
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
79 Chs


Zeke sat in the interrogation room with Camilla, captain Carter, Titan and Sunny sitting across from him. Camilla sighed first, breaking the silence. "Let me get this straight. You walk straight into this den, without doing any research, or taking any precautions. You come out with the man, the D.E.A has been hunting for months on end?" "...Yes." Zeke answered. "And who is this man?" "That's Titan, he wants to be a cop, but...which part of the test can you not pass buddy?" "Writing." "Captain, please take Titan outside and help him with passing the entrance exam." "Come on Titan, let's go. I'll help you get in." "YAY!" Captain Carter winced as he was bear hugged, and carried outside. "He's going to make a fun addition to the force." Zeke said. "Mr. Chen, what about the men who fired at you?" "Oh, I let them go with some of the chips he had stored." "They were aiding in criminal activities." "They were just doing what they were told, probably having trouble finding regular jobs. It seems a little fucked up to punish those in dire straits."

"You had no malice in letting them go?" Camilla asked. "Why would I? I saw a few of them wearing wedding rings. They've probably got families to feed." "Mrs. Shinsei." "Miss." "Until the papers are finalized, you're not. Now please follow me." Sunny followed Camilla outside, and back behind the two way mirror. "What's wrong with this kid?" "Been asking that question since I met him." "I mean Lillia said he was different, but I mean...Come on. Didn't skim any of the drugs or cash, let them go out of compassion even though they shot at him. He helped the front door guard find a job. What kind of Demon is he?" "I've been saying that. He's just..." Sunny looked to Zeke sitting patiently in his chair. "Different." "You're totally falling in love with him." "I AM NOT!" Zeke cocked eyebrow hearing Sunny's voice. "That wasn't loud. Alright fine he's just weird." The two returned sitting with Zeke. "Mr Chen, this operation you just partook in, was meant to go for a long time. As a thank you, for your extraordinary work. The D.E.A and American Hunter agency would like to offer you a reward. Please name your price."

Zeke took out the dagger placing it on the table. Camilla and Sunny slid their chairs back a bit. "Yeah that Lazarus guy, said this thing once belonged to the Pestilence Queen. I would like a quote on this thing." "Let me check it." She said taking a photo. "Wow...that's the real deal. It's made from the fang of Kasaka." "And that thing was?" "A giant spider queen." Zeke leapt out of his seat, wiping his hands clean. Sunny giggled at him. "Christ, a warning on that thing, would have been nice." "Like what?" Sunny asked smiling at him. "Made from disgusting creature, burn it in Hell." "Well it was reported stolen over three years ago. She's offering a reward of 300 chips or exchange of equal value." "Equal value? Guess that thing has sentimental value to her." Sunny said. "Yeah, I'll do the exchange of equal value." "Zeke! It's 300 chips. You could retire on that kind of money." Sunny said. "As much as I could. I have other mouths to feed, and taxes to still pay. So investing in a high quality weapon to help Moon rank up, is the better investment."

"Very well. I'll let her know for you. For now great work Zeke." "What happens now?" "You go back to your bodyguard contract. The D.E.A are now in custody of two big dealers of Surge." "Oh, cool." "Mrs Shinsei, have a great day as well. Mr Chen, please keep our contacts open. I may have more work for you later on." She winked at him before leaving with the dagger. "It's not just me, but she's really sexual right?" "Because she finds you attractive?" "Me?" Zeke scoffed and snorted. "I mean look at me." 'I am looking.' "I've got shitty clothing on, and my hair is a mess." She looked at him askance, looking him up and down in his suit and slicked back hair. "This is relatively new look for you isn't it?" "What is?" "Never mind. Let's go, I have work to do." Zeke sat around Sunny till midday, hearing her stomach growl violently. She blushed ignoring it. Zeke stood up. "Where are you going?" "To get you lunch." "No. Bad. Sit down." He looked at her puzzled. "Are you treating me like a dog now?" "No...I just want you to stop being so damn nice. From now on, no packing me lunch, or making me breakfast or dinner. They won't help you sleep with me."

