
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

Chapter Hell Arc. Duel of the Demon Princes.

Kenji Serizawa glared at Zeke up and down furling and unfurling his fists. "You." "Me?" Zeke asked looking around. "You're the boy who is Sakura's friend." "Mmmhmm! That's me! Her friend." "Alistair said you were tough." "Well he's wrong!" Zeke exclaimed. "Shall we set the rules to this duel?" Invahazen asked. "Yes." Lilith said. "NO!" Zeke yelled. "We are not setting any fucking rules!" "He's right!" Moon declared shoving past the copies of Zeke. "This isn't even remotely a fair fight! He's the world number two." "Yeah! Ezekiel is like the lowest ranked Hunter there is." Sunny said wiping her mouth. Zeke frowned at her. "Besides. Zeke knows his daughter, and won't even try to remotely hurt him." Moon said. "He can't even hurt someone, when they ask for it." Sunny said. "She's right. I've asked him to pull my hair and he's always like. Nyeehhhh! I don't want to hurt you." "Oi!" "Or even spank you." "OI!" Zeke shouted. Moon groaned and rolled her eyes. "Does he high five your ass and then ask if he "Hurt" you?" "YES! All the time." "OI!!"

"Does he also ruin the mood when you ask him to choke you?" Moon asked. "For the love of-" "ALL! THE! TIME!" Sunny clapped with each word. "And it's always at the best part too." "Always!" "Ehhhh, I can't do it. I feel like you're dying." "I know right!" "HEY!!" Zeke shouted. "What!?" They exclaimed. Zeke threw his hands into the air looking around. The two panned around seeing everyone staring at them. The realization hit them at once. "Oh...too much information shared." Moon said. "YA THINK!?" Zeke yelled. He approached Kenji before turning around. "No, before I do this. I'm going to address this first. You two like it way too fucking rough! Alright? It's basically abuse." "It's not abuse if we like it." Sunny said. "But you're basically dying! Your eyes roll up, you face goes blue and then you start growling prayers to god." Lilith and the sisters gave him an impressed nod. "But that's the best part!" Moon said. "No it's not! It's terrifying and I don't know why you two would want that feeling." "Hey don't kink shame us." Moon said, with Sunny nodding. "You both kink shame me all the time!" "May I interject here?" Lilith asked. "Your women here, like to be treated as a princess in the streets and a slut in the sheets." "Yes!" Sunny shouted. "Thank you! She put it into words for us." Zeke looked at them confused.

"Wait you two are actually into me, degrading you and treating you like some whore?" The two nodded. "Really!?" "But I just want to clarify here. Only when we have sex. Every other time be yourself." Sunny said. "Yes, 100% agree with her. Zeke I'm not even kidding. You would be perfect like that." He shook his head. "We're getting off topic!" He yelled blushing. "Sir, I'm not going to fight you. I'm sorry to have wasted your...time..." Zeke trailed off tilting his head to the side. A flamboyantly dressed lanky man stood behind Kenji. He wore a vibrant rainbow hammer pants with a puffy black coat and no shirt underneath. With a thick tome in one hand he held a quill out. "Who the fuck are you supposed to be?" He did an over dramatic curtsey. "I am the great minstrel Jacaranda! A pleasure to meet you sir." Everyone cringed at the sight of him. "Do not mind me in your duel. I am simply here to recount the tales of the GREAT BERSERKER!"

"There's no story! Because we're not going to fight." "Yes you are." Invahazen growled. Lilith held her hand out with a black Rift emerging over her hand. A note gently fluttered down. "Samael has set his terms." "Name them." "Hang on!" They ignored Zeke. "They will fight for three minutes." "The fuck I am!" "Only three minutes?" Kenji asked annoyed. The note changed with a small crackling of violet lightning. "It's five now." "Stop ignoring me!" "The son of Samael cried out, resembling a toddler crying over spilt milk." "You shut up! Stop writing!" "He wailed and moaned like a petulant child." Zeke summoned Shadow marching over to him. Kenji raised his fist. "Ready to fight?" He asked with a grin. "Woah! No! Weaver! I'm not fighting him." "It seems the son of Samael is a coward as well." Invahazen scoffed. The area became engulfed in frost with Zeke summoning his Spectre. "I AM NOT HIS SON!" He roared staring down Invahazen. Lilith smirked at the sight. "I HAVE NO REASON TO FIGHT HIM!"

