
Cosmic Deity

Born in a world run by supernatural powers that was run by the law of the jungle, but abandoned by his unknown parents in a facility when he was born for money, he grew up only experimented on and always remained in a all white empty room and only wore all white clothing, he was a clueless kid and all he knew was pain of needles constantly stabbing him for experiments, whilst also being put in water filled pods for days straight being tested on, But one day, a reckless experiment the scientists performed on him made him to die slowly in extreme pain, just as he was about to take his last breathe thinking he was going to die, a weird ray of light was brought to his dead eyes and a mysterious person appeared before him...

MoonBreath · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Elf Forest

As she said "Alright" she jumped up on top of a tree, that was an insane height, I thought to myself "It seems like things like that are normal seeing as no one batted an eye to it."

She then shouted from up top "Lets go" to all her other companions.

As soon as she said that, they all started dashing at a fast speed tree to tree leaving me behind.

I instantly sent all my strength to my legs and started running barefoot keeping pace with them next to the trees.

Although I had no skills, my physical attributes were greatly enhanced when my core was unlocked so I was keeping up with them pretty easily.

I was dodging all the boulders and bushes along the path, and it was helping me learn my limit of my physical attributes, along with what I was capable of.

*Back to elf perspective*

The silver haired elf said out loud to the people around her "He is keeping up pretty well, I wasn't expecting him to last more than 2 minutes, I thought I was going to have to carry him with me."

A male elf behind her then said "I doubt he will last much longer though, were pretty far from the village anyway."

He then said "By the way, when will the mission be over so we can go back to the main kingdom?"

The silver haired elf replied with "It wont be long until were finish, we just have to collect a few more things, now don't question me anymore."

The elf replied with just a nod and focused back on dashing.

*Back to main character*

I kept pace with the elves pretty easily, and I didn't feel like my stamina was going to run out anytime soon.

I decided to try something while we were running, but I had to be careful because I didn't know what would happen.

I wanted to use Qi for the first time and just bring it to the tip of my fingers, I had no idea what element or ability I had and my hearting was beating fast to find out.

So I put half of my attention to think of my core, and see if I could feel that weird energy Rohan was constantly using.

I focused hard on the inside of my body at my core and see if I could extract any.

*1 Minute Later of Running*

I had finally felt something different, it was energy coming out of my body and I quickly directed it to my right hand up to my 5 finger types.

...Something I had never expected had happened when I sent the energy to my finger types.

5 extremely deathly feeling orbs appeared on my finger types, they were a pitch black color and had a sinister cold to it.

It felt like if I shot these orbs it would completely suck the life force away from any living thing near by, I also had a different feeling with these orbs but I felt a weird force stopping me from finding out.

I had finally let my intrusive thought win, and I shot one ball directly in front of me.

The scene that happened was horrifying and it alerted the elves on the trees to pick up their guard.

Once the orb was released it seemed to just float in the air and completely suck every living thing life force right into itself.

It sucked the life force from everything that was miles away from it and collected the energy into it's body.

Finally after that I had got a weird sense that something else was about to happen.

I quickly tried jumping as far backwards as I could but the range of it was just insanely far.

The orb had exploded and destroyed everything a mile from all directions in it's radius, it also seemed to shoot out what seemed to be black Qi spikes that pierced everything in a mile radius too.

I was sent flying back at a fast speed until I crashed onto the floor.

I heard the silver haired elf voice scream out "What was that!"

All the elves in the radius were completely sent backwards in different directions at a fast speed, luckily none of them were hit with the spikes, and none died.

I felt something extremely cold pierce my stomach and I noticed one of the spikes had hit me.

It wasn't a big problem though knowing that I was already dead, but if the elves saw me looking perfectly looking fine that would cause suspicion.

So I quickly pulled the spike out of my body, and suddenly the whole in my stomach rapidly started the close, I also my blood went from red to black, so that was another thing to keep watch of.

I got up off the ground and appeared in sight and said shouted "I don't know what that was, something suddenly exploded!"

She soon replied with "We will think about that later, for now we just have to make sure everyone is ok!"

I replied with "Ok!"

I then rushed around acting like I cared for anyone around me, when really I wouldn't give a damn if they did die, it wouldn't affect me in no way possible anyway.

*20 Minutes Later*

After we had finally gathered everyone up and safely, the white haired elf then shouted "Everyone, it was probably a huge mana deviation somewhere that collected up here!"

She then said "Lets continue traveling back to the village for rest!"

*1 Hour Later"

I had finally seen some buildings and I guessed this is the village she was talking about.

All the elves jumped down from the tree and walked into the forest besides the silver haired elf.

She walked up towards me and said "Follow me, I will take you to a place to rest, but remember, since you are not our kind you may get weird and hateful gazes from others, but don't mind them."

I nodded signaling I got what she said and walked behind her.

Just as she said, almost everyone was looking at me like I was some sort of deviant, but I didn't mind them.

...Eventually she took me to this fairly nice cabin and said "You can reside here for now, don't cause any problems." and she walked away back to the middle of the village.

I opened the cabin door and I saw a wooden bed, a desk with a chair, and a sink.

I had guessed that this world wasn't very advanced when it came to showering, seeing how It had no shower, or maybe this place just couldn't provide one, I guessed.

I decided to get some rest for now, and wake up the next morning and see what plans I would do.

I walked towards the bed and stared at it, I had never actually seen or touched one before, but I knew what it was.

I quickly laid down and closed my eyes to get some sleep.

It was almost instantly that I feel asleep, something that I never had before.

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