"Sunny, I would do those things even if I wasn't trying to get with you. I like being nice. Now give me 20 minutes, I'll make you something to eat, I saw a portable stove in the break room." "Hey! I said no. I can get my own lunch. I've been doing that for the last 7 years of my life." "As a Hunter, you get 45 minutes for your lunch, to account for the cooking time of your order. That break time doesn't include the line to get your order, or if there are other hunters in front of you. So do you want to go racing across the street, to then inhale your food, because you only have minutes to get back to your chair?" Sunny went silent. "She was humming, when she ate your sandwiches." Jones added. Sunny threw her stapler at him. "Shut it!" She snapped. "And dancing to herself." Stevens said. She threw her pencil holder at him. "Case in point. Now stop being so stubborn, I'll make you something." "Can you make something us as well?" Captain Carter asked. "Uhh sure..."

The three sat with Sunny slurping on the delicious pasta, as she happily ate her large bowl. "Glad you guys like it." Zeke said sitting down with them. "How do you make it taste so good?" Stevens asked. "Is it a special ingredient you use?" Jones asked. Sunny looked up, knowing where they were heading with their line of questioning. Zeke snickered. "No, it's not love." "Then I wonder why Sunny looks so happy about eating it." She pouted at Carter. "Moon does the same thing, when she gets food after being hungry for too long." The three men shared the same thought. 'Woman's name. A love rival!' "This Moon, you in love with her?" Stevens asked. Sunny's eyes bulged, glaring at him. Zeke snickered. "I was, but that was a long time ago. We're just best friends." Sunny felt a sigh of relief. 'Okay he's clearly uncomfortable, we just need to drop it and move on.' "What happened?" Jones asked. 'GUYS DROP IT! PLEASE BE DETECTIVES! AND READ THE CLUES ON HIS FACE!' Sunny pleaded internally. "She said no."

"Ah that's rough. But you did the right thing and admitted how you felt." Captain Carter said, giving him a shoulder pat. The other two nodded giving him a pat on the back. 'What the fuck am I watching? Is this a group therapy?' "I mean wouldn't you say it's better to admit your feelings, instead of lying to yourself, or hiding it?" Captain Carter said glancing over to Sunny. "I mean, it's definitely not pleasant, when they say no. But yeah, admitting your feelings and just getting it over and done with is better." "So you gonna admit your feelings to him or what?" Carter asked. Sunny reached over snatching his plate of pasta and placing it on hers. He looked at her shocked, as she wolfed down his meal. "Sunny will do whatever she wants. I can only just be me. If she doesn't like me for me. It just means you'll lose the bet." The four shared a nervous glance. "You guys forgot to clean the betting board, before I came." "So you're not gonna try extra hard to make her fall for you?" Zeke blew raspberry.

"See I'm torn. On one hand, I really do want Sunny to like me, but you also lose a dollar to her." "You would deny yourself eternal happiness, to make me lose a dollar?" "Well I wouldn't want to make Sunny miserable." 'How are you so damn sweet and caring? I wouldn't even be angry if you were a monster.' "See captain? It's not gonna happen. It's ah..ah..." The three wheeled away from her. "What's hap-" "ACHOO!" Zeke felt phlegm and spit land on the side of his face. He winced as Sunny went bright red quickly cleaning his face. "I'M SO SORRY!" She squealed. The other three and every other officer in the radius, covered their mouths. "Well it begins." Stevens said. "You always sneeze on people?" "NO! I just have...ah...ah..." Sunny reeled back feeling her nose tingle. She stopped rubbing her nose. "Allergies-ACHOO!" Zeke scrunched his face feeling another spray of snot and spit on his face. "You should go home Sunny, before it gets worse." Captain Carter said. "I'm fine!" "Your snot covered bodyguard, thinks you should listen to him." Zeke said wiping his face. "AH SORRY!" She winced, handing him a box of tissues. "You should also be aiming those into your elbow." Jones said. "See you in two weeks Sunny." Stevens said.

"You mark my words. I'll be back tomorrow." Everyone on the floor chuckled at her declaration. "Geez, this is normal thing to you huh?" Zeke asked. "Every year. March to June, she's gets it once." Carter said. "I'm guessing you've tried masks." "Short of snorting coke, and doping on adrenaline. She's tried every method to keep her nose clean." "Eugh...I'm fine." Sunny said wiping her nose, her eyes going red and puffy." "Christ! You get it real bad. Come on, let's get you home." "I don't need you coddling me. I'm going to finish my shift, and be back tomorrow." She said slapping away his hand. "Go five minutes without sneezing, and I'll let you stay." Captain Carter said. "You're o-ACHOO!Eugh...." She slumped over wiping her nose. "I hate Spring." "Come on. Can one of you guys drive her car home?" Everyone looked at Zeke confused. "How are you going to get her home?" "I was just gonna carry her." "Dude, she lives in Harlem. It's like 10 miles." "Um, what's that in non-retarded units?" "16 kilometres roughly." Sunny sniffled. "Oh, that's nothing." "I refuse to be carried by you, or commit allergy suicide by walking through the streets."

