

DRAKE was a Drug peddler. He meet Thea Queen doing the buisness but soon enough they get close . Jealous by this one of his classmate kill him .Resulting in A Transmigrated soul getting merged with him . Now holding the power to copy any power he desire Drake want to live his life to the fullest .

Trillionaire100 · Ti vi
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16 Chs

One Person

"What if it was Thea. "The thought refused to leave my mind.

I punched the sandbag repeatedly using my mix martial arts I can see the difference it made to my moves. The amount of energy it requires is so much less than before. I worked on my foot movements, Body balance. Moves to disarm moves to grapple and moves to decapitate. I thought a heavy work out will clear my mind but it did the opposite.

I re-enabled my enhancements. I realised if I can improve in my base form my enhancements would be that much better. I felt my Healing taking over and the burning in my muscles faded.

My suit was made out of kevlar but it was not able to stop that arrow, I myself was enhanced to be 40 times stronger that ,means when my abilities are enabled I became 40 times denser, faster, stronger everything about me enhances by 40 except my size and weight. It's really a fluke on my part or Olivers that I fall on that arrow or did he do that on purpose I don't know yet.

I am 40 times denser but I was not denser than a kevlar armour. Oliver Queen is dangerous through and through. His ability to get me off guard in the weakest point is too well placed to be neglected.

I looked at my suit. This time I paid special attention to the protection of vital organs.

The armour is Golden Red with black and white highlights to show my name. With a B bleeding golden from chest to my abdomen.

It was designed to attract attention. To put myself in the front so when I enter the room I would be the centre of attention and at gunpoint, not someone else. For the added effect I used mechanism for retractable Diamond knuckles. Roller skates in my boots mechanically controlled by my toes.

I looked satisfied at the suit then I disintegrated the suit and recorded it in my Overhaul chart.



I looked Down to the streets.


The robbers open fired at the cops, driving in full speed. The cops were giving chase to a Mob Boss who was trying to escape from the cops.

" We are losing ground the Mobs are open firing in the streets. We can't endanger the civilians." My police radio broadcasted.

I smirked and Jumped from the rooftop. My stockpile enhancing me I landed in front of the car. The car didn't slow down. I touched the ground turning it into molten tar. The car slowed down getting stuck in the goop. The road became solid trapping the car and the Mob.

I saw them come out Gun blazing, Two rectangular shields materialised in my hands shielding myself from the bullets. I stepped slowly towards them before they could get the idea of taking hostages. There were a total of 5 people all holding heavy artillery. I Swing my arm throwing the shield at them. All in the front dodged the shield the guy in the back got hit square in the chest and his form thrown back 5 feet away from where he stayed down moaning in pain.

" Whoever you are standdown cops can handle it. " The captain announced in a megaphone. The Mob the chance and fired at the cops and the cops hide behind their cars when one of the mobs in a panic took out a grenade. My eyes widened I don't even know if I am blast-proof. He removed the pin and threw it at me. The grenade takes 5 seconds to blow once the Pin is removed, I used something I haven't used before. The grenade stopped midair and everyone's breath hitched.

With a flick, the grenade sored towards the sky and exploded shattering many glass windows of nearby Buildings. My stockpile is not just an enhancer it also lets me control ambient energy as I please. I was afraid it might not work at all. The Mobs looked at me dumbfound along with all the civilians watching the spectacle. The cops were confused and I took advantage of those seconds.

I rushed forward, Moving faster then they could react. My diamond knuckles engaged coming out of the gauntlets. Breaking their weapons. One of them stabbed me in the back. It didn't even scratch the suit. I punched him in the face leaving a Billionaire tag plastered. I banged another with the shield and the Boss aimed his gun at my exposed lower face.

"Do you want to take the chance ?" I asked. Getting near him.

" You ruined my life I will take the chance." He replied.


To my surprise the shot came from the cops, I took the opportunity the gun disintegrated in my hand. The Boss looked at me in fear and I slapped him down my enhanced strength was enough to put him down.

I am not going to let this cancer spread anymore the world needs to be a better place. For my family to live I will wipe the Crime out of my city. With that, I ignored the order from the police to surrender. I Jumped launching myself from the street to the rooftop. I camouflaged and reappeared in the street on another side of the road. Getting mixed in the crowd.