"Then I shall give you one." Invahazen said with a smirk. Holding out his hand, Moon, Sunny and Weaver were instantly bound in chains. They were forced to their knees with their arms locked behind their backs, and a spiked collar around their throats. "LET THEM GO!" Zeke roared lunging at him. A violet lightning zapped Zeke away knocking him into mound of bones. He leapt out the mound seeing red. 'He was unaffected by Samael's attack?' Calcifer thought. Invahazen summoned a giant spiked mace holding it over Moon and Sunny's head. "One more step, and you will be picking up their pieces." Zeke froze snarling at him. "You want them to be safe. Accept the duel." They thrashed in their chains with Weaver articulating his fingers. "Bind that one's fingers and toes. He is trying to escape." Kenji said. Metal encased Weaver's feet and hands. He sucked on his teeth glaring at Kenji. Zeke composed himself turning back to normal. "Five minutes. What happens if I lose?" "What else? You say goodbye to these worthless maggots." "And if I win?" "You will have your answers." Lilith said.

"Zeke! Just run away! Forget about us!" Moon yelled. Invahazen summoned a metal ball gagging them. Clara tried to sneak up to Weaver. A black Rift emerged with Dracula flying out and pinning the sisters down to the ground. He hissed at them baring his fangs. "Samael's spawn is not here to save you now." Zeke summoned Shadow ready to fight. Invahazen wagged his finger at him. "He is not your opponent. He will not harm them until the match is over. Until then, your opponent is my son." Zeke looked to Kenji. "You're also a Child of the Nine?" "I am, and so is Alistair and Ivy. She is also still...bitter that you rejected her advances for a pair of daggers." Sunny looked down at her daggers. "Now are you ready to fight me or not?" "Just know that I don't want to hurt you, because I care for Sakura, but I will not let anything take away the ones I love." He growled banishing Shadow. Zeke bounced on his toes adopting the flicker stance with his left arm hanging low and his right hand near his cheek. "So I'm going to beat some sense into you." Kenji cackled with excitement raising his hands like claws. His sadistic grin stretched from ear to ear. Lilith summoned an hour glass, and flipped it. "Start."

Moon and Sunny blinked seeing Kenji disappear with a puff of smoke. They screamed hearing a solid crunch of bone on bone. Kenji stumbled back with a bloodied nose. They were frozen in shock with bulging eyes. Jacaranda gasped dropping his quill. Zeke continued to bounce and bob on his toes, his head weaving side to side. Kenji wiped his nose and grinned. He charged in swiping at the air. Moon and Sunny had trouble comprehending how fast Kenji was. However Zeke kept him at bay, with a set of rapid jabs, each one landing with a ringing smack. When he came in close Zeke knocked him back with a straight punch. Invahazen sucked on his teeth. "What is the meaning of this!?" He shouted. "How is he beating you!?" "How is he keeping up with him?" Jacaranda asked wiping his eyes. 'He's not closing his eyes. He's trained an instinct out of himself, that could only ever benefit him. To not blink in the face of danger.' Weaver thought.

Zeke glanced over to the hour glass still trickling out. "Don't look away from me!" Kenji shouted. Zeke pelted him away with a flurry of swift jabs. He backpedalled trying to get distance from Kenji's feral assault. 'He's starting to not flinch anymore.' "What's wrong!? Your punches feel so wea-" Zeke cracked him in the jaw with a powerful overhand right. Kenji stumbled back spitting out blood. He begun to cackle. "You are fun to fight." Zeke dashed in now adopting the peek-a-boo stance, with his knuckles resting under his eyes. 'He's taking the offence now?' Weaver thought confused. Zeke planted his right foot at almost a 90 degree angle to himself, and threw a wide and telegraphed left hook. 'His form was perfect. Why would he throw such a sloppy punch now!?' Kenji threw a right hook striking Zeke across the jaw. Smiling and enjoying his blow, Kenji felt Zeke's fist crunch against his cheek, before he skidded across the ground with Zeke. The two leapt to their feet. Zeke threw another telegraphed right hook planting his lead leg at an awkward angle. "TOO SLOW!" Kenji roared with a bloodied smile.

