
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

Working with Sunny

Zeke sat outside his cheap motel room watching the sun rise, with the tome stuffed into a back pack slung over his shoulder. He received a text message from Sunny. 'Forgot to mention, I'm on night shift this month. Pick you up at 6pm. You get the day to yourself.' "Of course." He sighed walking off. Sunny started her day to the same routine. She jogged from one side of Manhattan and back wearing ankle and wrist weights of 50KGs. Zeke found a dark and dingy shop lit by candles with small skulls hanging on them. The bell rung as he entered, letting out an ominous ring. A black man with long dread locks emerged wearing dapper purple robes slunk out, eyeing Zeke up and down. "How can I help ya brutha? What darkness do ya seek this early in that mornin'?" Zeke looked at him concerned and took out the tome. "Website, said this place can translate any language. I'm wondering if you can do Enochian?" He said opening the tome.

The owner eyed markings and casing of the tome. He shook his head. "This is a book of PURE evil. This not should not be read, by any man, woman or child. Do ya self a favour, and burn it." "I didn't ask for guidance. I asked can you translate it." "Did ya not hear me? It be cursed and evil. I will not-" Zeke placed five chips onto the table. His expression changed. "I will not deny a customer his request. Ya did not let me finish and-" A heavy set woman wearing a bandana and bedazzled in rings and necklaces, came out and smacked him on the head. "BOY! What'd I say to do when a customer came in?" "Tell you momma..." He shied away, his accent completely gone. Zeke cocked an eyebrow. "I'm sorry you had to see that sir." "It's alright....was he faking that accent?" She rolled her eyes taking a deep breath. "What'd I say about doing that stupid accent? We aren't some voodoo bitches from New Orleans! GET!" She shouted smacking him once more.

She turned and smiled at him. "I am Dr. Facilier. How can I be of assistance sir?" "I'm hoping to get this translated." She marvelled at the tome. "Enochian. This truly be evil and wicked. Ya best be safe and burn it." "Hey, how come you get to-" "Because it's my damn shop Jamal!" She yelled throwing a bracelet at him. "Can you translate it or not?" Zeke asked annoyed. "I will not, but I will give you the tools to translate it." "Why not just translate it?" "Because, who or whatever made that is brimming with Demonic energy. I will not be the one responsible for its release." "Okay...but if you help me translate it. You're still gonna be the one to release it. So what's the difference if you do it, or I do it?" She froze staring at him with empty eyes. "Two thousand, and I'll translate the text in a month." "One thousand and you show me a translation of what you have in 2 weeks." "Deal." The two shook hands, and exchanged contact information. As she tried to flip the page, it sealed shut zapping her with black lightning. "MOTHER-!"

Zeke turned back seeing her unable to open the tome. "What the fuck was that!?" She screamed at him. "I don't know. It opens fine for me." "No,no,no. I am not doing this, if that thing has a protection spell on it. Give me the two thousand, and I'll give you the translation notes." Zeke rolled his eyes paying her, and opened the tome again. "Alright. This dialect of Enochian is read, using the key at the top right. See that little lightning bolt that looks like an S?" "Yeah..." "Well, you take that and place it over each glyph, and whatever it makes then, becomes a new letter." "That's retarded. Who would make such a stupid, cumbersome, and...Demonic language. Eugh...." She handed him a sheet of paper. "That's the Enochian alphabet, do your best." "Thanks...By the way is there a good burger place around here? I'm new to the country." "Oh yeah. What you in the mood for? Chicken, beef, pig, lamb, fish, rat-" "Did you just say rat?" "I didn't say rat." Zeke looked at her concerned before thinking back to Sunny's car. The smell of cheeseburgers. "Beef. A good beef burger." "Well two blocks down, then turn left. There's a great cafe there, that sells an amazing cheeseburger."

