
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

Chiron academy

Zeke and Moon were dropped off at the airport by Han. Moon was dressed like an idol. Elegant black sundress that juxtaposed against her golden hair. Zeke wore an uncharacteristically nice shirt and pants. Which meant they had no holes, tears or rips anywhere. In his backpack was Red sticking her head out. "Remember to text me all the hotties you see." Han said hugging Moon. "You know I will." She hugged Zeke. "Take care of her." "Always do." "Alright, when you two come back rich as shit, as S grade hunters. Remember who you're loyal friends are." "Han. You're our only friend." Zeke said. "And don't you forget it." "Alright, I'll get us checked in. Hunter customs is a nightmare." Zeke said walking off with his backpack. They waited for him to walk away. "So, you still having dreams about him?" "Nope. All gone." "Because you rubbed the oyster." "Yep." "Now that your head is clear. Are you gonna ask him out." "Nope." "Is it because you're terrified of being rejected." "Yep." "So you're just never gonna confront those feelings ever again?" "Nope." "So I'm okay to ask him out then." "Ye-Hey wait! No!" "Almost got you there."

"Look. When we complete our refresher course. We'll be the badasses of Chiron Academy. Then once we're reach and being asked to do all kind of jobs for millions. Then I'll ask him, because if I get rejected." "You can bury your pain under mountains of food and money?" "Exactly." "What if he falls in love at the academy?" "It's six months. Who is he gonna fall in love with?" "Gee, I don't know. How about all the hottest, richest and strongest female Hunters. Each of them teeming with daddy issues, ready and begging to find a man like Zeke, to project on?" Moon said nothing. "Okay, I only promise to try alright." "More than I can ask for." Moon and Han hugged one last time. "I'm gonna miss you." "I'll miss you too. Now go and come back with a boyfriend." Moon rolled her eyes at Han, waving her goodbye. She met with Zeke at the check in, seeing him visibly frustrated, at the flamboyant male receptionist.

As she approached him, he let out a long exasperated sigh. "As I said for the last and final time. We didn't rob the fucking Death Knight's sword, or steal the Fire tome. One was gifted, and the other was given, after he violated the Hunter treaty. I already signed the paper work. It's right there. You're looking at it!" He exclaimed pointing to the sheet. "You expect me to believe, that a former D grade and C grade Hunter, would have this kind of equipment, after one job?" He said with a sassy tone and incredulous stare. "Please honey don't make me laugh. Leave before I call security." Zeke made a fist. "Listen here you little shit. Call the number on the sheet, like it fucking says to, when you're unsure." "Sir, I am not gonna waste my time humouring your bullshit." Zeke made a fist. Moon placed a hand on his shoulder. "I got this." She said pulling him back. "And I'm guessing you must be Miss Kim. The owner of two weapons way above your rank." "My friend here, went through very pain staking troubles of signing those papers. Now you can either call that number and end this peacefully. Or this is gonna get violent, and we'll paint this floor your brain." She growled with a smile. The receptionist clutched his chest, grabbing the phone to make the call.

The two watched as he gave them a sassy stare. "Hello? Is this the "Chairman of the Agency" Peter Weaver?" "Yes it is." "Oooookay..." He scoffed. "Then you would have no trouble telling me the security-" "Alpha-Omega-Zeta-Gamma 4290." The receptionist gasped. "Will that be all?" Weaver asked. "Ye-ye-ye-yes sir! Sorry to bother you!" He quickly hung the phone up, staring back at Zeke and Moon with bulging eyes. "I am so-" "Save it." Zeke snapped. "Get us our tickets." Moon said. He scrambled across the keyboard, printing out two boarding passes for them. He chuckled nervously. "You know I was just doing my job and-" Zeke snatched boarding passes out of his hand. "He said save it asshole. Take your sassy gay shit, and keep it to yourself." She walked off. "Asshole." She muttered. The two of them made their way to the gate, seeing no one around, not even their plane.

