
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

Change of plans.

Moon, Sunny and Zeke were rudely awaken by their phones ringing in tandem, in the darkness of the early morning. The three groaned fumbling for their phones. "What...the fuck? Who is calling at this time?" Moon complained. Zeke forced his eyes open into the blinding phone. "Fuck! Get up. Both of you." "Mmmmm!" "What is it?" Sunny asked grabbing Zeke's face. "There's a blue Rift. We gotta go. Get up." "You have to be-" Zeke grit his teeth pulsing his Demon's Blood releasing a quick burst of chilling air. Moon and Sunny jumped with a high pitched yelp falling off Zeke's bed. The two groaned dragging themselves up on the edge. They pouted and frowned at Zeke. "That was not called for." Moon sulked. "Not at all." Sunny glared. "Come on. We gotta go." The two stumbled around getting dressed with Zeke tiredly running into the kitchen.

Raven and Skye came out hearing the banging, thumping and clanging downstairs. Red followed out with Han rubbing her eyes. "What's happening?" She asked. "Blue Rift opened." Moon groaned lumbering down the stairs. "WHAT!?" Raven shouted. "But!But!But! What about the plan?" "Raven, Raven. I need you to turn it down by like 1000%." Han said rubbing her eyes. "But Zeke's plan!? And,and-" Red nipped Raven's toe. "Yeow! What was that for?" Raven hopped holding her toe. "Raven, you gotta understand one thing about Zeke and his plans. They're amazing! But! The world exists to fuck with people like him. His life is a Lemony Snicket novel." "Huh? "A series of unfortunate events." Han said.

"Alright I made us some quick sandwiches. Rift isn't too far from here. Counting on you guys to keep the place okay, while we're gone. Han, Red, the homeless contingency plan is still in effect." Han and Red saluted Zeke. "Wait. What's the contingency plan?" "Red distracts the teller with how cute she is, while those two rob the bank and we pay for amnesty in Mexico or something." "That's-" "Alright bye!" Moon said. "Stay safe!" Sunny said. "Wait!" The door shut behind the three. "But-" "Alright we're going back to bed. They got this." Han said. "But-" Skye slammed the door shut. "Han-" Han did the same with Red sleepily trotting into Zeke's room. She kicked the door shut on Raven. She slumped to the ground. "But...the plan..."

Moon and Sunny snored away in the backseat of the Mercedes. They arrived at the Rift in the back of a elderly woman's house. Two men in suits attempted to calm her down as Hunters arrived with large wagons, being drawn by a winged horses. "Ma'am I know you're upset, but-" "Nah mate! I'm fucking pissed off! Ya cunts better get off my property!" "By law we are able to keep this Rift open for up to four hours, or until it closes by natural means." "Fack your laws, and you cunts. That thing's giving me cancer!" The Hunters ignored her ranting and carried on through. "I'm fucking serious! Close that thing right now!" Zeke helped Moon and Sunny out the car. The woman kicked their car, startling Moon and Sunny. "Get your stupid fucking car off my property! You rich cuntsEEE-" She froze feeling the cold steel of Shadow pressed against her throat. "You're too loud." He said with a quiet growl. Zeke looked to the two men. "You know who I am?" They nodded fearful. "Get my car back to my house."

Zeke banished Shadow helping Moon and Sunny walk towards the Rift. "Alright, familiarize yourself with the return Rift." Zeke said. Sunny nodded touching the rift with her Mark. "Can you feel the Mana?" He asked. She nodded. "Oh that's a weird feeling." "Yeah that should be the only time you really feel that. You two ready?" Moon nodded summoning half of Iziel. She looked down at her armour struggling to come out. "She'll be ready, we're just...sleepy." "It's alright, we shouldn't run into any problems."

