
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

Private lessons.

Moon sat in her bed, biting her thumb nail, staring at her lock screen set to Zeke's photo. It was 4:32AM. Unable to sleep from the surging of Mana brimming inside of her. 'Why was I scared? I've never been scared of a fight! But why wasn't he?'Her mind raced with Zeke standing in front of her. Brave and stoic. His back never seemed so large before. She buried her face into her pillow, screaming and kicking frustrated. She sat up holding her pillow pouting. "Why now? What happened to him? He was never like this before. I need to check on him. Make sure he's okay." She ducked into his room, letting out a startled whimper. Zeke snored away stark narked, with his prized family member standing at attention. Her eyes bulged and her face went on fire. 'WHY IS HE NAKED!?' She crept closer to him, taking a gulp, and her heart racing out of her chest. He rolled over onto his side facing out. She knelt by his side brushing the hair out of his face. 'Did I always feel this way about you?' She sighed caressing his face. 'You were always my shield, my protector, my-'

Zeke's phone blared with a phone call. She jumped and panicked as he groaned. Moon quickly rolled under his bed, holding her breath. He fumbled for his phone groaning. "Nnn...hello?" 'Who the hell is calling him at this time? Who the fuck would be this stupid to call him at this time?" "Han?" 'OF FUCKING COURSE!' "Han, what do you want?" He mumbled. 'Yes, what the hell do you want?' Moon hissed in her head. "I cracked your password." Zeke let out a nervous chuckle. "I don't have any passwords on the computer. It's shared with Moon." "I meant your special little folder." "Listen that is a private folder, and I've told you both to leave it alone." 'Han, we tried to crack that folder before. It's his porn folder. W all know it.' "I've hacked it open." "You haven't hacked anything." "Okay, well I paid someone to hack it, but still got in." "You're bluffing." "Am I? 2706SongMoon?" Zeke sat up terrified. "Okay, Han. What do you want?" 'Did she actually get inside? What's in the folder?' Han let out a smug sinister giggle. "Well, well, well. I have to say these women all share a set certain attributes." "Han, I'll give whatever you want. Just keep your mouth quiet." 'What the fuck did you find?'

"Do you want money? I'll give you money." "Sweetie, you and I both know, that you don't have money." "Okay you're right. Now what do you want? I'll give you anything!" He pleaded. "I do wonder, what Moon would say if she saw the contents of this folder." "She can never see, what's inside that folder!" 'What the fuck Han!? Send me the details!' "All these women. Slender, Asian....blonde." "You made your point. Now tell me what you want." "It's quite simple, what I want. I want you to confess your clearly undying love for Moon." "I don't have undying love for Moon." "Guess, I'll send her a copy-" "No wait!" "Look, I am a man alright. I have urges, and yes the women I'm interested in...happen to look like Moon." 'Wait what!? They look like me? YES!' "But I would never do anything with her. She's-" "Yes, yes, yes. She's like your sister. Now, here are your options. One, you can accept your feelings for her and give her the meat rod." "And the alternative?" "I send her a copy of every photo and movie you have on here."

"You know what? Go ahead. Send her the files." "Eh?" Han eked out confused. ' WHAT?' "I'm not negotiating with terrorists. Send her the folder. I'm guessing you have a bet on us ending up together." "Per...perhaps." "You send her that folder, you'll just make things awkward between us, and then nothing will happen. Then you lose your bet, and knowing you. You've probably invested everything into winning." "Pos...possibly..." She cleared her throat. "You understand, that she will know everything on this folder right?" "Do it. I come out on top in this situation." "I...alright fine. You win Zeke. I won't release anything, but be warned that I will get you two together. If it's the last thing I do." "Keep trying." He said hanging up. Zeke let out a long exasperated sigh. "Damn it Han. Give me a heart attack, this early in the morning." He blew a raspberry laying back down. 'Go back to sleep Zeke. I can feel my tits exploding!' "Hmmm, what would Moon want for breakfast today?" 'I'm his first thought of the day!?' Her heart was elated.

