
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

Chapter Hell Arc. Samael the Destroyer.

Lilith turned to the four of them, she cocked an eye at their odd clothing, poorly sewn together by Weaver. "What's wrong?" Zeke asked. "You two are dressed appropriately, your women however." "What's wrong with our clothing?" Moon asked. "I believe she's referring to Zeke's amazing handy work on us." Zeke blushed. She waved her hand giving Moon and Sunny a black micro bikini. The two looked down at their clothing before frowning at Lilith. "Why are you two frowning at me? Is it the colour?" "No! It's not the damn colour!" Moon snapped hiding herself. "How is this appropriate at all!?" Sunny squealed covering herself. "Because he enjoys it." Zeke ogled them in a complete trance. Moon summoned Iziel out. "Ezekiel!" Sunny snapped her fingers at him. He shook his head. "Sorry." He took off his coat giving it to Sunny. She gave Moon a smug smile. "Hey! I want a coat too." She pouted. "I can only make one coat." "And it's for me." Sunny stuck her tongue at Moon.

"May I remind you two, to focus!?" Weaver raised his voice. The two stood at attention. "Mmm, what a firm hand." "We've waited long enough." He said furrowing his brow. Lilith waved her hand creating a black Rift. "You should know, you four are the first Nephilim to actually, be invited to enter the Shadow kingdom." Moon and Sunny gulped. "Do let Samael know what he has to fix up. He's terrible with guests." The four of them shared confused glances before hesitantly following her through the Rift. Weaver stepped through first with Moon and Sunny clinging onto Zeke. They entered through at the same time. The four felt a sense of dread staring at the crumbling giant scorched castle. The sky was on fire with swirling into a dark void. Violet lightning rumbled and surged through the sky violently.

"This is unacceptable!" Lilith snapped resting her hands on her hips. "Samael! Where are you!?" She shouted storming in. The four shared a puzzled look. "Should...should we follow her?" Zeke asked. Weaver shrugged. "I guess so." Moon and Sunny tugged on Zeke's arm. Both of them covered their mouths. "You can't taste that?" Moon asked. "Taste what?" Zeke asked. Sunny gagged frowning and struggling to stomach the putrid smell lingering in the air. "Are you two okay? What's going on?" Zeke asked concerned. "You can't be serious? Can you seriously not taste-" Lilith came back clapping her hands at them. "Children! Come along! I am in no mood for this." "We should move." Weaver said. "We'll be right behind you." Zeke took Moon and Sunny by the arm. "Are you two going to be okay?" "I'll manage...she's the weakling." "Shut up." Sunny groaned at her. The three followed behind Weaver. Zeke observed the crumbling castle, noticing the different kinds of destruction. The craters made from blunt force impact. The large smooth slits in the rocks from something sharp. The scorch marks from different kinds of magic.

"Can you distract us Zeke? This smell...it's really bad." "With what?" "Anything..." Sunny said burying her face into his arm. "Ummm, why don't you explain how you could keep up with Kenji?" "I wasn't keeping up with him. He kinda killed me, remember?" "I meant before that." Moon asked. "You could see where was and what he was doing. I kept losing track of him." "He wasn't blinking." Weaver said. "How does change anything?" Moon asked. "It takes about 0.1 to 0.4 seconds to blink. In that time your brain makes the assumption of what it will see next. A Hunter moving at almost the speed of sound causes the untrained brain to not comprehend how far and fast they've moved." "What about those boxing skills of yours? Care to explain that one?" Sunny asked. "Shows what you know. Zeke spent years in a boxing gym that our national champions go to." Moon said. "Yeah, as a punching bag." "Is that where you also learned to not flinch in a fight?"