Zeke stood outside the busy cafe. He found her munching on a cheeseburger with crumbs and grease stains around her mouth. She ravenously shoved a stacked of chips into her mouth, and slugged back an entire pint of chocolate milkshake. Zeke checked his phone, to see the time. "It's 8:30 in the morning. Who eats something that heavy at this..." He trailed off, remember the meals he prepared for Moon every morning. He shook his head walking over. She locked eyes with Zeke, her mouth stuffed with food, and covered in crumbs. Her eyes went wide, and her face turned pale. He smirked at her, handing Sunny a napkin and walked inside. She swallowed her food and rushed after him. "What are you doing? Are you stalking me now?" "Would you believe it was a happy coincidence?" "Of course not." "Then, I'm apparently stalking you. Now, do you recommend anything here?" "No. I don't even come here that much-" "Aye Detective, another round of the usual?" The cashier asked. "May I ask what her usual is? It looked good." "It's a double bacon barbeque cheeseburger, extra cheese and salt on the family size chips with a milkshake of the day."

Sunny dropped her head. "What's the milkshake of the day?" "Today is a Sunday, so she drinks chocolate. Monday she drinks vanilla and-" "Thank you! That will be all Sandy." She angrily shoved Zeke outside. "Eat somewhere else." "Are you serious right now?" She shoved a handful of bills into his hand. "Yes. Now go anywhere else to eat." "Any recommendations? Or is the offer to take me to dinner off?" She blushed gritting her teeth at him. "Eugh, just buy something here and sit away from me." Zeke smiled walking away. Sunny ate with a frown, with Zeke taking a seat in front of her. "Thought I said-" "I know, I know. Listen, contract lasts exactly 93 days. We haven't even hit day 92 yet, and you're already angry at me. So for both our sakes. How about we start off on the right foot?" He said offering out his hand. "What do you have in mind?" "We treat this as our first meet up, and forget what happened yesterday." "Fine, but you forget what you saw today as well, and I promise to try." "Really? It's hard to forget such an adorable face while eating. Almost squirrel like." She growled at him. "I'm just kidding." He chuckled.

She took his hand. "What now?" "I assess what you can and can't do, so I know how much personal space I can give you." "Nope. No deal." She said storming off. "You forgot your milkshake." She froze clenching her fists. She quickly marched back taking her drink, and walking off in a huff. "It's a glass cup, they'll want it back." She let out a scream of frustration, throwing her hands into the air. Slinking back into her seat, she gave him a glower expression as Zeke took out his tome. She watched him eat a small conservative amount, only a single cheeseburger, with small fries and a glass of water. 'Is he even a Demon? I mean he's reading on a Sunday morning, and eating a single cheeseburger.' He scratched his head, trying to translate the Enochian. "What are you doing?" "It's Demon related, are you sure that you want to know?" "No, but I think I should know what you're doing." "It's my manifesto, about all the sins and murder I would like to do." "Ha. Ha. What is it really?" "Honestly, no idea. Got given this, and it's in a stupid language that I have to translate letter by letter."

"Should I meet you at the precinct later, or will you actually pick me up?" "I genuinely forgot alright." "Shouldn't you be asleep if you're on a late shift?" "I'll be fine." She said confidently. "Just meet me there at 6pm. That's when my shift starts." She marched off, shaking her head. "Can't believe I thought he was cute." Zeke finished his breakfast walking into the Hunter's district. A set of shops with the sole purpose of selling treasures and artefacts found from the other Rifts. Zeke entered into armourer's shop, inspecting the high quality set of armours. The attendant was a lanky bald man, with an over bite and hunch. "Your Hunter Licence sir." Zeke paid him no mind, handing it over. The attendant checked his licence on his computer, and did a small scoff under his breath, before returning it to him. "Mr Chen. May I ask what you are in the market for? Leather, wool, iron?" "No, I'm looking for something with a bit of utility." He said wandering into the high costing items.