He stood up getting dressed and dropping his phone, beside her face. She cringed and grimaced as it landed in front of her face. Zeke bent down seeing Moon, nervously smiling at him. "Before you say anything-" "WHAT THE F-" Raven and Red shot awake to screams and shouting. The two rushed out seeing Zeke and Moon around the dinner table, with destroyed wall. "WH-WHA-WHY WERE YOU UNDER MY BED!?" "I CAN EXPLAIN!" She yelled. "I WAS SLEEPING NAKED!" Raven looked at them surprised. "It was a prank!" "BUT!...you...me naked....why!?" "I couldn't sleep, so I snuck in to scare you, AS A PRANK. I didn't see you properly because it was dark." "Did you also not realize, I wouldn't wake up till at least another 8 more hours..." He trailed off looking at her askance. "Did you over hear my conversation with Han?" Her eyes darted away quickly. "N-no-no...." She said shying away. He threw his hands up in the air. "SON OF A –" "What the fuck is happening!?" Raven yelled. The two glared at her. She cowered back.

"I can't deal with this right now! I-ARGH!" He stormed out. "Zeke, I'm sorry!" Moon called out. She chased after Zeke, with Raven and Red following. "Zeke! I-" "Quiet!" Sword Master Pendragon ordered, pointing her wooden sword at Moon. She froze completely at a loss. "Sword Master Pendragon!?" Raven yelled. "This doesn't concern you under achiever. Go back inside." Raven bowed her head ashamed and hurt. "Didn't have to be so mean about it." She pouted, trudging back inside. "I'm here, because I learned that you froze last night terrified, and own this magnificent weapon." She looked at her confused. "I don't own the wooden sword." "Wh-" Sword Master Pendragon panned around. "Where the fuck-" Coach Obsidian heaving and sweating, lumbered over the hill, with Soul-Taker on his back. "You're late." She growled. "You're....Toooo...fast...." He wheezed, keeling over. She threw Soul-Taker in front of Moon. "Where's his replacement!?" She snapped at Obsidian. He looked at her confused. "What replacement?" She let out a long breath through her nose. The two watched in complete horror, as she grabbed him by the scruff tossing him over the hill. "USELESS!"

"Zeke. I'm scared." She whispered to him. "Me too." She pinched between her brow, gesturing for them to follow. The two shot each other nervous glances. "You either follow me now, or I break both of your legs." She growled. Zeke raised his hand. "Uhhh-" "Fine, I'll break one pair of legs, and I guess, I'll find a spider to throw onto you." "Coming!" Moon was in short shorts and a white tank top, with Zeke wearing boxers and a baggy shirt. The two awkwardly followed her to the beach. "You, the girl with no balls." They were both confused at the remark. "He tells me, that he wants you to be a great Hunter, and will stop at nothing, to help you become one." "You said that?" She blushed. Zeke blushed, scratching his head. "Awww, you two are so adorable. Makes me want to shove a cactus up my snatch." They winced. "Now, I can see that you are clearly more skilled and capable than that twig over there." "Well I mean, I don't want to brag-" "Shut it. Being better than a piece of shit, means nothing." "Hey!"

"From now on after classes. You'll be training with me." "Really!?" "Yes, I can't stand weak, pathetic, useless-" "Okay, starting to get mean now-" "Whiney, incompetent, brain dead-" "You can stop now." Moon said tearing up. "Useless piece of shit woman, who can't handle a weapon, or help her lover in a fight." "Um, Sword Master Pendragon, I think she gets the point." Zeke said, trying to console Moon. She sniffled pouting at them. "Now you, you twig. You're the skinniest piece of malnourished shit, I've ever seen. You'll be following me from now on." "How will that-" She threw her wooden sword into his face. He reeled back stunned. "Quiet!" She snapped. "Now pick that up and give it back." Zeke returned her weapon. She flicked him on the head. "From now on, you don't question me, do what your told, or speak. Got it!?" She snapped. Zeke was silent. "Are you going to answer me boy!?" His eyes darted back and forth confused. "....Yes?" She struck him on the head. "Stop over thinking everything." "She's right. You do, do that." Moon said. Zeke threw his hands up at her. "Alright, I'm tired of you two worthless idiots. Get out of my sight." She said sprinting off. "Zeke." "Yeah?" "She's very weird." "Yeah, but who's to say we aren't either. I mean I can't feel anything, and you sneak into my room when I'm naked." "I told you it was a prank!"

The three sat around the table, with the gaping hole in the wall. "So when do you think, they gonna get that hole filled?" Raven asked. 'Zeke needs to fill my hole.' Moon shook her head, confused at why she had that thought. "Probably by the time we get back." Zeke said eating his single slice of toast. "Well, we should get going to our class for retards." Raven said. "Again, we apologised for that." Zeke said. She pouted at him. "Still very mean." "What can I do to make it up to you?" 'You can fill me up.' She shook her head again. 'Stop having these thoughts!' Moon scrunched her face. "Orange juice too sour?" Zeke asked. "Huh?" "Is it too sour?" "Yeah...too sour." She said slugging back the entire drink. The two looked at her strangely.