"I'll have an officer drive you two home, and bring your car around. Now put her to bed, and remember she likes a firm hand in bed." "Hate you all." She groaned, following Zeke out. Zeke helped Sunny into her room, she shoved him out. "No! Rule one. No going inside my room." "I need to make sure you're okay. Can't do that from outside." "Don't forget, that I can kick your ass, and ah...ah..." Zeke pinched her nose shut. The force of the sneeze shot through her brain, sending her stumbling back onto her queen size bed. She groaned holding her head. "I didn't want to do that, but you left me no choice." "Eugh....mean..." She pouted as Zeke helped her into bed. "WOAH! That's a lot of Jesus!" Zeke shouted noticing all the posters and crosses of Jesus." "Shut up..." "I can see why you have that sin station outside, this is just over kill." She let out grumble curling under her quilt. "Ah don't do that. You're gonna get a sore throat when you wake up. Sit up and sleep." "No! I'm fine." She pouted, slapping away his hand. "Hmmm, fine. I'm going to go buy some things for dinner tonight, you are not to work or leave the house."

"I'm a grown adult and older than you. I can do whatever I want." Zeke took her phone, using her face to unlock it. "What are you doing?" She weakly asked trying to snatch it away. "Relax, I'm not snooping. I'm just setting you up for find my phone. I need to make sure I can find you." "I can...I can just leave without it." "I know, that's why I'm using your wallet to buy the ingredients for tonight." "You-" Zeke placed his hand on top of her head, giving her a gentle pat. She stared into his dark soft eyes, and seeing his warm smile. "Rest. I'll be back, and I promise you'll feel better by tomorrow." She quickly spun around hiding her flustered and red face. "I want steak tonight." She whined. "You won't be able to taste it, with a nose that blocked." "I hate everything." Zeke sniggered leaving the room. He left a note on the kitchen table, and headed towards the Hunter District. Entering into a accessories store, he was greeted by a charming young lady assistant. She wore a slim fitting black blazer and skirt with a white button blouse.

"How may I help you today sir?" "I'm looking for a protection charm." "What grade sir?" "Um...not sure, what's the difference?" She laid out an a resplendent ruby pendant with swirling fire in it. "This is an S grade protection charm. Any fire you may come across will be absorbed into it." "And this one goes for?" "500 chips." Zeke clutched his chest, absorbing the shock of the pricing. "Do these count as armour on the promotion requirements?" "They do sir." "That's a plus at least. Um, so I won't need anything that extreme. I know someone who gets really bad allergies, and modern medicine isn't really doing the trick." "Ah, you want a warding charm." "Okay, wrong terminology. Noted. Yes, I will get one of those." The assistant laid out an entire case of tacky small crystals, that were smudged and chipped. "Any of these will be good enough to protect your friend from any common illness." "How much for one?" "10 chips." "Ten!? But they look like shit." "Sir, they still have Mana surging through them. If you don't want them. There's a drug store around the corner. I suggest you try nasal sprays." "No wait..." Zeke scratched his head. "I just need to make a call first."

"Hey Zeke! How's America!?" Raven said excitedly. "Shhh! Is Han next to you?" "Uh..no?" She said looking at Han gesture no to her. "Is Red there?" "She's asleep..." "They're cleaning up after a party aren't they?" "Yes." Zeke sighed, pinching between his brow. "Whatever, I just need a girls advice on jewellery." Han shoved Raven aside. Zeke heard her screams. "MOON LIKES SAPPHIRES! GET HER SOMETHING BLUE!" Han shouted. "It's not for Moon!" "You dirty cheating bastard. How dare you break her heart!" Zeke looked at his phone confused. "I'm not cheating on Moon, because we aren't dating." "Why do you refuse to acknowledge that you two are dating?" "Because she said it was casual, nothing else. No strings attached, because Moon will never love me in that way." "Why do you think that?" "Ask her about June 20th, and you'll have your answer. Forget I called." He grunted, hanging up. "Zeke? Zeke!? What the hell is so special about that day? I'm not a detective like you Zeke." "He hung up already." "Ahhh! Why can't those two just admit their feelings for each other already?" "Figure out that day, and you'll probably see why."

