
Cosmic Janitor

A man on a hospital bed was offered a job by a god. Said god introduced himself as a "god of amusement and entertainment." The man unhesitatingly accepted; what was the reason? He was bored. Having lived his life to the literal fullest—parachuting, skydiving, racing, boxing, and other adrenaline-pumping activities—left him exactly in his condition—a crippled, sick, BUT bored man in his middle thirties.  Join him in his wild adventures as he battles devils, zombies, and all sorts of crazy stuff you can dream up while lying in bed. Updates: It depends on my workload. Also, on my cat's mood. Suggestions: I've got some "worlds" planned, but feel free to suggest a game or anime world that needs some serious "cleaning." Disclaimer: The characters mentioned are not mine, except the OCs. Especially not the Book Cover.

ChrisTian3421 · Tranh châm biếm
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80 Chs


A Day in the Life of Lisa

Morning: The First Meeting

Lisa sat at her sleek desk, scanning the daily reports with a cup of coffee in hand. She was always the first one in the office, and today was no different. The day was supposed to be routine until she received an urgent notification. A new recruit was being integrated into their world, someone with a unique skill set and a bit of a reputation. His name was Victor Vall.

"Interesting," she muttered, taking a sip of her coffee.

She briefed him on his new job, explaining the simulator that created images of enemies from different realities, the extensive library with a myriad of subjects, and his personal room that he could modify. She also laid out the pressing matters: he needed to start accumulating points immediately through missions. Thankfully, he had a boon—he'd integrate into a body similar to his old one, but with its own memories, as they had "snatched" an appropriate vessel.

"Sounds like a busy schedule," he quipped, flashing a grin.

Lisa couldn't help but chuckle. "You have no idea."

Afternoon: The First Mission

Later that day, she monitored his first mission. Katsuo was sent to cleanse a Dark Souls world gone wrong. He fought endlessly for three months, ordering food and drinks from the interface using his points, repairing his weapons and armor. Nearing the end of his journey, he developed a preference for using a Tachi. At the end, he blacked out from exhaustion.

"He's a beast," Lisa commented to herself, reviewing the mission data. "But he needs to pace himself."

Evening: Constant Training

Back at the base, Katsuo trained relentlessly. Lisa often watched him from the observation deck, impressed by his dedication. He mastered shunpo, learned earth and lightning manipulation, and studied Vergil's skills and moves from Devil May Cry.

One evening, after another grueling session in the simulator, Lisa approached him. "You know, you can take a break. Even heroes need rest."

Katsuo wiped sweat from his brow, grinning. "Rest is for the weak."

Lisa rolled her eyes but smiled. "Alright, tough guy. Just don't burn out."

Night: The Second Mission

His second mission involved a crossover between Left 4 Dead and Resident Evil. He was to escort the world's protagonist and help them make a vaccine. Lisa briefed him on the details, emphasizing the dangers. Katsuo, armed with his Adamantine Tachi and Threaded Cane, plunged into the mission.

He plowed through hordes of mutated zombies with shunpo, summoned swords, and earth manipulation. Even the bosses were no match for him. His interface tracked a kill count of 125,103, an impressive feat that made Lisa shake her head in amazement.


Returning victorious, Katsuo was promoted to a higher rank. Lisa delivered the news personally, holding a paper with his new rank—B-3.

"Congratulations, Katsuo. You've earned it," she said, handing him the document.

"Thanks, Lisa. Couldn't have done it without your support," he replied with a wink.


One night, They ended up in his room, the result of a mixture of stress, mutual attraction, and perhaps a little too much wine. The next morning, Katsuo woke up groggy, surprised to find Lisa beside him, her striking blue hair splayed across the pillow.

"Morning," she said, completely unbothered.

"Is this... normal?" he asked, bewildered.

Lisa shrugged. "Of course. With our line of work, you accumulate stress faster than normal. And I've read your profile, playboy."

They shared a laugh, and as they dressed, Lisa teased, "Oh, one more thing—you're in for a surprise when you get back to your 'home' world."

Katsuo grinned, shaking his head. "With you around, Lisa, I'm always in for a surprise."





(Katsuo POV)

I woke up groggy, scanning my surroundings. To my amusement, I found myself strapped to a bed, my forearms and legs bound. I chuckled, understanding their caution. "Kinky," I thought to myself.

As I settled into my situation, the door opened, and in walked Bruce Wayne, not Batman. He was accompanied by Dick Grayson, Martian Manhunter, Miss Martian, and Diana. They looked serious, but I couldn't help but notice the slight bruises on their faces.

"Who did that?" I joked, raising an eyebrow. Diana responded with a smack on the shoulder.

"You did, you idiot," she said, but there was a hint of a smile on her face.

"Well, I must say, it suits you all. Adds character," I quipped, earning a few chuckles.

The lasso of truth was wrapped around my arm, and they started asking me pressing questions. I answered them happily, knowing the lasso ensured I couldn't lie.

