
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

The Echo Demon greets the Great Wall

Moon and Sunny sat with Fiona, watching her wolf down the food, as Kayle and Rayiel flew in. "Your Grace-" Fiona leapt to her feet, grabbing the fork and knife pointing at them. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" she screamed. Kayle and Rayiel threw their hands up. "Woah, woah! Safe space. Safe space." Sunny reassured.

"Maybe we announce ourselves before flying in next time." Moon said helping Fiona down. "Sorry...we'll knock next time." Kayle said. Moon helped Fiona settle down patting her back. She trembled staring at her food.

"What is it?" "We-" "We bring good news about Ezekiel!" Rayiel said excitedly cutting off Kayle. "Is it that he's almost done doing whatever it is, and we can work on solving our new problem?" Moon asked. "Oh...no, he's almost done and should be back here tomorrow. Right after we get him a healer."

"Why does he need a healer!?" Moon and Sunny snapped. Kayle slapped the back of Rayiel's head. "I told you to leave that part out! Now you got them worried." "Kayle! What happened!?" Sunny asked raising her voice.

"He's okay I promise! He requested a healer to fix his hair." Moon and Sunny cocked their heads to the side. "His hair?" "Some things transpired and his hair is missing. He himself is doing okay. I swear it on my life." Kayle said.

"Zeke's hair is just as durable as he is. It only gets cut if he wants it to. Or if there's something strong enough to cut him it will cut his hair. So what happened?" Moon asked. "He has forbidden me from saying anything else. He said otherwise, he'll never cook again if you press for more information."

Moon and Sunny locked eyes. "Alright best to drop it." Moon said. "Do you have a healer?" Sunny asked. "We have many healers, the issue is finding a healer that will-" "Heal a Demon. Once again your racist kind strikes again." Moon groaned.

"Rest assured. We will find one. Until then your Grace." Kayle bowed. Rayiel did the same following her out. "I told you to let me do the talking." She angrily said. "I'm sorry!"

Zeke sat in the trough soaking in the water. The black skin on his arms peeling off showing new skin. His body had begun healing with flecks of his hair coming back on his bald head. "Don't know why yer so shy. Being bald ain't so bad." Rexgan said hammering away.

"Ha. Ha. I look like a burnt dick." Zeke groaned. "Soak away pup. You've got a pretty decent healing factor, better than most." "Thanks...still feel like burnt shit." "Smell like it too." Zeke chuckled feeling his skin crack and split.

"Gonna tell me what you're making?" Zeke asked trying to peek around him. "A weapon to destroy the mountains." "I meant is it gonna be an axe? Sword? Hammer?" "Don't matter what I make. It's yer Soul, I'm forging. It'll decide what it wants to be."

"Is this how Shadow was made?" "Nay pup. The one who made that has a more refined approach than I do. She's got dainty little hands works well with making small things." Zeke summoned Shadow cocking an eyebrow. 'This is small?'

Kayle and Rayiel flew into the Garrison located on the Raphael level, the second highest level of Heaven. "Do you think she'll help?" Rayiel whispered. "She will...I think." The two approached an Angel standing over the wounded Garrison Angels.

She wore flowing white robes with pure long blonde hair curled past her shoulders, they matched shining feathers. Kayle tapped her soft shoulder. "Galiel, could we speak in private?" Kayle asked. She gave a stern look, with her soft round face, before entering into a separate room.

"What is it? Every time you use that voice. It's something terrible." "It's not terrible. I simply require you to heal someone of some burns." Kayle said with Rayiel nodding along. "Does this have anything to do with those injured attacking the blight?"

The two went into deep thought rolling their eyes up. "Kinda...?" "Kayle spit it out. I am very busy." "He's a Demonic Nephilim staying with Rexgan right now." Kayle said. Galiel wore a stare with vacant eyes. "You want me to do what?"

"Heal a Demon?" Kayle asked with a nervous smile. Galiel threw her hands into the air. "Wh-Why-Why! WHY!" "Loud! Loud! Shhh!" Kayle hushed covering her mouth. "It's one time. Please?" She whispered. "No!" Galiel hissed. "I will not heal a damn Demon! Good day!" "If it helps, his name is Ezekiel?" Rayiel said.

