
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

Intermission- Meet ups

Three hours before the arrival of the Cataclysm Sisters. Red leapt away from the party disappearing out of eyesight and through a black Rift. She appeared at the front of Samael's castle.

She gagged and retched covering her nose, bombarded by the cacophony of stenches. Booze, bodily fluids, food and things she couldn't describe were scattered around.

Samael slumped over his arm rest massaging his temples with one hand, with Lilith rubbing his shoulders from behind. Succubi were strung about on the ground panting and wheezing.

"I don't know why you even thought you could out drink someone like him." "I had assumed that millennia of not drinking ruined his tolerance. Evidently I was wrong."

Red sauntered in with a grin. Lilith let out a high pitched yelp leaping away. Samael let out groan cringing and wincing. "Loud..." "B-B-B-B-B-B"

Samael opened his eyes seeing Red. "Hng...not now. Your presence is unwarranted." Red looked to Lilith. She trembled like a wet dog. Red let out a few squeaks. "No, she did not do this to me." Samael said reeling back in his throne.

"Yes, I am as the humans say. Hung over. I ask out of-" Red slapped her tail onto the ground. The fire in the skies exploded with an eruption of violent plumes. Lilith let out a scream with her succubi joining in.

Samael groaned curling in and holding his head. "I should kill you for that." He growled. Red snickered walking over. She leapt onto his arm rest letting out a few squeaks.

"Fine. I suppose I deserved that...What do you want?...Yes my son wanted power and I steered him to the right answer without providing him the actual answer. Some would call that good fatherly advice."

Red slammed her tail once more, angrily jumping up and down on his arm rest. Samael winced. "Yes, in hindsight, I should have told him that Rexgan might be rusty with his craftsmanship. However he is not dead, and the weapon will develop and grow as it bonds to him."

Red leapt onto Samael's shoulder grabbing his ear. She whispered into his ear, with Lilith spotting Samael's genuine surprise. "I don't suppose you would be interested in a trade?"

Red held out her paw. Samael hesitated to grab it. "What will I need to offer in return?" Red gave him a coy smile squeaking at him. He paused thinking deeply. Lilith watched on puzzled at how he could understand Red.

"Deal. I suppose, I will be more up to the task of dealing with Azrael later on." He said taking her paw. She nodded and created a black Rift. Before she hopped through, she slammed her tail once more making Samael jump with the throbbing head pain.

Lilith took a sigh of relief seeing her disappear. "What did you just do? What kind of deal was that? Also! Why or how are you speaking with...it?" "She is an old friend, and that was a deal to help us win Convergence." He said with a sinister smile.

Selena and Violetta stood side by side in front of their home. They stood at attention with stiff backs and a tight chest. Their anxiety growing and rising. Selena primped Violetta's robes with her returning the favour by polishing specks off her armour.

"Why do you think he's coming back?" Selena asked. "No idea, just remember wall of silence. We are a team." Selena clenched her jaw holding her helmet tightly under arm.

A Death Knight approached them. The same height as Selena, with long black spear hanging off his back. He stopped in front of them removing his helm, and adjusting his dishevelled white hair. His face aged and weary.

He rustled Selena's hair and smiled at her. "Hello Selena, it is good to see you again. Have you been well?" "Yes, papa. I have been keeping to my training as well." "That's good to hear. I will be happy to have you join us on our next siege." "Thank you papa!" Selena bowed.

He stopped in front of Violetta, eyeing her up and down with a cold stern expression. "You have the Grimoire back. Or did you make a fake?" Violetta's eyes widened as she took a gulp. "N-n-n-never left my possession papa."

"Do not lie to me Violetta. I have heard of the rumours." "Nothing but rumours papa." Violetta said with a nervous chuckle. "It never left her side." Selena said.

"Is that so?" He said turning around. Selena and Violetta shared a quick glance. "Mmhmm, never left my side." "So you never got drunk at the Gaping hole tavern, letting the Grimoire be stolen and sold to the Nephilim?"

He spun around glaring at Violetta. "Only for it to be returned to you, by a Demon no less. Are you two going to continue to lie to me?" They shook their heads dropping it. "Is there anything you'd like to say to me Violetta?"

"Selena had sex with the Demon and then gave Soul-Taker away to them!" Selena turned to Violetta. "What happened to us being a team!?" She squealed. "If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me." "You piece of-"

The two wrestled with each other trying to pull each other's hair, before noticing their father frozen in place. They paused waving their hand in front of his vacant stare. "Papa?" Selena asked.

"Did...did we break him?" Violetta asked. "I don't know..." Selena tapped him on the shoulder. "Father?" "Callus?" Violetta said. The two jumped back waiting for a reaction. "I...I think you killed him."

