
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

office shopping

The eight of them arrived at the real estate agent dressed in casual clothing except Zeke wearing his suit. "We really need to get you a new suit." Han said. "What for? I have plenty and it's not like I can wear them while I'm in this." "Well you're gonna apply for a Con-" "Shhh!" Zeke hissed.

"I don't need any more damn attention." "You think applying for that doesn't become public knowledge?" Han asked. "No, but everyone is gonna forget in a few days. I'll just apply for Weaver's spot, and then take the benefits."

"Mister Chen, she's ready to see you now." The receptionist said. The eight entered into the large office space with the others awkwardly standing in the back. Zeke sat down in front of a young pretty real estate agent. Her almost obsidian locks of hair hung over her fair skinned face. She wore a button blouse underneath her blazer.

"Miss-" "Oh please. Call me Sarah. Calling me miss makes it sound like you're older than me." She said with a smile. "Only right to call a beautiful woman miss." Zeke said. She giggled. "Oh stop it." Moon and Sunny shot Zeke a side eye.

"How can I help you today?" "I'm looking for a simple office space, to take Agency requests. I thought we'd be okay doing it at home, but that hasn't worked out well." Sarah nodded pursing her lips. "With your rising stardom, I'm guessing you had a few fanatics at your house." She said typing on her computer.

Zeke looked up at her puzzled. "Sovereign Champions. A new freelance agency, temporarily closed for personal circumstances. While a small team, they consist of three prominent Hunters. Sunny Shinsei, a former S grade Angelic Hunter, who until recently joining. Was the youngest Sergeant in the NYPD."

She tapped her keyboard once more. "The next member is Moon Kim, a Verdant Hunter. Wielding Soul-Taker, a weapon she earned from a Death Knight. She has also bonded to the Dragon armour, Iziel, the Dragon King of Calamities." "Actually it's queen...." Moon added.

"Finally, the Sovereign Champion's leader and strongest member. Zeke Chen, the Echo Demon. A Demon Hunter with many extraordinary achievements with his young age. A winner of Chiron Academy's Hunter games. Slept with a Drow." Zeke looked around puzzled.

"Allied with President Camilla Seres, the head of the American Hunter agency, after exception service with the D.E.A. Also a long time friend and deemed most reliable Hunter of Lillia Edelgard, head of the Australian Hunter agency." "Wait, Edelgard's first name is Lillia?" Han and Moon asked. "I'm her most reliable Hunter?"

"The Echo Demon's latest feats include battling the Berserker, and has now taken the Contender status against; Alistair Nyx, Kenji Serizawa, and Ivy Mandrake, with all subsequent ranks also being in contention. Phew! That's quite an impressive list of accomplishments you got there." Sarah chuckled.

Everyone had turned to Raven. "Don't look at me! I didn't write that!" "Oh, Jacaranda wrote this. It's quite extensive, and been cross referenced by four Truth Seekers." "But I didn't even apply for it yet. How could I be listed as one?" "I'll call Edelgard."

"You guys know that the Contender rank works both ways right?" Sarah asked. "It does what now?" Zeke asked. "It works...both ways. If they think you have a shot, they can throw your name in to the ring as well..." "NO! I did not know that!" Zeke exclaimed.

"Um, can I ask how easy is that website to access?" Raven asked. "Oh, it's on Jacaranda's list of top Hunters and Agencies." "It's okay, maybe he doesn't have a lot of followers." Raven quickly scrolled through her phone. "Oh no..." "How many viewers?..." Moon asked wincing. "He has thirty million followers." Zeke dropped his head.

"Bright news...you're famous Zeke....yay?" Han said. Zeke banged his head on Sarah's table repeatedly. "Um...is he okay?" Sarah asked. "He doesn't like being the centre of attention." Sunny answered. "Ah...I see...Well how about we look for a quiet office space okay?" Zeke let out a whimper nodding.

"What gives him the right to go asking about that information from us? That's an invasion of privacy. I'm gonna go kick his ass!" Moon declared. "He is currently...in Hawaii drinking tequila out of a belly button, and...staying with Kenji." "I mean it's a free country or whatever." Moon pouted.

"I've got three office spaces that I can recommend. They're very spacious and in a quiet area...Um...is he okay?" "He's not in any pain." Moon said. "He'll also stop once when he gets it out of his system." Sunny said.

"Alright fuck it! Han go ahead decide the office we're getting." She gasped. "Really!?" "No point in stopping the ball now. Han, you have-" Moon took Zeke's shoulder. "Are you sure about this? You can't go back." "Things are only gonna get crazier from here on out. We might have to actually start recruiting other Hunters."