"Geez, what a cunt." Moon said. "Mmmm." Zeke agreed. "Wonder if our plane is here." She said walking around the terminal. "Probably being refuelled. Doesn't matter, we'll be loaded on last anyway. We're not allowed to 'Intimidate' the other passengers." "Uhhhh Zeke, I don't think we have to worry about that." She said excited. Zeke and Red stared in awe at the private jet docking itself into the bay. A woman in a black suit with sunglasses and black gloves stepped through the connecting tunnel. She wore her black hair in a tight bun. "Miss Kim and Mr Chen, I presume." The two of them nodded. "Please come aboard. You may enjoy the treats, while they refuel. Moon let out a big whoop sprinting aboard. "She gets easily excited." Zeke said following in after her. The woman stopped Zeke from passing her. "Is that your familiar?" She asked. "Yeah. That's Red. You can pet her if you want." The woman's professional and stern image was broken as she snatched Red out of the backpack, nuzzling her face with Red. "She's so cute! Can I take a picture with her?" "Go for it. Just don't stroke her belly. She will bite and scratch." He said walking on.

Moon was bouncing up and down in her seat of the private jet. "Zeke! Zeke! Zeke! WE HAVE ACTUAL LEG ROOM!" She shrieked swinging her legs giddily. "I can see that." He said taking a seat with a smile. "Dude! How are you not completely psyched right now!? We're on a fucking private jet!" He scanned the inside. "No! No!" Moon yelled. "What?" "You're doing that bad feeling face, and looking for things. Stop that. Stop that and enjoy this." He threw his hands up in the air. "Alright, alright. I'll sit back and enjoy this. I'm gonna eat some snacks and take a nap." "There you go! I gotta show Han this. She is gonna be so jealous!" Moon paced up and down the jet , streaming with her phone. "What up bitch, we on a jet!" "You HO! I want to be on a jet!" "Get marked son!" Zeke chuckled at their bickering and bantering. Red returned, following Moon. The woman boarded the plan, with a scratch mark across her face. She acted like it was not bleeding across her face. "We'll be wheels up in ten minutes. Sit back and relax."

Zeke closed his eyes laying down on the soft sofa, with Moon running around the jet giddy, taking pictures with Red. The woman sat in the cockpit with no pilot inside. "Chairman Weaver, your V.I.Ps are onboard." "Good." "Sir, are you sure about not telling them? It seems very..." "Lethal?" "Well yes." "I'm placing my trust into their abilities. Remember to give them their clues. That will be all Sharon." Weaver said. "Yes sir. I hope your meeting goes well." "Thank you." Sharon left the cockpit handing them both safety brochures. "I know you two are aware of what happens in case of an emergency, but like any other plane. Raft and floatation devices are under your seats. Emergency door works the same, just pull down. Food and drinks are stored in the back cabinet over there." "Thank you." Zeke nodded. "Hey, is our stuff already at Chiron Academy?" Moon asked. "Yes they'll be waiting for you." "Awesome!" She said melting onto her seat. "I will let you know, when we are eight minutes away." Moon nodded along absent minded. Zeke kept a straight face, but found the number to be too specific. "With that being said, let's get going." She said retreating to the cockpit.

Zeke opened the screen on the jet, seeing the flight plan. It would take them approximately 11 hours 55 minutes to reach their destination. 'Why eight minutes?' "Zeke...." Moon growled. He threw his hands ups. "What? I'm just looking at how long this trip is." "No investigating. Relaxing only." He sighed lying down, with his arm over his eyes. He watched through the slit under his arm, Moon downing a large coke bottle and munching on a bag of chips. 'A few hours till she sugar crashes...but just in case...' "You're gonna sugar crash like that." "No I won't." Moon pouted. "Don't say, I didn't tell you so." She frowned at him, unwrapping a box of chocolates. "Watch me then." After an hour, Moon and Red were slumped in their chair, snoring gently, covered in crumbs. Zeke sat up with a smile across his face. "Like candy from a baby." He begun to investigate the private jet, starting from the tail end.