Galiel stopped looking at her and shrugged. "No. No it doesn't. I refuse to heal a Demon." "Galiel, just this one time. Please? Remember how I took all your guard duties for Rexgan?" "You said you weren't gonna hold me to that!" She snapped.

"You said, you owed me every time I did it, now please Galiel, this one time?" "No one can know what I've done. No one. Got it?" "Thank you! You're the best!" She groaned as Kayle and Rayiel forced a hug onto her. "Four centuries of living peacefully and you ruin my fifth by making me heal a Demon." She angrily grumbled.

The three returned to Rexgan. Galiel spotted Zeke in the trough and cringed at the sight of him and spun around. "I am not comfortable this. I am not okay with this." "Galiel, you promised." "I didn't promise anything. I said no one can know. Now I'm leaving and-"

"What'd I tell you Rexgan. Told you they couldn't find a healer good enough for the task." Zeke said. "Aye, you win. Pigeons aren't that good at healing. More suited to frolicking in the clouds." The two chuckled together. Galiel spun around. "What, did you just say?" She growled.

Kayle and Rayiel took a step back. "I'll have you know I am one of the best healers in the Garrison and in Heaven mind you!" "Her words match her wings. All big and fluffy." Zeke said. Rexgan slapped his knee chortling along. "You think I can't heal you!?" She snapped.

"You keep talking. I think yer stalling." Rexgan smirked. "I am not stalling!" "The words said by everyone stalling for time." Zeke coughed. Rayiel leant into Kayle. "She has to know, what's happening right?" "Shhh! Let's see if she figures it out."

Galiel stood over Zeke holding out her hands. "I call upon the god of life, accept my offering, accept me as your vessel. Undo the wounds upon your child. Soothe their pain and aches. Rid them of their strife. Bless."

Zeke was engulfed in a white fire his wounds completely healed. He sat up inspecting his wounds in awe. "HA! I told you that I could heal him! Do not doubt my skills Demon. Do not...I healed a Demon...You dirty conniving-"

Zeke leapt out of the trough summoning his suit cracking his neck. "Damn, that feels so much damn better. Thank you." "I can't believe yer fell for that." Rexgan said shaking his head at Galiel. "I! You! KAYLE!"

"I didn't do anything!" "Exactly! You could have stopped me! GAH! I feel defiled!" Galiel shuddered. She spun back to Zeke, with him stretching and enjoying his revitalized body. "Stop that! Stop...enjoying my healing!" She pouted.

He gave her a puzzled look. "Um...how?" He asked. "I-I don't know! Jump in that fire and burn again!" "I'm not gonna do that. Um...how about I repay you with a feather massage?" "A what!?" The three Angels yelled. "Sunny loves them. Here let me show you."

"Get away from me!" Galiel shouted spinning away. Zeke snatched the top of her wings. She let out a high pitched yelp. He ran his fingers through her feathers gently caressing them. Galiel's eyes glazed over and she fell to her knees shivering and twitching.

Kayle and Rayiel looked at him confused and concerned, as Galiel knelt foaming at the mouth in pleasure. "See? I knew you'd like it." "Our feathers are razor sharp..." Rayiel said. "I know, that's why I figured massaging them would work. Alright, and this puts Sunny to sleep." Zeke did a long stroke with his fingers through the feathers closer to her spine.

Galiel let out a cry of ecstasy falling back panting and wheezing with a satisfied smile across her face. Zeke looked down at her blushing. "....ooookay Angels have different reactions to that...good to know." "You can do mine as well, to see what's different." Kayle held Rayiel back. "No! Bad!" "You aren't curious to know what it feels like?"

"No, I'm not curious at all. Because-" "Here, let me show you, consider it my thanks." "Wait wha-GGGGGEE!" Kayle eyes glazed over and her whole body trembled and quivered. She leapt away catching her breath and furled her wings in. "DON'T DO THAT!" She squealed blushing, stroking her feathers.

