
Cosmos Divider - Lord of Mysteries

A man reincarnated in a strange and unknown world. The moon was red and he had a sword that seemed about to break in his hand. And the sword... did it speak? Follow the story of this man on his way to become the best swordsman in a world of terror and madness. I do not own the cover, I have no problem if the author wants me to change it. I'm still practicing English, so it would be good for you to correct any mistakes I make. Other websites: -Royal Road: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/308708 -Scribble Hub: https://www.scribblehub.com/profile/97000/paragondaoofbs/

ParagonDaoOfBS · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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65 Chs

The Problems of a New Pathway

Chapter 57: The Problems of a New Pathway

Early in the morning, William was at Saint Samuel's Cathedral listening to the bishop preach. This was a regular thing, he did it two or three times a week even when he was living in Tingen.

It was not that he was an ordinary believer, as he knew that the Evernight Goddess was nothing more than an extremely powerful Beyonder, but at the same time, he also knew that 'She' was constantly sending blessings to the Nighthawks. In a way, William intended to thank 'Her' for the help.

'I wonder to what extent the Gods are still human or caring about others.' William gave the typical prayer gesture, tapping his chest four times, drawing a clockwise circle, and murmured "Praise the Lady."

A person entered the chapel, which was almost empty.

"Captain." He greeted Crestet Cesimir as he stood up and adjusted his trench coat.

"Good morning." The Deacon of the Church returned the greeting. "William, I wanted to talk to you about an important topic, come with me."

He did not reply and followed Cesimir to a small field behind the cathedral.

"I've noticed that you're getting stronger, is it because you've almost digested the potion?" The Captain asked.

This question took William a little by surprise and made him think about it.

"Hmm, I think that may be the case, the truth is that the potion is almost digested at this point." He answered honestly. "Though I'm not sure that's all."

The truth was that even William himself noticed how his powers were increasing beyond what was normal. Anyone could see that a Sequence 7 Beyonder should not be able to fight, much less harm, a Sequence 4 Demigod.

This difference from other Beyonders had been there from the beginning, and at first, he attributed it to Debris, because it was clearly a high-level artifact. Still, he was lately beginning to doubt whether that was really the case.

"That's right, I'm sure you've also realized that your growth is not normal." Crestet nodded at William's response. "Not only are you advancing incredibly quickly in the Sequence, but you also seem to be invincible among those of your level."

As they walked without stopping, William scratched his chin a little embarrassed.

"Although my physical capabilities are indeed strong, I think I would have problems against someone who used strange powers. After all, I have to hit the enemy to damage them." He argued. This was something he had already considered in the past.

However, the High-Ranking Deacon shook his head in disagreement.

"I know quite a few of the abilities of many pathways. For example, Sequence 7 of the Seer pathway is called Magician, and although they are difficult to deal with, I don't think anyone out there can escape from you without some artifact designed for it." He seemed to be giving a compliment, but the seriousness on his face showed that he firmly believed in this.

"Are you so sure?" William felt a little uncomfortable, it seemed that the Captain wanted to reach some conclusion, but he didn't know which one.

There was a moment of silence.

"The Church has told me about your contacts with the Aurora Order, I was part of those in charge of cleaning up the destruction you left in Ambassador Bakerland's house." Crestet revealed.

This didn't surprise William, it's not as if he had been the height of discretion. He let out a sigh and decided that they had talked enough.

"What do you want to tell me, Captain?" He asked directly.

The Deacon stopped and so did William.

"We're thinking about adding the Knight pathway to the options we give to the new Nighthawks. I'll be honest, I want your opinion on whether it's safe to do this or not."

He looked at William doubtfully.

"We've been through a life-or-death situation together before, and you've integrated well into the team." He said. "However, going outside the conventional in this world is dangerous, the history of the Beyonder is paved with countless failures."

"Huh?" William looked at him confused. "Wait, are you telling me that there is no one other than me who has chosen the Knight pathway yet?"

Crestet narrowed his eyes.

"Of course not, we have to make sure it's safe before we test it." He declared.

William shook his head. "Well, it's not like I want to promote my pathway or anything, but mixing security with joining the extraordinary world is kind of absurd."

The Captain did not respond for some time because, in fact, this was true. The higher-ups in the Church had been talking about this issue for quite some time now, and some were arguing the same as William.

However, it was undeniable that it would be taking an additional risk.

"Can't you use Divination?" William questioned.

"We would need someone from High-Sequence in a suitable pathway for this, and you can count on your fingers the number of Beyonders who meet these conditions. None of them are with us." Crestet explained.

William considered it for a moment and decided to reveal something else.

"Actually, the Knight pathway is most likely no more powerful than the others. This may sound wrong, but this pathway seems tailor-made for me in more ways than one." He expressed the thoughts he had had for a few months.

Cesimir's eyes shone, and William knew that had been his goal all along.

"I agree." He smiled. "Changing the subject, a new mission has arrived from the Cathedral of Serenity along with official instructions."

He took out a scroll and handed it to her. There were only two sentences written:

"William Hastur is to lead the mission. If satisfactory results are obtained, he will be granted the rank of Deacon of the Church."