
Chapter 3

Archery was my favourite activity at the academy. Professor Jade was the calmest and kindest teacher among the entire staff while dear sadistic professor Slinky Saken was the one enjoyed punishing unruly students. In other words, he was the school villain.

Three years passed on like this and Seth and I became better friends, Irix became first in class all the time while Onix won the award for curing rare animal diseases. I got awards for healing and botany and won three archery competitions. Hank and I always met on free periods and in the cafeteria and he won three first price awards for all his inventions in the annual science fair. Megana continued with her schooling while continuously keeping a close eye on us. Selina still detested us and Lace won sea war competitions and other water sports. I made some new friends- Melisse, Seth, Adam, Pylos, Amy and many more.  Damien, the boy who pushed Seth off the terrace three years back wasn't on good terms with us. He detested me. Until now, life had been good. We were all seventeen now.


  It was Wednesday and the first period was Professor Jade's. She always started the day cheerfully so Wednesday was my favorite day. "Alright students calm down," she began, "Today we will be one of the most important days in your life and you will think of this moment for years to come! A great magician will grace us with his presence and he will be conducting today's lesson! Please try to behave and don't tarnish my reputation!" 

   "He'll be here any moment so until then keep calm!" she continued. Before she could speak any further, smoke erupted from the ground behind her and an old man appeared. All those present in the class gasped and the professor started hushin everybody until Irix rolled his eyes to indicate the presence of the old man. The professor turned back and realized that the great wizard, Master Tolimine was looking down at her kindly. She didn't seem surprised (guess the great master always made a dramatic entrance). The professor bowed to him. We followed her and sat down when he indicated to do so. 

   Master Tolimine was clad in purple and orange long robes with a purple wizard's hat and he was holding a staff with the tip shaped as a sun. He possessed the same welcoming smile that professor Jade did. As he looked over our class with his keen eyes, the warmth of his smile seemed to spread positive energy all around. "Good morning young students! I am master Tolimine, the leader and protector of the Tree of Wisdom and head of the council of Forexian magic. Today is an important day in your life. A day you should never forget! The patron deities will choose you as their followers and you cannot protest but must embrace whichever patron that chooses you!" The sound of notification let up our infopads and a table had appeared on the screen, listing all the patrons so that we could acquaint ourselves with the facts.

 "You will also receive amulets that indicate who your patron is once you are chosen!" Professor Jade added, chiming in.

 I thought about who would choose me. Some patrons I read about came in to mind- Titus (patron of nature), Lisius (patron of water), Bellina (patroness of healing) and Bellano (patron of magic).

"Alright everybody! Position your hands on your laps with the right hand on the right leg and the left hand on the left! Close your eyes now," the professor said. I felt master Tolimine tapping his staff on the ground twice and then murmuring something with professor Jade. The first person to be claimed was Irix. He was claimed by the patron Datvin, the god of knowledge and education. Professor Jade handed him an amulet with an amethyst shaped like a griffin. Then my friend, Melisse was claimed by Bellina the patroness of healing and after that Lace was claimed by Lisius the patron of war, power, water and the king of all the patrons. The professor handed him an amulet with a diamond carved dolphin.

Damien was claimed by Tailin (patron of mischief and bad luck); one of the worst patrons you could ever be chosen by while Selina was claimed by Viyona, the patroness of love, kindness, sweetness, generosity, beauty and many more sweet stuff. I thought Selina would be claimed by some patron of hatred and anger but well I'd have to bear up to the fact that Selina was chosen by Viyona, the patroness of sweet stuff. After a bunch of more kids, Seth was claimed by Bellano, the patron of good magic. Almost all of the students had been chosen except for me and after a few seconds of awkwardness, I was chosen by Titus, the patron of nature and wealth.

About twenty of the children were chosen by Traveenus and Tailin, who happened to be the patrons of chaos and destruction. Professor Jade and Tolimine eyed the Tailin and Traveenus kids rather warily before dismissing the class. We put the books in our lockers and went down to the gardens where everyone usually went for free periods.

Jobless students lazed around and boredom was the prevalent feeling.

Damien, who had a mic on his hand, stood on the small wall of one of the fountains, and began addressing those around him. "Do any of you fancy a game of capture the king? Specially since we're all obviously bored?" There were many nods and I was compelled to agree. "Good! I want one of you losers to fetch some Professor! Make it quick!" he ordered. Adam, my friend, who was now a follower of Vespian, the patron of transportation, communication and mechanics ran off to fetch a professor.

