


The echo of metal colliding reverberated through the forest. The sheer force of the swing proved overwhelming, causing the Razorlop to lose its footing and soar several meters to the side.

The second Razorlop, positioned just behind, abruptly halted and veered off to the side a few meters away, unable to proceed further.


Evan gritted his teeth Seeing that he could not kill it in one strike.

He swiftly shifting his focus to the other Razorlop, he was determined not to grant them a moment's respite. Tightening his grip, he took two brisk steps and executed a diagonal upward swing with his sword.

The second Razorlop had barely grasped the situation when the sword swiftly closed in.

Without a chance to react, the next moments blurred for him, and his body thudded onto the ground with a resounding thump.

[ You have killed Razorlop( Level - 1 ) : +10 exp ]

' Two down! '

The system had just alerted him to his successful kill when an ominous sense of impending danger gripped him.

Without a moment to contemplate, Evan's instincts kicked in, and he abruptly lowered his head.

In a split second, a blade sliced through the air just above him, severing a few strands of his hair, a chilling reminder of the close call with potential life-threatening peril.

Without hesitation, Evan swiftly planted his hand on the ground, leveraging it to propel himself forward. He rolled few meters ahead, executing a rapid maneuver, and abruptly turned his head.

As he swiftly turned, Evan's eyes locked onto the razor-sharp, blade-like claw hurtling towards him with alarming speed.

Reacting on instinct, he hastily positioned his sword in front of him for defense.


The resonating clash of metal echoed through the jungle once more. This time, it seemed the Razorlop had channeled its full strength into the strike.

Evan, resisting the force, skidded back a meter after the clash, grappling with the sheer power behind the Razorlop's relentless attack.

The Razorlop struck again without hesitation, but this time Evan responded in kind, slashing his sword with precision, matching the creature's relentless pace.

The clash of blades echoed through the air, but this time, the Razorlop struggled to maintain stability. Evan's attacks proved superior in strength, overpowering the creature's attempts to hold its ground.

Razorlops excelled in speed, their strength comparatively lower. Despite this particular Razorlop showcasing remarkable speed, it became evident that its strength couldn't match Evan's might in the fierce exchange of blades.

After a series of intense clashes, Evan managed to land a successful attack; his sword sliced through the Razorlop's shoulder.

But Evan wasn't content with just that. Recognizing that a mere shoulder wound wouldn't be enough to defeat the creature, he capitalized on the momentary gap he created. With swift determination, he slashed once more, this time aiming directly for the neck.

The Razorlop, still reeling from the pain of the previous strike, couldn't mount a defense. In the blink of an eye, it felt a searing pain in its neck. Before it could process the sensation, its vision blurred, and its body crumpled to the ground, head rolling back, defeated by Evan's strategic and relentless assault.

[ You have killed Razorlop( Level - 2) : +15 exp ]

' huh, this guy was level 2? '

"Hmm, this explains why he was able to react to my sudden attack."

Surveying the corpses of the three Razorlops, Evan's anger had now dissipated. He pondered,

"These creatures deserve to die, but I shouldn't have been so impulsive. I could have lost my life just now. I should be more carefull from now on."

"Well, putting that aside, should I take a look at my status window?" he mused aloud, a mischievous smile playing on his face, evidently filled with anticipation.

[ Status ]

[ Name - Evan

Level - 1

Exp - 55/100 (55%)

Race - Human

Jobs - { none }

Titles - { none }

Health - 120/120

Energy - 90/90

Stamina - 164/180

Hunger : 55/100

Fatigue : 27/100

Strength : 8

Agility : 9

Vitality : 6

Defence : 6

Spirit : 4

Allotable points : 0

Physical Attack : 16

Physical Defence : 12

Magic Attack : 12

Magic Defence : 6

Skills - { none } ]

' hehe, good, good. It won't be long before I level up once again '


Suddenly, a growling sound echoed, not from some lurking threat, but from Evan's own belly.

Only now did he realize the extent of his hunger. It had been overshadowed by the preceding events, and he couldn't ignore it any longer.

' I should eat something first or else I would die of hunger before a monster kills me '

With this thought in mind, Evan opened his inventory and retrieved a piece of grilled meat, indulging in a much-needed feast.

Surprisingly, not all huts had been invaded by monsters. Alongside the meat, he had discovered some fruits, though regrettably, this bounty could only sustain him for a day or two at most.

He was temporarily relieved of water concerns, Evan had found a whole drum of water in one of the huts. He had stashed it in his inventory alongside some water bottles, providing him with enough water for the next three days.

Reflecting on his luck, Evan realized how fortunate he had been; no monster had invaded his hut before, allowing him to still be alive and able to eat.

Having satisfied his hunger, he rose and ambled toward the huts, purposefully avoiding the gruesome remnants strewn around.

Undeterred by the macabre scenes, he carefully scanned the remaining huts. His search yielded more meat and water.

With this much food he could easily sustain for 3 days but it will depend.

He still didn't know if time flows differently for the items in his inventory like in some other novels so he has to wait to confirm it.

30 Power stone = 1 chapter

It was his first intense fight.

Mine too!

mdcreator2creators' thoughts