"Consider us even?" "Yes! Just...stay away from my wings." She said curling into a ball. "My turn!" Rayiel said spinning around. "Don't touch her!" "Give it a rest pigeon. Ya enjoy it." Rexgan groaned.

Zeke ran his fingers through her feathers, before Kayle could stop him, and she fell to her knees shuddering in delight. Waves of electricity jolted through her body. She gasped and panted with a delighted smile. Kayle took her in close hissing at Zeke. "Don't defile my sister!" "I just massaged your wings. Seems like you all needed it."

"Pup, if yer done making the pigeons squawk, it's time for the last step." "Which is?" Zeke asked standing before him. Rexgan dropped a red glowing orb in front of him. "Keep yer end of the deal pup." Zeke held his hand out with the orb flying into his hand. "This ball meant to be my weapon?" "Give it a second."

The room filled with a crimson light. "That's an interesting shape to take, but who am I to judge." Rexgan said. Zeke stared his hand covered in a sleek metal gauntlet, over layered sections. He furled and unfurled his fingers. A strange power resonated within, he could feel it brimming through his fingers. He looked up at Rexgan. "I'll be back for you. I promise."

Rexgan waved him off lumbering to his lopsided bed dragging off the mattress. "Get going pup. It was the most fun I've had in the last century, but a Demon's word, ain't worth nothing." He slumped onto his mattress turning his back to Zeke.

Zeke was brought to the others in the dead of night. Moon and Sunny sprinted to hug Zeke, catching him up to the speed, as well as smothering him with affection. He sat down across from Fiona with Moon and Sunny by his side.

"I gotta say, when these two told me that they were dating one guy, I wasn't expecting you." "Trust me, I'm still getting use to this as well." "They tell me you're the guy. Always coming with solutions. So tell me how you're gonna get me out of here?"

"I've met someone also imprisoned. He gave me these." Zeke said summoning his gauntlets. Moon and Sunny stumbled back startled. "I'm gonna go up there and kill him. Then I'm gonna break that hammer, and once that's done. We're gonna get you home to Raven. If what you've said is true, a Truth Seeker would set everything straight, and set us up for life."

Fiona scoffed. "Are you serious? You? You're gonna kill a former World Ranker? Didn't you hear your girlfriend? That wall is unbreakable. So is that damn chain! You're only hope is to go back and tell Raven I'm sorry, and then leave me here."

Zeke stood up. "Believe what you will. I've got things to do." "Uh, Zeke...what's your plan for getting around the barrier?" Moon asked. Zeke walked off standing atop the Seraphim. "Zeke?" "Ezekiel?" He gave them a look filled with confidence and determination. "Get ready to kill whatever cunts fly out, and save those who need saving. Let's go."

Zeke took off with the Seraphim. Moon and Sunny looked to each other noticing their crest active. "Okay it wasn't just me." Moon said. "He was really hot and assertive wasn't he?" "Right!?" The two said taking off after him.

"What is your plan to get past this barrier?" The Seraphim asked. "Moon said there's a small gap. Let's see if I can't make that gap bigger." The Seraphim floated Zeke beside the shimmering barrier. Zeke clenched his fists throwing a swift straight punch.

His fist left an after image. He struck the barrier with his after image following afterwards. Zeke felt the after image's punch dwarfed the power of his own. The barrier reflected the force knocking them back. Zeke was blown off the Seraphim with Moon and Sunny flying in to catch him.

"Zeke, what the fuck was that!? You like...lagged! or something!" Moon yelled. "The term you're looking for is leaving an after image." "Whatever! It looked weird and crazy." The Seraphim flew under Zeke's feet. "Was that your plan?" They asked annoyed.

"Just a test. I think I've got an idea on how to break the barrier. Sunny fly down with the Seraphim and clear Zack's group. Moon, formation Z." "Oh, I think I know what you want to do." "What the fuck is formation Z? Could you please give me list of these formations you guys have?" Sunny asked. "Too long to make. Bye!" Moon said flying off with Zeke. Sunny grumpily flew down with the Seraphim.

"Hey Zeke, I'm really glad you're okay." Moon said flying high above the barrier. "I'm sorry that I made you worry about me." "I'm always gonna worry about you now. I always thought you were immortal, but after what happened in Hell. I-" Zeke used a Mana step to hover at her level. He caressed her face.

