
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

Death Knight

At 6am, the next day, with bright rays of light seeping into their dark room. Two blaring phone alarms rang from their phones, vibrating violently on the wooden nightstand. Both of them shot awake, sitting upright, before slumping in their exhaustion. Red frowned ducking under the blankets and covering her ears. "What the hell?" Moon groaned. "Did you set an alarm?" Zeke asked rubbing his eye. She shook her head, falling back down. Zeke turned both alarms off, nuzzling himself back into his blanket. "You know, I chose to activate the alarm right?" Weaver's voice echoed from their phones. Both of them reached for the phones, still trying to stay in their beds. He could hear both of them groaning and grunting, scratching at the nightstand to reach for their phones.

"A green Rift has opened." "WE'RE COMING!" Moon shouted. He heard scrambling and heavy thuds, with an odd sound of animal screeching and hissing. "Shit sorry Red!" Zeke called out. "Don't hang up! Zeke, get the fuck out of the shower." "I want to take a shower, I'll be quick!" Weaver heard Zeke scream, before a loud crash and bang happened. "You don't care, what you look like!" The door slammed behind her. Rustling and clattering crept closer to the phone, with Zeke picking it up. "Good morning Chairman Weaver. We'll be there as soon as possible." He said calmly. "The car is on its way. Please be in the car, within 20 minutes, and dress to impress." "That is not a problem." He said walking over to the bathroom door, placing the phone to his chest. "TWENTY MINUTES!" He shouted banging on the door. Weaver winced at the peaking noise. "Alright, we'll be there. Goodbye sir." The phone hung up. "Not morning people. Good to know."

The two sat in the sedan in silence, with Red playing on the seats. Zeke glared at Moon, folding his arms. His dishevelled hair, sticking up in random places, his clothes crumpled and ragged. She was dressed immaculately, wearing a fancy black and white pants suit, with her blonde hair tied in an elegant fish tail braid. "Will you stop pouting?" "You used all the soap. And when I asked nicely to get me a bottle, you gave me hand sanitizer." "Yes, but can you honestly tell me, that you don't feel clean as hell right now?" He let out a growl. The two entered into the room with Weaver eyeing them both up and down. "Miss Kim, you look amazing." "Awww, thank-" She felt a cold gaze coming from her side. She cleared her throat. "I apologise for Zeke's appearance, I may have taken too long in the shower." "And used all the soap." "I said, I was sorry." "Well, given the late notice. I do apologise for rushing you two. However a green Rift has emerged, and I would like for you all to meet the convoy members, before you depart."

He took them to a large open field, designed to park military vehicles. Moon and Zeke could see convoy from afar. Two hulking Conestoga wagons were lined up side by side, hooked up to large diesel trucks. Each one rivalling the size a tanker truck. A thick beige scaly hide was stretched across the top. "Holy crap." Zeke said, marvelling at the size of the convoy. "All this for one Grimoire?" Moon asked. In front of the wagons stood six Hunters. Five men adorned in shining silver plate armour, wielding a giant kite shield, and weapon of choice. Two had axes, one had an arming sword, another a mace, and the last one a spear. The last Hunter, wore no armour, but a flowing robe and cloak. Under his arm was a mahogany leather bound tome. "Gentlemen, sorry to keep you waiting." Weaver said waving to them. They all bowed at his presence, before eyeing the two of them. "These are the two Hunters, you will be escorting." The Hunter in the robes stepped forward. His messy mop like hair covered his sullen and sulky expression. "Which one of you is bonded to the Grimoire?" He asked with a raspy and ghastly voice. Moon pointed to Zeke. He swatted her hand away.