Capture the King was a game very similar to "capture the flag" but instead of a flag, the players must capture the leader or king of either faction. A team can consist of about twenty members and the game is played in the capture the king fields, a moderately huge piece of land, with two miniature temples for the kings.

A few minutes later, Adam returned with our diplomatic studies teacher, Professor Gags. "I heard y'all are going to play a game of capture the king. I will divide you into groups and give you all ten minutes to prepare and I hope that is enough!" she exclaimed, "Now off you go to the capture the king fields,"

The field was marshy and the temples were really old and in the temple my group as assigned to, there was a statue of the patron Titus and like I said the temple was huge and was spacious enough for fifty people. The professor put her hands together and observed us carefully. "Good! Very good! So now I want Titus, Bellina, Natalie, Lisius, Athon, Isrius and Bellano followers in one group and I want Master Gravlin to be king," she remarked much to my embarrassment. I was the only Titus follower from the whole Tree of Wisdom. The last one was this princess that had lived a few centuries ago. Why did Titus choose me? I was lost. The opposing team consisted of Zaradus (patron of drama and food), Vespian, Datvin, Seneliya (patroness of families), Thasra(patroness of life) and Tailin followers. The only problem was that Damien was king. I knew this was not going to end well for either of us.

Small wooden battlements surrounded our temple like a mini army camp. There was one Isrius follower among us while each team consisted of twenty members. Most of the students decided to defend while the Bellona students remained in the temple for healing purposes. Professor Gags divided the children who were following the sciences as well- there were three on my team including Hank and three on the opposing team.

Natalie, the goddess of hunting and stuff, had chosen many of the students in our team and they were mainly archers who positioned themselves on the battlements. They had blunt arrows, whose tips held nets folded into small capsules. Onix had a weird power where he could summon ghost animals using a spell. Believe it or not but at times it was really useful. He also a follower of Athon, the patron of animals. He cast his animals around while Hank activated his traps. The other science kids, who were twins namely Kyler and Pryler, had stun guns because real ones weren't allowed.

Two Lisius children- Lace and Alc, who was Lace's childhood best friend, were standing guard at the temple gate for any possible attacks. Alc short for Alcez had got bored staying in Blutus and was missing his friend, desperately, so his father sent him to Forexia for education and now he was a follower of Lisius. The Isrius kid, timid, but brave was standing on one of the battlements, a stun gun on her hand. Bellano wizards were roaming around the battlements until one of the Natalie archers got mad and ordered them into different places.

Onix and a few more Athon kids were blocking the castle gates with everything they could find- broken statues, bricks, rocks, tree trunks and etc.

I was standing inside the temple with Lace and Alc who were stationed on the outer steps, like real soldiers. The inner part of the temple was a bit creepy because it was super old and the derelict statue of Titus just added to the creepiness. Three columns were on either side of the small temple and they held the small roof. There were cracks everywhere, as if the temple was going to collapse on top of me any minute. Unfortunately, the temple was extremely small so strategic hiding spots weren't a luxury. The hinges of the door was rusted and hence couldn't be closed. A crossbow with a quiver filled with blunt arrows strapped to my back and I was also given two stun guns so I could be properly ready.

Just as I was laying the guns on the altar, there was a huge bang and Hank came running in. "They've broken the gates! They're storming in and I don't know how they broke the gates! It's impossible," he cried excitedly, panting. I had never been king in this game and we had only started this recently so I was really petrified but I had to stand up and face Damien, one way or the other.

"Go and grab a gun! Fight!" I ordered. He nodded and ran outside again. I looked at the Bellina healers who were standing next to me with crossbows in their hands. "We'll help them!" a boy called Drivant said. "Melisse! Stay here and protect the prince!" he added. Melisse stayed back while her friends charged out.

She stood against a pillar and took in her surroundings. I ran towards the doors and saw the Natalie archers scattering around the battlements shooting blunt arrows. (I could only see what was happening in the battlements) The gateway to our temple premises which was in front of me was covered in rocks thanks to Onix' animal spirits. It prevented the enemy from directly charging in. Lace and Alc were trying to climb over the rocks when there was another huge bang.

The rocks exploded throwing debris everywhere and Melisse instantly appeared next to me. Two figures approached through the field of debris. I could immediately make out Damien and his right hand guy Quirite. Lace stabbed Quirite with his wooden training sword and they began brawling. I wished I could have been a judge or spectator but the situation forbade it.

Alcez grabbed his gaming revolver and aimed it at Damien. He climbed up a pile of rubble and began firing continuously. All the stun rays were dodged but the last one nearly scorched Damien's sword. Damien grabbed a wand from out of nowhere and started chanting dozens of spells and Alc jumped off the debris to evade them but was held back by an unknown student.