"Why did you lose control?" Bruce asked.

"I guess I got carried away with the thrill of the fight. The rush, the adrenaline… it's easy to lose yourself," I admitted.

"And your origin?" Diana inquired, her voice firm.

"A half-devil and I'm tasked with cleansing worlds that have gone wrong. It's my job, and I'm good at it," I replied, feeling the lasso tighten as I spoke the truth.

"You don't seem too concerned about being tied up," Miss Martian noted.

I shrugged. "I've been through worse. Plus, I get it. You're just making sure I'm not a threat."

"Do you think you are a threat?" Dick asked.

"To my enemies, absolutely," I said with a grin. "To you guys, not unless you give me a reason."

Then Bruce leaned in, his eyes sharp. "Why did you pass out?"

I just smiled, a mysterious look in my eyes. "Wouldn't you like to know?"





{Later That Day}

(Third-person POV)

In the Batcave, Bruce Wayne was updating his Contingency Protocol - Katsuo. He typed furiously, detailing his proficiency in fighting and noting his added power of earth manipulation.

He also added a note about his limited use of rapid slash, mulling over why he hadn't utilized that ability as much.

"Proficient in close combat. Lightning manipulation enhances his speed and strength. Earth manipulation provides additional versatility," he muttered to himself. "Limited use of rapid slash... could be a tactical decision or a gap in his training."

He was on a call with the other members who had interrogated him earlier. Their faces appeared on a large screen in the Batcave.

Dick Grayson peered through the screen. "Think he'll stay under control now?"

Bruce sighed. "We can hope. But we need to be prepared for the worst. His power is immense, and his control is tenuous at best."

Martian Manhunter nodded on the screen. "His honesty today was reassuring, but we must remain vigilant."

Diana crossed her arms, looking thoughtful. "We'll keep an eye on him. His potential for good is just as great as his potential for destruction."

"I have to admit," Dick said, "he's got style. And a sense of humor. Not what I expected from someone with his... job description."

Bruce frowned. "Style and humor won't stop him if he loses control again."

"We should keep him engaged," Martian Manhunter suggested. "Missions, training sessions, anything that keeps him focused."

"Agreed," Diana said, her voice resolute. "We can't afford to let him go rogue."

As they continued to discuss, Bruce finished updating the protocol. "Contingency Protocol - Katsuo: Updated. We'll need to keep him busy, focused. Training sessions, controlled missions, anything to keep him from slipping again."

"Let's hope it works," Dick said, clapping Bruce on the shoulder. "I'd hate to be on the wrong side of his blade."

"In the meantime," Diana added, "we should prepare for the worst. Contingencies, plans, everything."

"Better safe than sorry," Bruce said, closing the protocol document and standing up. "Let's get to work."

Martian Manhunter's voice came through clearly on the call. "If he can channel his energy constructively, he could be a valuable ally."

"Let's not lose sight of that," Diana agreed. "He has a role to play here. We just need to make sure he plays it safely."

Bruce nodded, ending the call. Alone in the Batcave, he looked at the screen one last time before turning off the monitor. "Here's hoping," he murmured to himself, before getting back to work.





Contingency Protocol - Katsuo: Updated

Threat Level: Elevated


Name: Katsuo Kotobuki

Species: Half-Devil

Age: Appears in early-twenties

Appearance: Light brown hair, shoulder-length; piercing pale olive eyes; scruffy beard; defined musculature; Polynesian sun tattoo on left shoulder.

Background: Tasked with cleansing worlds gone wrong. Decimated a dimension full of mutated zombies.


Swordsmanship: Highly skilled with a Tachi and his Cane.

Lightning Manipulation: Can cover his body and weapons with lightning. Resistant to electrical shocks and capable of enhancing speed and strength.

Earth Manipulation: Can manipulate the earth for offensive and defensive purposes.

Blink: High-speed movement technique.

Summoned Swords: Can summon and control ethereal swords for offensive purposes.

Judgment Cut: A powerful, precise slashing technique.

Rapid Slash: High-speed, consecutive slashing attacks.

Devil Physique: Enhanced Strength and durability. Resilient against physical restraints and high pain tolerance.

Recent Incidents:

Mission Debrief:

Boss Incident: Successfully subdued Skeletron Prime and Duke Fishron. Displayed high combat efficiency and strategic use of powers.

Blood Moon Incident: Engaged in a frenzied combat spree, displaying potential loss of control due to bloodlust.

Psychological Evaluation:

- Displays signs of thrill-seeking behavior and a tendency towards bloodlust in combat.

- Generally cooperative but shows signs of enjoyment in chaotic and violent situations.

- Respects authority but has a rebellious streak.

- Possible issues with controlling the darker aspects of his power.

Containment Protocols:

- Primary Objective: Keep engaged in controlled environments to prevent loss of control.

- Secondary Objective: Monitor closely during high-stress missions.