With a primal roar Kenji throw a swift left hook into Zeke's temple. A split second later Zeke's knuckles did the same splitting Kenji's ear open. Blood sprayed out with the two of them tumbling across the ground. Everyone watched on speechless. 'I can't believe it. He developed a fighting style that's perfectly suited for him. He's purposely absorbing those hits to redirect Kenji's own strength against himself. Kenji pulled Zeke up by the collar cocking back his right hand with a blood shot eye. "Take this!" Zeke threw his head forward meeting Kenji's fist. Zeke was thrown into the air by the force. Kenji held his hand up seeing his mangled and shattered knuckles, with splinters of white bone jutting out. Zeke stood up unfazed slightly huffed and looked at the hourglass. "Three minutes left dear." Lilith said watching on enamoured. Invahazen sucked on his teeth, clenching his fists. Calcifer covered his smile, watching on with glee.

Kenji reeled back snickering, the blood around his knuckles slowing forming it back into place, before it turned into a deranged cackle. "THIS IS AMAZING! You are definitely worth a scar!" he summoned a wicked great sword shaped like fire frozen in place stained the dark crimson of blood. The great sword stood taller than him and crushed the ground when planted. "Where do you deserve a scar?" "May I suggest across the arm?" Jacaranda said. "Yes! Yes! He's worth a scar there!" Zeke summoned Shadow adopting Sovereign stance one. Kenji ran his arm along the edge of his own weapon spilling a pool of blood.

He ripped his great sword out, with the pool of blood forming into dripping swords. Zeke took a deep breath. As he released it, his hair turned snow white and a thin layer of frost pulsed out from his feet. Phantom swords mimicked Kenji. He let out a wild cackle. "Let's fight!" He roared with excitement. Rushing in the Blood swords shot out like missiles. The phantom blades clashed with them turning the blood into icicles. As they hit the ground they shattered into dust. "I can't believe what I'm seeing." Jacaranda said dumbfounded. Closing the distance, Kenji leapt into the air ready to bring his great sword down. Zeke released a barrage of slashes with his Spectre doing the same. Kenji didn't move letting each other rend him apart exposing bone. He simply laughed and brought his weapon down. The great sword was brought down in one swift motion across Zeke's chest, and created a shockwave in the ground, launching Zeke away. "Finally." Invahazen said. Moon and Sunny scoffed in their gags. He waved his hand removing them. "Something to share Nephilim?" He growled. "You think that's enough to hurt Zeke!?" "She's right. You are stupid!" Sunny said boldly.

Invahazen looked to Zeke pulling himself out of the rubble. He held his chest, his suit split open with blood rushing out. Moon gasped her lips quivering. "ZEKE!" She cried out, frantically thrashing in her chains. Invahazen chortled. "You were saying?" 'He actually broke his skin? Just what is that weapon?' Weaver thought. Kenji sucked on his teeth and spat. "All you tanks are the same. Once you bleed, you get scared and freeze. You can't comprehend what pain is." To everyone's surprise, Zeke begun to laugh. He stood up with a twisted grin, the ground pulsing with a thicker layer of frost. "I've never felt better." "Zeke..." Moon whimpered. Zeke charged in this time, jumping into the air holding Shadow over his head.