Zeke returned to the receptionist. "Have you made a decision sir?" "My price range is 15-20 tips. It's for this girl." He said showing a picture of Sunny. "She's comfortable wearing crosses and badges around her neck. I want a warding charm that doesn't look like shit, and just matches her style. Is that possible for you to pick out?" "Oh she's beautiful. You're a very lucky man. I'll go make some choices, and you can pick from them." "Thank you." Zeke sighed in relief. She returned with several warding necklaces. "Alright sir, these all range from 15-20 chips. They will all provide with more than adequate protection from the dangers of pollen, and the common cold." "They do anything else for that price range?" She held one of the charms in her hand, and rammed her pen down into her hand. Zeke stepped back shocked, before noticing it stopped a few millimetres from her skin. "They also come with a shock absorbance. This one is strong enough to stop a car hitting her going 80 miles per hour." "I'll take that as a lot." Zeke inspected the one in her hand.

A ruby placed in the socket of a silver frame with white wings. "I'll take it." "Great that will be 20 chips." "May I also interest you in our line of warding charms in wedding rings?" "I just spent 20 chips, you're not gonna up-sell or entice me into something else. Walk away with the sale lady." She nodded and quickly processed the transaction. Sunny woke up with a sore and aching throat, her head throbbing and heavy, with a stuffed nose. "Eugh...." She looked up to the cross of Jesus. "You couldn't just kill me?" "Nah, he never responds to those requests." "Jesus?" Sunny asked, sitting up. Zeke cocked an eyebrow at her. "Nope, just your Demon." Zeke said sitting beside her. She blushed, sitting back up in her bed. "How long have you been watching me sleep for?" "Relax, I wasn't watching you sleep. I was taking a break from cleaning your room." "I did not give you permission to do that." "Didn't need it. You have to know, shoving everything under your bed, or into your closet isn't cleaning right?"

"Get out." She pouted. "Here, I got this for you. Put it on and come out for dinner." He said handing her a jewellery box. "What is this? I'm not wearing your jewellery." He gave her a head pat. "Hey, it's nothing weird. Just a warding charm. Try it on, and tell me how you feel outside." Sunny waited for him to leave, before trying it on. She felt a surge of Mana fill her body, and sinuses clear instantly. Sunny felt so much air rush into her brain. Her eyes cleared, and the aching in her throat disappeared . A tantalizing scent filled her room. She leapt out of bed, sniffing after the scent, entering into her kitchen to hear meat sizzling away. Zeke turned to her throwing a third tray of steaks into the oven. "Hey, you look better...why are your eyes still watery? Shit. Did I buy a crappy warding charm?" "How much did this cost you?" "Um I got a Hunter's deal on the steaks, but about-" "I meant this." "About 20 chips-" "WHAT!? Why would you spend that much on me!?" She yelled going bright red.

Zeke shrugged. "I mean it seems like a pretty good investment. If you don't like it, I can probably get exchanged for something else." Sunny clutched it tightly. "Well glad to know you like it. First tray of steaks are done." Zeke said taking out the tray bare handed. Sunny looked at him concerned as smoke sizzled out from his finger tips. "Don't worry, durability is in effect. I can't feel anything except the weight." Zeke and Sunny ate dinner together, with him confused at her silence, and silence as she wolfed down her meal. "Are you okay?" She nodded back at him. "Oh fuck is that thing Cursed? Take it off now." "It's not Cursed Zeke. It's perfect..." "You sure? You're acting...weirdly." "I love it Zeke." "Well you should know that thing counts as a piece of armour. Nab yourself a weapon or Magic spell, and you could get at least get your D grade Hunter privileges back." Sunny said nothing walking over to her wallet, and checked that it had not been used. "I was kidding. I didn't use your wallet....Did I do something wrong? There's normally some back and forth between us."

Sunny approached him sliding his plate away. "Uhhhh...what's happening?" "Starting tomorrow, I want you to stay at home and do what you like. I'll go to work and come straight back to you. If anything drags on, I'll let you know." He cocked an eyebrow at her. "That sounds great, but that still doesn't explain what's hap-" She yanked him up by the collar pressing her lips onto his. The two kissed passionately, embracing each other before Zeke broke away first for air. "What happened to never-" "Just shut up!" She scolded ripping his shirt off. Captain Carter, Stevens and Jones worked in the office, and watched as Sunny strutted in at 8am with a satisfied smile across her face, and radiant glow to her. "Wow, you actually kept your word and-" She slammed a hundred dollar bill onto Captain Carter's desk. "Not a word." She said walking away. His eyes lit up with joy. The entire office jumped hearing the captain's whoop that shook the entire building. She sat down with a grin stretched across her face. Stevens and Jones shared a shocked glance before sprinting into the captain's office.