"Are you able to cast any of the incantations inside?" Zeke summoned the Grimoire forth, and riffled the pages for them, only showing the map to Violetta. The Hunter grunted, and left for the wagon, in complete silence. "What the fuck was that about?" Zeke whispered through the corner of his mouth. Moon shrugged. "Don't mind him. Aurelio is an oddity, but he is an incredibly powerful spell caster." One of the armoured Hunter said, with a smile. Upon closer inspection, Moon and Zeke spotted them all looking nearly identical. Each of them had the same hair cut, strong facial structure, and height. "Are you-" "We're identical Quintuplets." They said in sync. "Yes, these are the Saints." Weaver said, pointing the Saint on the far left. "Joseph." "Paul." "Mark." "Matthew." "And I'm Bart." "Moon Kim." She bowed. "Zeke Chen." He waved. "I trust, you five have read their files?" "We sure have sir, but don't you think it's a little over kill, to have the five of us go on this mission?" Bart asked.

"Our standings with the Drow are almost non-existent. Returning a stolen Grimoire, and giving them a peace offering, will give us a good start in the right direction." "Sir, with all due respect. What use do we have of the Drow?" Mark asked. Matthew struck the back of Mark's head. "You idiot. We're going to get chummy with them, and then sell their hiding location out, to the Royal Elves." "Ooohh! That's a smart plan sir." "Is that the plan?" Zeke asked. "It is not." Weaver denied coldly. Paul and Joseph face palmed, with Mark and Matthew bowing their heads. "The Drow are no different than any other race of Elf. Yet they are considered at the bottom of the hierarchy and ostracised for their skin colour. If we can build a relationship with them. They may give us free passage through their land, pass on their knowledge, trade with us. Either way there is no harm in aiding them." "But you are expecting harm. That's why you requested all of us come, and be Tanks for this convoy." Bart said. "Yes. I expect the journey to this land to be perilous. I promised that these two would be safe and well protected. Five B grade Tanks, should have no problem in keeping them safe, and Aurelio should have no problem dealing with any threats that may attack." "You can count on us!" They chanted in sync, banging their armour.

"Come on you two! Hope on, and we'll get moving." Bart said, with his brothers racing into the wagon. "How do you tell them apart?" Moon asked. "Well I use a system-" "He can't. That's why called them the Saints, and waited for them to greet us." Zeke said. "You are absolutely correct, Mr Chen. I physically can't tell them apart. I wish they would take different barbers, or wear different clothing, but sometimes it just feels like one person split into five." Weaver said smiling. "Damn that's smart. I would have just bitten that awkward bullet and said I don't know." "Come on, let's get dressed and go." Zeke said, his voice slightly annoyed. Moon rushed off first jumping into the wagon. "Is something wrong, Mr Chen?" "Nothing at all. Just don't like that guy staring at me." Weaver turned to side, seeing Aurelio quickly dart his head back inside. 'Observation skills are well honed and trained.' "He's a bit odd, but he will help keep you safe." "How long do you think this trip will take?" "Depends on where that Rift places you. It could be a few weeks, before you come back." "Hmm, in that case. Can you look after Red for me?" "Your familiar? Why not send them back? They'll have to return and recover their Mana anyway?"

"I summoned Red, when I was five. She hasn't gone back the entire time." Weaver looked at him with concern and confusion. "Our theory is that she lives off food, but we honestly have no idea, why she doesn't need to go back." "You didn't think to mention such an oddity to me?" "She's a red panda. What use does she have on a battlefield? If you can't look after her sir, I'll find her a sitter." "No, no. It's alright. What does she need?" "A lot of food and a soft warm place to sleep. Just give her a pen and paper, she'll tell you what she wants." "Anything else?" "No, that's it." Red trotted in sitting beside Weaver. "Red, he'll take care of you, while I'm gone. Don't abuse him." She nodded saluting at him. "Alright, be good." Moon popped her head out of the wagon. She wore a faded brown leather vest, over her beige cotton tunic. "Zeke, I'm done. You can come in." She hopped out into the driver seat, wearing tight leather pants, and a sturdy pair of boots. "There are some basic weapons in your wagon. Once you arrive at the Rift, remember to follow their instructions at all time." Weaver said. He nodded hopping into the wagon. They waved Weaver goodbye, as the trucks down them away.