Moon and Sunny went in through first, with Zeke being stopped by the two men. "Sir...you don't really have any resources...is this going to be a quick trip?" "No idea. All I know is you better keep this place clear for our return." Zeke said staring the woman down. As he ventured through the Rift surged violently crackling with red lightning becoming a bright violet and then closing instantly. The three of them stumbled back dumbfounded at the sight before them. Zeke found Moon and Sunny surrounded by the other Hunters. "What kind of monster would wake you up so early to bring you two here?" One of the men asked licking his lips at them. "Without any food or change or clothing." Another said. "Join us. It'll be fun." A sleazy man said running his hand over Sunny's shoulder. All of them felt a bracing wind rush past them. The men turned to Zeke and his Spectre. "If you're offering us your Peagsusses-" "Pegusai." Moon said. "Whatever." Zeke said. "Fuck off, or find out what happens when you touch them again." He said summoning his suit and Shadow, with a ring Phantom swords encircling behind him. The men created a gust of wind shuffling away from the two raising their hands into the air.

Zeke returned to normal walking over to them. The three marvelled at the sight of Heaven. The sky was an endless sea of cream coloured cloud wafting gently. The temperature felt like a perfect spring day. Sunny took a deep invigorating breath, feeling the Mana of the realm course through her. Moon stared in complete awe at how beautiful the world was. The ground a lush green with vibrant emerald leaves rustling in the air. Zeke sucked on his teeth the air gave him a constant tickle on his skin. "Alright we need to figure out where we are." Zeke said. "I got that covered!" Moon said jogging over to the other Hunters. "Hey, do you guys know where we are?" They ignored her quickly trying to leave. "You know, if you don't answer me. My boyfriend there is gonna get really, really, angry. You all know who he is don't you?" Moon said with a sly smile. They nodded taking a gulp.

They followed Moon back with nervous smiles. They set out a map shaped like a diamond. The northern section was shaded the same vibrant green the same as the trees. "We're here. Summer continent." "Sunny, where did that dick say that camp was?" "Said the Silver City." "Where's-" The others quickly darted away from them. "Are you crazy!?" One of them hissed. "I'm not in the mood for this. Show us on the map. Now." Zeke snapped. "It's not on this map." Another said. "And you shouldn't go there unless you're looking for a fight or trying to die." Another said shaking. "Where is it?" Zeke asked. They all pointed up. The three craned their necks up spotting an odd object jutting out through the ocean of clouds. "Huh...is that a whole damn continent above us?" Moon asked. "Yeah...yeah...looks like it." Sunny said. "I hate your realm already." "How do we get up there?" Zeke asked. "You know for someone so damn strong, you really don't know-" Zeke summoned Shadow between the man's leg. He gasped trembling on the spot. "Less snark, more answers. How do we get up there?"

"Y-y-y-you go around or through the centre." "Pssst." Moon said. "Friendly tip. Be more specific otherwise he gets angrier." "Fly up from the edge or travel to the centre and take the lift!" He whimpered feeling Shadow climb up. "I told you what I know!" He squirmed standing on his toes. "He wants to know the most direct route now. You missed out some information." Sunny said. "I-I-I-don't know! I swear! We just come here to cut logs!" The three shared a puzzled glance. "Wut?" Moon said. "You guys don't know about that either?" "Does it look like we come here often?" Zeke said banishing Shadow. "We bring these trees back for harvesting." "Why?" Sunny asked. One of the Hunter's took out a large woodcutter's axe cleaving the oak tree down. As it landed with a thunderous crash, the trunk slithered back onto the stump healing itself. "What the..." "We uproot these trees and bring them back for harvesting. Depending on how much Mana they have, one of these bad boys can act as one hundred trees." "What happens when you uproot one from here?" Sunny asked. "A new one appears almost instantly. Why do you think we need so many?"

"That's...interesting. Thanks for the knowledge, but we're still stuck on our problem. How to get up there ASAP." "You could try falling off if you don't have any flight abilities." The three frowned at the man. "You want us to do what?" Zeke asked. "Well if you walk off the edge, you'll fall for about three days and then end up flying through the centre." Moon and Sunny summoned their wings. "We don't have to worry about that." They said cockily. "This centre. What's it look like?" Zeke asked. "Like a giant spout of water shooting into the air." "Hmm, we need to figure out the fastest way to..." Zeke trailed off looking back into the sky. Sunny drew her daggers out, with Moon summoning Iziel with Soul-Taker. "Zeke, is something watching us?" Moon asked. "Yeah...There's a lot of them." He said summoning Shadow again. "Thanks for the help, but you guys can go." They quickly scurried off with the Pegusai letting out a whinny galloping off.

