
Core Soldier

Ren Lennon was thrown in a bright cold room, which in Burtgundy facility, was known as a cell. His body ached, and hardly had the energy to move. With what energy he had, he sat up and looked around in disbelief at what was to be his new home for a very long time. This cell, he regretably had to admit, was better than most. Besides it being deathly cold, it had a bed with a nice thick mattress in the far left corner. In the far right was a sink with a mirror above and a toilet. In the center of the ceiling was a single bright light that lit the room extremely well. That was all, however. The basic necessitites. In the near right corner of the room was a security surveillence camera. "Better get used to it, soldier. This facility is going to be your hell hole until you die," remarked the guard as a smirk emerged upon his face. SLAM! The guard slammed the door shut, sealing Ren within. The sound echoed throughout the room, his heart sinking as he slowly grasped the situation he was in. Shortly after that, the light went out, engulfing Ren in total darkness. He listened to the guards footsteps as he began to walk down the hallway until they grew distant enough that he could hear them no longer. "DAMNIT!" Ren slamed his fist in the gound as tears began to stream down his face. "Why..... why.... WHY!" On the ground, he curled up into a ball holding his head sobbing. "This... this... If... if only... if only..." Ren continued to sink in despair as he relived the last memory he had of his two friends. He was now all alone, and helpless. Due to the overall exhaustion, he slowly fell asleep on the cold floor of his new cell, his home, alone. Follow the story to find out what happens to Ren; The Core Soldier! I hope you enjoy. If you do, support me at the following links: https://ko-fi.com/ridiculousrobinn https://paypal.me/RidiculousRobinn?locale.x=en_US I also have a second novel: Ice Monarch!!!

RidiculousRobinn · Võ hiệp
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The next morning, no one woke Ren up like usual since Ms. Croft was gone. Ren expected them to send someone to escort him to his training session with Mr. Sandler.

"I guess there is no training session today," Ren thought. He went for his usual run, then did some other exercises before heading to East building to meet with Marissa and Alex.

When Ren arrived he was surprised to only see Marissa sitting at a table.

"Hey Marissa, where's Alex?" questioned Ren.

"I have no clue. I thought that maybe you would know," Marissa responded.

Both were concerned. For the last month they had meet there at the same time everyday. It wasn't like Alex to be late.

"Well, I guess we could go over what we know while we wait," suggested Ren.

"Oh, that reminds me. I have a theory."

"Let's here it."

"Well, this place has to get supplies somehow, and people have to be able to move in and out of here."

"Yeah, I asked Ms. Croft about that very thing, but she said that was classified information."

"There's no gate through the wall, and there are no helicopter pads that we know of, but I believe that it's most likely that there is an underground road or tunnel of some kind that runs under the wall."

"That would make sense. Good thinking!" Marissa smiled at this comment.

"We still have to figure out how to get down there," pointed out Marissa.

Out of the corner of his eye, Ren noticed Alex walking towards them.

"Hey Alex! What took you so long! Your late!" exclaimed Ren. Something wasn't right though. There were at least ten people behind Alex and their eye's seemed dull, like there was no life in them.

"Hello Ren," greeted Alex.

"Alex, what's going on?" asked Marissa.

"Oh, these guys? They are some new friends of mine. Ren would you come with us?" All of the sudden someone zipped behind Ren slapping very thick restraints on his hands. "Not that you have a choice though."

"Hey! What are you playing at?" demanded Ren.

"It's just like I said, you're coming with us."

Alex turned and led the way with his 'new friends' towards the exit of the food court.

Ren tryed frantically to get his hands free, but it was no use. Ren decided he wasn't going to go quietly, not until he had some answers.


Ren thrust his head back, slamming it into the guy's head that was pushing him forward, causing him to sink to his knees in pain. Ren twisted around and jumped performing a roundhouse kick.


Ren connected his foot into the head of another sending him flying. The other eight of Alex's lackeys jumped towards Ren, trying to restraint him. Marissa stood there fixed in place, she was too shocked and confused.

"Crap, without my arms, my balance is off and I can't get free!" struggled Ren. Ren was eventually tackled and brought to the ground while Alex brought out another set of restraints for Ren's feet.

"Alex, quit it! What do you think you're doing!" shrieked Marissa, water forming in her eyes.

Once Ren's feet were cuffed, they gagged him so he couldn't say anything. After Ren was restrained, they forced him to walk as Alex lead the way to the elevator, Marissa following in a panic.

"I wouldn't follow if I were you," Alex warned Marissa.

"What else am I supposed to do? I want to know what you're planning on doing with him!" retorted Marissa glaring at Alex.

"Suit yourself."

Alex and company took Ren to the 28th floor of the East building. All the while, Marissa complained and criticized Alex. Alex approached some double doors and unlocked them using his badge. The doors opened automatically, inviting them inside. While walking through the hallway, Ren noticed windows that didn't seem to look out at anything because whatever was on the other side was covered in pitch black.

They turned right to another door, which Alex opened, revealing Dr. Donavin, the Commander, and Mr. Sandler.

"We have collected Ren Lennon as requested, Commander," reported Alex. "We also picked up some extra baggage." Alex shot a look at Marissa.

"Well done, you can let her stay. It will be fun to see her reaction to what we do with Mr. Lennon. It's not like she can do anything," smirked the Commander.

"Sorry, but you did this to yourself son," sighed Dr. Donavin as he walked up to Ren with a syringe. He stuck the needle into Ren's shoulder and injected that liquid contained in the syringe. Ren's eyes grew wide then began to close as his conciousness began to slip away.

Ren woke back up suspended in chains in a very large, dark room. Ren struggled, but he was cuffed at his hands and feet. It looked to be that he was about twenty feet in the air. He also noticed various pumps that were pointed at him on either side, as well as above him. There were also what looked to be doors around him, but he couldn't quite tell.

Ren stared ahead and looked through the glass. The Commander, Doctor, and Mr. Sandler were all standing in a well lit room, staring back at Ren.

"Did you have a good nap. I sure hope so because that is the last time you're going to be able to sleep for a very long time," cackled the Commander through the intercom.

"Ren are you alright?!" Marissa appeared next the the Commander.

"Shut up and watch quietly or I'll make you leave!" The commander slapped Marissa knocking her onto the ground, leaving a bruise on her face. Ren struggled in anger, but it was all in vain.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" yelled Ren.

"I will do as I very well please, Lennon," smiled the Commander. "Now, let me explain how this is going to go. You're going to tell me everything that you know."