"After the thousandth punch to the face that doesn't hurt, you don't need to look away anymore." "Who taught you those styles?" Weaver asked. Zeke shrugged. "I just copied them." "Like an Echo." Lilith said up ahead. "Sure...I guess." "That weapon of yours, may I ask where you found it?" "It belonged to the strongest Hunter, and I somehow bonded to it." Zeke scratched his head. "It was meant to be a great sword apparently, not sure how it became what it is now." "The Soul is a powerful thing that knows exactly what it wants, and what it needs." "Is this helping you two?" The two nodded. "I thought you looked amazing Zeke." "It was something to see." They said with laboured breathing. "I'm sorry worrying you two." Moon weakly chuckled. "Don't worry about it. It lead to an amazing three days." Sunny fist bumped Moon. "We agree on something."

Moon and Sunny clung to Zeke tighter. The putrid smell became overwhelming. The two fell to their knees and threw up clutching their stomachs. "Alright, that's enough. I'm taking you two outside." "I'm-Heugh!" Moon threw up again. Sunny held her stomach trying to shut her mouth. "Weaver! They can't keep going. Is there some kind of poison here?" "It's not poison." Weaver said turning back with a queasy look. "You're feeling it too?" He nodded. Lilith clapped her hands shrouding them in a pink haze. Weaver took a relieved breath. Moon and Sunny gasped taking deep breaths. "Christ! That's better." Moon said. "Much better." Sunny said reeling back. "What's happening to them?" "Hmm? You don't feel it?" "Feel what!?" Zeke exclaimed annoyed. "Stay close children. It seems only Zeke is unaffected." "Could you just tell me what you're all feeling?" "Samael's presence, now come along children." Lilith sauntered next to Zeke, with the others behind her.

Lilith took Zeke by the arm. "What are you thinking about?" "Nothing?" "I see your eyes darting around. What are you looking at?" He glanced over his shoulder checking on the others, seeing them breathing normally. "The damage of this place." "Oooh, what can you make of it?" "Destruction from blunt force impact and smooth damages indicate an incredibly sharp object." Sunny said. Moon sucked her teeth glaring at Sunny. "There's that, and those marks come from powerful smiting magic." Moon said proudly. "Was that what you were looking at?" Lilith asked. "You say Samael is the strongest in this realm." "He is." Lilith said. Zeke looked around at the destruction. "Then I'm left with two questions." "Which are?" Lilith asked intrigued. "Who was crazy enough to attack him, and who was strong enough to leave this much damage behind?" Zeke continued forward leaving the others to notice the damage around them and ponder the questions. "I definitely see why you two like him so much. He's so much like his father."

"MERCY! PLEASE MERCY!" Dracula wailed down the corridor. Zeke sprinted up with the others stuck to follow Lilith. Zeke entered into the Samael's throne room. He sat in his throne resting on his knuckles. Dracula was mangled on the ground with missing limbs and bleeding profusely. "They're no longer your property Dracula. They belong to my son." "I understand! Please...no more." "Oi." Zeke said catching their attention. Dracula weakly looked up to Zeke, his face lit up with joy. He leapt up from the ground with lighting fast speed and wrapped himself behind Zeke. He ripped his hair aside, and exposed his neck. "IT'S OVER SAMAEL!" He roared sinking his fangs into Zeke's neck. Samael cracked a grin looking at the annoyed Zeke. "Are you done?" Zeke growled. Dracula stumbled back terrified. Lilith and the others stopped seeing Dracula stumble back towards them, and Zeke activating his Demon's Blood. The Spectre caught Dracula in its hands. "I saw what you did to Clara, even when I was dying." He echoed.

