
Copying the Treasures of the Myriad Worlds

Arthur was 19 years old web novel addict from earth who usually loved fantasies to escape the harsh reality but his life will soon change when a system suddenly sounded in his mind. Note: this is my first time writing a novel so you don't need to be polite and criticize all you want haha

ImmortalCarrots · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Chapter 3: Great world Eden, Birth of the MC

The great world of Eden has a diameter of about 88,695 miles and 142,800 kilometers which is more than 11 times the diameter of Earth. Its volume is over 1,300 times the volume of Earth. On a vast continent called Rukk where there are hundreds of powerful kingdoms, in the corner of the great world of Eden there's a kingdom called Kasadin where 15 gigantic cities and 8 thousands of valleys laid that span 11.84 million square kilometers, just like east Asia.

In a valley called Estes, in a carriage, there's a young man outside waiting anxiously beside the carriage's door. The carriage was big about a hundred square meters with a height of 5 meters and a width of 25 meters. It wasn't an exaggeration if you called it a house. It was pulled by 8 white horses the horses were 3 meters tall and they are called bull horses because of their strength just like a bull.

Suddenly, the door opened, the young man immediately straightened himself and a young lady in a maid's attire came out and bowed to the young man and said calmly.

"Master, it's done, you can now go inside"

The young man nodded and proceed to go inside, the carriage wasn't simple its called an artifact, it was made of clear wood, it is hard as steel, and even bullets can't penetrate it and emit an odor that can calm one mind.

After going inside the young man immediately ran to another door and open it and shouted in worry and with a faint of happiness. There are 3 people inside the room an old woman full of white hair standing beside the old woman is a young kid that seems to be just 15 years old, and a woman lying on a king-size bed.

"Elma, are you okay, wheres's our baby?"

He swept his surroundings and suddenly remember as he bowed.

"Oh, sorry, sorry doctor, I was excited about my first baby"

As he thanked the doctor he gave him a ring to the doctor and said.

"This is my humble gift for your as you succeed in helping my wife give birth, thank you!"

"Amy, you dont need to be polite just call me grandma Sena, she's fine you can go to her Amy, and check on the baby" grandma Amy replied as she led the kid outside.

He immediately went to his wife and said

"Are you okay Elma?"

Elma nodded as she give the baby to Amy and said.

"here, he's a boy"

Amy laugh in surprise as he looked at his adorable son.

"HAHAHA, Yes, good, so what will be his name? You decide" Amy asked with a smile.

"Hmm, Arthur, Arthur Kasadin" Elma said with a faint smile.

"Then it's decided!" As Amy said that with excitement he suddenly remembered.

"Oh, I forgot, here, this is my gift for you baby, in this great world, there are 2 like this crafted by the greatest blacksmith, its called mental cristal and it was made to be a necklace, it's for you to strengthen your mental power, to become prominent" Amy place the necklace on the table beside the bed.

Amy kissed Elma's forehead and so as the baby Arthur, he winked at his wife before leaving to prepare to leave.

Amy was formerly a crowned prince of the Kasadin kingdom but was exiled to leave the kingdom because the killed a high official as the official spouted dirty to his wife.

That's why he and his wife was forced to leave the kingdom and gave birth to his first son Arthur.


Meanwhile, Yi was praising his parents inside his mind for naming him such a cool name.

'Well, this is great! The birth of the mc! Woooo!!'

after a wild celebration because of his name he stops and started pondering, and asks blu about the world he is currently in.

'hmm, blu? is there any introduction to this world I only know the name'


a puff was heard as blu appeared, as blu appeared Arthur's mind was immediately sucked by a black hole and was sent to black space again.

"Sure, This is the great world of Eden has a diameter of about 88,695 miles and 142,800 kilometers which is more than 11 times the diameter of Earth. Its volume is over 1,300 times the volume of Earth. On a vast continent called Rukk where there are..."

the two talked for a while before they stopped. after a while of thinking, Arthur commented.

"damn, this place sure is big, it can fit 1,300 earth? isn't the same size as Jupiter?"

"Yup, this place is big and has a lot of interesting things altho I only know the introduction about the place, it's inevitable that it has a lot of interesting things, you know Jupiter huh?" blu said.

" Nah I read it in the article back on earth, but this world, I'm sure that this world is dangerous, I have a feeling I want to explore it yet not," Arthur said with a solemn tone.

"By btw, what do I do to get stronger? when will I start doing that?" Arthur asked with a serious face.

"Maybe when you can walk properly hehe imagine becoming so strong with this month-old body hehe," Blu said while smiling.

"Sure, and with the help of my family, it will be fast, what a rich family" Yi commented.

while pondering about all the things he might miss, he suddenly remembers something, he looks at blu with anticipation and said.

" I remember, what's with the lucky box?"

"Oh, that? oh right I remember it, first, think about the windows and it will show" Blu instructed.

Arthur complied, as he think about a blue floating window popped up.

Name: Arthur Kasadin (Yi Sol)

Level 2

(6 XP/300 XP) - Level 3

Credit Points: 100

age: 0 (20)

Mental power: 90

Physical power: 1

cultivation: none

Technique: none

Inventory: Lucky box, Blood of the Ruined Kings


Talent: Fire, water, Earth, Metal, Crystal, Space, Time, chaos


"it's there," Arthur shouted while excitedly pointing his fingers at the Lucky box. Suddenly, the Lucky box showed, and this startled Arthur.

"you don't need to point it out, just use your mind and think about the thing you wanted that is shown and it will pop up," blu said while laughing.

"Wait, I'm talking about the Blood of the Ruined Kings, that thing is the cube that I swallowed earlier right? I'm so smart " Arthur nodded in satisfaction.

"Open the lucky box," blu said with a sullen face.

Scared, Arthur complied and started using his mind to open the lucky box. The lucky box opened and a Black book was shown, 89 XP, after that, a prompt sounded.

[Congratulation on opening your first Lucky box, you will receive 1000 credit points.]

[Congratulation, you obtain the Book of necromancy of the Northern Hell]

"nice!" Arthur shouted in delight, as he look at blu, blu's eyes seem to be ridiculing him! uh. after some thought, he once opens the windows.

Name: Arthur Kasadin (Yi Sol)

Level 2

(95 XP/300 XP) - Level 3

Credit Points: 1100

age: 0 (20)

Mental power: 90

Physical power: 1

cultivation: none

Technique: none

Inventory: [Black Book of Necromancy of the Northern Hell] [Blood of the Ruined Kings]


Talent: Fire, water, Earth, Metal, Crystal, Space, Time, chaos


Arthur nodded after seeing the stats, after that his face became serious, and beads of sweat pour down his back as he look at blu and ask.

"Now, let's talk about the Blood of the Ruined Kings, and about my power, what was my power?"


edited: I forgot about what cultivation method it is

Note: it's really hard to think of the settings