Zeke was awoken to his phone vibrating wildly from a bombarding of messages. He groaned looking at the messages scroll up, all repeating the same word. 'Nice.' "Guess they figured that out quickly...wait it's 12!? I slept all day!? How..." Zeke trailed off remembering the night before and finding himself on Sunny's bed. "I should probably get her lunch." Zeke stepped off the elevator with a large bag of burgers for Sunny. He was greeted to a standing ovation, and cheers. "Um...." Sunny pulled him aside, into the supply closet. "Ignore them. They're just being dumb." She kissed him, taking the bag. "It's nice to see you blush for a change." "Just trying to keep as much blood in my head as possible." She smiled, caressing his face. "Thanks for lunch. I'll see you at home." "Yeah...you're welcome..." Zeke gulped feeling her hand rub his ears. "If I knew it was this easy to make your flustered, I should have done this a long time ago." "Are we gonna do it here?" Zeke whispered. "We could, but I think it's better if we wait at home."

"Is it because everyone is watching us right now?" "How do you know people are watching us." "I've got that sensation." "I think they call that an erection." Sunny snickered. "No, I get an actual tingle in my head, when someone is watching me, and I've got that feeling now." "How could we be watched..." She trailed off looking up to the camera in corner aimed directly at them. She scrunched her face and let out an exasperated sigh, before pecking Zeke on the lips. "I'll see you at home. For now I have to put deal with some...PERVERTS!" She shouted. They heard leather shoes scurry and screech, and things clatter onto the ground like startled cats. "Um...are we dating?" "You figure that out." She said leaving with a sly grin. "Sunny!" He called out. "Please, there's not enough blood to go around. I need answer....Sunny!?"

Zeke arrived at Camilla's head office. A grandiose version of Edelgard's office, with twice the amount of staff walking around. He sat awkwardly in her office, waiting for her to arrive, patting his legs with pursed lips. The door swung open to her high heels tapping on the tiles, followed by another pair. "Apologies Mr Chen. Meeting ran a little longer than expected." Camilla slumped into her seat, letting out an exasperated sigh. "So you're the Immortal." A sultry and husky woman's whispered into Zeke's ear. He leapt out of his seat with a yelp covering his ear going bright red. A sophisticated and young girl stood before him. She wore a skin tight emerald dress, with a black jacket hanging on her shoulders. With snow white hair and piercing crimson eyes, that matched her lipstick, she gave him a devilish smirk. "Ahhh, so adorable!" She squealed, walking over. She cupped his cheeks. "I thought everyone was lying about you being so shy around women." Zeke took a gulp. "Do you know who I am?" He nodded. "Say it." "Miss Ivy Mandrake. The Pestilence Queen." "Oooh good manners from a Demon. What kind of imaginary creature are you?" Zeke felt his face go on fire. "Ivy, let the poor boy go."

She pouted, pulling him in and kissing his cheek. He felt himself unable to resist her pure strength. She gently pushed Zeke into his seek. Taking a seat on Camilla's desk and crossing her legs, she eyed him up and down like easy prey. "You're durability is no joke." "Did you do something to test it?" Zeke asked wiping his face, tensing into his seat. She shifted her gaze to his arm rest sizzling with white smoke. Zeke jumped seeing the chair melted to its foundation. "Please don't destroy my furniture." Camilla frowned. "Put it on my tab. Now, Zeke. How old do you think I am?" "Uhh....is this a trick question?" "Oh my god, he's adorable. Can I keep him?" "Sadly, the days of owning people are long over, and please get your ass off my table." She leant back on her palms, shaking off her jacket, exposing her seductive dress. Biting her lower lip at him. "You still haven't answered my question." Zeke gulped. "Based on your appearance, you look twenty at most. She snickered. "I've been hearing stories about you and even your little...friend. What is she to you?" "That's a long answer, and I don't want to keep you or Miss Seres."