Lilith stopped the others smiling at the sight. "I don't need his damn presence or protection. So remember one thing Lord Dracula! Touch anything in my protection or care again, and you're only hope for a quick death, will be seeing Samael. Am I clear?" Dracula nodded. Zeke threw him aside looking up at the others with a terrifying scowl. "Run away. I don't have time for your bullshit anymore." He scurried away through a black Rift. Lilith gave him a gleeful applause. Zeke returned to normal and glared at Weaver. "Let's get this over and done with." He nodded and followed closely. Entering into Samael's throne room. The others froze at the terrifying and daunting sight of the giant Monarch. "Welcome to my kingdom." Samael said with a smile. "Samael! This is unacceptable. I gave you three days! You couldn't clean up a little?" Lilith barked. Samael rolled his eyes. "Do not roll your eyes at me! Three days! What have you been doing this entire time?" "If you would let me greet the guest. I will show you what I've been doing." Lilith pouted folding her arms. "It's anything short of spectacular. Do not call me." Samael took a sigh.

Moon approached first catching everyone's attention. She bowed down to Samael. "Moon, what are you doing?" Zeke asked. "Thank you for saving me, and thank you for saving him." She raised her head. "I don't know how I can ever repay you." "Continue to love him and be by his side. That is all I ask for. The same goes for you as well little bird." Sunny gulped and nodded. Moon went back and stood by Zeke's side. He was locked in a staring match against Samael, completely silent with his fists curled into a ball. "Little spider. You wished to know about Convergence." "I do. Are you going to beat around the bush as well?" Samael sniggered. "You must forgive the secrecy. The Nephilim and Humans were not meant to know about Convergence for a few more years. As it stands, I can only answer one of your questions about Convergence." "What is it?" He asked. "As the name implies." Samael held his hand out. "All the realms will converge." He said making a fist. "How is that even possible?" "I'm afraid I cannot answer you anymore little spider." "How is it possible?" Zeke asked. He looked down at Zeke with a smile. "You said you could only answer one of his questions. Now answer mine."

He grinned. "Four Rifts will appear across your world that will mark the beginning of Convergence." "How do we stop it?" Weaver asked. Samael ignored him. "How do we stop it?" Sunny asked. "You can't. It is already in motion." "Then what do we do?" Weaver asked. Samael gave him a coy smile. "What do we do?" Moon asked. "Make an army, and when the time comes. Survive." "That's all you can tell us?" Weaver asked. "I'm afraid so." "What's holding you to secrecy?" Zeke asked. "Your son is so clever." Lilith said. "He is." Samael smiled. "Alright enough of that! I am not your damn son! I am the son of a heartless cunt mother, and the son of a man who believes himself to be an angel! We came here for answers about Convergence, and if that's all you can give us. We're done here." "I apologise, however even I am not immune to the rules." "What rules!?" Zeke snapped. "Iziel, would you like to help answer his question?" Samael asked. Zeke turned to Moon. "What's he talking about?" "Come on out, little Dragon." He raised his finger, and Iziel appeared.

"Samael." Iziel growled. "Wait. Iziel is still awake inside of you!?" Zeke asked. "Don't be angry, but yes." "Get rid of her now!" "Zeke, wait! It's not like that. She's been helping me." "Moon! This isn't a fucking joke! She could drive you insane or try and take over your body!" "I have no intention of doing that." "Am I supposed to believe that?" "Zeke. She's not doing that. We've been working together ever since we bonded. It's a mutual one. I swear." She said grabbing Zeke's hand. "I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere, and she's really come to love you as well." "Love is a strong word." "You love his cooking and what he was doing to us." "I still wouldn't use the word love." "Moon..." "Zeke, I'm okay. I promise." "It seems your brother Farazion was not as fortunate." Samael said. "Do not say my brother's name Demon!" Samael chuckled. "Bound to a little girl and you still do not know any respect." "Who the hell is that?" Moon summoned Spark. "That thing is Iziel's brother?" "That thing is my brother! I have nothing to say to you, or to Zeke. I am bound to keep my silence about Convergence." "Ahhhh, I see now. She paid you a visit as well." "Yes. Yes she did." "I don't suppose you two are gonna say who this 'she' is?" Sunny asked.