Weaver wore a dapper black and gold suit, opening and closing his lighter repeatedly, tapping his foot. Beside him was Edelgard dressed in bulky ruby plate armour from head to toe, wielding a giant golden axe. Even under her armour she was visibly trembling. The two stood in the training ground, with all the doors locked down, with the spider from Arachnae, skittering in front of them. It continued to weave and string a black web. "Edelgard, try and compose yourself will you?" "I'm sorry sir. Just never...figured I met a Goddess." The webbing rose to the air, beginning to swirl and turn into a vortex of black Mana. From the Rift, emerged Arachnae's human torso. Weaver bowed, with Edelgard lagging behind. "Goddess Arachnae. It is an honour to meet you." He said, placing his hand over his heart. "As it is mine, Goddess." "I did not cross realms to dispense pleasantries." She growled. Edelgard felt a chill run down her spine, and stiffened, gripping her axe tightly. Arachnae glared at her. "You'll need a stronger axe, if you want to hurt me." "My apologies Goddess." Weaver said stepping in front.

"I wish to discuss about the Grimoire that was stolen from one of your children." "Violetta. Yes, what of it?" "The creature it summoned. The Colossal Centipede, what was this magic?" "The same kind that has bonded your souls to a Familiar. It is the Grimoire's guardian." "The Grimoire has a soul?" Edelgard asked. "The Grimoire is a collection of souls. It is a catalogue of my children's greatest sorcerers combined. For when Violetta has passed, she will impart her own soul and magic for the next generation to use. Is this what you summoned me for Weaver?" She hissed. "No, Goddess. A simple question to satiate my curiosity. The Hunter that stole the Grimoire, when we interrogated him. He kept saying one thing. Even when we pulled his teeth and fingers off, exposed his nerves to salt, broke his bones and mutilated him, in every which way possible." Edelgard looked at Weaver concerned. "He kept saying..." Weaver opened his lighter, holding out in front of him, thumb on the flint wheel. "Convergence is upon us."

Arachnae reeled back letting out a ear piercing shriek. Edelgard raised her axe defensively, her heart racing and pounding. Two black legs ripped through the Rift, tearing it open and enlarging it. Arachane squirmed her head through the ten metre tall Rift. Edelgard shook violently in place, staring at eight crimson beady eyes, with razor sharp fangs oozing venom that melted the steel and concrete floor, as if they were chocolate. "How did he come to know of Convergence!?" She hissed. "Answer me!" "You answer me first. What is Convergence?" "You dare to speak to a Goddess that way!?" "Yes." With a quick flick of the flint wheel, a golden fire darted and raced across the room, trailing along the maze of webbing surrounding Arachnae. She reeled back screeching, swatting the flames away. "YOU DARE ATTACK ME!?" "Answer my question." He said, igniting another web trail. Edelgard stood back speechless. He was attacking a Goddess. She screamed thrashing in the flames, lunging at Weaver. Her fangs became wrapped in a thousand thin lines of webbing. She froze watching him turn the flint wheel.

Falling to the ground her face burning and singed, smoke billowing from her skin. Weaver approached her. "I won't ask you again. What is Convergence?" She forced herself up, giggling and snickering. "Perhaps your kind will have hope of surviving after all. Granted all your kind are as strong as you." "Survive what?" Weaver asked. "What is Convergence?" "Let's just say, let the strongest kingdom survive." She snickered. "What? What does that even mean?" "Take care of my children Weaver. Pray that we don't meet again during Convergence." "Hey wait!" He called out, wrapping her body in webbing. She shrieked, hurling a ball of venom at Edelgard. Weaver broke the webbing tackling Edelgard out of the way. She hit the ground still trying to comprehend what just happened. "Goodbye." She said slithering back inside the Rift. "I owe Zeke so many apologies." She muttered trembling. Weaver helped her off the ground. She bowed excessively her armour clanking and clattering with each one. "I'm so sorry sir! I was a burden to you and-" Weaver let out a long sigh. "Wooo! That was terrifying." He said chuckling and clutching his heart. "Huh?"