Kenji lowered his great sword ready to swing it like a golf club. "You're defenceless in the air!" He shouted. Zeke used a Mana step, evading Kenji's wide swing and came down dragging Shadow across his chest. Kenji was solid like a statue, with Shadow barely splitting his skin, until the Spectre brought its Shadow down. He stumbled back holding his bloodied chest. He laughed and his blood floated into the air and turned into more swords. The frost on the ground became Phantom swords. "Give me more!" Kenji roared. Zeke joined in sprinting towards him. Blood and Phantom swords flew through the air clashing and pinged off another. Both threw a wide slash. Zeke raised his left arm blocking the great sword. It dug through his flesh and into his bone. Gnashing his teeth Zeke stared Kenji down. He had also blocked Shadow the same way, with it digging into his skin. The Spectre's swing happened a second later, digging into Kenji's forearm. Both of them let out a primal roar, swinging wildly and ferociously.

Moon couldn't believe what she was seeing. The two cleaved each other apart for what seemed like hours, before Zeke stumbled back his hair turning black. Drenched in blood and sweat, with gaping cuts, he fell to his knees gasping for air. The Spectre disappeared with Zeke trembling and shaking. His vision was blurry and it felt like something was crushing his chest. Looking up Kenji lumbered towards him with bits of his flesh clinging to his body. Blood spewing from every wound, yet he continued to march him down with a gleeful grin. "What's wrong? Don't tell me, you're tired. I want more! Show me more of your blood!" He roared pounding on his exposed sternum. Pools of blood floated around him circulating and pumping through his exposed veins. Zeke yakked up blood trying to activate his Demon's blood.

Zeke glanced over to the hourglass. "One minute left." Lilith said. "RUN ZEKE! RUN!" Moon cried out, her tears streaming down her face. He glanced over with a weak smile. Her heart stopped seeing his defeated smile. "FIGHT EZEKIEL!" Sunny cried out. "DON'T GIVE UP!" 'What will you do? Run or fight for your love?' Lilith wondered seeing Kenji approach him. Zeke planted Shadow into the ground using it to help him stand. "Finish him now!" Invahazen ordered. "Shut the fuck up!" Zeke ordered at him. "This is our fight! Not yours!" "How dare you-" Violet lightning crackled around Zeke. "Let's finish this Kenji..." He panted raising Shadow for a lunge attack. 'He chooses to fight.' "YOU'RE THE BEST!" Kenji roared rushing in. Loading his weapon for a great wide swing. Zeke stunned everyone by throwing Shadow away at the last second and ducking the attack. Off balance, Zeke leapt onto Kenji's back wrapping himself over him like a constrictor.

"What are you doing!? GET OFF AND FIGHT ME PROPERLY!" He screamed thrashing. Zeke struggled and smeared a cross onto Kenji's forehead with his own blood. "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanic potestas-" Calcifer, Invahazen and Lilith went wide eyed hearing Zeke's incantation. "STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Kenji thrashed ramming his fingers into Zeke's wounds. He gnashed his teeth together. "Omnis incursion inferanlis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregation et secta diabolica." Kenji pulled himself to his feet and slammed Zeke into the ground. "Ergo, omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus te…cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque aeternae perditionis venenum propinare-" Blood swords ran into Zeke seeping into his wounds. They stretched and pulled his lacerations open. Zeke screamed out biting down. Kenji started to smoke and his skin started to burn. "Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciae, hostis humanae salutis…Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei; contremisce et effuge-" "STOP! ARGH! STOP!"

Dracula and the sisters hissed at their skin starting to smoke. "Stop him!" Dracula hissed. Calcifer covered himself in bones, with Lilith rubbing her sizzling skin. Invahazen cringed and tensed up. "invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine…quem inferi tremunt…Ab insidiis diabolic, libera nos, Domine." Kenji was immolated in a blue fire. Zeke smirked. "Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!" The two became engulfed in a rage blue fire with Kenji howling and screaming in the flames. He broke free of Zeke's grip and flailed on the ground screaming in anguish. The fire disappeared from Zeke in almost an instant. Kenji let out a deep growl covering the entire area in a layer of thick ice. The flames extinguished and he glared at Zeke with glowing red eyes. 'He actually made Kenji activate his Demon's blood.' He let out a weak smile at Kenji glaring at him with blood thirsty crimson eyes. "You're going to die for that." He snarled.

