
Copying the Treasures of the Myriad Worlds

Arthur was 19 years old web novel addict from earth who usually loved fantasies to escape the harsh reality but his life will soon change when a system suddenly sounded in his mind. Note: this is my first time writing a novel so you don't need to be polite and criticize all you want haha

ImmortalCarrots · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Chapter 7: New features

Shurima World, Nine-continents, Kingdom of Luna, one of the most prominent powers in the nine continents have been persecuted due to its unorthodox way of cultivation, for many years, constant wars is happening in many places near the kingdom of luna, but people know that this was only a reason because there's a lot of demon sect like the ten-thousand Demon clan of the west, yet no one dares to touch them. This matter is only because of interest because the Kingdom of Luna has been holding a large part of the nine continents for thousands of years, now that the kingdom is deteriorating, they covet its land, yet despite knowing they didn't dare to voice it out loud, they don't want to be executed.

On a hill, near the gate of the Palace of the Kings, sounds of clashing could be heard, and arrows flying everywhere could be seen. A bloody skirmish was happening. In a distance near the entrance of the temple, a man could be seen standing straight while watching the two armies killing each other his eyes look conflicted, their kingdom will sure end here no matter what. He breathe to calm himself down, and after a moment of silence, he opened his mouth widely and shouted loudly.

"You piece of maggots, you dare to cause trouble here? die! for the kingdom of luna!"

He jumps to armies fighting to join the bloody fight. Suddenly, a voice louder than the man who jump to join the frail shouted.

"Raja, you are daring to show your face to defend a worthless kingdom, let me lend you a hand to send you to your death! Hahaha-!"

Immediately a reply was heard.

"You piece of dip shit fried in a stick old man Wei, send me to death? my ass, I'm the one who will send you to your death's door!" The man named raja shouted.

"Courting death!" Wei was enraged after hearing such words.

The two fight with all of their might.


In the center of the battlefield, in between both sides of an army dead could be seen filed up, suddenly a young man stood up as if he was just sleeping as he got up. As he got up he was suddenly met by a sword, the man shouted.


"What the hell!"

Naturally, this young man was Arthur.

"What the hell! Why am I in the middle of a fight? Bluuuuu" Arthur shouted in anger while running to leave the place.

"It's because there's a lot of items here, look at the swords of the dead! you want to gather more points right? Quick get those" blu said with haste.

"Oh right, I forgot about that"

Quickly after saying that, immediately Arthur turned around to go back to the middle of the battlefield as he went forward, arrows came to his side came dome showering.

"Ahhhhhh- help me I wanna leave! I wanna leave! I quit!" Arthur ran back quickly in fright.

"What about gathering items, so you can level up? Remember you're just transmigrated" blu reminds Arthur.

"Oh, damn I forgot about that again"

Arthur smack his forehead before turning around again, now Arthur was at ease while running he doesn't need to think about getting killed since he was just transmigrated. While thinking about what he should buy after the trial. an arrow pierced his left arm

Blu slaps her forehead after seeing how dumb Arthur is.

"Ahhhh- it hurts!!!"

Arthur's voice rang out as he shout at the top of his lungs. Soldiers on both sides look at him with contempt, and a man full of swords at his back ran to aim at his head while yelling.

"Vlak lugrahhh"

When Arthur heard that, was still holding his left hand trying to stop the blood from flowing out. Since he doesn't have a weapon he didn't know what to do, he wanted to run but his feet won't listen to him.

"Get the spear on your side and point the spearhead to the enemy and place the rear of the shaft on the soil!"

Blu's voice rang out in his head. This made Arthur awake and he immediately did what she said. The enemy immediately noticed but he was a step late as his flesh pierced.


"Lug...lugraah" it spits a word before he died.

Although Arthur got cringed when hearing weird words he still knows that he wanted to say die.

He taps the spear and places it in his inventory. Arthur was delighted when he discovers that the one who attacked him was full of weapons at his back he immediately taps all of them to be placed in his inventory, it took Arthur half a day to get all weapons on both sides. Before proceeding upward. The war now took place inside the palace constant cries and laughs could be heard as he listened to it he shivers a bit. He ran forward to go inside the place where it indicates that the treasure was there. As he ran forward he didn't forget about the fact that he still need XP to level up, he took vases, paintings, golden utensils, swords anything that he deemed valuable in his eyes.

As he ran for about half an hour he reached his destination, the place wasn't the thing he expected he thought that the place he would need to go was a treasury. He didn't think that the place he would need to go was the kitchen.

"It's here, just look for it" blu sounded inside his mind.

Arthur immediately complied as he begin finding a treasure. After a quarter he still can't find it, and he didn't know what to do. There is only a cauldron on the floor, a wok, some vegetables and meat, and some kitchen utensils. He didn't think about it as he swallowed all things in the kitchen if he just taps it will be placed in the inventory and counted as an item of his and if the green dot on the map will vanish then it indicates that it was the one he's looking for. After a few minutes of tapping things, he noticed that the green vanished on the map, so he made the item appear again, what he tapped was a knife, a cold poor-looking knife because of the large dent in the middle of the knife if not because of the knife's interesting flat black color, one might just throw it away. After a moment of appropriation, he swallowed the knife, prompt sounded, and just as he thought it was special but it made him dumbfounded.

[Detected a special item underworld yin metal, made one hundred twenty-one thousand years ago]

[All special properties of the metal will become the host's power, and yin immunity increased]

[600 XP]

[Level up]

[Now that owner reaches level 3, the host unlocked the Gatherer, all things might host get in the transmigration will now return to normal, and the host can now see all things glow in color according to their value, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond.]

[New features unlocked, Bargain, all things the host sold will increase twenty percent, The feature will be added in the shop.]

[New features unlocked, Custom forge, the host can now make weapons, potions, and herbs as his own.]

After a while after listening to the system's prompt Arthur rejoice.

"What the-, nice, so all the XP and CP that I will get from stealing will be back to normal? Does it indicate that ill now be able to get more XP?" Arthur asks in surprise.

"Yup" blu replied.

Arthur can't process all the things he received, he was so happy that he can't even think about the things he unlocked. But before he could move to kill himself, a hand reaches him and...


Note: I hope my woman won't be mad at me for this:)