"Do not worry Edelgard. You weren't a burden. Don't think I could have done that alone." "But I didn't do anything." "You kept me company. That's all I needed." "Sir...are we in danger?" "Judging by the ominous spider Goddess warning. Yes. I would say so." "What should we do?" "Nothing for now. Continue as normal, I will investigate further." "May I ask, why you brought me along of all people? I'm not a strong Hunter like you, and there are several other Agency Heads, that are much stronger than me." "Because I like you." He said walking away. She blushed. "Your reports are extensive and concise. Your Hunters have all given you raving reports of your care and diligence." "And this was a reward?" "Of sorts. In a few days, I hope to be retiring this role." "Oh!" "And I hope to give you this role." "Oh. OH! WAIT WHAT!?" He chuckled at her flustered dance. "What would make you retire sir?" "Damien Hawthorne, has agreed to fight me." "YOU'RE GONNA FIGHT THE NUMBER TEN HUNTER!?" "Wish me luck." He said, waving her off. Edelgard was frozen in place, hunched over, at a loss of words.

Zeke opened the pantry seeing nothing inside. He cocked an eyebrow seeing a thick layer of dust built up inside. The veneer cracked and peeling. He noticed the furniture under that Moon slept on. The leather peeling and cracked, and poorly glued on. "What the..." He muttered to himself. Zeke moved up the jet, noticing that upon closer inspection everything inside was incredibly cheap and on the verge of breaking. He knocked on the cockpit door gently, careful to not wake Moon. "Um, miss...I have some questions." There was no response. He knocked again. "Hello?" He pulled on the door gently, watching as the entire thing fell off its hinges. He cringed, turning back to Moon, still sleeping soundly. Carefully laying it down, he entered into the empty cockpit. "What the fuck..." The plane was in auto pilot, heading towards Chiron Academy. On the pilot seat was a note. 'Yes, the bomb is real. Choose however you want, to land on Chiron Academy. So long as you arrive in one piece and alive.' It read. Zeke looked up confused. "There's a bomb?"

He frantically left the cockpit, carefully inspecting everything to find a hiding place. As he scoured the cabin, he spotted the carpet shifting under his feet. Carefully removing the carpet he noticed a metal latch. Zeke eyed it suspiciously and cautiously pulling the hatch up. His eyes bulged seeing a large block of plastic explosives, rigged to a clock detonator. Ten hours and fifty minutes the time read, counting down slowly. "That's...that's not good." He shook his head frantically, quickly scrambling for his phone. "Come on, come on, please work." He pleaded searching up how to diffuse a bomb. The internet on his phone cut out. "Shit!" He hissed. Zeke dialled his phone to Weaver. "We are unable to connect your call, please find reception." "Mother-" He covered his mouth, rubbing his face frustrated. "Maybe I can try and move the entire thing." He said, kneeling in front of the bomb. Carefully digging his fingers under the bomb, he trembled and dripped with profuse amounts of sweat forming. He took a deep breath lifting the bomb up, feeling no resistance at all. He let out a nervous chuckle. "Okay that was easy..." he trailed off seeing the detonator cable, still attached to something.

He poked his head through the revealed crawl space. The entire lining of the jet was lined with plastic explosives, each one with an ominous red blinking light. He pursed his lips to a line and popped his head out nodding. "Well...That's not good at all." Moon groaned, waking up. She rubbed her eyes seeing the carpet torn up and Zeke on his knees. "Oh come on man! I said no investigating..." She trailed off seeing the bomb next to him. "What the fuck is that?" She said horrified. "Oh that? That is....that is uh...that's a bomb." He said calmly. She got up and shoved him. "Damn it Zeke, why would you do this!?" "HUH!?" He frowned at her confused. "Why the fuck, would I put a bomb on our plane? How the fuck, I would do that is an even better question!" "Is it-" "It's real." He said handing Sharon's note over. "Wh-wh-wh-wh-Why would they do this!? They couldn't just let us enjoy a private jet?" she cried. "Moon. Look around. Everything here is cheap as shit." "It is not. Look at this pristine car-" She noticed the fuzz and rough carpet on her finger tips. "Eugh, I hate you." "What did I do?" "You ruined the illusion." "You wanted to live the lie?" "For a few hours, yes!" "Well, the next time someone lies to you, I'll let them keep doing it then."