Zeke stopped in front of a golden suit of knight armour, it's helmet shaped to be a lion. "What's this one?" "The Nemean. Brought in by a fine S grade Hunter. It's selling for 500 chips." "What's it do?" "Well aside from its outstanding level of protection, releasing a scream from within that helmet emits a fearsome roar, that will terrify your opponents." "Only, if I'm stronger than them right?" "Well-" Zeke walked off, to the next piece of armour. A crimson cape hung around a mannequin. "And this one?" "That was removed from an Elder Vampire, it gives the user an ability to hover." "Just hover? It won't actually let me fly." "Technically-" Zeke rolled his eyes walking onto the next piece. "Sir, perhaps it would help if you told me what you wanted, and I could help you like that." "Well judging by how you scanned my ID, and immediately gave me cheap options. It means you're a pretentious cunt, judging me by my grade, and made an educated, but terrible guess about my spending allowance." Zeke took out Damien's card, flashing it to the attendant.

"Forgive me sir, I was simply-" "Save it. Where do you keep the real items?" "I don't know what you-" Zeke headed towards the door. "Sir wait!" He scanned the store checking for others. "Please follow me, and forgive my assumptions." He whispered. Walking towards a discrete corner, of the store he opened a false wall, revealing a back room, filled with mannequins decorated in exquisite armour. "Is this more to your liking sir?"

"It's a little better. Tell me what they do." Taking Zeke before a suit of black armour it was shaped as a serpent with fins shooting out the side. "This armour here, was made from the scales of a serpent king. You'll become one of the fastest creatures in the water. Needless to say it's protection is no joke. The hardened scales on the armour are all razor sharp, and detach the moment they come into contact with anything." Taking out a small pair of pliers he removed a scale with another one taking its place instantly. "Hmm, will it let me breathe underwater." "It does not have that capability." "What about this one?" Zeke asked, looking at the item intrigued. A simple long red scarf. "Ahhh, that was once a great Salamander's tongue. While a great accessory to wear in winter, it will also give you the ability to create and manipulate fire." "What about my other clothes? Will it burn that too?" "Unfortunately yes." Zeke moved onto the last cased item. An azure long coat, immolated by a fire of the same kind. "What's this one?"

"I do not think this item would be right for you sir." "I asked what it is." "This item was brought in by the Berserker himself. It once belonged to a powerful Arch Angel, Arafel. It's rumoured that, it's one of the creatures that give him one of those facial scars. But you can see why I would believe this item is not suited for you sir. By its nature, it is designed to kill your kind." "What's it do?" "Well to be honest with you sir. It has never been worn. After Mr Serizawa defeated the Arch Angel, he took its soul to a Forger, and this was the result." "Let me try it on." "I highly advise against it sir. It could kill you." "Let's find out, what it does." Zeke said with a confident smile. He took off his blazer and opened the display case. Feeling the fire against his skin stung like a scalding sensation. In response Zeke activated his Demon's Blood, terrifying the attendant to the ground, and filling the room with a frigid wind. The Spectre ripped the coat out off the mannequin and handed it to Zeke.

Wearing the coat Zeke was engulfed in the ethereal azure flame. His entire body ablaze in searing pain. He released a primal scream and the fire disappeared the room even colder than before, covered in a layer of frost. Zeke fell to one knee panting and huff, returning to normal with the long coat now a sharp obsidian with white accents and accessories. "Did...Did you just bond with an Angelic item?" Zeke chuckled. "Yeah...think I did...Now let's see why it did that." Holding his hand out he felt a new power coursing in veins. The frost and frigid air in the room started to coalesce around his hand, forming an ethereal and hollow replica of Shadow. "Interesting." With a thought the blade flew through the air shattering against the wall, leaving a frozen imprint. "Well, that's definitely gonna be useful." Zeke smirked, tossing the card onto the attendants lap, grabbing his blazer. "Thanks for the new coat." "Su..sure...." He watched dumbfounded as Zeke sauntered out in his new long coat. Walking out in front of the mirror to inspect himself. He banished the coat with a thought, and then his shirt. Curious he banished his pants as well, before recalling his entire outfit again. "FINALLY!" He yelled with pure joy.