Iziel disappeared. "Wait, wait. You mean this entire time, she's been feeling everything-" Moon nodded. "Does...does that mean I fucked a Dragon?" Zeke asked troubled scratching his head. "Iziel says no." "Wait, she can hear us? Even when she's inside?" She nodded again. "Oh my god! We did the sex so many times, after you bonded to her! Why didn't you tell me!?" "Because you'd freak out like this. I didn't want you to worry." "Well I'm freaking out and worried now!" "Ezekiel!" Sunny snapped. "Breathe. If Iziel was going to take over her body. She would have done it by now." "Yeah...yeah that makes sense..." "Because why would a Dragon have such trouble taking over a weakling like her?" "You had to go there." Moon said annoyed. "I'm trying to reassure him not give you credit."

"Iziel, I need you to ask the question." Weaver said. "She's saying no. She says she'll die if she does." Moon shuddered at the thought. "Who else could give us answers about Convergence?" Samael smirked at Weaver. He snarled and grunted. "I'll find another damn lead then. Zeke open the return Rift we are done here." "We can't leave yet." Zeke said. "He won't talk to us anymore." "I still have business here." "With what? We're done here." "The vampire sisters and Gemini. Who's gonna take care of them, when I'm gone." "Are you serious? Forget them." "Did you not hear him? We need to make allies." "He said make an army. Three vampires and a Hellhound are not an army." Weaver scolded. "I'm not leaving them on their own. I made a deal with them." "We don't have time for this. We have to go back and warn the others. Forget about them." Zeke created the return Rift. "Then go. I'm not leaving till I'm done." The two stared each other down. "Fine, make it quick." Weaver said.

Zeke looked to Samael. "The sisters. Clara, Eleanor and Ordelia. Where are they?" Samael waved his hand creating a black Rift. The sisters stumbled out wearing classy and flowing lace dresses. They gasped at the sight of Samael and quickly fell to the their knees bowing to him. Zeke knelt down beside Clara. "Hey, are you all okay?" They nodded afraid to look up. Zeke took a deep breath and quickly grabbed Clara's left breast with a small red glow. She jumped with a yelp as he moved to Eleanor and Ordelia. The three looked up at him blushing and bright red, with Samael and Lilith impressed. "Sorry!! I'm really sorry! But I wanted to keep my end of the deal and give my mark." "Yes...but why on our breasts?" Clara asked blushing. "Because...that's...where I have to put it..." He turned to Lilith. "I didn't have to brand them there did I?"

She shook her head with a grin. Zeke slumped over. "Eughhh, I'm never gonna hear the end of this." "You're damn right!" Moon and Sunny snapped. The three shied away holding their breasts. "No need!" Eleanor said. "Gladly accepted." Ordelia said. Clara looked over to Moon and Sunny glaring at them. She slapped her sisters diverting their attention to the storm staring at them. "We humbly accept your gift." Clara said with a bow. "Alright...where's Gemini?" Samael stood up. Moon and Sunny reeled back finally realizing his size. "He's out there playing with Calcifer." "Playing?" They all asked puzzled. Samael blew apart his castle wall with wave of his hand, exposing his open and barren land. Gemini ran circles around Calcifer. "Go fetch!" He yelled hurling a giant bone through the air. "Do you have a Monarch dog sitting?" Weaver asked. "He was happy to oblige." Samael said. Gemini spotted Zeke on the way back and bolted past Calcifer. "Oh crap." Zeke said. The others dove out of the way as Gemini pounced on top of Zeke licking him furiously and happily. "Ah! Argh! Stop!" he chuckled blocking the tongues. He gave Gemini a few pats on each nose.