Zeke and Sunny spotted copious sections of the clouds with different swirl patterns, as if there were a smaller gust of wind blowing on them. "Do you see that?" Sunny asked. "Yeah...they're watching us." "What's watching us?" "Look at the swirling cloud parts." Zeke said. "Why?" 'Something's moving in there.' Iziel said. "DEMON!" A hundred voices echoed in the sky. A giant flurry of air blew away the clouds, revealing a nightmarish scene that made their skin crawl. Hundreds of Seraphims floated in the air. Giant eyeballs surrounded by wings. "LEAVE AT ONCE!" They boomed. "And if I refuse?" A burning white laser shot out from one of the Seraphim's eye. It pierced through the ground leaving a smoking hole. "Did...did that thing just shoot out a laser?" Moon asked. "Yes...yes it did." "I hate you realm so fucking much." "Me too..." "Moon, Sunny change of plans." Zeke said banishing Shadow. "Retreat and try again with Weaver?" Moon asked. "I like her plan." "Can't risk her being over her any longer than she has been, and we don't know when another blue Rift is gonna open."

"You are ordered by the Silver City Watch to leave at once Demon!" "They hate me. You two go up first, on the left side. It looks like the shortest I'll follow after." "Zeke, you can't fly!" Moon hissed. "Trust me. I'll find you two. For now go first and find her." "But you need me for a return Rift-" "Go. We're wasting time." Moon and Sunny hesitantly flew into the air. "Stick together, and don't fight each other. I'll come find you both. I promise." The two took off flying to the far left of the Seraphim throng. They paid them no mind keeping their eyes fixated on Zeke. "I don't think we should leave him like that." Sunny said. "You heard him. Don't worry. Zeke's never broken a promise to me." "What about when he got killed?" "He didn't die. Didn't break it. Come on, this might be a long flight. Iziel is saying the Silver City is huge." Sunny looked back one last time seeing Zeke shrink away. 'Stay safe...'

"I'm not here for a fight. I'm here looking for something. Once I find it. I'll leave right away." "We do not care! Leave at once!" "Look, I'm-" Lasers rained down blasting Zeke through the ground. The log cutters screamed and ducked for cover feeling the explosion. They peered around the trunk of a thick oak tree seeing the dust cloud settling. "Christ...that kid is insanely stupid. Why wouldn't he just leave when he had the chance?" "No fucking idea boss." Their jaws dropped hearing Zeke groan and then seeing his silhouette through the cloud. "Motherfucker...was trying to explain, I'm not here for a fight!" The Seraphim were speechless at Zeke standing up completely unharmed. "You are not any normal Demon." "Apparently not. I'm here for the Black Hammer and to bring one Hunter back that doesn't belong in this realm. Surely you won't object to me taking away less impurities from your perfect realm?" "We do not. However, you seek the Black Hammer, tell us why and we will deliberate." "Orders from Samael the Destroyer."

The Seraphim spun around for a few minutes, before turning back to Zeke. "What were the Destroyer's orders exactly?" "Find the Black Hammer. He didn't say anything else. He's a cryptic dick." "Once you have finished your business with the Black Hammer, and returned your Nephilim. You and the women will leave?" "Yes! If you had let me explain before. We could have gotten here before the firing squad." "Very well. We grant you one week to complete your business. Should you cause any problems or destruction of the Silver City. Know that your presence will be alerted to the Arch Angels."