Weaver looked down looking at Red pawing at his pants. He picked her up, by the pits, the two entering into a staring contest. She stuck her tongue out slightly. "You really are adorable. Alright, let's get you something to eat. Although I do wonder why, you don't need to leave and recover your Mana." Red shrugged. Moon sat in the driver seat, letting the wind rush past her face, waving at the other cars on the highway. Zeke laid in the back of the wagon. A thick quilt was used to pad the bottom of the wagon, with several crates of rations and clothes lining the sides. 'They're expecting this trip to take a few weeks. I'll need to keep that in mind, when we cross next time. They've given us our own wagon, which can comfortably fit us two and more. But they're cramming six people into that one wagon? This food won't last for us all. Are they gonna hunt for it later? What are they hiding in there?' Moon popped her head inside. "Something wrong? You've got that, moody face." "Just tired."

They stopped in front of the Rift, standing five metres tall. A swirling two dimensional emerald gate, pulsing with Mana. A primordial energy surrounded the area. Rocks levitated encircling the Rift, with a vortex of wind buffeting the area. Waiting for them were four giant black Unicorns. Twice the size of any champion Destrier, they wolfed down bales of hay. "Holy crap! Real Unicorns." Moon said excitedly. The Saints effortlessly detached the wagons from the trucks, with their bare hands, and strapped the Unicorns down. Bart handed the reins to Moon, smiling at her. "You ever driven a Unicorn before?" She shook her head, gleefully staring at them. "Very simple. Pull hard and fast to make them stop. One whip means slow gait, two means gallop, and three means haul ass. If it's your first time being pulled by Unicorns. Don't do three. You'll shit your guts out." Moon nodded excitedly taking the reins. Zeke hopped out of the wagon. "Where you goin?" "Storing our stuff. Moon doesn't like her clothes being disintegrated." "Oh, almost forgot. Thanks Zeke."

Zeke took their belongings to the Rift Wardens. Hunters and soldiers, tasked with keeping Civilians away from the Rift, securing the area, and ensuring nothing crosses through. He handed off their clothes and belongings. "You didn't forget anything?" The Warden asked. Zeke shook his head. "That girlfriend of yours, know how to do a return rift?" "Yes." Zeke said, ignoring his comment about Moon. "Okay, just gotta make sure. People always complain, when they try and bring their shit over." "Can you make sure to deliver our belongings here?" "Sure thing bud." Zeke bowed, waving them off. Spotting the Saints all gathered around Moon and the Rift, he snuck up to their wagon, peeking inside. Their wagon floor was lined with a thin quilt, the sides lined with bloodied chains, and not a single crate or bed. A feeling of dread crept over him. He entered his wagon, strapping the chipped and weathered, arming sword by his hip. "Alright! Let's get going you two!" Mark said leaping onto his wagon. "Remember, follow our lead!" He said disappearing through the Rift first. Zeke sat beside Moon, handing her a holster and long sword. "Be alert. Something's off."

She nodded, strapping her weapon on. "Any one in particular?" "Their wagon is made to transport prisoners." "So all of them. Got it." They took a deep breath, anxiously traversing through the Rift. Enveloped in a bright light, they appeared in a vast grassy mountain top, the Rift behind them disappearing. The Saints and Aurelio were already off their wagon, waiting for them weapon in hand, and helmets on. "Give us the Grimoire, and you can jump back across, Mr Chen." Aurelio said with a sinister smile. "And me?" Moon asked. The Saints licked their lips, eyeing Moon like a ravenous predator, staring at its prey. "You're a delicious fuckable piece of meat. You'll make the journey to Kallaris, very enjoyable." They said licking their lips. "Well, you were right. They were assholes. How do you want to approach this?" They were taken aback by Moon's calm demeanour. "Deal with magic boy, I'll handle the fuck knuckles." The two hopped off the wagon.