"Okay...if you're about this." "Should I be concerned?" Sunny asked. "If he says what I think he's going to say. Then yes." "Han, go nuts." Zeke said. She leapt up into the air with joy. "WOOO! Best day ever! Alright, you can count on me!"

He slumped out of his seat. "Talk to her. I'm gonna go get some air." "Are you sure? It's normally customary to speak with the owner..." She trailed off with Zeke walking out. "You're not gonna regret this!" Han said excitedly taking his seat.

"Ezekiel, should I be concerned!?" Sunny called out. "Ezekiel!?" "Trust me it's best to not fight against her." Moon said getting up. "Alright let's start with location Sarah. I'm looking for a place that screams. I fuck bitches and get money." "I don't like this already." Sunny said walking out.

The others except Han found Zeke being surrounded by people with their phones. "You're him! You're the Echo Demon." A young man said. "Uhhhh..." "Can I get a picture with you?" A young girl said hugging his side. "Do you need help with your arms?" another girl said rubbing his chest.

Moon and Sunny shoved their way past yanking Zeke out. "Thank you." He whispered. "Alright back up! He's taken and not taking any questions." Moon exclaimed. "Don't you people have jobs to be at?" Sunny asked. Zeke let out a sigh of relief hiding behind them.

"Ohoho, your fame is catching up with you." Jacaranda said with a smile. He wore a flamboyant blouse top and frilly pants both coloured a vibrant lilac. "You! You son of a bitch! This is your fault!" Zeke snapped. "Most people would kill the fame you have." "I don't want any fame!"

Jacaranda took out a pen and paper. "Extremely humble, but quick to anger." "Hey! Stop writing about me!" Moon tried to snatch the pad out. She missed feeling the difference in their speed. Sunny tried to snatch it away, with Jacaranda evading her. The two froze seeing Jacaranda walk towards Zeke. "Now, now ladies. I'm not a fighter. Save your energy for pleasing Zeke here."

"Listen asshole. Stop writing about me. I don't want any fame or recognition. If you want to write something, go ahead and write about Moon and Sunny." He tucked away his notepad. "Why would I do that? Those two are droll and uninteresting compared to you."

Zeke's eyes flickered a crimson and his hair pulsed white, his next breath emitted a cold smoke. "Watch your next words carefully asshole. I don't need my arms to kill you." He snarled. Jacaranda threw his hands into the air. "Please, I meant no disrespect, but there aren't many C grade Hunters that would threaten a S grade Hunter in public."

Zeke looked over to the small crowd forming recording with their phones. "What the hell do you want from me?" "An interview. You see, ever since your battle with Kenji, I've been digging into your past." "I noticed." Zeke said frowning at him.

"Every detail I learned about you, was fascinating and filled with so much character. Now I wish to follow your growth and adventures. There is an amazing story behind your new injuries no doubt." "Why would I ever sit with you in an interview? You stood there and watched! If anything I should fucking kill you!"

Jacaranda let out a sigh. "With what's coming, do you really think you should be threatening potential allies?" "What would you even bring anyway?" Moon scoffed. "For one I wouldn't charge head first into danger." Moon took a step forward ready to strike.

Sunny raised her palm to Jacaranda's face. "Fast as you are. You won't dodge at this range. Leave us alone and stop digging. It's an invasion of privacy." "And this is a threat, to which I could respond with violence, however I'm beneath attacking weaklings."

Zeke took a step forward. "Kneel." Jacaranda said coldly. As the word hit their ears, everyone who heard him, obeyed his command. Zeke stood around dumbfounded as the others struggled to get off their knees.

"Bow." They bowed placing their hands onto the ground. Jacaranda gave Zeke a smile. "See, you are the interesting one. You are the closest to my power and yet it does nothing to you. Think about my offer Echo Demon. I assure you, it will be worth your while." He placed a business card into Zeke's top pocket. "Relax." He ordered walking away.

Moon and Sunny leapt to their feet seething. "I'm going to-" "Don't...He's not someone where going to fight here." "That was so cool!" "Are you going to-" Sunny stopped the group from crowding Zeke. "Let's go before this crowd gets any bigger." Zeke said.

Han sprinted out the door holding two large folders. "Alright! Woah...who the hell are they?" "Fans of Zeke." Skye said. "Right! Well, you're gonna love this then Zeke. I have five options for the new office let's go check them out."

"Han, I'm gonna stop you right now, are any of those office spaces at a beach front more than one hour away from here?" Zeke asked. Han threw away three of the folders into a bin. "Not anymore! Let's go!" They hesitantly followed Han deep into the heart of the city.