Walking out the store he tested his new power, attempting to create another ethereal sword. He struggled to manipulate one. "Hmmm, seems I need to be releasing a stream of Mana to manipulate." "Trying to use test your powers in a public space is an offence." Sunny said from behind him. Zeke jumped holding his chest. "You following me now? Or just still interested in taking me to dinner?" She slapped a handcuff on him, giving him a smirk. "No, actually I'm taking you in for activation of your Demon's Blood in a public space. That's direct violation of safety protocols, and enough to get you out of my life." She dragged him into her car, and drove him into the station. Everyone watched as Zeke sat handcuffed to her desk, as she gleefully wrote a report. "Are you actually writing me up for that? I was bonding with this. It was an involuntary response." "Doesn't matter."

Jones and Stevens watched from around the corner. "Is she actually doing paperwork? She never does her paper work." "How do you know that?" Stevens asked. "Because I do it for her." "What are you two doing here?" Captain Carter asked behind them. "Sergeants doing paperwork, and she's got the kid cuffed to her desk." Stevens said. Carter grumbled over. "You don't mind if I keep translating right?" "By all means. You'll be doing it on your flight back anyway." "What's the meaning of this?" She uncharacteristically saluted her captain, with Jones and Stevens both looking at her askance. "Just doing my job captain. I caught him using his Demon's Blood in public space. A clear violation, and worthy of being reported. Which is just a shame. Guess I'll have to be suspended while a new Hunter is-" "If he goes, you're suspended WITHOUT pay." Sunny froze, with Zeke smiling up at her. "Pfft...no big deal. I have savings, and Hunter benefits." "E grade Hunters don't have benefits." Zeke added. "You shut up!" She snapped. "Never seen her so flustered before. Kid has got some moves." Stevens said.

"Why were you using your powers in a public space, Mr Chen?" Zeke summoned and banished his new coat. "Like I told her in the car. It was an involuntary response to bonding with this." "Uncuff him right now." "Sir, that is a flagrant disregard of the law. He deserves to be punished." "Captain, it's alright. I can handle this." They both looked at Zeke puzzled. "Are...are you sure son?" "Quite sure sir. Please enjoy the rest of your day. I'm keeping an eye on her, to stop her from doing something wrong." "You're handcuffed to my desk. I'm keeping an eye on you! You're in the wrong." "I would just like to say that no one got hurt, nor was anyone in our vicinity." "Hey! Criminals aren't allowed to talk." "Well I wasn't read my Miranda rights, not sure what I'm allowed to do, but I agreed to come willingly. Otherwise that would just constitute an unlawful arrest." "Ooooooooh!" Stevens and Jones added around the corner. Sunny threw her stapler at them. She lowered herself to his level, staring him down. "You did not come willingly. I am in my power able to detain you for 12 hours, while you are charged for your crime."

"Yes and I've been in your custody for one hour. You have no evidence or witnesses other than your testimony at this point. Making everything hearsay." "I'll get the shop attendant to speak against you. You would have put him in danger." "Yes, the retail worker in the Hunter District, that probably not only has life insurance, but high quality Hunter insurance, with the materials he was selling. That guy was completely blindsided by the dangers of working in that field." Sunny was seething, her tongue pressed against the back of her teeth. "So really you're options are, do that mountain of paperwork on your desk, and uncuff me. Or keep me detained for 12 hours, I then file a harassment claim, which pisses off the Captain here, and you go from unpaid suspension to being let go." Captain Carter smirked; with Jones and Stevens, the other detectives, and uniformed officers covering their gasps. "It's alright Captain. You can go back to your desk." "Can I get you anything?" "Oooh, I've always wanted to try cherry Coke. Don't have that flavour in Australia." "Coming right up."