Zeke met with Sword Master Pendragon in the cafeteria. A grand hall filled with giant platters of food. "Twig. Come here and eat!" She said stuffing her face with a giant ladle of mash potatoes. "I already ate breakfast." "What did you eat?" "A slice of butter toast." She looked up at him filled with disgust. "That's not enough for breakfast. Eat." "I really am ful-ARGH!" She leapt up yanking him by the scruff. "What did I say about talking back to me? When I tell you to do something. You do it! Now eat till I say stop!" She ordered, handing him a giant plate of steak. Zeke awkwardly looked around for cutlery. "Oh, for fuck's sake. Just eat it with your hands!" She yelled. "But..." She raised her hand to hit him. He quickly dug in, looking over his shoulder terrified. "Now, my class doesn't begin till 11. I expect you to clear this entire table, by the time I come back." He looked at the giant table of food. "But...that's so much food...."

Moon and Raven sat in their classrooms, staring at their phones, paying no attention to Sylens and his lecture. "Pssst, I think we should try and listen to him this time." Raven whispered. "Go ahead." Raven's eyes bulged trying to absorb the information on the whiteboard. Her brain fried in a matter of seconds and she slumped over exhausted. "Hey...how much guys are you going to pay me?" Raven whispered. "I don't know, Zeke will plan that out." "What exactly do you do in your relationship?" Moon's eyes bulged and her ears went red. "He does the brain things, and I do muscle things." "But you got scared last night." "So did you!" Moon yelled. Everyone in the class stared at her. "Care to share with the rest of us?" Sylens asked. She shook her head completely red, sitting down. "Geez, overreact much." "I couldn't see what I was fighting. I hate the dark." She pouted. "So, are you going to tell him, that you love him?" "WHAT!?" She shouted. Everyone glanced over. "Miss Kim! Be quiet or leave my class at once!" Moon sat down her entire body on fire. Raven gave her a sly smile. "You could not be more obvious." "Shut it." She pouted.

Raven and Moon stood in the stands, over watching the training grounds, with one eyebrow raised. They watched as Zeke laid on the ground being whipped repeatedly, to no effect, by Sword Master Pendragon. "I said drop down and give me 1000!" "No! I'm too full!" He yelled holding his stomach. She whipped him again. "I SAID MOVE!" "NYEH!" he swatted his arm at the whip. "What am I watching?" Raven asked. "I have no idea." Moon said. Pendragon threw her whip in frustration, marching off. She made her way towards them. "You, dumb blonde." "Hey! My name is Moon!" "Don't care. How do I motivate your boyfriend to do work. Normally hitting them works, but he doesn't feel pain." "He's not my-" Moon stopped and sighed. "He can't handle spiders." "Really?" They both said. "Yeah, he can't handle them, the bigger they are the worst he gets." "Good to know. Anything else?" "Consecrated things, kinda sting him." "Wait he touched a Consecrated item? Isn't he a Demon Hunter?" Raven asked. "Yeah...Why is that bad?" Sword Master Pendragon and Raven looked at her concerned.

Pendragon took aside a passing Demon Hunter student. He was a hulking figure, with his uniform stretching to its limit. "Sword Master Pendragon. How can I help?" He asked nervously. "What's your top running speed?" "About 130 miles per hour." "What's that in non-retarded units?" Moon asked. "Not important, but you should be able to get to a Healer in time." "For what-" Pendragon took out a golden cross necklace, and tapped the students cheek with it. He let out a high pitched scream as his face became engulfed in a blue fire. Moon stumbled back with bulging eyes terrified. The student sprinted clutching his face. "What in the living fuck was that!?" Moon yelled. "That's what happens to Demon Hunters, when they touch Consecrated items." "But-But Zeke just goes red. Like he got sun burnt." "Interesting. Thank you for the insight." "Hey wait-" They watched as she strolled back attaching her necklace onto the end of her whip. "Uhhh, should we stop her..." "I'm not doing anything against her. She's an S grade Hunter." Raven said.