She pouted at him, grabbing her phone. "I already tried Googling, how to diffuse a bomb. We don't have any internet up here." She threw her phone at his head. "Really?" He said annoyed. She sat in her chair pouting. Red woke up yawning. She scanned the room with a tired gaze, before seeing the bomb. She pointed at the bomb. "Yes it's real." She let out a low growl, curling back into a ball and sleeping. "Well, what are we meant to do?" She said crossing her arms. He scratched his head. "Well, I think we weren't meant to find this thing, till eight minutes before we land...or whatever is meant to happen eight minutes before land." "So what? We just wait here, with a bomb that could explode at any time?" "It has a timer." "That makes it so much better. This is why you don't go snooping." "We were gonna find this thing anyway!" He exclaimed. "Yeah, but now I'm gonna be sitting here, completely nervous and anxious." "Oh, just go to sleep like Red did. I'll wake when it's close." She scoffed at the audacity of his comment. "You think I'm just gonna go back to sleep? With a literally fucking bomb next to me?" "What you think I won't wake you up or something?" "No! I think it's dangerous and it scares the hell out of me to be around it." "I promise, I'll keep you safe." He said confidently. She reeled back stunned and blushing. "Now, just get some rest. I think of something." "O...o...okay..." She trailed off, nervously cuddling Red.

'Damn it. He's doing it again...why is he being manly all of a sudden?' Zeke covered the bomb with the carpet, and headed into the cockpit. "Come on, come on. There's always a radio thingy in the movies...there!" He took the radio clicking it on. "Hello? Hello? Can anyone here me?" There was nothing but dead silence. He reeled back in the seat. Looking over his shoulder, he could see Moon anxiously curled up with Red. He instantly became glum at the sight. He switched the radio button to the speaker function on the jet. "Good morning! This is your Captain speaking. My name is Zeke Chen." He said in calm voice. "Don't be alarmed at me being Asian. I can assure you that stereotype only applies to cars." Moon sat up in her seat smiling. "I am an excellent pilot, with absolutely no experience at flying this thing." She giggled. "Having said that. We have reached our cruising altitude of 41,000ft. Not exactly sure how high that, is in non- retarded units." Moon snickered.

"The time is currently 10:45am and we are set to explode at approximately 11pm. Did I say explode? I meant land." She laughed. "The weather does look good outside, and from this height. I see no God up here, other than me." Moon found herself laughing, with a smile stretched across her face. "There is no cabin crew to distribute snacks. So as captain. I politely ask you to not eat all the snacks." "Dream on." She scoffed. "While enjoying your snacks, I recommend the in flight movie. 2008's The Hurt Locker. For those not aware. The plot follows an Explosive Ordinance Disposal soldier in Afghanistan." "Stop!" She smiled. "I'll talk to you again, before we explode. I mean land. Until then, sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the flight. Also remember one thing. Alluha Akbar! " He began shouting over the radio. Moon curled in laughing. "DUDE! NOT COOL!" She laughed. Zeke popped his head around the seat, smiling and laughing with her.

Hours passed and Moon found herself waking up once more, her face buried on top of Red. Zeke was sleeping on his side, with metal bits scattered all around him. She shot awake, rushing over to him. "Zeke! Zeke!" She shook him awake. "Mmmm." He groaned, waking up. "What?" "The bomb!?" He rubbed his eyes. "I diffused it." She reeled back confused. "What? What do you mean you "Diffused It"?" He pointed at the bomb on the ground, with the detonator completely dismantled. "But! YOU! HO-WH-HUH!?" He sat up yawning, pointing at the broken freezer. "You broke the freezer?" "No I froze the detonator, and then removed the detonator from its power source." "What if it blew up!?" She yelled shaking him. "I was pretty confident." "You could have gotten me and Red killed!" She growled. He pulled cupped her chin, pulling her in close. She let out a startled cry. "I would never, let anything hurt you." He said staring into her eyes. Zeke pulled her onto his chest, grabbing her back. "Except me." He whispered, nibbling on her ear.