"I promise you, that I'm always going to be by your side. In this life, and whatever is after." He said kissing her. The two embraced in the air illuminated by the giant moon behind them. "Does Sunny have-" "Yes, Sunny has to be there." "Damn it." Zeke sniggered. "Come on. You always like this part." "Shatter that fucking thing."

Moon took Zeke's wrist swinging him around, picking up momentum and threw Zeke higher into the air. 'I thought the plan was to throw him at the shield.' "When he hits maximum speed, I'll blast him down and speed him up even more."

Reaching the apex of Moon's throw. Zeke activated his Demon's blood. His Spectre now wore giant spiked gauntlets. He crackled with lightning. "Alright Rexgan, let's give these a real test!" Zeke rocketed downwards, pushing off a Mana step.

Moon and Iziel were shocked seeing Zeke rocket past her. He and the Spectre left an entire chain of after images, each one frozen in time for a second. The sonic boom force parted the clouds and knocked her back. Zeke's echoing roar rung out.

"Listen lady, your boyfriend might be crazy, but I'm not relocating the entire camp at this time. We're very tired from working." Zack said rubbing his eyes. "One, this isn't a request, you could all be in danger! Secondly, all you guys do is party and drink here! That's not working!" Sunny exclaimed. "Go away. I'm too tired for this shit." "I'm doing this for your sake!" "Listen there is nothing he can do that would make me-"

Zeke's punch connected with the barrier, his Spectre delayed by a second. The barrier pulsed about to reject and repulse the force. The first after image followed a second later, with the other hundred collapsing onto Zeke, in one second.

The barrier exploded in a violet eruption with Zeke's roar ringing out. The punch released a seismic force blowing apart all the clouds and creating a deafening explosion. Everyone beneath woke up covering their ears and rushing out to see shards of the barrier falling down.

"What about now!?" Sunny shouted. "Ye-yea-yeah! Everyone move!" Zack ordered quickly scrambling for his gear. Moon and Iziel looked down at Zeke stunned. 'That...was destructive...' Iziel said stunned. "Yeah...that was incredible..."

Zeke landed onto the island, falling to his knees clutching his right arm. It seized and trembled, filled with a searing pain. He felt his bones creaking and cracking. His muscles felt like jelly. "What kind of fucking weapon is this?" He groaned standing up and returning to normal.

Hunters rushed out with their weapons brandished, before stopping at the sight of Zeke. He gave them a twisted grin. The night sky became filled with the Angels of the garrison and the Seraphim hovering above them. Zeke summoned Shadow walking towards them. "I told you I'd come back didn't I?" They scurried off terrified.

A thunderous roar of Angels rung out as they charged in. It drowned out their terrified screams. Moon flew in cleaving several Hunters with Soul-Taker. Sunny flew in quickly severing the collars and chains of the fleeing Angels.

"Seraphim, relay my orders." Zeke said. "Tell everyone to retreat now. He could trap us in a barrier again." "At once." The Seraphim nodded before leaving. Moon and Sunny reluctantly left the radius of the island, trying to spot Zeke from above.

In the centre of the island a mansion exploded with a barrier around it. Gregory wore resplendent heavy golden armour, carrying a large ornate maul. Its head comprised of Deiridium. Zeke approached the barrier spotting several terrified Angels cowering in the corner.

Their wings were broken, they were covered in wounds, and they wore an expression that boiled Zeke's blood. "You ever heard of picking a fight at the right time? I'm trying to sleep." He said with a cocky smirk under his visor.

He looked around up in the sky. "Gotta say I'm impressed midget. What'd it take to break my barrier? You and you're entire army of birds band together?" Zeke banished Shadow and summoned his Spectre, cocking his right fist back. "You already tried this asshole. It won't wo-"

Zeke clashed with the barrier, causing it to fracture and crack. Gregory took a step back seeing the fissures crawl along his barrier. Zeke gave him a smirk throwing another, and punching a hole through it. He ripped pieces of the barrier part forcing his face inside, giving Gregory a sinister grin.