They flew down towards Zeke making a platform for him. "Could you help bring my girlfriends up as well?" "Do not give us orders." "You want us out of here in a week or not?" The Seraphim grunted flying Zeke with incredible speed up the landmass. Moon and Sunny huffed and puffed continuing to fly upwards. "How fucking big is this thing!?" Moon snapped. "No idea, but keep going." Sunny said trying to catch her breath. "Hey girls." Zeke said beside them. "Hey Zeke." "Hey." They panted. The two stopped turning around to see Zeke sitting atop a bed of Seraphim. "Need a lift?" He said with a smile. The two collapsed onto him hugging him. "How are you-" "They shot me down with lasers and then we struck a deal. We got one week to find her and get out." "That's all you could get?" Moon asked. "That is all we will allow!" The Seraphim bellowed. "Not by choice. Once we're up there. We'll mark a meet up spot, and then split up, cover more ground." The two frowned at him. "I know, but you both know I'm right." "Fine, but we meet up as soon as the sun sets." Sunny said. "I agree." Moon said. "Alright, let's see what we're looking at first."

"Welcome to Remiel's level." The Seraphim said. The three of them stared on stunned at the vast gigantic sprawling village in front of them. People with feathery wings of every colour wore flowing white clothing pranced around. Zeke cleared his throat. "Um...how many levels are there?" "Seven, including this one." "Are...are they all this big?" Moon gulped. "No, each one is larger than the last. This is the smallest out of the seven" "Out of curiosity, did you all see this girl? Her name is Fiona Linette." Sunny said showing a drawing of Fiona. "We do not care for those Nephilim, your grace." "Your grace?" Moon mouthed to Zeke. He shrugged back. "Is this the one you seek your grace?" "Yeah..." "Then we will aid in your search. Not for this Demon or reptile's sake, but for yours." "The fuck did they just call me?" Moon said clenching her fist.

"We will let you know of our results. Enjoy your time here your grace. Do not make any trouble. Especially you Demon." The Seraphim lowered Sunny gently, and then shoved Zeke and Moon to the ground. "Hey! How come we don't get the royal treatment?" "You have been given enough treatment lizard." They grunted flying off. Sunny hid her smile. "You're enjoying this too much." "You must have just shed, if your skin is so thin." "I am going to-" "Let's focus. We've got a metric fuckton of land to cover. I'm gonna go straight to the opposite side. Moon take the right side, Sunny the left, meet up in the middle." Zeke said walking away. "Ezekiel, wait. Are you sure, you should be going alone?" "What? Because I'm a Demon?" "Well...if you're gonna make me say it." "I'm sure it's going to be fine. Here let me ask this lovely family of Angels." Zeke said walking towards a family of three. "Hello, I'm sorry to trouble you all, but I'm looking for this-" The father, mother and small child spat in Zeke's face instantly. Moon and Sunny gasped covering their mouths. "Fuck off Demon!" The father and mother said. "Yeah! Fuck off!" The little Angel said.

They quickly rushed towards Sunny. They bowed at her, and gave Moon a distasteful stare. "Your grace. How are you enjoying your visit?" The father asked with a warm smile. Zeke was frozen in place with spit dripping down his face. "Zeke..." Zeke ignored Moon waving the picture of Fiona. "We're looking for this-" "Shut your mouth reptile." The mother hissed. Moon backed up surprised. "Excuse the fuck outta you." She said appalled. The little Angel tugged on Sunny's leg. "Can you pick me up your grace?" "Uhhh...we're actually looking for this woman. Have you seen her?" Sunny said showing the picture. "No, I'm sorry your grace. Although we will keep our eyes out for you." The father said. "Have a pleasant day." The mother said. "Hey the fuck!? I was just gonna ask the same-" The family left blowing a gust into Moon's face with their wings. "Are you two-" "Let's just keep moving." Zeke sighed wiping his face. "I get why they hate Zeke, but what did I do?" "I don't know, but I didn't realise Angels could be so racist and-"

Moon and Zeke turned back to Sunny with an incredulous stare. "I wasn't a racist!" Zeke raised both his eyebrows at her. "I wasn't!" She yelled. "What was our first interaction again?" Sunny went red. "Let's just keep looking." "Seriously, what did I do? Why do they keep calling me a lizard?" 'Are you forgetting about me?' Iziel asked. 'Of course not, but it's not like they can see you.' 'Do you question how other's can sense he is the son of Samael?' 'Well...' 'The same goes for us. We are one in the same. They sense my Mana within yours.' 'Whatever let's just find this girl.' The ventured onwards through Muriel's level. Moon approached a group of singing Angels. Beautiful women with feathery wings ranging from snow white to a radiant red summer. She held up the drawing of Fiona. "Hi, have you all seen-" They all gagged, clearing their throats, staring at her with contempt and irritation. "You're ruining our singing time." "Go away serpent." "Leave us at once." They hissed. Moon took a deep breath composing herself. "Eugh, don't taint our air, vile creature." "Alright fuck it."