"Hey boy, you look happy. You been having fun?" He nodded. "Here, take this and remember to take care of them." He said looking at the sisters. Zeke marked Gemini on each head. "Maybe you should look for his boob." Moon muttered. "Or a nipple." Sunny added. "I didn't know!" Zeke yelled. Gemini sniffed him. "I don't know where you four are gonna stay." "Do not worry, you have solved that problem already." Samael said creating a black Rift. "What are you talking about?" Zeke asked. "Let me show you, what you won in your duel." Samael walked through first. Everyone paused turning back to Lilith. "I have no idea what's past there." Zeke took a moment to compose himself before walking through first. Venturing through he found himself in a pristine castle, made of obsidian coloured bricks, freshly polished walls and sparkling floors twinkled. The others followed through with Gemini squeezing himself through last.

Everyone looked around amazed. "So this is what you were cleaning. I am impressed Samael." "An apology for your outburst would be more appreciated." "Don't worry, I'll beg for your forgiveness later." "What is this?" Zeke asked. "Your castle. Fitting for a prince wouldn't you say?" Samael said with a coy smile. "I'm not a prince and I'm not your son." Moon and Sunny pulled Zeke back. "Hey, maybe we don't piss off the extremely strong and scary Demon King?" Moon hissed. Sunny nodded as well nervously smiling at Zeke. He shook them off. "I don't want any of this!" Zeke snapped. "I didn't ask to be some Demon prince. I didn't even want to be a Demon! Every terrible thing that has ever happened and will happen in my life is because of your Mana! Am I supposed to thank you for that!?" The Sisters with Moon, Sunny and Lilith cringed at Zeke's outburst. Samael glared at him. Everyone except Zeke shared concerned glances taking a few steps away from them.

Samael knelt down still towering over everyone by a few metres. Lilith cocked an eyebrow at the gesture. "I understand that you are angry. I sense it boiling and churning inside of you. However unlike your biological father and the rest of your judgemental kind." He said shooting Sunny a quick glance. She cringed and tried to hide. "I do not harbour resentment for something you could not choose, and I am sorry for what my Mana has done to you." Lilith's jaw dropped. 'Did he just apologise!?!?!?!?!?' He held out his hand. "If I had known you were born that day. I would have taken you far away from them. I would have given you everything, you could ever want." Zeke shot an angry stare at him, before looking over to Moon and Sunny. He sucked on his teeth. "I have what I want in my life. I'm not going to let anything or anyone take it away from me. If I need to raise an army to protect the ones I love, I will. If I have to become a Demon prince. I will endure the judgement and exile. So I'll take this castle and whatever vague help you'll give."

Samael smiled. "Well said, son." He stood up and held out his hand. Zeke summoned his Spectre. He grinned at Zeke. "Shall we continue the tour?" Zeke return to normal. "Lead on." The two walked side by side with Zeke barely appearing beside him. Everyone else was frozen in place at the spectacle that had taken place. "Did you all hear him say he was sorry?" Lilith asked. Everyone nodded. "Okay good. I thought after a few eons of living, I had gone insane. On the account of seeing SAMAEL OFFER AN APOLOGY! WHAT!?" Lilith snapped. "Thank you..." Zeke muttered awkwardly." "For what?" Samael asked puzzled. "For healing Moon and saving me." "Oh. That was of no trouble to me. I am simply glad you are okay." Zeke turned around seeing the others still frozen in place. "Are you all coming!?" They awkwardly shuffled after them with Gemini trying his hardest to not hit the ceiling. "Dear, I think you should wait here." Lilith said to Gemini. He whimpered and pouted. "You don't want to destroy your new masters castle do you?" he shook his head. "Then be a good boy and stay here." He sulked and curled into a ball. The others quickly sprinted to behind Samael and Zeke.