"Ahhh complicated love. So much fun." "Ivy..." Camilla frowned. She let out a sigh, turning back to pout at her. "Five more minutes?" Camilla leant over to Zeke, sitting uncomfortably in the damaged sofa. "Fine, you get five minutes to tease the boy." "Yay!" Ivy clasped her hands together. "You're the best." "Do I get a say in this teasing?" "When you can beat her in a fight." Zeke took a deep breath. "Fine, five minutes. Ask away." "Oooh, so brave." She smirked swapping her legs over and flashing him. Zeke snapped his gaze away, his face going bright red. He adjusted himself in the seat, crossing his legs. "Why don't you want the 300 chips? That's enough money to live out your dream of...settling down." She winked at him. Clearing his throat, Zeke forced himself to meet her piercing gaze. "If I was living alone, I would have definitely taken that offer, but I have people I'm responsible for. 300 chips won't feed them. Getting a weapon of equal value to help Moon rank up, will do more in the long run." Ivy turned back to Camilla.

"He's too innocent and thoughtful to be a Demon. Are you sure he's categorised right?" "Mr. Chen, will you please activate your Demon's Blood?" Zeke summoned his Spectre, meeting her gaze with crimson eyes and snow white hair. She marvelled at the sight. "Now that is something." Hopping off the desk she ran her slender fingers over the Spectre. "What a strange thing to touch. Have you ever used it to please a woman?" Zeke choked on his saliva, banishing his Spectre. "Ahh, you haven't, but you've thought about it." "Four minutes left." 'I still have four minutes of this!?' Zeke thought. She ran her finger under his chin, forcing him to look up at her. "Would you consider joining me? I could use a bodyguard." "That's a lie and a half." "Stay out of this." She frowned at Camilla. "I have to respectfully decline. I promised Moon that we'd become S grade Hunters in our agency." "Also a man of honour. Where you made in a little tube?" "Nope, would have had a better childhood, if I was." She snickered at his remark, walking behind him.

She slid both her hands down his chest. His heart throbbed wildly, as her hands caressed him. "So much potential in your body. Why do you hide it?" "Um...uhhh...what exactly am I hiding?" Her hands ran up to his hair. "You have trouble building muscle don't you?" "How do you-" "Camilla what's the average Hunter height?" "Six foot, four inches." "Really!?" Zeke said shocked. "Oh don't be insecure. If you're anything like Kenji." She clasped his crotched. Zeke awkwardly curled in the seat, cringing in her grip. "You've been gifted with a different height." She whispered, licking his ear. "Bordering sexual harassment Ivy." 'She's only bordering it!?' Ivy let Zeke go, taking a seat in front of him again, crossing her legs. Beet red and in a cold sweat, he placed both hands over his lap. "If you want to grow in size, I suggest you start embracing your powers, and don't make the same mistake Kenji did." "I have embraced them." "Your hair and eyes say otherwise." "One minute." 'Alright there's no other curve ball that she could throw me with one minu-' Zeke's mind went blank, with his jaw dropping.

Ivy had slipped her dress off, laying topless on the desk, her legs spread. She gestured him to come over with her finger, biting her lower lip, giving him a come-hither gaze. "You can fuck me senseless. Right here. Right now. In any way you want and for long as you want. Or you can have something of equal value. What will you-" "Equal value." Zeke said coldly. "Huh!?" Ivy perked up, her eyes going wide with shock, and Camilla doing a spit take. "What do you mean equal value? I'm offering you a free time pass at fucking me." "And I'm taking the other option that was also offered." Zeke said looking away. "Are you gay?" "No...not gay, just taking the more practical option." "You do see what I look like right?" "I do, and you are amazingly beautiful. Even have the hair colour I like, but not exactly sure how having you as a fuck-buddy, will pay my future bills and put dinner on my table. So I respectfully decline." Camilla fell out of her chair cackling maniacally. Ivy went bright red with anger. She straddled him, pressing his face into her chest. "What's your answer now?" "I think you should get off, because you're coming off very desperate right now." "WOOOAHAHAHAHAHA!" Camilla rolled on the floor in tears, holding her side.

She leapt off Zeke, pulling her dress back on and frowned at him. "What the fuck is wrong with you!? Men and even women would kill to fuck me." "Don't get me wrong. I'm sure they would, and a 'part' of me is currently dying right now, because I'm saying no." "Then!-" "But! I came here for the reward." "You will never have this opportunity. Ever again! You understand? This is your last and final chance." "If you're throwing yourself at me only saying no once. It just means the more I say no, the more you'll want me later." Glaring Zeke down, she sucked on her teeth, before storming out. "Just search through the catalogue! You'll get it delivered!" Camilla pulled herself up, wiping her runny and smoky mascara. "That...was...amazing. I've never seen anyone do that to her before." "Wait. She's done that to other people before?" Snickering and still giggling Camilla wiped her tears. "Ivy's the stingiest person ever. She's never paid anyone in her life."