At Queen Consolidated

Official Launch of Elixer

The most effective way to sell your products is to advertise it. Walter arranged a conference so we could collect sponsors and finances for the Elixer.

" Ladies and Gentleman I was born in Kansas Masonry, USA. My parents Damian Brand and Mara Brand were well-settled families and they worked in day shifts and We were quite happy. It took just one second for me to lose them. In a car accident, I lost them both. We were rescued swiftly but both of them didn't make it to the hospital. " I said my eyes teared up remembering the memories.

"Even with all our advancement in medical science and medicine we were unable to design a drug that could stabilise a person's internal bleeding that was a story of the past, " I felt myself getting cheerful.

" I present you the miracle drug Elixer, I designed it on the basis of a regenerative factor of Lizards. My sponsor Mr Walter wants me to keep the formula secret as it is the base of our company but today I want you all to watch the miracle " I said pointing at the curtain it dropped and behind it was a patient. With tens of monitors showing his vitals.

" I am ashamed to use Mr Joe here as my advertisement instead of outright healing him but he has agreed to cooperate with us to show the credibility of Elixer," I said showing Joe.

" Me Joe here was in a car accident as you can see he has multiple internal bleeding and laceration that were healed but the wounds are fresh and his body has many wounds open and still bleeding serum through the bandages.

" I request Doctors to please remove the bandages. " I asked and the medical staff followed my instruction. Whatever they say but I am not going to these medics ever again.

"In my hand I hold the only available sample of the drug Elixer manufacturing the 10 cc costs almost a 15 million and it could only be stored for over 100 days in minus 25° Celcius " I took Joe's hand and injected him with the serum.


The audience audibly gasped as the wounds in joe's body began to heal with visible speed. His vital monitors showed the internal bleeding and wounds have fully healed without leaving a trace.

"Mr Brand, "A gorgeous black haired Reporter asked, " You said manufacturing 10 CC is already worth 15 million how are you going to make it available for the general public?"

" The serum you saw is a high concentrated Version. It can't be mass-produced but the version we are going to release is a diluted version of the drug. It can't instantly heal your broken bones but it can heal it within a week." I replied pleased at the question.

" Are you sure you are not making yourself a target after all you just made an invention that could potentially destroy the whole Pharmacy Empire. "Another Reporter asked.

" We are getting a collaboration with many medical companies to provide the drug worldwide however Elixer Pharmacy will hold the 57% Control over the distribution.

" You are being sponsored by Queen Consolidate are you working under Queen consolidate or are you an independent Company Mr Brand " The Reported asked.

"Elixer Pharmacy is a Corporate Company but I am not bound with the Queen Co. Brand Internationals will be launched very soon."


" I never knew you are good at giving speeches."Thea hugged me after the conference. I looked at her and the thought came back.

" What if it was Thea. I Have lost someone important already I can't lose someone else again. I took her to my car Driving out of there.


(An hour later )

Thea breathed heavily looking at me with loving eyes We both spent from all the lovemaking, I moved a stray bang of hair from her face and kissed her on the lips.

" I love you," She said smiling at me.

"I love your body," I said smirking.

" You used the same drug that gave me powers on mom ." She asked. I scrolled the windscreen down and let the air in. My car was almost destroyed because of our enhanced strength. the metal frame has several Dents on it and I really regret using the car for it.

" No Your mother's Drug was different, She will only heal once," I said. I can give her Healing abilities but I don't want superhumans running around.

" I never knew you are so smart, the way you perform surgery with a knife and fork I almost got a heart attack," She said kissing my neck softly. She put her head on my chest and suddenly I became aware of my own heartbeat.

she wore her clothes and turned on the screen.

( Breaking News )

Today at 3 pm in the fifteenth backstreet shootout between Mob boss Russel Dormer and the cops endangered the lives of dozens of innocent civilians. To the surprise of spectator an unknown individual wearing Golden Red suit Intervened showing abnormal abilities he took down the Mob before they could do any more harm.

Detective Quintein lance notified that This is the work of another new Vigilante who calls himself the Billionaire. He also left Billionaire shaped punch marks on the Mob members face.

A few pictures of the marks were shown. I internally feel pleased with the work. This is just the beginning.

"Another one, Hey look he jumped almost 50 feet in the air. Do you think he is like us . ? enhanced " Thea asked turning to me.

I judged my answers ..... why does it feel like I will regret anything I may say next?