Moon struck one across the face and threw another to the ground. As the other two tried to fly away, she blasted them down to the ground. "I AM NOT A SNAKE! LOOK AT ME! I'M HOTTER THAN YOU FUCKS!" She yelled standing over them. 'Why did you even try to compose yourself?' "SHUT UP!" She yanked one of them by collars. "Alright look at her! Do you recognise her!?" The Angel shook her head cowering in fear. "See! That wasn't so damn hard! Was it?" She threw her to the ground. 'She could be lying.' "What? Why would she lie?" 'Why would she tell you the truth either?' "Okay. Where's that leave us?" The Angels shared confused glances at Moon talking to herself. 'Good cop bad cop.' "I gotta keep you away from Han, but how do we even do that?" 'Let me speak through you.' "Alright fine." Moon yanked the same Angel by her collar summoning Iziel. "Have you seen this girl pigeon!?" Iziel roared. Moon threw the Angel aside, before she could respond.

"Hey! Hey! Are you being bad cop right now?" 'Of course I am.' "Nuh uh! You can't be bad cop. You're using my body!" 'Yes, but out of the two of us. I am an actual Dragon with reasons to be feared.' "And out of the two of us. I'm the only person with a body." 'How can I be good cop? What creature would see a Dragon and try to be friend it?' "What about-" 'Do not quote your ridiculous movie, where little kids train Dragons. That movie was a bold face lie and stupid beyond all reasons.' "Hey! It was a damn good movie! You cried at the ending as well." 'Only because you were crying. I cannot help the emotions you feed me.' "We're getting off topic! Let's interrogate...." Moon spun back seeing the Angels gone leaving some feathers behind. "Fuck." 'This was your fault, for not letting me bad cop.' "I'm eating a jar of pickles when we get home." 'Don't!'

Sunny wandered into a gathering of Angels playing chess and enjoying meals together. Each and every one of them bowed at her presence. She cleared her throat and every Angel came running to her side. "How can we help you, your grace?" "Um...I'm looking for this girl. Have any of you've seen her?" They all glumly shook their heads. "That's okay, I'll keep looking-" They forced her into a pillowy couch, handing her a bowl of succulent and ripe fruit. "Stay here. We will look for you." "Wai-" The entire group of Angels took off into the sky. Sunny sat there dumbfounded blinking vacantly. "Okay...guess, I enjoy myself then." She shrugged happily eating the fruit. "I hope Ezekiel is doing okay."

"Ah!AH! Fuck! Fuck off!" Zeke shouted as objects flew from every angle. Angels hurled every and any object they could find at him. "LEAVE!" "GO AWAY!" "FUCK OFF!" "I'm just looking for-" A fruit bounced off his head. "Alright fuck this!" Zeke let out a roar summoning his Spectre. He silenced them all, bringing them to their knees and making the children gag and vomit. "I AM NOT HERE TO FIGHT YOU!" His roar echoed. "I AM HERE TO FIND THE BLACK HAMMER AND ONE NEPHILIM! IF YOU NONE OF YOU CAN HELP! THEN STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Zeke glared them all down, as they hid away, cowering in fear. He returned to normal shaking them off. 'Great...now what the hell do I do for a lead?' A swarm of Seraphim swarmed around Zeke. "What are you doing!?" They shouted. "We told you to not make trouble! Do you wish to bring the wrath of the Arch Angels upon us?"