"AH!" Moon shrieked shooting awake, launching Red from her head. She hit the ceiling falling down on top of Zeke. She shook her body. "Good you're awake." Zeke said staring intently at the blinking bomb. Her heart was racing, her face red. 'Damn it! Another dream again!' She held her ear, wiping Red's saliva. "Sorry Red." Moon said, with Red walking away in a huff. "What are you doing?" "Trying to diffuse the bomb." "How long have you been at this?" She asked walking over. "Bout the same time you've been sleeping." "Which is how long?" "11 hours or so." "I SLEPT FOR ELEVEN HOURS!? WHEN DID I FALL ASLEEP!?" He looked up to her with tired and strained eyes. "You don't remember hogging all the snacks, to stress eat, and then promptly falling asleep 30 minutes later?" "I did not hog all the-" He pointed at her chair, covered with crumbs and chip bags. "You could have just taken some." Zeke raised his arm showing two pair of teeth marks. One from Moon and the other from Red. "Don't act like it even hurt you." He showed the side of his shirt, showing another set of teeth marks with a chunk of his shirt missing. "I was more worried about my shirt." She blushed shying away. "I didn't mean to..."

"What's your plan?" She asked. "Are you going to freeze it in the freezer?" "What would that do?" "Slow the circuits down...and stuff?" "You need liquid nitrogen for that." Moon winced at her stupidity. 'Even in my dreams I'm stupid!' "So, what are you gonna do?" "Well I have two options, and I would like for you to decide." "You wouldn't just try and diffuse, while I was asleep?" "Why the fuck, would I do that? I can't keep you safe like that." He said staring at the bomb. She pinched herself. 'Damn it Zeke, you're still saying stuff like this, when I'm awake.' "What are the options?" "Option one, we pull open the emergency door, and jump out. Swim the rest of the way to Chiron Academy." "What!? No way! You know how expensive this dress is?" "Yes, I was there when you spent an entire salary on it." "What's the other option?" "You create a force field over the detonator, and I cut the cables. If it's strong enough, your force field should stop it from exploding. If we do it fast enough." "Can't help but notice, there was a lot of 'Ifs' and 'shoulds' in that plan." "Well, I was gonna go with option one, but your dress is more expensive than our house right now. So take your pick." She groaned, fidgeting on the spot, before raising her left palm.

"Wait! What if this still explodes?" "Then we'll be swimming either way, only difference is that, you'll arrive in wet clothes, and me naked." Red leapt onto Moon's back. She raised a force field over the detonator. "Make sure it's your strongest one." "It is." She growled. "Okay, on the count of three." He said grabbing the cables. "You're not gonna do that thing, where you say that and then pull on one are you? Because I'm not in the mood for that betrayal right now." "I'm not the dentist. You also gotta let that go. It wasn't betrayal, it was just them giving you a needle." "He lied, and therefore betrayed me." "Look just focus on the force field alright." He held the cables tightly. "One." They held their breathes. "Two..." Red winced clinging to Moon's back. "THREE!" Zeke winced, yanking the cables out. The two of shied away, closing their eyes. "Are we dead?" Moon asked. "I don't think so..." The two turned back to see the detonator off. Zeke peeked through the crawl space seeing all the other lights turned off. Both of them let out a sigh of relief, slumping over. "Ah, I'm glad that's over." Moon said. "Yeah...Don't think I could deal with anything else right now."

A ping over the speaker system activated. A recording of Sharon's voice spoke. "Mr Chen and Miss Kim. We are currently a few minutes away from Chiron Academy. However I must inform you, that I have not been aboard this plane since it took off." "We figured." Moon said throwing a bottle at the speaker. "And I regret to tell you, that there is a bomb on the plane." "Already diffused asshole." Zeke muttered. "I hope that you will figure out how to arrive at Chiron academy safely." The message ended and the two of them chuckled, before high fiving. "Showed her!" Moon said. "Alright, that's done. I'm gonna take a nap." "Yeah, you've definitely earned it. Nothing else to worry about now." "Auto pilot disengaged." A robotic voice said. Zeke turned to Moon with an annoyed glare. "You just had to-" "OH don't even! There's no way I could have known!" Moon yelled. The two scrambled into the cockpit. "Um Zeke...What's the plan here?" "Well, we just gonna have to land this thing."