Kenji's wounds started to heal with his blood rushing inside of him. Zeke took the deepest breath he could muster, and held his hand out. Phantom swords pelted the ground around Kenji. Each and every one of them missed shattering against the ground. Dracula and Invahazen scoffed. "Samael's spawn has gone lost this battle." Dracula said yanking on Clara's nape. Kenji raised his great sword, with all his blood rushing inside of him and his wounds closing. His eyes glazed over and he collapsed beside Zeke, with the great sword narrowly missing his head. Everyone shook their heads at a loss for words. Invahazen stood up. "What is the meaning of this!? GET UP!" Zeke held his hand over Kenji's heart, and summoned Shadow, with it shooting into the sky. He weakly sat up, glaring at Invahazen. "I…win…" A grin slowly stretched across Lilith's face. Calcifer leapt into the air. "WOOOO! TEAM SAMAEL BABY! WOOOO!" He ran around cheering turning the bones around them into a crowd of applauding skeletons.

Moon and Sunny were frozen in place. Zeke had defeated Kenji in a bout. "This is not over! There is still a few-" "Time." Lilith said happily showing Invahazen the empty hour glass. Zeke rolled onto all fours and then leant back on his knees. "Let them go. All of them." He panted. Invahazen let out a growl releasing their restraints. "LOOK OUT!!" Weaver screamed waving his hand. Kenji stood behind Zeke with his great sword already in hand. "WE'RE NOT DONE!" He roared. Moon and Sunny watched an unremitting horror. The sword ran through his sternum and dug into the ground. Zeke gasped grabbing the edge. He looked at Moon and Sunny before Kenji kicked him off his sword. Zeke fell face first with blood pooling out of him. Raising his weapon for another swing. Kenji was blasted away by a bolt of violet lightning, being sent soaring through the air into Invahazen.

Moon, Sunny and Weaver sprinted over to Zeke. Weaver flipped him over, as he choked and gurgled on blood. "PUT PRESSURE ON HIS WOUNDS!" Sunny ordered Moon. She was frozen holding his head, as he looked lifeless at her. Weaver tried to push threads through his skin, with it bouncing off. "Shit! Are fucking kidding me!? Zeke! Turn off your skin! I know you can!" "MOON! PRESSURE PUT PRESSURE!" Sunny screamed trying to cover his biggest wounds. "Cauterize him!" Weaver ordered. Sunny blasted his leg leaving nothing but a small smoke trail. 'MOON! MOON!' Iziel roared. Their words fell on deaf ears. Moon's breathing became shorter and shorter, seeing the life slowly fade from Zeke's eyes. She reeled back letting out a shriek summoning Iziel with Soul-Taker and Spark. "MOON!" Weaver called out. Zeke gasped and retched. Moon screamed and flew towards Invahazen with tears streaming down her face. 'MOON STOP!' Iziel screamed. "FUCKING DIE!" She hurled Spark. Invahazen held out his hand catching spark and extinguishing the flames.

Moon flew in slamming Soul-Taker in between his helmet and cuirass." SHADOW SLASH!" Engulfed in a black fire. Calcifer, Dracula and Jacaranda holding Kenji, avoided the devastating attack. A gauntlet smashed Moon into the ground shattering Iziel and her spine. Invahazen rubbed his throat feeling a small trickle of blood on his finger tips. He looked down at Moon and raised his boot to crush her. Lilith appeared beside her. "Games over Invahazen. You've lost." Lilith said. "His corpse says otherwise." "Are you breaking an agreement Invahazen?" "He decided to show mercy like a fool, and is now suffering for it." "Will the Pantheon see it that way?" Invahazen bit his tongue and snarled at her. He snorted and created a black Rift. Jacaranda sprinted in through first dragging Kenji and eyed Zeke in Weaver's arm. 'What an interesting boy. I do hope you survive.' Invahazen lumbered through with clenched fists.