"You two are hopelessly outmatched! We're five B grade and one A grade Hunter." Mark boasted. "Our gear is even better than yours!" Matthew exclaimed. Zeke drew his arming sword, taking a step forward. "None of that...matters..." He trailed off seeing a shadowy figure approaching from them from a distance. "Do you see that as well Moon?" "Yeah...what is that?" Moon lurched forward, squinting her eyes. "You really think that's going to work on us!?" Joseph yelled annoyed. "Hey dumbass, there are six of you. One of you can turn around and check." Zeke snapped. They shared a glance, before Paul decided to turn first. He let out a shriek, stumbling over, and slamming down his visor. "What is it?" They asked. "De-de-dea-DEATH KNIGHT!" He squealed. The others spun around terrified, slamming down their visors. Paul scrambled to his feet. Aurelio sprinted behind them, opening his tome. The six of them completely ignored Zeke and Moon. "Death Knight?" Zeke whispered. She shrugged. "Sounds pretty lame."

The Death Knight marched slowly towards them. Clad in heavy obsidian coloured, layered plate armour, the armour sported spikes on every joint, and a long flowing black cape. The only light reflecting off the Death Knight, the razor sharp edges on his armour. Moon and Zeke stared at the Death Knight's skull shaped helmet, with glowing red eyes underneath, finally feeling the same sense of dread as the others. Standing nearly two metres tall, the Death Knight glared at all of them, scanning the area slowly. "Surrender your all your belongings, and return to your realm. Or die." The Death Knight's voice boomed with a deep authority to it. The Saints all bowed. "Of course. We graciously accept-" Zeke spotted them readjusting their grips. "LOOK OUT!" He screamed. The five swung with all their might, destroying the ground in front of them. The Death Knight effortlessly evaded their attack. The Death Knight stared directly at Zeke. Why did he help? Perhaps he was a novice. It didn't matter. They had chosen death. Holding out his hand, a black mist seeped out, taking the shape of a wicked black great sword. With serrated edges, the weapon stood the same height as Zeke.

"Taunt him! I'll kill him." Aurelio ordered. The Saints let out a roar banging on their shields, with their weapons. A pulse rung out brimming with Mana. "I call upon the god of Fire, accept my offering, and grant me command of a spir-" He gasped feeling the air sucked out of his lungs. Aurelio looked down to see Moon's long sword sticking through his chest. He spat out blood, reaching to grab the sword. She snatched tome out of his hand, and kicked him off the blade. "Thanks, I'll be keeping this." "AURELIO!" Bart shouted. He turned to attack Moon. He raised his mace high above his head. Moon dropped her sword, firing a concussive blast. Barely fazed he continued to bring his weapon down. Zeke pulled Moon away, swapping places with her. The mace smashed him into the ground, the force shattering the ground, and kicking up a dust cloud. The Death Knight stepped in, raising the great sword behind his head, with one hand. The four Saints raised their shields, bracing for the attack. Moon watched as the sword cleaved through them like it was nothing.

The only sound from the Death Knight's sword, was a rush of wind. No screeching of steel on steel, no crunching of bones as they shattered, or even a splash of blood hitting the ground. Their bodies lagged behind the slash, slowly sliding off with their organs slopping out afterwards. Bart let out a primal, heart wrenching scream. He leapt at the Death Knight, swinging wildly. Each attack on hitting air, the Death swayed and dodged each attack. His red eye sockets fixated on Moon, and then Zeke rising from the rubble, only to check on his shirt. "HOLD STILL!" He screamed, with blood shot eyes. The Death Knight complied, planting his feet. Bart reeled his arm back for a powerful overhead strike. In a flash the Death Knight impaled him through the heart. Dropping his mace, he spat out blood, grabbing the sword embedded in his chest. Bart pulled himself deeper onto the sword, reaching for a dagger tucked into his hip. "DIE WITH ME!" He roared, spitting blood out. The Death Knight caught the dagger, and quickly rammed it through his eye socket.

Slumping dead over his weapon, he kicked Bart's corpse off. He stared at Moon and Zeke. "Leave your belongings. Summon your return Rift, and I will spare you two." He growled. Zeke and Moon shared a quick glance, before nodding. "No can do." Moon said. "Sorry, not happening." "Do not die, a fool's death. I am giving you a chance to leave. Now take it." "We have business here. We're not leaving till it's done." Moon said grabbing her sword. "I can sense the Mana from them, compared to you two. They were far stronger than you. I'll take no pleasure in killing weaklings." "You don't have to kill us. Just let us pass, and we'll be on our way." Zeke said. The Death Knight took a fighting stance. "I will not let any of you Cursed ones, abuse my realm further." Moon tucked the tome into her back, and took a fighting stance as well. Long sword in her left hand, and right palm raised and at the ready. Zeke stood in between them, raising his hands. "Stop. We don't have to fight." "Zeke, don't think you're gonna talk him down."