Zeke summoned Shadow pointing it at them. "I have places to be, and you want me gone. I think we can come to an arrangement." "We do not serve you-" Zeke summoned his Spectre crackling with red lightning and Phantom swords rising from the ground. "I bet if I release enough Mana. One of the big birds are gonna come down and smite us." "They would never-" "I have no wings. How are you lot gonna explain to them, on how I got up here?" Zeke asked with a smirk. "W-w-we won't tell them anything." "Lies? In your realm of god? Even I know Angelic creatures aren't meant to do that." "That's enough! We will help you! Please stop releasing your Mana." They hissed looking around frightened. Zeke reverted to normal lowering Shadow. "Take me to the Black Hammer." "Very well...stay down though." Zeke sat atop of them banishing Shadow. The Seraphim flew high through the clouds. "Do not get use to this." "Trust me. I have no intention of ever coming back here."

The Seraphim flew Zeke off Muriel's level, and across onto another land. "Where are we?" "You said, you wanted to see the Black Hammer. This is where it is." Zeke spotted a giant gathering of Hunters all camped around one location. A loud clang made him wince at it ringing out. "We are here." "Stay close, might need you again." "We are not your personal-" "Don't want to make me bring down your big boss do we?" "Grrr...make it quick!" They grunt shoving him off and flying into the clouds. Zeke made his way through the Hunter's camp. Their clothes were fresh and their spirits were high. These Hunters had recently set up camp. They glared at Zeke walking through. 'Large group, but all connected. Must all be here for the same reason.' Zeke ignored them gathering behind him pushing forward. Grunting and screams grew louder as he strolled deeper through the camp. The same loud clang rang out, this time with something wet, followed by yowling and shrieks. "FUCK! GET HIM A HEALER NOW!" A deep voice shouted.

Zeke made his way to the front seeing the Black Hammer on the ground with several golden chains bound around its haft. The weapon was nearly the size of a semi truck. Gaudy and unwieldy, the light from the chain was sucked into its black exterior. Five Hunters were dragged away with their limbs bleeding profusely. "Damn it! How fucking heavy is this thing!?" Captain Zack Sutherland snapped staring at the hammer. Zeke ignored him walking over to inspect the weapon. "Can...can I help you?" He asked Zeke. "Nope, carry on." Zack felt a vein pop. "Listen here you little shit!" He snatched Zeke by the collar, suddenly feeling Shadow against his throat. "Put me down, before I put you down." "Easy...I just lost my-" "Now." Zeke growled. He released him keeping his hands in the air and backing away slowly. Zeke banished Shadow walking around the weapon, running his hand along it, feeling the oddly hot steel. "If you want the hammer, you're not gonna move it by yourself." "I know. I'm not a fucking idiot. Alistair couldn't move this thing." He stopped by the chain. "Hey, kid. I wouldn't touch that if I were you."

Zeke hovered his hand over the chain, he felt the same radiating heat that came from grabbing Polaris. 'Hmm explains the heat.' He followed the chain that dug into the ground, splitting into two, before it disappeared underground. "You got some kind of plan here? Or you just here to cause some shit?" "You really don't shut up do you?" "Alright you piece of shit-" "Zack Sutherland." He stopped. "You know who I am?" "Moon, told me about you." "You're...You're Zeke." "Yeah, that's me. She told me how you poked her nipple. How you kept wanting to fuck her, and how you and your little shit fuck group tortured the Drow. Be grateful I haven't cut your fucking hands off already you cunt." "You don't talk to Zack that way!" Edward shouted stepping forward. "You're outnumbered almost fifty to one. Unless you're some a World Ranker, I wouldn't keep running your mouth." "Take your own advice then." Zeke said walking away. "Seraphim! I need you to answer my question." The Seraphim came down from the clouds. "Speak it quickly."

"That chain. Where does it lead?" Zeke asked softly. "Why does that matter. You sought the Black Hammer. You have found it." "Don't make me cause a scene." "We cannot tell you that. We are forbidden from sharing that knowledge." "Fine. I'll find out myself."

Zeke returned to Zack. "I need your map of this place." "Listen, I don't know how you have those things on your beck and call, but I'm not a winged eyeball. I don't follow your orders." "Do you want me to bend over and fuck me in the ass, just to look at your map?" "You know, Moon described you as a pretty big beta cuck bitch." "That so?" "Yeah...think it's time you live up to that name." Zack said. "What are you gonna do? Cut me down?" "Something like that." "Tell you what. Listen up!" Zeke gathered their attention. "Here's the deal! You all get one attack on me! If any of you are even capable of scratching me! I'll leave you all alone!" "That right? I hate to ask, but what happens if we don't scratch you?" Zack asked with a wry smile. "You leave all your belongings here and fuck off through your return Rifts. I need a place to stay, and you owe Moon a proper reward for completing your job." "Incase she didn't tell you, she gave up her reward for two stupid Drows."