- Contingency Plans: Develop strategies for rapid containment if Katsuo becomes a threat.

- Training Regimen: Regular, intense training sessions to channel his energy and skills constructively.


- Engage Katsuo in missions that allow for controlled use of his abilities.

- Provide regular psychological assessments to monitor his mental state.

- Ensure constant surveillance during missions.

- Develop contingency plans involving non-lethal takedown methods.

Observation Notes:


- Generally friendly and humorous in demeanor, but with underlying aggression.

- Bonding with other team members, especially during downtime activities.

- Displays respect towards powerful figures but enjoys testing limits.

Behavioral Patterns:

- Enjoys combat and challenges.

- Shows a preference for high-intensity situations.

- Responsive to praise and recognition of his skills.

Additional Notes:

- Recent Inquiry: Katsuo expressed interest in using the Justice League's training facilities, specifically to enhance his lightning manipulation techniques.

- Observation of Frustration: Noted frustration due to restraint from summoning further bosses. Suggested outlet through music (provided drum kit and room for practice).

Next Steps:

- Assign Katsuo to missions that require his specific skill set.

- Provide controlled environments for him to unleash his powers.

- Regularly update Knightfall Protocol as new information and behaviors are observed.

Contingency Protocol - Katsuo

Primary Objective: Ensure Katsuo Kotobuki remains under control and neutralize any potential threat he poses if he becomes a danger to the team or the world.

Threat Level: Elevated

Potential Risks:

- Loss of control due to bloodlust or thrill-seeking behavior.

- Overwhelming strength and combat skills.

- Resistance to standard containment measures due to half-devil physiology and various manipulative abilities.

Containment Strategy:

1. Surveillance and Monitoring:

- Continuous monitoring of Katsuo's activities via surveillance systems and regular check-ins.

- Install tracking devices and biometric monitors to keep track of his location and physiological state.

2. Preparedness:

- Equip team members with countermeasures tailored to Katsuo's abilities.

- Maintain non-lethal takedown methods, including tranquilizer darts with high-potency sedatives.

- Regular training for Justice League members in handling high-threat individuals like Katsuo.

3. Isolation and Neutralization:

- Containment Units: Design and maintain specialized containment units capable of withstanding Katsuo's physical and elemental attacks.

- Magic and Metaphysical Barriers: Implement barriers or restraints designed by magical or technologically advanced allies (e.g., Dr. Fate, Zatanna) to nullify his devilish powers.

- Power Dampeners: Utilize power dampening fields or cuffs to limit his abilities if containment is necessary.

4. Field Protocols:

- Team Composition: When on missions, ensure team members are prepared and briefed on handling potential hostile scenarios involving Katsuo. Preferably include members like Superman, Wonder Woman, and Martian Manhunter who have high resilience and strength.

- Communication: Maintain open and constant communication with Katsuo during missions to monitor his mental state and provide guidance.

- Psychological Support: Regular psychological evaluations and support to help manage stress and bloodlust tendencies.

Contingency Steps:

1. Immediate Response:

- If Katsuo exhibits signs of losing control, attempt to de-escalate the situation verbally.

- Use non-lethal immobilization techniques first. Engage with sedatives and power dampening measures if initial methods fail.

2. Engagement Protocol:

- Engagement Team: Select a team with complementary powers to Katsuo's abilities. Include those with super strength (e.g., Superman, Wonder Woman), high-speed combat (e.g., Flash), and telepathic abilities (e.g., Martian Manhunter).

- Tactical Advantage: Utilize telepaths to create illusions or influence Katsuo's mind to calm him down or immobilize him temporarily.

- Elemental Countermeasures: Prepare elemental and magical countermeasures to neutralize his earth and lightning manipulation.

3. Neutralization Strategy:

- Deploy high-strength containment teams equipped with power dampening technology.

- If necessary, use synchronized attacks to subdue Katsuo. Prioritize non-lethal methods to minimize risk and maintain potential for rehabilitation.

Team Training:

- Conduct regular drills simulating potential scenarios involving Katsuo.

- Ensure all team members are proficient in using non-lethal containment equipment.

- Develop and refine strategies for engaging individuals with similar power profiles.

Final Measures:

- Lethal Force: To be used only as a last resort under strict authorization if all other measures fail and Katsuo poses an immediate and uncontrollable threat to global security.

- Emergency Call: Designate specific Justice League members to be on immediate standby for rapid response.

Review and Update:

- Regularly review and update the contingency protocol based on Katsuo's behavior and mission performance.

- Incorporate feedback from field experiences and adjust strategies as needed.

Contingency Protocol: Katsuo - Update Log

- Date: [Current Date]

- Details: Added earth manipulation to Katsuo's abilities. Enhanced physical strength. Noted recent behavior and psychological state.

- Contingency Measures: Refined based on recent encounters and observed behavior. Implement new containment strategies and prepare team for updated threats.