"You're the one who had sex with a Demon." "He's name is Zeke, and he didn't need to know that. Also I didn't give Soul-Taker away. It was a trade. Remember the only reason we know what the taste of meat is because of him and-"

Callus fell backwards stiff as a board. The two winced seeing him foam at the mouth. "I think...I think he misinterpreted that last part there." Violetta said. "Let's get him inside at least."

Weaver stood outside the high castle gates of Edhellond. Pristine white bricks glistening in the sun, surrounded by high grassy fields of fertile crops and a crystal blue river running behind it.

He wore tight silk garbs under his black tunic, hiding by his frayed black cloak. Wearing his flowing scarf as a mask he entered in with the bustling merchants and other Hunters. Ignoring the calls of the merchants and excited conversation of the Hunters.

Weaver pressed forward slipping through the crowd and walking towards the pearly high castle. The high gates were guarded by High Elves.

Ghostly pale Elves with an ethereal glow under their silky blond hair. They wore sleek tightly fighting pieces of golden armour, with a singular lean arming sword by their waist.

As Weaver approached they drew their weapons aiming at his throat. "Halt! What is your business Nephilim?" "I'm here to speak to your king and queen, I'm looking one of my kind that went through here."

"You will request an audience and they will see you when it is time. Your kind will not run-"

Their weapons and armour fell apart into pieces with perfectly sliced pieces. They gasped and shuddered covering their bare bodies. Weaver said nothing walking past them as they run off.

He strolled through the gates, with squadrons of armed High Elves rushing towards him. "Hal-" Weaver swiped the air. They all froze on the spot seeing blood leak out of five thin lines.

They toppled over in pieces. Their guts and chunks slopped inside the clanging of armour and weapons. Twitching his fingers, Weaver made himself a tight rope to walk over the massacre.

Two hulking Elves stood in front of the throne room door. They reached for their weapons with Weaver cocking his head to the side. "I'm sure you've both heard your friends and possibly family dying out there. Do you really want to test your luck?"

The two paused and gulped. They opened the door standing aside for Weaver to pass. At the end of the large throne room sat two gaudy chairs made of marble with a centipede tapestry coiling behind them.

The king was a tall slender Elf with hair flowing down to his knees. The queen was slender and vivacious with supple features. Her braided hair styled into a infinity centipede.

"What is the meaning of this!? Who are you barge into here!?" The king bellowed. "Guards!" "Your guards are otherwise occupied cleaning a mess, king Centus. I've come here for a meeting, with you."

"You dare walk into my throne room and demand an audience with me Nephilim!? I will have your head!" Weaver spun his fingers. "Lower your voice King Centus. I'd hate to kill to your queen in front of your eyes."

Weaver stopped feeling the threads on his finger tips disappear. "Do you know the difference between a centipede and a spider?" A deep voice asked.

Weaver rolled his eyes as the king and queen jogged behind their throne. "I could give you a million answers, but you have one in mind."

From the shadows slithered out a spindly High Elf draped from head to toe in loose rags. Hunched completely over he still stood nearly five metres tall. He dusted his hand off with Weaver's threads slicing through the ground like butter.

"The spider lies in wait. It does not hunt." "Hunter's lay traps. Everyone knows this. Your entire analogy is stupid. You're an idiot." The gaunt Elf froze completely stunned.

He cleared his throat. "You are a an insignificant lesser creature, and now you will die!" Swarms of centipedes slithered out of his body, slithering and skittering to Weaver.

Weaver flexed his fingers and the swarm were sliced and minced into thousands of pieces. The swarm turned into a pile of boiling and bubbling ooze. Weaver knelt down touching the ooze with his finger tips.

The gaunt Elf cackled madly. "You fool! You've touched the deadliest venom in-" "You seriously call this venom?" Weaver let out a sigh wiping his fingers off. "Let me show you real venom."

Weaver pulled down his mask. "Harmonize." His eyes split into eight ruby pairs, his canines grew into large fangs, and he grew in size. Before the three could react. Weaver leapt across the pool sinking his fangs deep into the gaunt Elf's arm.

He gasped unable to even react or breathe. Weaver pulled his fangs out returning back to normal, and approached the king and queen cowering behind their throne.

The gaunt Elf's eyes glazed over, within a second his arm slopped over, with the rest of his body turning into steaming mass of gelatinous bone and guts.

Weaver pulled smirked at the two of them pulling his mask back up. "Now King Centus. I am here looking for another of my kind. Maximillion Hound. I was told he's come through here."

They gulped looking at their once guard. "He...he, is not here anymore..." King Centus hestitantly responded. "Where is he?" "He's gone in search of Ryzij thelightning Dragon. North of here."