Melisse and I hastily attempted to close the door but to no avail. It did close partially but unfortunately, Damien cast a spell that blasted the door open, leaving the two of us to confront the follower of Tailin. Damien stepped inside holding his sword in one hand and the stun gun in the other.

I grabbed my crossbow and shot blunt arrows at him but Damien dodged them all and cut the last one into two. I ran to the altar but Damien cast a spell and the altar exploded throwing my guns to the side of the hall. My refills (the two quivers and bullet packs) were crushed by the wreckage and I had nothing to fight with and Melisse pointed her hand towards him and chanted the spell "Tormento!" but Damien broke the ensuing bolt of whirling magic with his hand. She kept on chanting the spell and each time she did so, it became more powerful and was harder for Damien to deflect.

It was peculiar seeing him parrying all of Melisse's moves. It seemed as if had practiced on it for a long time. He threw out his hands towards her and black smoke spew out of them. They struck her and she was hurled back, colliding with the wall and falling down. She struggled to stand but couldn't and suddenly blacked out.

I was left alone to confront Damien, which was the biggest challenge I had ever faced. He lunged forward and I hastily grabbed a wooden pole on the ground to defend myself. As he ran towards me, I hit his blade with the pole with the pole breaking in to two as a result. I staggered backwards, trying to maintain stability when he charged again. This time I turned sideways and his blade cut in to a part of my arm and it stung horribly. Wait! How could wood cut my arm? Unless it was metal.... It was metal! That's why he could cut through everything. I knew Damien too well.

How could I have forgotten? Damien was always a cheater and now he was a follower of Tailin, who was also the patron of deception. I touched the sleeve of my jacket and my hand came away covered in blood. The pain was unbearable.

When Damien charged again, I leapt to the side and pushed him away. He crashed to the ground and his sword flew away and struck the ground near the unconscious Bellina girl Melisse. He still had his wand at hand and I had to disarm him. I grabbed Melisse' wand before he could do anything and chanted the same spells as Melisse had done. I wasn't a keen practitioner of magic but now I regretted that. "Tormento! Tormento! Tormento!" and each time I yelled the spell it became more powerful. The first ray was repelled but the second threw the wand off his hands and it got stuck in a nearby column. The third and final ray made him topple back to the place where the altar was and he fainted after murmuring something.

I retrieved my bow and found an intact refill. Melisse was muttering something in her unconscious state and I looked at the half broken statue of Titus which now had no head (destroyed by Damien's strike when it hit Melisse). The temple was half damaged with wreckage scattered across the field. It seemed that Capture the King wasn't going to be played in a long time.

I shot three arrows and three nets jutted out of the tips of the arrows. They fell over the unconscious Damien, restraining him. That was all I could care for. The game was over. I had captured the king. My first victory in the game and I felt like I was going to die. My hand was bleeding heavily and I couldn't bear it anymore. I fell to the floor and leaned on a pillar, trying not to shriek.

Alc and Onix dashed in with their weapons drawn thinking we were still fighting Damien but stopped when they saw me. Alc knelt beside me and gasped when he saw my bleeding arm while Onix ran to Melisse who was still murmuring in her sleep. "How come you're bleeding?" he asked and I pointed at the iron sword lying on the ground. "But isn't metal illegal?"

"I thought you knew Damien by now. It's been three years since you came and you still don't know his character?" I asked before wincing as excruciating pain overwhelmed me. Alc looked worried and he saw how desperate I was. Out of the debris the wizard Tolimine was approaching the temple followed by Professor Jade, Gags and Slinky Saken and behind them were prefects carrying stretchers who I guessed they were followers of Bellina, since she was the patroness of healthcare.

They entered the temple and scanned it, especially professor Slinky Saken. He glared at me with a scowl and I could see fire burning in his eyes. "LOOK AT THE DAMAGE YOU HAVE CAUSED!!!!! You have destroyed the ancient temple of Titus. Look at what you have done to the sacred altar! I will expel you! I will make sure you get expelled!!' he roared.

Master Tolimine appeared next to him, a grin of pride drawn across his face. "Well done! You have made progress!" he said and professor Slinky Saken stared at him in disbelief. In the far corner I could see professor Jade and Gags ordering the prefects to take Melisse to the infirmary.

Master Tolimine knelt next to me. "I can sense you're pain, boy. Let me ease it!" he said. I nodded and the magician retrieved his staff and chanted something under his breath. A golden ray hit me and my body started glowing. Suddenly, darkness overwhelmed and I blacked out.