Moon could see city lights on a island in the distance. "That's Chiron Academy?" She said mesmerised by the sight. "Yep. Take it in, because we're about to crash into it." "Yeah it's amazing...wait what!? That's your plan?" "How else did you think I was gonna land this thing?" "I don't know? You always have a plan. You're the plan guy." "And this is my plan. So put your seatbelt on." Red hopped off Moon's shoulder, strapping herself into seat behind them. Zeke plunged the wheel down, making the jet nose dive. Moon braced herself, as Zeke tried his best to level the jet. On the runway stood a woman wearing a white night gown her hair tied up in a bun. She stared up at the private jet closing in. "Let's see, why you have so much faith in them Peter." The woman spoke with a soft and aged voice, and pressed a trigger with her thumb. The jet continued to barrel towards them. Confused she hit the button again. No explosion. "What the..." She said confused. "Zeke....we're coming in kinda hot don't you think!" "Alright, think that's good enough." He said levelling the jet with the runway. "FOR WHAT!?" Moon yelled. "JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL!" He yelled leaping in front of Moon. Her eyes bulged with fear and she screamed at the top of her lungs.

The jet crashed and skidded along the tarmac runway. The woman watched on shocked as it scraped and bounced. Moon was thrown forward, her seatbelt snapping from the force. She fell into Zeke's embrace. Red was also launched from her seat, landing against the back of Moon's chair with a splat. She let out a muffled scream into his chest. The woman approached the crashed jet as it came to a screeching halt. She could hear cursing and shouting in Korean, with a distinct hissing and screeching. Entering through the flaming wreckage, she spotted Moon and Red on top of Zeke, shaking him violently. "(YOU SON OF A BITCH! THAT WAS NOT A HAPPY LANDING!)" Zeke looked away from her insults and Red clawing at his face.

"Colour me impressed, not a scratch on either one of you." The woman said. The two of them turned to her, with Red looking up. She was a middle aged woman with dark mahogany hair, with sharp features, and piercing blue eyes. Gazing around the jet, she smiled. "Never seen anyone actually land here before." "See, she called it a landing." Moon punched Zeke across the head, shaking him furiously. She eyed the detonator removed from the bomb. "You two actually diffused it. That's a first." Moon stopped, turning to her. "Although, I'm surprised you still chose to try and land the plane, the shock could have triggered the C-4." "It could have?" Moon asked. "Of course, it's an explosive." She turned back to Zeke with a furious scowl. He gave her a nervous smile, scratching his forehead. "Forgot about that, but silver lining here. That was considered a landing." She snarled, pinching his nose shut, and clasping her hand over his mouth. He let out a muffled scream, thrashing and kicking in her muffled screams. The woman held out her hand creating a giant green Rift that shadowed over the entire jet. "Clean this up Hika."

A booming roar above, made Moon and Red stop. Razor sharp bronze claws tore through the wreckage, each one the size of a van. Moon and Red quickly hid behind Zeke. The three watched as the entire wreckage was eaten by a giant black Dragon, with piercing blood red eyes. It stood over 15 metres tall and blended in with the night sky. "Is that a Dragon?" Moon whispered. Zeke nodded. "Did it just eat the bombs?" "I think so...but that would have to be really bad for its stomach-" They watched as its belly expanded with a small bulge and the Dragon let out a smoky burp. "Or not..." "Thank you Hika." She said. The Dragon bowed and left through the same rift. "That's her familiar..." Moon said stunned. "Who are you?" Zeke asked. "I am headmaster Adrianna Jaeger. Pleasure to meet you both, and welcome to Chiron Academy."