
Convergence - Into the Void

That day... That day everything changed. He tried saving her... To change her back... To change her fate. But, the reality is often disappointing. The enemy that made the entire Origin Races, from the Ruthless Grineers, the industrialist's Corpus, and the Tenno, collaborate in desperation against an enemy overwhelming strong, the Sentients. But, it was all for nothing. They lost. Entire legions of spaceships were destroyed in mere seconds. Different planets were completely wiped out from the Origin System. In the end, The last surviving tenno could do nothing as he watched his brothers and sisters in arm die one after another. He didn't have any choice. ( I don't own either Warframe or Star Wars. ) ( English is not my first language, so I'm sorry in advance. ) ( Comment on the paragraph in case of Grammatical errors. )

iAmCultureMan · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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3 Chs

Into the Void

Origin System, 4 years after the start of the New War, Codename "Last Stance" Battlefield on Baal, Planet Europa.

Right outside the twisting Void.

In the middle of a sea of destroyed spaceships floating around, a miraculous operational spaceship was still functioning.

Looking outside his Railjack, a gigantic spaceship made for mass destruction, Alexander, the Captain and the only one left alive from his crew, couldn't accept what he was seeing.

"Mother..." Alexander closed his eyes as pain flashed on his face before he opened his eyes again and continued, "... In the end, we couldn't save you... We lost the war..."

Outside his Railjack, he could see dozens of other Railjacks destroyed as corpses of his brothers and sisters slowly floated on the dark space. Along with the destroyed Railjacks, he also saw the last ships from his allies of other Factions completely destroyed floating around.

Disconnecting the link between himself and the Pilot's commands, he slowly walked to the navigator station.

'To think I would see the extinction of the Grineer and the Corpus with my eyes...' Alexander thought tired as he was now alone. Truly alone.

There are no more allies alive in the Origin System. All Neutral Stations were invaded and conquered. All factions tried fighting back only to be completely annihilated where he was.

"Sir... Railjack damage reached 95%... C-Core da-damaged... Ordis is..." Ordis, his Raijack Ai said to Alexander before his voice was cut out completely.

Knowing the reason, Alexander just closed his eyes again in pain before he glanced outside his Railjack window one last time.

Squinting his eyes, he saw faint red lights on the horizon.

Even though he couldn't see their features clearly, he knew what they were.

'... Huh!?' Alexander thought surprised as his eyes widened seeing two figures in the middle of the red lights.

'... So this is how they knew...' Alexander thought as sadness enveloped his body.

Finally arriving at the Navigation Station, he pressed the 'Void' section of Origin System.

"... I failed you..." he sighed to himself before his Railjack disappeared in lightspeed into the Void.

Into the Unknown.

After 4 years of constant war against the beings called Sentients, the war finally ended... For now.


In a galaxy far, far away.

41 BBY.

On a planet called Shili, an extremely colorful planet and the homeworld of the sentient Togruta species. Known for their colorful skin tones, large montrals, head tails, and white facial pigments.

It was a very beautiful day. The sun shining upon the colorful nature of Shili.

Inside the forest, a young Togruta could be seen slowly collecting mushrooms and stress reliever plants.

"... I hope she likes it..." He said to himself and smiled like a fool but soon his face turned pale as his eyes glared at the ground slowly shaking.

'... This is?...' He thought before he suddenly started to sprint with all the mushrooms and plants he gathered earlier.

He didn't know why he had to run but his instincts never screamed at him so loudly at him to run away.

After minutes of running at full speed, the young Togruta doesn't dare to stop.

In fact, his instincts were still screaming in danger as the ground continued to shake more and more violently.

Gritting in teeth in frustration, the young Togruta glanced behind him to at least understand a little why his body was so afraid.

But, as soon his eyes glanced at what was going on, he almost collapsed in fright.

A colossal strange-looking starship was collapsing on a distant mountain.

'... If the shockwaves are this strong from this far...' The young Togruta thought in despair 'I can't overrun it...'

As his eyes dashed in desperation around the place, he saw a cave with its entrance opposite the collapsing mountain.

His legs were already running before he noticed as he sprinted at full speed at the cave.

Finally arriving at the cave and taking refuge in its arms, he finally saw one of the biggest reasons the ground was shaking so much.

Like a gigantic wave, every single animal and insect was running for their lives from the approaching shockwaves.

'I hope you're safe...' The young Togruta thought in despair as he grabbed the necklace he had and pressed on his heart as he prepared for impact.

And the impact came.

First, an extremely powerful shockwave crushed everything in its path.

Although it was extremely powerful, the cave didn't collapse for his fortune.

Sighing in relief, the young Togruta was about to stand up when he started to sweat.

'... Huh?...' He thought as he closed his eyes in pain.

He never felt such... extreme high temperature.

After some seconds, he finally opened his eyes again.

Only to see hell itself.

The animals that tried to run were on the ground, toasted alive.

The trees were totally burned.

No matter where he looked, there was no green.

Before he lost consciousness, he saw a Venator-class Star Destroyer entering the planet Shili's atmosphere.

Hello there.

If I make any mistake, grammatical or lore-wise, please comment about it so I can correct it.


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