Weaver waved his hand binding the two of them and bringing them forth. "Three Nephilim hunted Dragons to extinction. He's on a wild chase." "No he's not." The queen said wincing away from him.

"A lightning storm was scouted up north." She said. "That supposed to mean anything to me? Lightning storms happen everywhere." "This one has lasted five weeks and has not moved since it arrived." King Centus said.

Weaver lowered them. "Where up north?" "It sleeps a day beyond the capital." He sucked on his teeth. The threads around them disappeared.

"A Death Knight will request the freedom of the Drow you have enslaved here. Listen to them or you will someone much worse than I will grace your presence. Do not say you were not warned."

Dracula stood before a swirling black Rift. Even with his cold dead heart, he felt anxious and nervous feeling the sensation of palpitating. Composing himself he strolled through.

Exiting into the Sanguine fields, he took an worried breath. The Sanguine fields, a landscape of blood red, filled with lycoris, roses, poppies, marigold, lilum, hibiscus and cockscomb.

The sky filled with blood stained clouds dripping and pulsating. He leapt out of the layer of blood beneath his boots, flying towards the top of the ruby tower.

Entering through an open window into a pitch black room. Dracula smelt three Nephilim. Covered in piss, sweat and shit. Three young women locked inside a bird cage beside a throne.

Quelandris the Monarch of Vampires laid before him. Nearly eight metres tall, wearing a black robe over his ghastly white skin. His hollow white eyes sunken in. His ears sharp as his rows of razor sharp teeth.

He waved at Dracula with his elongated claws. Dracula knelt down. "My king." He let out a disappointed sigh.

"There's a reason I summoned you outside my tower Dracula. So that you could walk through my garden and bring my wonderful aromas inside. Not fly to the top and ruin everything."

"I thought-I can go outside and-" "No. The moment has passed. You've ruined it. The same way you ruined your opportunity to become the Ninth Monarch."

Dracula clenched his jaw. "Don't pout Vlad. I'm as disappointed in you, as you are, in your son Alucard." "Why have you summoned me." "I summoned you because, because I have a task for you."

Quelandris picked his fangs. "What do you command me?" "Bring your whores, and the other insubordinate cunts that followed them, back to my keep."

"But...they reside in a territory guarded by-" "I GAVE YOU AN ORDER!" Quelandris roared shaking the entire the tower. Dracula cowered away.

One of the three young Hunter's coughed out blood falling to her knees. "Great. Now one of the snacks is dying." Quelandris reached down snatching her. The other two women skittered away trying to avoid his bony fingers.

"It's always adorable when they think I won't eat them later." Unhinging his jaw he gently laid the Hunter across his fangs. She tried to crawl away slipping deeper onto his fangs.

She gasped being eviscerated before Quelandris munched on her whole body. Chewing her like a piece of crunchy chicken. The other two women threw up. She latched onto the cage.


Quelandris reeled back cackling. "You see this is why you lost Calcifer. Even standing before you, they want you to help." "That and you voted against me."

"Oh, some back bone. I thought you had lost that, when Samael's brat made you tuck tail. As for the vote against you. I had good reason for that." "Which was?"

"You have no theme." Dracula paused. Confused at the statement. "A theme?" "Yes, a theme. A subject. A thesis. You have no...IDENTITY! That's the word I was looking for."

He rolled his eyes at Dracula snatching another of the Hunters. She thrashed clawing at his fingers. He shook her violently, before popping her head off with his thumb like a cap.

"See when you cross boundaries. You should know that you have entered into another sovereignty. Luci has his frozen domain. Samael has his ruins. I have my Sanguine fields. Lilith her Lilim, yadeyada...You however."

He threw the twitching corpse into his mouth munching on her. "People leave here and enter yours. Oooh dreary castle with bats. Vampires. Wooo. It's quite dull."

"Calcifer is nothing but bones!" "Still better than your discount theme." "I have piked corpses littered about-" "A bunch of dead Nephilim and humans with sticks up their arses, is nothing but a joke!"

"Go retrieve your women Dracula. I do not care for your excuses." "My king, entering anything owned by Samael would be considered an act of aggression."

Quelandris cracked his neck standing up and planting his bony clawed foot on the last Hunter. She gasped clawing at him before being crushed into a paste.

"When I had heard that a human would do such vile things. I bought your soul from Azrael without question. I saved you from a life of eternal torment, and offered you power like no other."

Dracula gulped taking a few steps back as Quelandris marched towards him. "If I had known, you would be such a fucking disappointment! I would have invested my time in making a Nephilim like the rest!"

He snatched Dracula up squeezing him tightly. "You are nothing Dracula. You are worthless. If you are too scared to do as I have commanded you. Then I no longer have any need of you. Get out of my sovereignty and never return."