"This is quite a modest stone keep. I am aware you have a reserved taste in things." "This is modest?" Moon whispered to Sunny. "I guess to a Demon King it would be." Walking down the corridors they stopped at the stair case inside a winding tower. "What up here?" "A lodging area." Clara said. "This castle is similar to Lord Dracula's, except a lot bigger, but that could be from it being empty." Eleanor said keeping her head down. "Where are we right now?" Zeke asked. "This would be the west wing." Samael answered. Zeke looked to the sisters. "Go make yourself at home in this wing." Their eyes bulged. "Really!? We don't want to impose-" "Clara. We made a deal that you would be under my care. This is what my care looks like. Now go and make yourselves at home. I'm not sure about what you're going to eat-" "We'll make do!" Eleanor and Ordelia shouted running off. Clara embraced Zeke tightly. "Thank you." She giddily ran up the stairs hiking up her dress after them. "No prince would offer an entire wing to a trio of vampires." Lilith said. "It's a good thing I'm not a prince then. I'm guessing this place looks like a box, with the east wing being a mirror?" "You are correct to assume this." Samael answered Zeke holding his hands behind his back.

"Is there anything you would like to see next?" "A place for Gemini to stay." Samael created a black Rift. "Let us go to the courtyard." The six of them ventured into the courtyard. A empty concrete field with nothing but the giant castle walls surrounding them. Moon and Sunny scanned the area. "Seriously, what part about this place is modest? It's fucking huge." She whispered to Sunny. "I know right? We're walking through Rifts to get to places." "Quiet you two." Weaver scolded.

Zeke looked up to the sky a bright blue with white clouds. "We're not in your kingdom anymore." "No, this castle is on the east side." "Hmmm, this is a place to gather outside the walls. What are they going to do for food and water?" "That is something you will have to manage. I would recommend finding a set of working class citizens." Samael said. "What's outside these walls?" Samael waved his hand opening another black Rift with Gemini walking through it. "Shall we find out?" They rode Gemini out of the castle walls with Samael walking in front. They were taken aback by the pristine and lush field of grass around them, surrounded by a serene and tranquil mountain range in the distance. "It's...it's beautiful." Sunny said. "Yeah it is...what the hell?" Moon said stunned. Zeke looked back to his giant stone keep behind him. "There's a fresh river just down the ridge there. I do not know the type of fish that swim through it." "I didn't know there were places like this in Hell." Weaver said. "Not all of Hell has been touched by our kind." Lilith said. "I thought this place would be fitting for you." Samael said.

Zeke gave Gemini a pat, signalling to be lowered. He rubbed his snout. "I'm gonna be gone for a while." Gemini let out a whimper. "I want you to protect those girls in there and this place okay?" Gemini nodded. "You heard him. There's fish in that river, and I'm sure other things to eat around here. Until I'm back, remember to listen to Clara okay?" Gemini bopped Zeke with a nose. "Until then have fun." Gemini nodded and sprinted off to frolic through the grass, happily playing in the fields. "I'm done with the tour. Take us back, I know you have something else you want to talk to me about." "Before we do that, place your mark onto your castle. Zeke obliged placing his hand on it. The entire castle became engulfed in a red fire. "What the fuck!?" Moon and Sunny shouted. Zeke reeled back his hand stinging and searing with pain. "What was that?" He growled. "You will see in due time." Samael smirked. "Let us return for now." Samael waved his hand. A black Rift appeared this time flying over them. Moon, Sunny and Weaver raised their guard finding themselves back into Samael's throne room. "

He slumped in his throne, with Calcifer awkwardly standing in the corner trembling. He saluted Samael. "Nothing to report Lord Samael!" "You are dismissed Calcifer, I have no further need of you." Calcifer made a black Rift. "Oh thank god." He sighed in relief jogging through. "I am to understand that in your world, you three regarded as quite low in the rankings." "Only her. She's the worst out of us." Sunny threw her hands up looking at Moon. "Really?" "What? It's true. You don't have any armour or magic. At least Zeke has two of those things." "At least I don't have some brittle armour." Iziel emerged. "I AM NOT BRITTLE!" She roared. "Also sensitive and temperamental." Sunny sneered. Weaver nudged the both of them. "I think he's only referring to Zeke." "What do you require to rise up through the ranks?" "Your 24 layer coded tome should be enough." Samael sniggered. "I do not offer my teachings to anyone, and I have been told you love to solve puzzles. However, I can show you the next technique after the Mana step. It is called the Monarch's authority. It works wonders on dealing with weaker beings. Let me demonstrate."