"I know she did, but you would think, that there is something called honour among Hunters. She, Selena and Violetta killed that Broodmother. You couldn't even offer her a little bit of the reward. That pisses me off more than anything." Zeke snarled clenching his fists. "Fine, we'll take your challenge then. How's that for honour?" Zeke stood in front of the hammer raising his arms into the air. "Go ahead. Do your worst." Magic circles let up the air. Incantations and offerings to the gods overlapped into a cacophony of words. "Last chance! Walk away from your stupid bet now or-" Zeke flipped Zack his middle finger only looking at the magic circles. He sucked on his teeth raising his own hand. Zeke was bombarded an explosion of violent smiting magic. Zack released the avatar of Susanoo engulfing Zeke. "Not so fucking cocky now are we cunt!?" Zack shouted into the dust cloud.

Everyone took a step back seeing his shadow through the smoke. Zeke was completely unharmed wearing his suit and inspecting the hammer and chain. 'Not a single scratch. They hit this thing as well. I need to find out what this chain is attached to.' "Wh...what...what the-" "Oh? Are you all done? I think it's time you all left then." Edward came running with a battlecry, bringing down his hammer over Zeke's head. It cracked with a solid clang ringing out. Zeke barely moved his foot cracking through the ground. The force returned through Edward's hands and he stumbled back gasping at the shock. "If the giant magic attacks didn't hurt me. What makes you think that you could?" He took the hammer in hand, throwing it onto the chain. It melted in a molten gloop instantly. Zeke squatted next to the Black Hammer inspecting it. "What...what are you?" Zack said astonished. "Annoyed, and pissed off that none of you are keeping your side of the deal." He stared him down. "Leave."

Zack awkwardly knelt beside Zeke. "Listen man. We can't just leave empty handed. We've been recruited to lift this thing in two months." "Not my problem." Zeke said inspecting the hole. "Come on man. We're not trying to cause any problems-" "Is that why you kept trying to fuck the person I love?" Zack gulped. "Is that also why you hurt the two Drows that saved your job? Give me one fucking good reason, why I shouldn't break you in front of them, and take everything here." "We can help you. Why do you want the hammer?" "My own reasons." "Fair enough. What do you need? If you can figure out how to move this thing through a Rift, we'll split the reward 50-50." "Don't trust you, don't need you." "Come on man. Work with me a little here." "What kind of reward are you hoping to get that you're happy with 50-50? Amongst this many Hunters even your cut would be tiny." "You don't know? This hammer has an open contract on it from four different World Rankers. Alistair Nyx and the Cataclysm Sisters all want it. We manage to break this chain and bring it through a Rift. We're looking at a 1 million chip reward."

Zeke looked at him surprised. "Did you just say-" "One fucking million! None of us would ever have to work again. Regardless of the damn split. So help us out here. Even a little." Zeke sucked on his teeth thinking about it. "Fine. First things first, we need to know where this chain leads." "What's that gonna do for us?" "Moving this thing isn't impossible, but I'm guessing whenever you do this chain stops you, so we need to find the weakest link." Zeke looked at the other Hunters. "Whoever has wings or the ability to fly. Go and scout the outskirts. Try and see if this chain is attached to anything outside." All of them stared at him hesitant. Zack nodded at them. "Do as he says. We're trying to get rich not waste our time." Several of the Hunters flew off. "What now?" Zack asked. Zeke summoned his Spectre. It's ethereal hands sizzled and seared grabbing the chain. Zeke winced feeling the sting. 'Same thing as that damn sword.' He let out an echoing grunt yanking on the chain with all his strength. It created some slack startling everyone. In an instant the chain went taut again throwing Zeke to the ground.