Sunny sat back down at her desk, hands over her temples. 'This kid is not beating me right now! How is doing this!?' Zeke jostled his handcuff. "Um, can I just ask something?" "What?" She growled at him. "These cuffs, do they actually work?" "Of course they work. You're powerless right now." "Are they expensive?" "Well, no. They're just government standard cuffs, engraved with anti-Demonic-" Zeke snapped the cuffs rubbing his wrist. Her jaw hit the ground. "Sorry that thing was just getting annoying." He said smiling at her, before going back to translate the tome. "Wha-how-why don't they work on you?" "Well-" "Actually, that doesn't matter. If they didn't work, why didn't you fight back?" "Well I needed a lift to precinct for one. Secondly contract says, I have to keep you safe at all times. Can't you alone in this building with all these criminals. Now can I?" Captain Carter gave Zeke a pat on the back placing the can down. "How would you feel about becoming a permanent member?" "Captain!"

"Love the offer, but three months is more than enough. Besides, I think Detective Shinsei, would die if I stayed any longer." "I'm dying right now." She groaned. "Hold that thought Sunny. I know you're gonna love, what assignment you just got pulled for." "Oh dear god, what is it now?" "Check your email." He smirked, walking away. Sunny anxiously checked her email, with Zeke looking over at her screen. She slammed her head into the table. "Ooooh cool. I've never been on a stake out before." Jones and Stevens, broke out laughing. "Do we bring the snacks, or is it provided?" Sunny repeatedly banged her head gently on the table.

She stormed off from her desk into Captain Carter's office. "Sir, you're punishing me on purpose!" "Originally yes, but now it's simply become a reward for me. We finally found you a Hunter that you can't get rid of." "So you admit you're punishing me on purpose." "Yes. Now how can I help?" "I-...I'm gonna file a report against you." "Go ahead, I wonder how you're complaint will go. That a 25 year old, detective sergeant of the NYPD, couldn't handle a 17 year old boy. That would look great on your record." Sunny bit her tongue storming out, letting out a frustrated shout. Jones and Stevens sat down by Zeke. "I didn't realize it was you I met the other day." "I completely missed you as well. Cleaned up real nice kid." Zeke looked at the both puzzled. "Where...you both looking to scare me yesterday at the airport?" The two quickly left without saying a word. "Then that means..." Zeke chuckled finding Sunny in the break room. "Not now. I am not dealing with you right now." "Should I turn back right now?" Zeke asked imitating her deep voice, before cracking a smile at her. She cringed and burying her face into her hands. "Didn't know you could make your voice that deep. Kinda impressive."

"Look. I'll pay you personally, to leave me alone for the next 3 months." "No can do." "What...what will make you leave me alone?" Zeke took out her folder from his backpack. "Tell me what you're powers are and that includes your familiar. Once I assess how strong you are. That will determine how much space I give you." She snatched the sheet frowning at him. "Oh and don't lie. I'm fact checking his with the captain." She frowned at him leaving. "Don't lie, I'll fact check with the captain, nyeh." She said copying his voice. She came out a few minutes later finding Zeke organising her desk. "Hey! What are you doing!?" She pulled him out of her chair. "Just trying to help to clean your cluttered desk. I noticed your cases weren't organised in any form. Not alphabetical or by type." "That's how I like it." She growled, shoving the paper into his chest.