"Oh dear." Lilith took a step away from Weaver placing a hand on both Moon and Sunny. Samael pulsed with vile and evil Mana. The burning sky erupted into violent plumes and the lightning streaked across the sky, like fissures in an earthquake. Weaver fell to his knees immediately, throwing up and clutching his heart. He gasped for air unable to raise his head. Samael smiled and reclined back. "A simple technique. Overwhelming someone with a small fraction of your Mana to scare them straight." 'That...that was only a fraction of his power.' Weaver's mind rattled and trembled at the thought of Samael's true power. He fell back catching his breath. "You have been doing inadvertently, thanks to your intimidating Spectre." "I don't have the Mana to do that." "In due time you will. Now to the matter at hand. What do you need to be of a rank fitting for your power?"

"The rules for us to promote, to the same grade as Weaver or Kenji. Is that we need two weapons, two sets of armour and access to two magic spells." Samael reclined back in his seat stroking his chin. "Hmmm unfortunately, I have nothing that any of you three could wield." "That's fine. As I said, we've gotten what we came for." Zeke said. Samael snapped his fingers coming to an epiphany. "Don't even think about it Samael." Lilith said. The others turned back concerned. "He is more than capable of using it." "You aren't even capable of using it!" "That is incorrect. I am unable to master it. I am quite capable in using it." "What is 'it'?" Zeke asked. Samael held his out summoning a black piece of parchment, barely registering in his palm, he showed Zeke the crimson parchment. Crimson Enochian was scrawled over it. Zeke rolled his eyes. "What's the key to this translating this one?" "Bottom right." He said handing the scroll over.

Moon, Sunny and Weaver cocked their heads at the odd language, as Zeke took the key placing it over each symbol. "Is this one also reversed?" Sunny asked. "Doesn't look like it." "What the fuck is that?" Moon asked."Enochian language." Zeke said looking up to Samael. "It's annoying, but this one is a lot easier to read." "When did you learn how to read this so easily?" Moon asked. "When he was with me." Sunny said haughtily. "But you suck at languages." "I know, but...this one is just a puzzle. I can do puzzles." "What does it say?" Weaver asked. "It's not a smiting spell...a buff spell for speed." "For what kind?" Sunny asked. "Let's find out I guess." "Wait!" Moon exclaimed. "Zeke, think about it. She's saying he can't use this thing." "He can't." "What's it going to do you?" "Only one way to find out. Besides, he wouldn't offer me this, unless he knew I could handle it." "He's right." Samael said. "Although I would give him some space."

The others stuck close to Lilith as she gave Zeke over ten metres in space. "What is that magic?" Moon asked. "Ancient magic. A spell to offer Mana, to a long forgotten god." Zeke cleared his throat. "I summon the goddess of lightning." Moon, Sunny and Weaver furrowed their brow. "Did he read that incantation wrong?" Sunny asked. "I told you. Zeke's terrible with languages." "He isn't reading it wrong." Lilith said. "But there is no goddess of lightning." Weaver said. "There was, and you three are mistaken. That is not a smiting spell as you call it." Lilith said. "Then what is it?" Moon asked. "Bestow me a gift and in return take what is yours. Hear my call..." Zeke squinted at the scroll. "Themestis? Did I say that right?" The crimson Enochian disappeared and the scroll exploded into bolts of black lightning. Zeke reeled back shaking his hands, both burnt and smoking. The lightning formed into the shape of a woman in a black cloak that crackled with lightning. It stood at the same size of Samael, and scanned the area. The figure stared around, before stopping at Samael who smirked at it. "Hello, Themestis. It has been a long time."