"Yes we do." The Death Knight growled, shifting his feet. "Get out of the way Zeke!" Moon yelled. She shoved him aside. The two of them leapt at each other. She threw a lunging thrust, with her right palm raised. The Death Knight did the same lunging thrust. Zeke snatched Moon by back of her vest, pulling her back. She watched as the Death Knight's weapon split her sword in half, and pierced her barrier with no resistance. Her eyes bulged as the weapon's edge nearly nicked her. Zeke tossed her across the ground. He turned to yell at her. "Will you listen to me!?" The Death Knight towered over Zeke, looking at him completely baffled. How stupid could one be, to turn their back, to their enemy? He pointed towards the Saint's corpses. "Any sword that can do that! Is not something, you're not gonna beat with ,the shitty swords they gave us." "I was going to-" He rolled his eyes. "You were going to launch your sword at him right?" "Well, it would have worked, if you let it happen." She pouted. He drew his sword, spinning around to strike the Death Knight across the chest. The sword snapped on his cuirass.

The Death Knight stared at Zeke speechless, looking down at his breast plate, and back up to him. He turned back to Moon, with bulging eyes, and shaking his head. "Alright fine, it would not have worked." Zeke tapped the Death Knight's armour. "Thanks for letting me demonstrate. She understands, that we can't beat you. So we'll be on our way now." The Death Knight brought his great sword down onto Zeke's shoulder, staring on stunned, as he drove him into the ground. The Death Knight cocked his head to the side, completely confused, and at a loss of words. Zeke stood up from the rubble, dusting himself off. "You get that out of your system?" He turned to Moon. "Grab their shit. We'll sell it all, once we find the closest town." "Good idea!" How was she not scared that her ally was just struck? Did she not fear for his safety? "Oh, um. You're a local. Which way to the closest town, or village, or like city?"

The Death Knight let out a grunt, striking Zeke once more, sending him crashing through the ground. He sat up in the rubble, letting out an annoyed sigh, with his shirt falling off. "Well, there goes this shirt." The Death Knight stumbled back, completely confused. He approached the Saint's corpses, and stabbed through their thick armour, like it didn't exist. As Zeke stood up dusting himself off, he felt the cold steel prod his back. "Hey!" he jumped startled. "Knock that off. It won't work." He said slapping the sword away.

"HUH!?" The Death Knight shouted. "He has that affect." Moon said, frisking Aurelio's body. She tripped Zeke to the ground, planting his spiked sabaton down onto his sternum, and plunged her sword into his eye. "If you were a hot woman in a skirt, I wouldn't mind this situation, but right now it's annoying." Zeke said casually. The Death Knight cocked his head to side, leaning down to see the tip of his sword, pressing onto his moving eyeball. "I'll save you the effort, and me the pants. If stabbing me in this ball didn't work. Stabbing me in the other balls, will have the same result." The Death Knight tossed her weapon aside, letting it dissolve into black smoke. "Your durability won't save you from this!" He roared, snatching Zeke by his nape, and grabbing his leg. Zeke was raised high above the Death Knight's head. Zeke was slammed over the Death Knight's knee, his back arching. He tapped the Death Knight's helmet. "That doesn't work either. Just let us pass and save yourself the trouble." He let out a roar, throwing Zeke onto the ground. He pinned Zeke down, by stepping on both his arms.

