
secret whispers

He quietly watched her for days. studying her it made him feel more like a stalker than anything but he has come to realise there is more to this girl then she lets on.

her brother jim has already told him to stay away and that she's a prostitute. But as he watches her he has come to realisd that jims all piss and wind. He has sat in his car for almost three weeks now watching her as she leaves school. her heads always down with the chocolate brown hair always tied up in the high pony tail. he knows her hair is naturally curly ringlets but its a trait she doesnt seem to enjoy. she never seems to noticed him there watching as shd walks straight home.

The night that hes been there with Jim he has noticed she helps with all the meals and the does the dishes before she does her studies. he cant help but wonder whats the story here. Hes known Jim since primary school and hes always been a prick but shanes never thought much of it till now.

As he watches her leave this time he notices its starting to rain. expecying her to pull out an umberlla he suddenly springs into action when he sees her just hunch down lower and keeps walking.

He pulls the car up beside her and winds down the window.

"hey im heading to your place do you want a lift?"

he yelld out the window as he slows the car diwn to her pass

"nah im good " she answers barely over a whisper.

"bullshit your getting soaked just get in save ya self some time." he shouted back pushing the passenger door open and stopping the car.

she looks up into is sky blue eyes and he can feel himself getting lost in those puppy dog brown eyes of hers. he smiles as she shakes her head , puts her bag on the floor and hopes into the car. she sits as far from him as the car allows and yet he can still feel himself drawn to her like a moth to a flame . all he can think about is boy your going to get yourself burned here.