"So she's had sex here?" "Oh countless times. I've joined in a few times." Zeke did a double take, shaking his head. "Why do you think that chair has a vibrate function?" "Yah!" Zeke leapt up, looking at the chair disgusted. "If you're trying to find a place, that hasn't been fucked on. You'll need to leave the room." "Can I please just get my reward?" Zeke asked with his voice cracking. "You are a strange on Zeke. Here take this tablet and look through her approved stash." "Thank you-" Ivy stormed back into the room wearing a black lace lingerie that accentuated her porcelain skin. "Alright, what's your answer now?" She asked annoyed, pushing her cleavage together. Zeke looked away. "Still the same." "Did you...did you get changed into that to change his mind? You're better than that Ivy." "You shut up, and seriously? Nothing? You don't feel anything at all?" "As I said... It's not that I don't feel anything. I'm just saying no because it's a bad idea. Now I'm going to leave and pick something on this list." She blew a pink mist into his face. Zeke stumbled back, swatting his face and rubbing his eyes.

Camilla covered her mouth. "And you've filled my office with aphrodisiacs. Now it's just sad Ivy." "Shh!" She frowned at Camilla. Changing her expression into a sultry and seductive gaze, she clung to Zeke. "Will you take me on the couch?" She whispered, rubbing his face. "For the last time. I said no." Ivy stumbled back completely stunned. "HUH!? BUT!" Zeke turned to Camilla. "Is this thing she sprayed on me, like contagious?" Camilla shook her head. "Good." He bowed at the both of them. "I'll be going now. It was uh...nice to meet you." Ivy's jaw swung in the wind. Zeke left in a hurry, slamming the door shut behind him. "Before you-" "WHAT THE FUCK!?" Ivy shouted. The room was blasted with a freezing wind, covering everything in a layer of frost. Camilla let out an exasperated sigh. "Why do I bother?" she groaned. "No this isn't over. I will have him." "You realize, by chasing after him. You're proving him right." Ivy ground her teeth together, clenching her fists together. Zeke left the building feeling a cold gaze on him. He had sneaking suspicion on who it was.

Sunny came home from her shift to a candle lit dining room, with a giant lasagne on the table, and several baskets of garlic bread. The oven dinged and Zeke came rushing out of the shower without a shirt on. He let out a sigh of relief taking the second lasagne. "Not burnt..." He turned to Sunny smiling at him. "Oh, you're back a little bit earlier than I expected." "Something special planned for me?" She asked taking a seat. Zeke summoned his suit, and slicked back his hair. "Well, I was gonna have two of these out, and give you these." He handed her a sturdy gift wrapped steel box. "It's a little early for presents, don't you think?" "Well, I missed your birthday in February. Consider it a late gift." Opening the box she let out a gasp, looking up at him. "I can't take these." "Yes you can. I got them for you." "But...these have to be worth at least-" "Stop worrying about the money. They're yours. You won't need to pluck your feathers out anymore, and avoid that pain."

Taking out a pair of matching silver white daggers. Sunny flourished and twirled them in her hands with incredible grace and skill. Each motion made, sliced the wind. She handled them as if they were extensions of her body. "I love it..." She said going teary eyed. "You knew I was in pain from taking out my feathers?" "I saw you wince the other night." She chuckled. "Of course you saw that." "I'll have to go buy a proper holsters for these tomorrow." "They're also made from the feathers of Gabriel. Figured you'd like them more if they were from an actual Angel." She stared at them in complete awe, before looking up at him and wiping her tears. "They're perfect. Thank you." "Not happy about the name though. I mean Rend and Tear, doesn't really fit the origin, but I can't really argue against the person who made it." Zeke sighed. "It's okay, it came from another Angel." She smiled at him. "Ezekiel." He let out a small laugh, smiling back at her. "Figured it out huh?" "Took me a while. Your friend Han, likes to ramble." "She does." "But I think dinner can wait." "For what-" Sunny pulled Zeke out of his seat kissing him. He broke away. "You really need to just tell me, you want this. I'm terrible at reading signals." "Stop talking."