"Let's see you survive this." Zeke felt the gauntlet's enter his mouth, and the other grab the back of his head. "Heugh, way-" The Death Knight screamed turning his head to the side. "Storr-" Moon didn't pay them any attention, continuing to strip the Saint's of their gear. He wrapped both gauntlets over Zeke's chin, screaming even loud, his back curled. "Use your knees! You'll hurt your back!" Moon called out. The Death Knight screamed, pulling with all his might. "You're seriously going to hurt yourself." Zeke said. "I'M FINE! NOW SHUT UP AND DIE!" He roared. His scream rung out, until a loud pop echoed out. Zeke and Moon winced in the silence. The Death Knight let out a high pitched squeal, holding his back. Moon rushed over, as Zeke helped lay the Death Knight down on his back. "I told you this would happen." He growled trying to swipe at him. Another squeal rang out. "Stop trying to move. Even you have a spine, that shouldn't pop like that." Moon said.

"Leave me! I'm fine." The Death Knight ordered, trying to stay completely motionless. "Stop me from doing this, and I'll believe you." Moon said, leaning over the Death Knight. She begun to form a long tail of saliva. "Ah! Stop that! Don't be disgusting!" The Death Knight's voice became softer and higher in tone. He tried to move, squealing in pain. Zeke nudged Moon. "Stop that. It's mean." She sucked it up, wiping her mouth. "What? He started it." "I don't think this is a 'he'" Zeke said reaching for the Death Knight's helmet. "Yes, I am a he!" His voice high pitched. "You passed my test. I'll let you pass. Don't touch me!" Zeke removed the helmet, revealing a beautiful short haired Drow. With obsidian skin, crimson eyes and gleaming white hair cut into a messy bob. She pouted and glared at Zeke. "OH MY GOD!" Moon shouted. "YOU'RE, SO HOT!" She blushed looking away. "How did you know?" Moon asked. "Never heard a man, make that squeal noise." "Have you heard yourself, when a spider crawls on you?" "Hey! Cheap shot." Zeke snapped.

"Fine, I am a woman. You have defeated me. Go and have your way with me." "WOAH!" Zeke yelled scurrying away, his face bright red. "We're not gonna do that. We're...Zeke, what are we gonna do with her?" "Not that! Jesus Christ." He sighed. He knelt down by her side once more. "What's your name?" "Why would I tell you that?" She snapped. Zeke raised her side up a few millimetres. She let out a squeal. "Selena!" She snapped, biting her lower lip, to deal with the pain. "That was evil man." "Oh, don't you start, loogie dropper." "Alright, Selena. This is honestly perfect. I was originally only going to ask you for directions, but you're also a Drow." "What of it? Are you going to sell me as a sex slave?" He flicked her on the forehead. She let out a high pitched yelp, that made Moon's heart jump. 'SO CUTE!' "Nothing sexual, or bad is going to happen to you." "Unless you want it to." Moon added. "Seriously?" She shrugged at him. He let out an exasperated sigh, summoning the Grimoire. Her eyes bulged wide open upon seeing it.

"Judging by your expression, you know what this is. It's bonded to me as you can see. We came here to return it, to a Violetta." He said showing the map. "We're going to return this Grimoire, and sell their shit, so we can stop being poor in our realm." Moon said. "You're doing this for money?" "Yes, because we like to eat food and have homes in our realm." "Now will you help us Selena?" Zeke asked. "I would never help your kind." "Drool on her." Zeke ordered. " Got it." Moon said hovering over Selena's face."Wait what!? Stop!" Selena cried. She watched in horror as the giant ball of saliva inched closer to her face. "Stop! That's disgusting! Stop!" "I can make her stop, you just have to help us." Taking deep breaths, Selena winced away. "Never." She said ready to be defiled. "Add snot." Zeke ordered. "What?" Moon sucked the saliva, snorting and building the phlegm in her throat. "Hey don't! Just grope me, it will be less disgusting!" She screamed watching the now yellow ball of saliva dropping over her. "This only gets worse for you." "There's no way you can make this worse." Moon pried open Selena's eyeball . "I'll HELP! I'LL HELP!" Moon spat the loogie to the side. "Great! Looking forward to work with you." She pouted and glared at Zeke. "You are a cruel man, and I cannot hate you anymore than right now." "Don't speak so soon. I gotta carry you onto the wagon." "How will that make me hate you mor-aaAHHHHH!" She screamed as Zeke quickly picked her up, rushing her onto the wagon. "Sorry!"