He returned to normal standing up and dusting himself off. "How are you able to even-" "Motherfucker..." he groaned looking at his red hands. "Eugh...I'll be back later tonight, for now I'm taking some of your food." "Wait wh-" "Seraphim! Fly me up to the next level!" Zeke waited for them to arrive. "It's a little late to not be helping me!" A small group of them flew down begrudgingly landing at his feet. Zeke snatched a large sack of salted meat off the table jumping aboard. "I expect a report from their findings, when I get back." "Hey! You can't just-" Zeke and the Seraphim left ignoring them. "That piece of shit..." Zeke looked at his hands healing again. The Seraphim cleared their throats. "What do you want to ask?" "How are you able to grab the flames of Arafel? Even the Monarchs fear the radiance of his flames." "I'll answer your question if you answer mine. Who or What is attached to that chain?" "You first." "Oh, don't think I'm gonna fall for that crap." "It matters not. Our curiosity is irrelevant." "You should know I also caught Polaris." "What!? That's impossible? How!?" "Thought you curiosity was irrelevant?" Zeke smirked. "Mmmmm....They are attached to a blacksmith." "I'm durable." "That is not an answer." They scolded. "My answer was cryptic as yours." "Mmmm...you truly are a Demon."

Sunny sat pampered in her chair with people massaging her feet and shoulders. "Ooooo, that is amazing..." "Is there anything else we can get you, your grace?" "Do you have anything salty to snack on?" "Right away your grace." A group of them came flying back. "Your grace." They said kneeling. "What is it? Have you found her?" "No...our apologies, but we require your aid. A Nephilim is assaulting us at random. They say she is a beast with the ability to speak." Sunny summoned her wings. "I'll deal with it. Take me to her." She flew for a good hour before finding a trail of bloodied and bruised Angels writhing on the ground. Their noses broken, messy hair, wings with bald spots, and others clutching sensitive areas. Sunny drew her daggers. "Get back. I'll deal with this problem." "Thank you, your grace." "I don't know!" An Angel cried out. "Hey you bitch! You've come to the wrong area to cause trouble! Put him down, or you're gonna regret it.

"UHHH!?" The woman asked annoyed. The Angel was thrown to the ground and scurried away bruised. Moon stared back at Sunny wearing Iziel. "Moon!?" "Sunny? What are you doing here? You're meant to be looking for clues on your side." "I uhh....got lost." She said blushing. Moon looked around at the entourage floating behind her, and seeing her fighting pose. "Are...are you the one who just called me a bitch?" "Whaaaaaat!? No way! Pfftt...You're crazy." She nervously chuckled tucking away her daggers. "You're hearing things. No one said anything truthful like that." Moon stared at her with contempt. She shook her head letting out a sigh. "We'll since you're here. Help me interrogate these guys." "This isn't interrogation. This is just torture." "What's the difference?" Moon shrugged. "They're just gonna tell you anything they can to make the pain go away." "But if I cause them enough pain, they won't lie to me." "Not gonna even touch that bag of therapy. Listen just stop...torturing them."

An Angel flew down beside Sunny. "Do you know this barbaric reptile, your grace?" "The fuck did you just call me?" "Uhhhhh, yes! I am so sorry, but I brought her here to be tamed." "You fucking wot?" Sunny quickly took Moon under her arm. "Shut up and play along." She whispered. "How about no?" "Do you seriously want them all at your throats all the time." "I would rather that, than be your damn pet." She hissed throwing Sunny's arm off. "Listen up you fuckers! I'm looking for this girl! If you haven't seen her. I don't have any reason to hurt you." "Look, I've got contacts searching for her as we speak." "Who? These fucking birds? How do you know they're not just telling you bullshit to keep you around?" "Well because...because..." "Yeah, that's what I thought. Racist telling me I'm in the wrong." "I'm not a Racist!" She pouted. "Keep telling yourself that." Moon's wings shot out. "Where are you going?" "Those winged eyeball things said there are seven levels. If she's not on this one. I'm gonna go check the next one." "You've barely scratched like 1% of this place. How can you just go and take off?" "Go and use your contacts for this level then. I'm going up."