Dracula dragged Clara by her hair with Ordelia and Eleanor trying to free her. "Dracula." Lilith said. "They're no longer yours." "They are mine!" He hissed, ripping Clara's dress open."These are my marks! Mine! That dying boy has no claim to them." "Dracula. Do as you're told." He threw Clara aside baring his claws and fangs. "I am not afraid of you Succubus! Your tricks do not work on me! You have no power over me!" He declared. Lilith gave him a smug smile, glancing over his shoulder. A black Rift emerged behind Dracula. Samael walked through with a violent crackling of violet lightning. Dracula gulped and trembled in fear. Calcifer quickly fell to his knees bowing, making every bone around him into a statue doing the same. "Such confidence little rodent, but it is misplaced. She speaks on my behalf." He said with his deep voice. Dracula spun around slowly. "Samael…I-" "Be gone." He ordered. Dracula snarled. "I AM LORD VLAD DRACULA TEPES! I-" Samael spun around letting out a roar, his wings flaring out and violet lightning came down like a heavy storm. Dracula fell back on his hands whimpering. "You dare bare your fangs at me, little winged rodent?"

Dracula shook his head, scurrying backwards. "No! No! No! I'm sorry! Please!" Lilith waved her hand making a black Rift behind him. Dracula turned into a swarm of bats and dove through the Rift. The sisters were frozen in place at the sight of Samael standing over them. He gave them a smile, making their spines shake and their skin crawl. "He will bother you no more." They nodded. Samael stood over Moon sobbing and trying to reach out to Zeke. He knelt down looking over her. "Worry not little one." He tapped her forehead with the tip of his long nail. She shot up filled with new energy. Moon ignored Samael and scrambled over to Zeke. "I'm surprised you didn't just kill her for that insult alone." "What kind of father would I be if I killed the women he loves." "ZEKE! ZEKE!" Moon screamed shaking his face. "DON'T LEAVE! PLEASE! PLEASE!" Sunny sobbed on his chest unable to stop the bleeding. Weaver sat back defeated, looking at his hand covered in Zeke's blood.

"Arise." Samael commanded holding his hand out. Weaver pulled Moon and Sunny off Zeke's body as a giant bolt of violet lightning struck him. From the smoke, Zeke sat straight up holding his chest, with all his wounds gone. The blood on him burnt to a crisp. He locked eyes with the three of them staring back at him. "Am...am I alive?" Moon and Sunny leapt on top of him crying hysterically. They clung onto him burying their faces into his chest. Zeke looked to Weaver equally as dumb founded, but smiling at with a relieved smile. "Yeah. You're alive Zeke." Samael and Lilith approached them, each of his steps shook the ground. "Watch over them, Calcifer. We will return." "Of course!" The two stood over them. "You seek answers Nephilim." Weaver gulped at Samael's presence. "I do." "You will have them after my son has rested. Lilith." "Will you prepare a banquet for him?" "Hmmmm..." She sighed. "Three days Samael." "Thank you Lilith." Lilith waved her hand and four collars wrapped around them, with a long leash. "Come along children. Get your rest." "Hey wait-" Lilith threw them all through a black Rift.

They ended up in Lilith's room. "Master!" Akasha called out. She shoved Moon and Sunny aside leaping on top of him licking kissing him all over. "Ah! Akasha get off!" "I'm getting you off." She said licking neck. Moon and Sunny each grabbed a wing throwing her away. Lilith held her hand out. Moon and Sunny fell to their knees letting out a moan clutching their hearts. "What did you do to them!?" Zeke yelled. With a flick of her finger a jug flew into her hand. She snatched Zeke by the throat ramming the spout down his throat. He felt the fluids fill his stomach. Zeke sank back choking and coughing. "What the fuck was that?" "About enough aphrodisiac and stimulant to make a Dragon fuck itself to death." Zeke's eyes bulged and he felt his entire body go on fire. Moon and Sunny pulled their hands away looking at a love heart crest covered in thick tribal marks. "OOOH! A sensory link. Those are fun." Akasha said. "A what?" Sunny said scratching at it. "Akasha, follow me." "But!" "No buts. Let him have his fun. Accompany me while I attend to this adult." Akasha slumped down and sulked out. "I'll see you in three days." "Wait, you're locking us in here?" "Oh no. I'm locking them in there with you. Have fun little prince." Lilith winked at him and shut the door on him.