Zeke stared at the mundane office building with scepticism. "What's the catch?" He asked. "No catch, let's go inside. We're on the 10th floor." They followed her to the tenth floor, pleasantly surprised at luxurious and spacious area.

"Alright, so I'm thinking you Zeke as the boss, with Moon and Sunny being close seconds, get offices against the window. Raven will be one step right outside. Skye will get some area to the side to do her accounting. Then Fiona and I can greet people at the front."

"That sounds like a great plan!" Raven, Skye and Fiona said with Red nodding along. "Yeah, I was kinda nervous but that's gonna be great. I always wanted my own office space." Sunny said. "Almost had us Han." Moon said. "Almost." Zeke said.

"Oh come on! What gave me away!?" Han exclaimed. "You wanted to stay at the front and greet people." Moon said. "You hate people." "I don't hate people, I dislike I large amount of them." She said a smug look. "Which means, there's a group of people here, you want to talk to. So spill, why this building?" Zeke asked.

The elevator to their floor dinged. A drop dead gorgeous man walked out wearing a tight shirt with his black pants. He gave them a warm smile with his chiselled features, running his hand through his long wavy blond locks.

"Oh, you girls are already here. Welcome to the building." He said with a deep husky voice. The women and Red stared at him up and down. "Han...where are we?" Zeke asked. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you there mate. I'm Matt." "And I'm wet." Han muttered.

"What?" "Huh? Nothing." Han said. "Zeke." He said showing his casted arms. "Oh, bad fall there mate?" Han giggled curling her hair, and biting her lip at him. "I've fallen as well." "Alright someone get Han a..." He trailed off seeing the girls gawking at Matt.

"Matt, can I ask why you're here?" "Oh, I'm here to welcome you all to the building." "What exactly do you do in this building?" "I'm the manager here." "Of?" "Abercrombie & Fitch." "There it is." Zeke said rolling his eyes.

"Han, we're not taking this building." "What!? Why not!?" All of them snapped at Zeke. He took a step back concerned. He cleared his throat. "Well, for one I'm guessing there's an entire office of people that look like you?" "Well not exactly like me, but yeah there's a few of blokes upstairs and-"

The women cheered and sprinted into the elevator. Zeke and Matt stood there at a loss for words. The elevator doors dinged once more, with all of them slumping out. "No other hot people up there?" They shook their heads.

"Well if you're looking for hot. Let's go check out the Victoria Secret level." Zeke's eyes widened intrigued. "They're doing the winter recruitment, and all of the women has white hair." "Han, give me that lease and-" Moon snatched the document letting Sunny incinerate it.

Zeke let out a sigh. "Could I at least see the level, before we go?" "Which one? They've got two levels to themselves." Matt asked. "Which one would you recommend?" "Ninth floor is the lingerie team." "Could I maybe-" "No!" Moon and Sunny scolded.

They drove to the next office space with Zeke wearing a frown between Moon and Sunny. "I'm just saying, it feels a little unfair that I didn't get to see anyone." "You're also one of the few men in this world having threesomes with two girlfriends." Han said. Zeke pouted slumping into his seat. "Still unfair."

They stopped in front of a small shopping strip of empty lots. "What's the plan here?" Zeke asked. "We conjoin all of the office spaces into one long line, and yade-yada." Han sighed. "That works..." Zeke spun around seeing the girls looking down. "Are you seriously all down that there weren't hot guys in that office?" They nodded. "You two are gay." "It's like a vegan looking at a juicy piece of steak." Raven said.

"Alright fair, but looks like this is our best place. Not too far from the house; easy access, private parking, quiet area, shopping centre is close as well." "No hot guys..." Han sighed. "You all have to get over that. Get the equipment and furniture sorted, payment isn't too far away. Get a business number and we should be ready and operational right after Sakura's birthday."

"Do we have to go?" Moon asked. "Are you jealous?" Zeke asked with a smile. "Gee, am I comfortable with my boyfriend, going to a birthday party of girl. Who wants to fuck him like crazy? No. No, I'm not." "I agree, not comfortable." "You guys know she's joking right?"

They gave him a sceptical stare. "What? You can't be serious. She's dating the Alistair's son, and she's the daughter of Kenji. Why would she even be interested in a guy like me? Come on, I'm not some chick magnet." He scoffed walking away.

"Is he serious?" Raven asked. "You know how some people are really, really, really! Smart at some things, but absolutely retarded at other things?" Han said. "Yeah???" Raven said. "That's Zeke." Moon and Sunny nodded in agreement.