"I warned you Samael. Summon me again, and I would destroy you." Her ethereal voice echoed throughout the room. "Oh, but I am not the one who summoned you." He said with a coy smile. "Do you take me for a fool Samael? I could recognize your Mana anywhere." "Actually, he's right." A bolt of black lightning shot out at Lilith. Samael raised his hand stopping the bolt inches from their faces. "Quiet Succubus. I will hear nothing from your vile tongue." "HEY!" Zeke snapped activating his Demon's Blood. His Spectre while large was still shorter than Themestis. She looked down cocking her head to the side, before looking back at Samael. "Is that what I think it is?" "It, has a name." Zeke snarled. Themestis reeled back cackling. "Samael the Destroyer has actually created a Nephilim. How fascinating! What do you call this one?" Before Zeke could answer Samael did first. "Ezekiel the Echo Demon." Zeke turned to Samael. "You named him after an Angel?" "He didn't name me."

"I was unaware of his existence until recently. I intend to rectify the mistakes made by his human father."

Themestis snickered. "Very well. Let us begin." "Begin what?" She placed her hand onto his head. "Hmm, what an...interesting life you have lived. Very well I accept your offering. I hope you survive Ezekiel Chen." "What's that supposed to mean?" Themestis shot into the sky as a bolt of black lightning disappearing amongst the fiery sky. "What the fuck was that!?" Moon and Zeke shouted at the same time. "That was a summoning scroll for the Ancient goddess of Lightning." Lilith said. "But what did she even do?" Moon asked. Zeke fell to his knees holding his chest and grunting in pain. "Zeke!" He reeled back screaming, and activated his Demon's Blood, covering the entire room in a layer of frost. Black Lightning crackled and surged over him shooting out of his chest. "What's happening to him!?" Sunny asked. "Not sure. Last Nephilim to try and use an Ancient God's power exploded. Was quite the spectacle." "WHAT!?" The three shouted. Samael watched on with a gleeful smirk.

Zeke's screams of anguish became louder as the lightning grew more violent. He gnashed his teeth together with him and his Spectre tearing at the lightning. He let out a roar grabbing the lightning and ripping it out of his chest. "Amazing..." Lilith said watching in awe. "HEY! What's happening!? Is he okay?" Moon asked summoning Iziel. With a final roar the lighting sparkled like a ruby. Zeke panted and wheezed. He turned to Samael frozen in place, then noticed the streak of red lightning moving at a snail's pace floating through the air. Zeke panned around noticing how the lightning crawled around him and the frost from his Mana receding slowly. Noticing Moon and Sunny's distraught expressions he went towards them. The four of them blinked and in that second Zeke disappeared with a sonic boom and the wall around them exploded into a volcano of rubble. They jumped as Samael reeled back laughing with delight. "Amazing! You are magnificent Ezekiel! You actually did it! You actually bonded the magic of an Ancient God." He chortled. "He did what...?" Lilith said stunned.

Zeke groaned sticking his hand out of the rubble. "Zeke!" Moon cried out rushing to his aide. Sunny followed and Weaver followed along. The three pulled Zeke out of the rubble dusting him off. "Zeke, what happened!? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you need me make you feel better?" "Will you stop smothering him?" Sunny said. "You shut up!" "Zeke, are you feeling low on Mana right now?" Weaver asked. He nodded. "What happened though?" "Questions for later. I think it's time we leave." Weaver said. "Agreed." Sunny said. "I think we're done with Hell." "Yeah no more of this shit." Moon pulled Zeke into her arms. He looked at Samael smiling proudly at him. Samael spoke in Enochian, a language echoing and harsh syllables. "If you want more power. Find the Black Hammer." He said with a devilish smile. The others squinted at him. Zeke did the same understanding him perfectly. He waved his hand creating the return Rift with the others dragging him through. Lilith looked to Samael. "The Black Hammer... Samael you are starting to play with fire." "Does that scare you?" "On the contrary. I am quite excited to see how this all turns out."