"Alright there. Now assess and leave me alone." Zeke quietly left. Sunny sat down looking at her cases organised by type and alphabetically. Stevens wheeled himself over. "You look conflicted. Did he do something wrong, but right?" "No...it's great, but he's a Demon. Right?" "That kid is as Demonic, as a golden retriever. Maybe you give him a chance?" She let out a exasperated sigh. "Fine, but I wouldn't be dealing with this, if you all did your jobs yesterday." Zeke sat atop the precinct looking at the skyline in wonder. "Christ! There you are!" He turned back to Sunny. "Worried about me?" "Not in slightest, but the captain would have my head if anything bad happened to you." "Figured, I give you the space you wanted, since you actually answered my questions." "How do you know I wasn't lying?" "Because, I'll fact check it with the captain, nyeh." Zeke mocked. She stomped her feet towards him. "Listen, if you and I are gonna have to be working together. You gotta stop with the smartass remarks." "I promise to try, but you do make it easy. Plus you are cuter, when you get flustered." Sunny blushed, before shaking her head.

"Well, get what you want from the stores, because we're gotta get to the stakeout early." "Sure, do you have any snack preferences?" "I don't want anything." Zeke shrugged continuing to decipher the tome. Zeke and Sunny were disguised as fumigators to enter an apartment building, across from a nightclub. Sunny entered in with a glower expression, with Zeke walking around in wonder at the nearly empty apartment room. Two camping beds and a fridge were the only furniture in the room, other than police equipment. "Alright, listen we're on a stakeout. You simply be quiet, and let me do my job. No questions Got it?" Zeke said nothing, quietly sitting down at his camping bed. 'At least he's catching on to not be annoying.' She took her position by the telescope, peeking at the entrance of the nightclub.

'Alright just gotta wait for him to fall asleep, and I'll sneak in.' She looked over to Zeke still translating the first page. The two sat in silence for a few hours. 'Hurry up and fall asleep!' Zeke sat comfortably on the bed, snacking on a bag of her favourite lollies, watching his phone. "Did you want some?" "I don't believe, you about not having eyes in the back of your head." "I can see your reflection on my phone." Sunny snapped her head away. "I don't want any!" "Who are you looking for any way?" "I said no questions." "Sorry, I forgot. Carry on." "Did you drink coffee by any chance?" "Nope, hate the stuff." "You can go to sleep. I'll wake you up if anything happens." "I'm not that stupid." Sunny growled shaking her fist. Zeke and Sunny stayed up even later into the night. "Do you feel jet lagged by any chance?" He shook his head. 'God fucking damn it!' She held her cross. 'Sorry .' Sunny apologised.

Sunny's head began to bob, her eyes heavy and drooping. She slapped herself in the face, invigorating herself for a few seconds, before she began to nod off. Falling back off her post, she fell into a soft and fluffy pillow, instantly dozing off. Zeke shook his head gently moving her onto the bed. "Told you to sleep during the day." He whispered. Taking her phone with him, he took her post and peered through the telescope, observing the entrance. Her phone vibrated with a call from the captain. "Hello sir." Zeke said softly. "Why are you on her phone?" "She's uh..." "She fell asleep didn't she?" "Yes." Zeke could hear the captain's frustration. "It's alright sir, I can take over from here." "That's not your job." "Contract says, I'm meant to protect her, that would include from you as well." "Remind me to write you a letter of excellence and professionalism about your agency." "Thank you sir. I could probably help more, if I knew what I was looking for."

"What do you know about the drug Surge?" "Umm...it's like meth, but they infused Mana into it, or something like that." "It's shaped like meth, acts like cocaine to Hunters, but to Civilians. It's a rabid steroid." "And they're about to get a shipment?" "Worse, we believe they manufacture it inside." "What do you need inside?" "Well if we got the guy who runs the place, we could definitely make him talk, but the asshole never leaves the building." "And you're staking this place out in hopes that he'll leave and you can nab him?" "Well yes, but surveillance also-" "Captain, have you ever been inside this place before?" "We've been bulding a case for a warrant and *click* Hello? Zeke? Sunny? Hello?" Zeke covered Sunny's phone under the blanket, turning off the lights. "Shit,shitshit!" Carter rushed out. "I need all available officers to head towards nightclub Purgatory. ASAP! And somebody wake Sergeant Shinsei up when they get there as well!"