"You gonna be there all day. That whip isn't going to-" Pendragon cracked the whip against his ass. "MOTHER FUCKER!" he screamed leaping to his feet. His stomach swishing and swaying filled with food. "AH! WHY DID THAT HURT!?" "Your girlfriend over there, told me you actually have a useable weakness." He looked over to Moon frowning, and rubbing his behind. The sting lingering. "Uh, he looks angry at you." "Yeah I should probably go..." "RUN BOY!" The whip cracked against his back. "ARGH! STOP!" "Then start running." "But!" The whip cracked again. "SON OF A-" Zeke started jogging with a bloated belly. "Now we can get to work!" The whip cracked against him. He let out a yelp. "Oh he's gonna be really mad at me." "I think this is normally where the girlfriend ties her hair up and-" "I'M NOT HIS GIRLFRIEND!"

Raven sat with Zeke after class on the beach. His eyes bloodshot, his clothes torn to pieces, with tiny red welts across his body. "You alright?" He glared up to her. "Guess not. How many times did she make you throw up?" He raised all ten fingers up. She winced. "Ten times?" "You can't see them, but I'm raising my toes as well." He groaned. "I don't know, how she wants me to benefit from the protein, if I keep throwing it all up." "Sword Master Pendragon, has always been a little bit-" "Bat shit crazy?" "SHHH! Don't let her hear you say that!" She hissed, trying to shush Zeke up. "You know, I'm stronger than you right?" "But not her." "Look, I'm here to see Moon, get her ass kicked for revealing Consecrated things hurt me." "You're not worried for her?" "I'm sure she won't die, and that she'll learn a very, very, very valuable lesson." "How to use that amazing sword?" He shook his head baffled at her notion. "What? No. Snitches get stitches." "She didn't really snitch, everyone knows Demon Hunters are weak to Consecrated items." "Whatever. I'm gonna enjoy this." "I feel like as her boyfriend, you should be more worried about her." "I'm not her boyfriend." He said casually. 'Hmmm, looks like only she has developed feelings for him.'

"Uhhh, are you sure it's safe for me to use this weapon against you? Like should you have your own weapon?" "This is all I need." She said flourishing the wooden sword. "You I know saw this thing, cut through four A grade Tanks like they were nothing right?" "Sweetie, you're going to give him a very hard life, if you're this dumb." "I! That's it! Don't blame me if I kill you!" Moon leapt in with feral ferocity. Weaving and bobbing, Sword Master Pendragon wore a smug grin, evading her attacks. She swept Moon striking her on the head with a solid thud. Moon cried out clutching her head, feeling the lump already forming. "OW! You're gonna make me dumber!" "Not possible. Now get up. You've clearly got more skill than him, but nothing to show for it." Moon let out a grunt, punching the ground and lunging in at her with a thrust attack. She parried the attack into the ground, back handing Moon across the face. She looked at Pendragon shocked, clutching her face. "Did you just pimp slap me?"

"See animals like you, always need to be reminded about who's the strongest, with nice firm hand." Moon roared swinging wildly. Pendragon stepped in, striking Moon in the liver. She gagged and gasped for air, falling to her knees, curling in. Her body going into shock. Pendragon took a knee beside her. "You're relying too much on your physiology. Swinging such a beautiful weapon, like a wild animal. Remember Miss Kim. Strength is a sword. Skill and technique sharpen the edges. As it stands you are only swinging a dull club, and you will never cut me. Or protect him." She whispered. Moon gnashed her teeth together, blasting Pendragon away. Zeke and Raven cringed, sucking air through their teeth, as Pendragon landed on her feet. She smirked at Moon. "Baring your little fangs at me girl?" Her hair pulsed into the air, her eyes glowing a bright ruby. "Bring it on!" Moon roared, grabbing Soul-Taker.

Moon sat at the dinner table sniffling and crying covered in welts and bruises. Raven and Red applied ice packs onto her, as Zeke placed her dinner platter. "Did you really think it was a good idea to use your powers on her?" Raven asked. "Thought...thought it would work." She sniffled. "I think the part you should be questioning, is when she threw sand into her eyes." Zeke said. "Viable...hmpf...strat-" She winced. "Don't speak. Just try and eat." Zeke said. "Why...can't...I...get..." "You can't get a healer, because the crazy Demon Hunter Sword Master lady said so." Zeke said taking a seat. "They'll be open to you before class. For now, I guess. It's a growing pain." "Not....fair..." She sobbed. "Well you two are gonna have a fun over the next five months, three weeks and four days." Raven chuckled. Zeke slammed his head onto the table, with Moon bursting into a hysterical sob.